Can anybody explain what's up with this users reddit account? Redditor for 3 months. 922,672 link karma, 73,055 comment karma.

574  2015-11-10 by xdyev


Hey :)

There aren't any backroom deals between reddit and me or else I'd get myself unbanned from certain subreddits ;p

The question of am I getting paid is a tricky one. Let's say, hypothetically, that I was getting paid to post on reddit. First of all, I don't even know if that's allowed, so admitting to it could potentially get me banned.

Second, let's say, hypothetically I was getting paid by a certain donor base. I'm not sure how happy a group of people like that would be about getting outed as financing these types of campaigns.

I can tell you this for sure though. There do exist groups that pay people to post on social media, and run various campaigns. Sometimes it's as simple as a company like Coke going to one of these 'Social Media Advertising Campaign' companies and asking for help getting more pageviews on a certain website. That Social Media company will recruit a group of people to post links on various platforms and encourage others to visit the site. Coke will pay the Social Media company a certain about based off a percentage increase in pageviews. The Social Media company rewards the people posting links with giftcards usually. The more people click on your link (which has an identifier to make it unique) to the website, the bigger the giftcard.

Campaigns can get much larger than that as well. I got a free XPS laptop from Dell for working for them in college. All I had to do was man a desk in the Student Union for a few hours during student orientation. I also had to promise to bring and use it prominently in class (which I did, but they also never checked)

Here's some proof-ish

"Am I getting paid is a tricky question"

If the answer's "no, I'm not getting paid" then it's not that hard of a question to answer.

Like when Louis CK asked Donald Rumsfeld if he was a lizard and he couldn't answer the question

That honestly was one of the greatest moments in radio history.

I used to love Louis CK until I heard these accusations that he basically molests up-and-coming female comics. Don't know if it's true but I really hope not. Still makes me stop thinking he's so funny.

Oh right. I'm in /r/conspiracy.

That kind of sounds what an up and coming female comic would say though...

Its not true. Kirkman even said the guy was married and "cosby-esque" at the time.

Louis was unmarried the whole time he was at his peak, she even trys to back track throwing him under the bus when she was on the nerdist podcast.

Cosby-esque as in "potential rapist"?

Her words, but I'm guessing she meant fame and the whole rapey thing aswell.

So you stopped "loving" him because he allegedly does something which you have no proof of whatsoever? Interesting...

And he even has the story wrong. The accusations are that he would pull his dick out in front of female comics and jerk off in front of them. He isn't being accused of physically molesting anybody.. just being a giant creep. And, again, there is 0 evidence of it anyways.

Spreading pile of shit gawkers message?

basically molests

That is some very light hearted language to use... CK may or may not do weird shit but that has absolutely nothing to do with his comedy. Seriously, how does his comedy change based on vague and undocumented allegations of 'basically molesting' people? SMH

I would definitely do that, too, if I were him. So, no biggie.

I did hear the same things also. More specifically that he liked to jerk off and make them watch. (Serious; not making that up.)

yep, also heard he would cum on their face and rub it in then make them go out and perform straight after, as a 'good luck' charm

Wait...Are you serious or are you making that part up?

/u/ontherun88 is telling the truth, his fans claim it's some sort of religious thing so that makes it ok.

Yup, heard the same.

OMG!! LOL I had not heard this so I had to go look it up. This slays me! LMAO! Louis C.K. Asks Donald Rumsfeld If He Is A Lizard

That's amazing. The lizard people can't deny it they can only either say yes or not answer. Hahaha

Well you see lizards are incapable of lying. ;)

Not paranoid enough.

This is appears to be an attempt to derail this line of thought.

He basically is admitting it and being much cooler than your traditional shill. I find his honesty refreshing.

This is turning into one of the most useful posts, out of a post we expected little.

Agreed, what I would like to see is an Admin's response to this thread. Here we have all the proof we need that people are gaming Reddit, along with an admission that some user's post are subjected to a different upvote algorithm based on submissions, creating the Power Users that killed Digg.

I wonder how the username plays into it, who doesn't want us to trust Hillary?

Probably anyone with half a brain.

Probably Hillary.

Ah, but you see, that's just you not understanding the true angle.

You see, he's actually not shilling and just lying about it to gather karma from /r/conspiracy. It's quite brilliant, really.

You're being duped and you don't even know it.

"It's OK because he's being honest" is something a shill would say.


