UFO? Does Anyone Know What This Was?

44  2015-11-08 by ruleten


Its a plume of particles in the upper atmosphere reflecting sunlight. Even though it is nighttime(from the camera's perspective) the suns light still reaches the upper atmosphere where it is reflected as very bright light off of a dense cloud of particles. The same particles emitted by a rocket. You don't see them at first because the rocket is too low to the ground for the Sun's light to reach it at that angle. As it climbs higher it reaches an altitude where the planet is no longer blocking the sunlight. At this point the plume becomes the brightest thing in the sky especially against the dark background. The particles quickly dissipate and become much dimmer at the same time. We also have to to take into account that this was launched over the pacific, off the coast. This would put the rocket much closer to the sunset at that moment. If this was daytime you would hardly see much. Its the same way we see the moon as the brightest thing in the sky at night. Yet it isn't very bright during daylight. Sorry guys but this really isn't a UFO. Its very much terrestrial in origin. Very cool though. I think a similar event occurred in Europe a few years back. Missile caused the exact same phenomenon and frightened quite a few people.

Edit:another example

They do look similar.

From a different angle on the ground the glowing cloud would appear to be growing without streaking across the sky. Similar to the one recorded today. In the example I linked the cameraman appears to be closer to the launch site and it appears to be shortly after sunset. Perspective does make a lot of difference. You can find a lot of other examples.

It was a military rocket

I think the question still sits. If its not a UFO (unidentified flying object), then what is it? &&

Why was it launched?

Its a Trident II missile being launched from an Ohio class submarine.

Submarine in ohio?

I think you are spreading disinfo

I wonder how the flat earthers feel about your comments, since this would tend to prove that the earth is round and all...

I think even bringing them up is silly.

I don't usually use the word shill, but flat earthers come off as shills. They refuse the other sides evidence, have an obvious agenda, anddd alot of people..who don't involve themselves with this kind of stuff, believe a majority of us think that way. It's literally the best way to attack communities such as these. Are there useful idiots amongst the flat earthers? Of course. But. I do believe prominent ones are just out there to attack people's credibility and make us all look bad.

The flat earth society was initially just satire to mock the church for being "anti-science". It's still being used the same way today.

I've always just assumed they were trolls. I'm guessing more than half of them just laugh about this nonsense.

looks like your standard weather balloon to me

Apparently, no one can take a joke...

Totally....it just happened to be seen across all of Nevada, Califormia, and Oregon.

Saw it here in Oklahoma too.

Wait you serious? That would be the furthest east by far I've seen someone claim to see it

Saw it in Texas, and heard it too

Saw it here in Arizona as well

What did it sound like?

Like a low grumble almost like a truck was kinda far away and my friends heard it and they live 10+ miles from me

Yeah. This is the trippy thing. I have people from the Bay area posting photos as well as people from the LA Valley. Trippy. Guns on standby.

Why would you need guns?

Aliens, man. I've watched enough movies to know how this ends.

Usually with everyone holding a gun being mowed down hopelessly until the protagonist who is shielded with plot armor steps in and saved the day?

Very valid. But then you always see people climbing out of their bunkers/ houses at the end like they survived by staying put. That's me.

standard weather balloon

Do you even know what a weather balloon looks like?

its a joke, plank. relax

/s would be nice

i prefer the subtle, deadpan approach

The fact that you got downvoted and people didn't immediately realize it was sarcasm just speaks volumes..

Last thing I heard (just a few minutes ago) was a missile launched from a Southern California air base.

Update: I think they just confirmed it was a launch by the US Navy offshore.

Someone needs to FOIA that test. Find out wtf they were doing.

No further details

Simple military tactic, say as little as possible, always.

It's an ICBM test. They have to test the solid-fuel missiles periodically because of the way the fuel is designed.

You cant foia military operations.

Navy is claiming responsibility.

From the few videos I've seen it really does look like a flare

What kinda fucking flares you know of that can be seen From L.A. to fucking Utah?

I didn't know it could be seen from utah... I thought it was LA locally. That definitely changes my thoughts... although if it is a flare... that's awesome

Phoenix checking in. Can confirm, the whole family saw it.