I don't see the problem if the answer is "I'm getting paid", as long as there's no karma messing up, how the user uses reddit and why is entirely private, Si?

I don't get it. People like you and /u/Gallowboob can post stuff every 5 minutes or so. Whenever I try to post more than 1 submission in 5 minutes the systems says "Sorry, you are doing that too often. Try again in 10 minutes.....". How do you guys get around this?

You need to have 100 link karma in the subreddit in question in order to bypass that particular subreddit's spam filter.

It's not sitewide, it's based on subreddit. Basically to prevent you from building up a bunch of karma in your own personal subreddit, and then using that to spam the hell out of the rest of the site.

You can also get past the spam filter if you're an approved submitted-- that's to say, if the mods added you to that list. Typically, it's only used for private subreddits.

You probably just have to verify your email. Your posting history is decent enough not to get flagged.

My email is verified and I've had my account for over four years and I still get a message if I post too quickly.

post karma is subreddit specific.

You have to earn post karma in certain reddits before you can post frequently.

ooooo the inner workings of reddit!

this is so /r/bestof r/hailcorporate

/r/conspiracy is not a recognized good guy for bestof posts.

I'm sure you're a nice guy so forgive me if I say anything that you find offensive, but I'll try not to.

What you are doing is essentially whoring yourself out to corporate America or maybe a political group, going off of your name. Which I happen to like fwiw. The internet is a special place where there is a bit of an equal playing field for most. However, when people start corrupting social media with what is essentially subliminal advertising, it kinda ruins it. Part of me does appreciate the clever new take on advertising. But it makes it tough to trust things when corporations are getting their mitts into everything everywhere. Im very anti advertisement and prefer small local business to big corporations, so maybe im the odd man out.

You answered this question when you didnt have to though, so I thought I'd speak my mind as you seem like a friendly and reasonable person. I'm not telling you to do anything. I just want you to understand what exactly you are doing for a living and maybe, just maybe, you might rethink it. Its up to you, but think about whether you are happy with what you are doing. Have a nice day if youve made it this far. :)

Thanks for the reasonable response despite your disagreements :)

I understand how you feel about the pervasiveness of corporate and special interest groups wielding influence online (and elsewhere). Companies are always looking at new and more effective/efficient ways to advertise.

I've turned down campaigns before. Shortly after working with Dell, there was an opportunity to make some easy money from a certain Pornographic Magazine. They wanted people to slide CD's full of pornographic promotional material under students' dormroom doors. The next week I found one on the floor in front of my door. They just had someone else do it, and I missed out on $200.

I, myself, and the smallest business you can be, an individual. So I do sometimes take advantage of situations to benefit myself, but I try to make sure they don't disadvantage anyone else.

"So I do sometimes take advantage of situations to benefit myself, but I try to make sure they don't disadvantage anyone else."

So you hypothetically admit you get paid by some entity to post on Reddit/social media, and you have an all uppercase name such as /u/CANT_TRUST_HILLARY. I would have to say that with the amount of views you receive, irregardless of the content, that you would be actively working toward giving Hillary a social media disadvantage? By posting with that user name, you are -hypothetically- being paid to be an asshole. Enjoy your shekels.

edit: But handing out porn discs anonymously is beneath you.

I just thought that sliding pornographic material under someone's door in the middle of the night was on the wrong side of privacy violations.

I asked if we could just hand them out outside a dining hall in the evening, but they said no.

This proves my feeling about you and I dig ya. Keep on.


Mate this isn't even a word...

Well I think what happened is he/she didn't want to be caught at the college handing out porn. It's a little weird to be that guy. So it's anonymous, but they could still be caught.

Whereas on reddit and other social media, they can remain anonymous.

cleary being as open as possible about what he does isn't beneath him. If you have problems with someone be as open and straightforward as /u/CANT_TRUST_HILLARY, how many issues are you going to have with those users, -indeed entire groups of people that are hired out by large companies or governments to push a particular political agenda secretly under the guise of just being an everyday user?

We have to be realisitc, so long as Financial power remains with large corporations and political interest groups, the internet will always be a threat of being used as a platform for misinformation and deception - encouraging individuals to be as open as possible about what they do is a much better alternative people who pretend like that don't do it at all.

"Irregardless"?? Everything you said before and after has now been mooted.

Out of curiosity, how do you get involved with this kind of work?

You say you are a business of one, just yourself, so you don't work for an ad agency. I guess ad agencies get ahold of you then.

Do you sign up for this kind of thing? Can anyone? Are there requirements?

So given this hypothetical context would you know which interest is behind the hypothetical paycheck or would you have to guess?

If we were to pretend for a second that your username is part of the campaign as well as your political posts I'd imagine there would be people on both sides of the political divide who would be interested in Hillary failing. Her democratic opponents and the opposition wanting the most outlandish candidate possible to win to make their own crazed candidate look sane.

So remaining in this pretend world do you know who it is that pays the bills or do you have to guess just like me?

It will be interesting to see if he keeps posting if Hillary loses...

I like you. Have an upvote. Thanks for sharing everything. I did find it interesting.

While not required, you are requested to use the NP domain of reddit when crossposting. This helps to protect both your account, and the accounts of other users, from administrative shadowbans. The NP domain can be accessed by prefacing your reddit link with

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

Fuck this cunt

Gadzooks, Buddha!

You're right, it's known in PR to stay away from reddit because of issues like the one you're having. I think previous AMAs have proven that time and time again.

stay away or be careful?

Mostly just stay away, there are way too many cons.

If there is a niche, someone is going to fill it.

Shills gotta shill.

Yeah whatever. Fuck off

I just thought it was because of your screen name creating animosity for anyone who sees it. Boom, instant upvote. So, will you get in as much trouble with your employers as the Reddit community for posting this refreshing truth?

Delete this account and all shall be forgiven

Do you recognize how pathetic this is, or do you somehow convince yourself that you're doing something important or worthy?

You use /r/aww to generate massive link karma, then you parlay that into prominence on political subreddits. What a brilliant engine you discovered. You should probably charge your clients more.

Paid by a super-PAC. Got it.

You are a trash bag of a human being. An absolute bag of trash.

You are the scum of the earth.

" I got a free XPS laptop from Dell for working for them in college. All I had to do was man a desk in the Student Union for a few hours during student orientation. I also had to promise to bring and use it prominently in class"

You are a walking talking example of what is wrong with the world.

Go fucking kill yourself you robot.

How to recruit that job :o

A LiveWorld customer service agent – moderator is a virtual, part-time, work-from-home position. Our hourly agents and moderators perform tasks including social customer service, engagement for marketing purposes, and protecting a brand’s image by supporting a good experience for a brand’s customers in their online venues.

Primary responsibilities may include, but are not limited to:

Responsibilities include reviewing, taking action on (rejecting or approving), tracking, and/or escalating social media users’ posts according to brand guidelinesResponding to user content in a social context and initiating or conversationResponding to customers’ questions (with pre-determined or authored responses)Identifying and escalating trends, topics, sentiment, and emerging issues.

I'd rather starve but I understand. The lure is real.

I'm kinda glad you showed up. I had seen you before in a comment section and you seemed like a real person, then I noticed you and gallowbob on the front page constantly and was like damn, he sold his account. Now I see you in comments and nope, just making the most of a hobby, can't really fault you.

The real question is : Who cares?

edit : oops apparently some people care a lot about their imaginary internet points... Sorry

I don't believe that anyone's paying you to do this.

I doubt anyone was paying him initially (like a campaign). He probably just had a "clever" idea with his username and hates Clinton. Seeing how easy it is to get karma, now he is probably trying to create a market for his account by pretending that people actually did pay him.

If he was approached prior to the creation of his account to be paid for his work, his behavior makes no sense. He acknowledges that admitting it could possibly get him banned, and even acts "relieved" when you state he doesn't.

Yet, if you look through his history, every single time he gets username mentioned he hints that he's paid.

So he's either the dumbest paid redditor on Earth or full of shit.

He's just trying to create an illusion that he been paid to post so much on Reddit (masking his no life status) and hoping that he can probably approach or negotiate with some businesses in the future in hopes of getting paid work.

Yeah that's what I'm thinking. I'm not going to sit there and try to figure out whatever he's planning but it's obvious no one is giving him shit to do this.

Perfect :)

So you get 10k link karma a Day? Do you go outside?

They make laptops and smart phones. They're like portable computers.

go on...

Oh yes, apparently it's quite the growing industry.

That smart phone will never take off. People love spending time crouched in front of their computers.

So you're overworked and underpaid like the rest of us. You think that your work for social order is invaluable, but you actually know just how replaceable you are. You could have gone big time, but sold it all away for that sweet immediate corporate check because, let's face it, you've lost complete hope for humanity. And no one can blame you but yourself.