The tweet I posted said it was test by the Navy, so you post a tweet saying the Air Force denies it originated from them?

Since when does this sub take the governments word for anything?

Why would they test these so close to large populations? Doesn't make any sense.

It was not close to any populace; it just appears that way.

So they just decide not to warn people about the giant crazy rocket in the sky? Sounds like bs

It was announced. The FAA was angry that the military made them reroute flights to land from a different angle at LAX for a week.

No a giant rocket wasn't announced, as evidenced by social media that went crazy, and the fact that you didn't link to the article announcing a giant rocket launch.

Found a source:


Nighttime flights into and out of Los Angeles International Airport will avoid passing over the Pacific Ocean just to the west of the airport for the coming week because the U.S. military has activated airspace there, officials said.

"US military activity" does not equate to giant rocket launch. Nobody would reasonably think it so.

Unfortunately, it can mean anything -- drones, jets, and even missiles.

That's what I wonder too. Why even test it during the night so everybody notice it even more. In the current global situation you're really wonder what message this I/SCBM is supposed to send to who...

What's next? Russia and China do some "test" launches?

that is always the cover story.

these anomalies in the sky is related to demonology.

look into John Keel's 'Operation Trojan Horse.'

It's was a rocket, obviously.

It actually was, so the downvotes can stop.

Oh wait, no, my bad, it must have been a secret government plan to control our heads with chemicals. wake up sheeple! /s

lol. You are so right! How many time have they fired off rockets like this in the same conditions? This can't be the first... And not even the second.... or the third..... So why isn't this seen as the norm by now?

Very similar to this UFO caught in 2009 in Russia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c1WEQhwZzME#t=5m38s

Probably because both are rockets

so you're implying we're test firing the same rocket in 2015 that we or the Russians were test firing in 2009?

sssshhhhhhh don't let them know how far behind we are!

The Ruskies' one went in a spiral, ours went in a straight line. That puts us ahead.

lol! good point. 1 point for the US

All rockets do this in the upper atmosphere.

good catch!

"What in the world is happening?!"

Rocket science, baby!

"And plus if it's a military thing it's a good thing, that means they're making it safer for us so I wouldn't let it bother me," said Steve Devosion of Inglewood. "I'd be more interested in them not doing something about what's going on than them doing something about what's going on."

use random quotes from idiots that drive an opinion so you can claim to be unbiased media

literal cancer

This looks the same as countless rocket tests that have been misidentified as "UFOs" in the past. Here are some articles claiming the same:



There are obvious reasons why they wouldn't publicly provide information prior to the launch, but it's still worth questioning why they would make it so visible.

It's possible that these sorts of things are becoming almost an "anti-conditioning" exercise. These tests look the same every time they are posted, yet it seems as though people still rush to claim that they are UFOs. I would surmise that this reveals information about the quantity of people who are incapable of doing basic research, which could prove valuable to TPTB in terms of what they could potentially get away with in the future. "Hey, let's fire another massive rocket up there that looks like the dozens of other documented rocket tests that are already all over the internet and let's see how many people rush to claim it's a UFO". It demonstrates an inability to do research and think critically while also jumping to conclusions.

By seeing how much traction this then gets on social media/reddit/etc. it would give them a relatively good idea of how many people out there are unable to look up and research simple phenomena, giving them an idea of what percentage of the population can be duped when it comes to more significant actions.


"Anti-Conditioning" for what? The few minutes somebody sees unexpected rockets and wonders about UFOs, test launch or the real deal achieves what purpose in the end?

i'd swap out the elske mccain link she's probably the most insane person I've ever spoken too also she mysteriously shows up in my friends list and then blocked me when i questioned how she got there when i only accept requests from people i know

Looks like a blurry chopper but why wouldn't they make their ship like that


I wonder if America deterred another incoming missile?

Looks like it may have hit its target

Instagram blocked #sandiego...

Full on military psyop

Really? Downvotes? Thought this was the conspiracy sub.

Sheriff's department stated it was navy's test rocket. But what concerns me is that the rocket was very unusual. I guess it's more than a rocket test.

Unfortunately, it can mean anything -- drones, jets, and even missiles.