Whelp, best of luck with the rest of your life. Have fun staying out of prison when the TPP is finalized. Know that your value is only as worthy as the ideals you value.


Do you think9/11 was a false flag? Do you think wtc7 was a controlled demolition?? Can you advertise r/limitedhangouts for me


That works out to just over 10,000 link karma per day... every single day.

If I had to throw an answer out there, I'd guess it was more than one person using the same account. Either that or it's someone who's been given links to post and these links are "assigned karma" instead of being upvoted.

Looking at the last week, the account is averaging about 50 posts/day. That would mean an average of 200 points/post and it's nowhere near that.

I tried using an analytical tool on their account. It usually gives a result in under a minute. I let it run for nearly ten minutes and no result came back.

So it seems like there's something different going on here.

Thanks for reminding me. I just plugged the username into Snoopsnoo.

Snoo just going round and round. No results. I've used it before and it has worked perfectly. Not this time.

Very strange?

To add:

28 minutes later, Snoopsnoo has still returned zero result for u/CANT_TRUST_HILLARY . I've never had this happen before.

And this thread is starting to get hard hit with downvotes. Doesn't seem the kind of topic that would be heavily downvoted by r/conspirators?

I really wish reddit would just be more honest about their scoring, various censorship techniques, advertising policies, and all the other shenanigans that go on around here.

More than anything, I hate being misled and lied to. It's fucking insulting.

FTR, I came across this post (hadn't heard of snoopsnoo before) and started playing with it. CANT_TRUST_HILLARY is now on it. It probably just took a while to analyze everything because they post so god-damn much.

cool, they cache the results then. i wonder what their refresh rate is? normally it wouldn't matter, but for this account it is slightly relevant.

When I went (which was ~47 minutes ago), it said "refreshed 12 minutes ago" now it says "19 minutes ago." So it appears to be decently frequently. If I had had to guess, I would have said a day, but it appears that is way over the actual amount.

Last time I used it on myself, it hadn't updated for over a month. I'd guess it doesn't update until someone asks it to. That's how I'd do it if I were the programmer, personally.

I'd guess it doesn't update until someone asks it to.

Yeah, but my guess is that it doesn't update every time someone asks, but "caches" and reports that, in case there are a bunch of people who all request the same data around the same time. How long between updates, I can't say what the algorithm is. It could be strictly time based, it could be based on time and request amount, it could be based on the user's stats. . .who knows? Well, I assume the author does.

This is what I see when I go lookup my username. The last time I looked it up was... 3 days ago. I really think it just doesn't update until someone asks it to.

MUAHAHAHHA not any more it doesn't!

But it appears you are right. I must have just overlooked the "refresh now" button when I looked last.

I am with you. Its so easy to vote rig reddit.

The honest problem with reddit being open about vote counting is that it would make it even easier to figure out how to rig.

Openness and transparency is not the easy solution one would like it to be when the internet is overrun with marketers, propagandists, and provacateurs from every direction, all of them working to influence people's opinions and behaviors.

I just got it to work

highlights include that the longest period between two consecutive posts for that account are three minutes

Everyone who works for reddit probably thinks they will get a big payout when reddit is sold for big money.

It's the interwebz..who cares? Turn off your computer and it will all go away. I promise.

How does snoo work?

Edit: lel I cant even ask? Okay

Yup. Lol.

Ftr, I dunno how it works either.

It just gets the last 1000 comments/submissions using the public reddit api and parses them for various things like - place names, frequency of certain words used etc. There are several sites like this -, etc. You can make one easily if you know some coding.

When you're using these with accounts with lots of karma, it wont work properly because of the limit of data allowed to be pulled by the reddit api.

I used Snoopsnoo and posted what I saw below.

Saw that, thanks. It didn't work for me and after half an hour I gave up.

One of the big tactics these karma whores use is to constantly delete and resubmit post until it takes off. You still keep all the karma from those deleted post though so that's probably where the extra karma is coming from.

With all the shills sometimes it takes more than once to get a good article to move.

Thats a lot of shit posting. He should get an award.

I used to post that much. Occasionally I still do. But it takes a while to check out each article then post it to the relevant subs. But sports?

You've never had a post hit the front page, have you?

Are you masterfully deducing that from my 93 link karma? Even if he had that's gonna average max 4000 per which, if that were even half the karma would mean 115 front page posts in 90-120 days, so probably a little more than once/day. Does that seem likely to you? In the week I looked at I didn't see any significant post scores.

Edit: Looked long term. Apparently he has a ton of 5k+ posts to non-default subs like /interestingasfuck and /gaming.

well, i know people who routinely get 10-20k in karma over a two day period, i've done it several times myself. Somebody just the other day got 100k in a week.

He's the repost king of Reddit

It's just me :)

And I'm not aware of reddit being able to 'assign karma' to a post, however they can assign a post a different algorithm than others. They mainly do it to test out new ones before implementing them site-wide.

Explain the history on your account, if you could. Curious minds want to know how you achieved god-like reddit karma in such a short amount of time.

GallowBoob did it. Plenty of people can lob multiple links at Reddit and get a tremendous score. There are plenty of subreddits where the topics overlap to such a degree that you can get to the Front Page with the same link from two different subreddits in the same day.

It's not really all that difficult.

Have you checked out There are plenty of accounts with a huge amount of link karma just tossing up submissions like skeeballs.

OK, seriously then, how do you get 900,000 karma in 3 months?

Inquiring minds want to know.

As for my earlier comments, please note that they are purely speculative in nature and are not meant to constitute any form of personal attack or accusation. Gotta make this disclaimer because I've run into some pretty sensitive people around here lately.

Celebrity accounts usually can. This ain't one but IIRC 40 bucks (in this case probably from someone's campaign fund. buys 10k upboats.

This isn't even the biggest deal either. There's a user called gallowboob or something like that. He made it past 6 million karma in about 6 months.

When I started, 100,000 karma for link or comments was a big deal. Now it's like nothing.

100k never really was that much of a big deal.

Really, people overrate just exactly how hard it is to get karma. Linking is easy enough-- you just need to know what reddit will like and figure out an adequate title as well.

Of course, this also means it's practically impossible to shill, even from such accounts. It's not like they're celebrities, people don't usually care about who's posting, just about what's being posted. Unless it's someone really high profile, like gallowboob. But then the response tends to be more hateful than anything else.

There's probably shilling going on yes, but not from the really high profile accounts. They're just too out in the open, being watched too closely.

More than I have in 8 years. But I rarely post crap.

8 years?

Hey there old-timer, what's up?

Hey, young whipper-snapper.

Lets say you owned a website that advertisers were convinced users had influence due to their votes and prevalance in the community. Wouldn't you make that a business model? Shareholders ought to demand it!

They can assign a different algorithm for different users?

That would explain so much.

They can change vote weight for each user (For example, shadowbanned users have a big hit to their vote weight. When they downvote a new post, it goes to 99% upvoted instead of 50%)

They'll assign different algorithms for specific posts. That way they can get a feel for how long content will take to get to the front page, and how often it cycles.

Well, that explains why I do so shitty these days.

But doesn't tell me why a shill like you does so well.

And how you know this stuff.

Edit: I do need to go to voat or some other aggregator. There's got to be someplace that still plays straight.

Still plays strsight in their state sponsored propaganda distribution networks? I've seen you play [mostly] straight with yours.

Honestly, do you have a job?

I only reddit while I Uber ;p



Bet it's a bot. Way tooo many posts

Think it cross references the question to the whole of reddit. Picks a answer that has many kudos. Uses that as answer to you're question.

Sort of like a reddit-specific chatbot?

Yeah, same as the human users.

can I get a jerb washing your tights, Ronda? ( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o)

ok taco

haha mainly testing. sounds lucrative to me, Mr. Babyman 2 Electric Boogaloo.

My my, look who's here.

And how did you find our little corner of conversation? Reddit is a big neighborhood.

It is a big neighborhood, but most of the people are sort of looking in the same direction.

Someone else in the thread username mentioned me

Would you rather fight 100 alligators in knee high swamp water - only using your bare hands, or ten crocodiles in very deep water with no shore in sight?

I know you didn't ask me, but I'd rather just die. There's no winning either scenario

Death is the only option anyway

"does not compute"

Beautiful alteration !

Because the Illuminati told him, duh.

There are a few accounts like this that frequent the front page. High submission count, high karma, less than a year old. They seemingly "batch-submit" content skimmed from old submissions, usually using identical titles. I caught one posting the top rated comments from the original and another that was responding to /r/AskReddit threads with copy/pasted yahoo answers for comment karma (seemingly to "balance" their post history). It's just your average farming efforts. For what end result? We're still trying to determine that over at /r/TheseFuckingAccounts

I think the end result is to later post "viral" things that promote brands or companies or whatever.

Also if you have a bunch of these high karma accounts, you can have an army to upvote other accounts and not get caught or shadow banned as quickly.

Let's say you have a few hundred high karma accs, can then upvote newer accounts you just created to the front page to raise their karma, thereby creating more high karma accounts.

After that you can lend your services to corporations to downvote or upvote brand/corporation friendly or unfriendly posts.

I'm not sure why some people have trouble admitting that paid-for content is everywhere. Native advertising is a thing. This is just native advertising 2.0. And there is so much publicly available information on shills. See /r/InternetPR

Does the number of Karma an account has have an effect on how much their upvote matters? I'm confused by that, sorry.


So do you mean that users actually go to someone's profile, check their karma score, then upvote based on that? Sorry I'm ignorant on this stuff, I just post what's on my mind, rather than contemplate whether people will upvote me or not.

Yeah I'm not really getting that either. Do people check the names before they upvote? Like "oh gallowboob posted this must be good then!"

"oh gallowboob posted this must be good then!"

Ahh good ol' /u/gallowboob

It's pretty obvious this user is telling us we "can't trust Hillary"


Nothing is to be believed anymore.

For what end result?

Meaningless internet points. You'd be amazed at how many people actually take the Karma thing seriously.

Oh I believe it, but 14+ hour days for such a cause? There's either some sort of profit, or some sort of illness involved

They more than likely being paid.

I'd say someone bought a program that would submit frequently and is just running it.

I'd guess no one is just watching it, but maybe checks it daily to make sure it's still running. Maybe add a "sincere" post or response.

Reddit is first and foremost a marketing tool for anyone interested in our demographic.

The guy who introduced me to Reddit back in the day said he's been gaming Reddit for years.

He said in the early days he had a spreadsheet with thousands of accounts with notes on each users profile. This is what he did to make money off this little scheme:

1 - create random accounts. Maybe some had distinct tastes for specific subreddits, others would post in 20 different subreddits.

2 - gradually grow karma so as not to get on Reddits bot radar and get banned.

3 - use accounts to upvote other low karma accounts, but in a very random manner so as not to make it obvious they were gaming the system

4 - sell said accounts (usually in bunches of 1,00 or more) to marketing companies who then post favorable articles about their own companies via the accounts to generate buzz about their products which will seem more "organic" and more subtle. This allows them to upvote, promote and make it seem like their articles are gaining traction organically and can subvert the Reddit bot cops.

5 - repeat as necessary

Not sure he's still doing it. Last time I spoke with him (about 2013 or so), he said most of this was pretty automated now with JS and he was still doing a lot of business (a few grand a month) to various marketing companies. He said as long as you had some serious randomness, it was easy to avoid detection and keep it going.

Not a bad gig if you can get it.

Addiction is a type of illness and they may be addicted to the karma. Karma seems to loosely translate to peer approval, which is a powerful motivator, example: high school.

There's plenty of people out there that would pay this one to keep it up.

i had an account banned for posting 7 things in one day, the is a reddit sponsored account.

Meaningless internet points.

Not to PR firms, it's pure gold, GOLD.

better chance of making first page or front page based on those stats isn't it?

New accounts like mine will barely show up if I made a post on here but that type of account will get more exposure because of the stats

To move things up on reddit and get paid. Though clearly this is a sports related shill account. Which surprised me. Thought it was just some republican account to attack Hillary.

Sports subs are reliable karma farms.


I heard high karma accounts were actually worth money as they denote high visibility of posts?

Doing great work over there at /r/TheseFuckingAccounts.

This is one busy account. Longest time between posts is 9 hours in its three months of existence.

  • 375493 from 996 submissions
  • 377.00 average karma per submission
  • 327.29 more than the average user
  • 922540 total submission karma reported by reddit

Yeah.... Definitely not the work of 1 person.


How much for the boy's hole?

longest period between two consecutive posts

83 seconds

So what you're telling me is, there's a chance of shilling?

I think it's an agency or hybrid bot or something. No normal person would be able to find and post so many submissions alone all day.

This way once they start posting viral shit for brands, it's harder to spot him or call him out on it since "he just posts so much stuff".

Just look closely at some accounts and you'll find one.

Check out /u/EatATaco

5 year old account. Just started talking about vaccines pretty much every single day about 45 days ago.

Probably bought the account from some dude for 50 bucks.

Makes sense too. If I was a NGO or something that pushed vaccines, I'd probably hire a few guys to use Reddit. It's such a great tool to spread info.

50 bucks? If I were going to sell this account to some vast conspiracy to spread misinformation about vaccines, I would demand a lot more than that. The accusation that I would sell out so cheaply is the most offensive thing you've accused me of yet!

Automation, which would mean shilling

It says 34 seconds now

Had to stop for sex with OP's mom? ;p


Nailed him! Nice!

Gotta be a group using the same account.

Wow... Glad to see this account under the microscope.


Doesn't seem to work in this sub. Here's the report:


comments per month: 322.3 I have an opinion on everything

posts per month: 332 reddit is my personal facebook

favorite sub nfl

favorite words: makes, takes, fumble

age 0 years 3 months

profanity score 1% Gosh darnet gee wiz

trust score 31.3% Lies!! so many lies!

Fun facts about CANT_TRUST_HILLARY

"I've found it to be pretty accurate."

"I've spoken with their social media dept."

"I've been hitting my quotas pretty steadily..."

Great trust score there

Trollabot's trust score is questionable. Nobody knows how it works.

Myself, I rank at over 100%, so I'd take that as an indication that something is broken.

Paid ? Edit: Paid! user confirmed in more or less some verbiage herbage or something.

They are posting continuously for about 14 hours/day, so yeah.

Since I'm in the right sub for this, here's my tin foil hat totally baseless and farfetched conspiracy theory about reddit; they make their money selling upvotes. There. I said it.

A quite plausible theory actually.

Too smart, it's the marketing companies that are selling upvotes. Maybe they're giving a kickback to Reddit to allow it though. This thread seems to confirm that Reddit at least knows about it.

Great way to "sway" people's thinking. This isn't a democracy anymore. It's just paid marketing. Those who have money have power. Disgusting and terrible.


You again? What, no more people to belittle in /r/WorldNews? So you don't have the courage to reply to my previous replies, but you just have to say "lol" in this new thread topic? Hmm... figures. Whatever, there's always "one" who's the trouble-maker/bad-apple in the bunch.

Anyways, if you read the post by the person that the OP is outing, s/he is more or less saying that there's a group of them paid to post stuff online. Get with the program, or get out. Your "lol" is useless.

Get with the program, or get out.

Sorry, are we jerking to the left or the right this time?

الله اکبر

Reposting karma whore?

I try not to repost, and limit crossposting as much as possible

Holy shit the bot is sentient!!!!

No, you just steal content from elsewhere, post on imgur, and not credit any original artists or websites. Also known as Freebooting. So thank you for punishing those who create content by not even attempting to credit them.

Lol steal.

You wouldn't steal a reddit post, would you?

Fair enough, I did say try ;p

Mainly what I meant is that I won't take a top post from /r/aww and post it to /r/pics. I'll sometimes post to multiple subreddits at one time though (like if it's a post about Fallout, /r/fallout and /r/gaming might like it, and not all users overlap both subreddits).

I figure the upvote/downvote system will sort them appropriately.

Now in this case, /u/slapshotten11 has pointed out that this gif was already posted to /r/wtf. I did not know that bc I don't visit that sub, and karmadecay didn't say anything when I ran it through there.

Those posts don't look like they're going anywhere anyway. I guess I could delete them and maybe save reddit some space on their servers, haha. But they'll just fade into oblivion with no harm done.

Maybe it is mrbabyman from digg.

My assumption is that its simply people with no life. CANT_TRUST_HILLARY might just be a rabid Bernie fan who decided on that name. I tried an experiment where I completely followed CANT_TRUST_HILLARY's formula and reposted shit to numerous subreddits all day and I had over 10k in 3 days. Its like feeding a goldfish

looks like IBM's Watson has analyzed Reddit and is karma-whoring us all...

or Ben Carson, that mad genius.. #!*!$

They post a lot. 46 times in the last 24 hours by my count.

I sent them a pm. I'm not a big reddit user so I'm not sure the etiquette involved, or even how to check my pm's. But if I get a response I'll let you know.


I actually chuckled to his comment.

Hey, next time someone should just username mention me to this thread :)

So how many kids in a trenchcoat are you?

I like business... transactions


No more making business for you lil boy

30+ year old white males secretly admire the shallowness of your political fervor. Sure they're not Reddit's largest demographic but you're not here to have fun with us, you have a damn agenda!

I'll bet you were all kinds of fun in 2004 when Bush was getting re-elected.

So you're going harass him?

speaking to someone is harassment?

Then you just harassed sw33tbix right?

No, I didn't send somebody a private message wanting to know why they have so much karma and if he or she is a freemason etc.

"I sent them a pm."

Did he say something about freemasons elsewhere that I missed?

Thanks for attempting to correct my grammar:)

oook then, troll indeed

I dont think he trusts Hillary.

41 posts within the past 24 hours of this comment.


You should look at the posting history of frequent /r/conspiracy contributor /u/PostNationalism if you think that is a lot. Over 110 posts in the last day alone.

Holy shit, page 5 is still posts from the last 24 hours!

Hi ;)

I vote this guy for president of reddit.

We should have a voting system online.. Oh wait

You can buy reddit upvotes on a variety of websites. Here's one.

There are also a number of reddit snooping sites to spy on any user's overall activity.

Reddit is a fishbowl.

None of these sites were able to find any record of


It's called having no life.

No, it's called shilling.

Hey, karmawhores are people too


To be fair, you can not trust Hillary Clinton or any of their bloodline.

I think we need a bot that down votes outliers like there.

I think these accounts are always odd that have a ton of karma in a short amount of time. However, in this case, their best karma gains come from a Green Bay Packers subreddit and /r/gaming. They do the worst in /r/news. They certainly could be trying to build legitimacy for posting in the future or selling the account but, as it stands, they don't really do anything.

When the shill accounts first started showing up on reddit in numbers, they would have an innocuous history, lot of gaming and sports. Then suddenly, when they were sold, they would start posting to politics or conspiracy.

Yeah, that is a possibility, I agree. It's just not happening with this account as of yet, at least not effectively.

There's a /u/CANT_TRUST_BERNIE, /u/CANT_TRUST_DONALD, and /u/CANT_TRUST_BUSH. Each of them created within the last month. Perhaps by this same shill. This is a trend that surely will continue. Simply by varying the format of the username just about anyone could fabricate a unique name of their desired subliminal message, and just repost the most popular links as fast as possible all day long.

How about /u/CANT_TRUST_HILLARY_is_a_shill





It's somebody with way too much time on their hands who thinks karma matters.

You're the worst

A hard-working fellow who posts over 10,000 links a day?

The fucked up part is, this is the only reddit username I ever notice on random posts. My guess its someones very effective form of subconscious programming.


What is the big deal about that?

A Bernie Sanders supporter who karmawhores every waking minute, just so as people see his username. Must think he's conducting some clever subliminal marketing shit.

The amount of karma really isn't unusual or impossible. If you dedicate all your time to this website, you can do it too.

Why do you assume Bernie Sanders?

Probably a frustrated former PUMA.

could be a trump supporter

or a clinton false flag

Auto-bot shill

Your first problem is believing in Internet Karma/Points.

Stop and think about that.. OK, now you have identified the problem now correct it.

It is just another Matter of control for those wanting to fit in so bad. it really is pathetic and appeals to the everyone is a winner crowd. Just be PC and watch those points grow. L O L..


Good explanation. My problem with it is all the funny posts get seen but if you have a dissenting opinion you get downvoted into obscurity...this is the "circle jerk" environment of reddit you year about.

The downside to karma is when you go negative karma your posts are not read if below threshhold. Theres a link next to your karma to display by subreddit.


White mans burden

Oh yes, apparently it's quite the growing industry.

Are you masterfully deducing that from my 93 link karma? Even if he had that's gonna average max 4000 per which, if that were even half the karma would mean 115 front page posts in 90-120 days, so probably a little more than once/day. Does that seem likely to you? In the week I looked at I didn't see any significant post scores.

Edit: Looked long term. Apparently he has a ton of 5k+ posts to non-default subs like /interestingasfuck and /gaming.

Yeah, that is a possibility, I agree. It's just not happening with this account as of yet, at least not effectively.

Mostly just stay away, there are way too many cons.

That smart phone will never take off. People love spending time crouched in front of their computers.

It will be interesting to see if he keeps posting if Hillary loses...

And he even has the story wrong. The accusations are that he would pull his dick out in front of female comics and jerk off in front of them. He isn't being accused of physically molesting anybody.. just being a giant creep. And, again, there is 0 evidence of it anyways.

That's amazing. The lizard people can't deny it they can only either say yes or not answer. Hahaha