Antiwar video gets deleted from front page, now a picture of a veteran who say he will fight again if given a chance goes to first top fucking place. Really funny, but fuck you conde nast, fuck you advance publications and fuck you reddit staff. You can officially suck my dick

4133  2015-11-13 by m0q

Mother fuckers

this shit replaced this guy

that because hearing the truth from a fucking special forces veteran is not a healthy thing to do for young people.

edit: damage control is here insinuating that the special forces just got old because yesterday. if you fucking click on it you will see a red fucking text near the title, that is the mark of infamy, post was removed claiming some idiotic rule that have nothing to do with the video content.

so no. NO no fucking way you bastards, this didn't die of old age it was fucking shot by reddit censorship


reddit is a propaganda tool ...

Its really sad because I remember when reddit was a bastion of free speech and had important news and info. Now its clearly a propaganda tool. I guess when a country is held together by lies then telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

This is the only reason I joined reddit in the first place. It gave me the same "no man's land"-feeling that the internet as a whole did in the early/mid 90's, where we users were in charge of the content. Sadly, money talks.

Edit: spelling and stuffs.

It gave me the same "no man's land"-feeling that the internet as a whole did in the early/mid 90's, where we as users was in charge of the content.


I was there.

2004-2008 4chan, pre-Cuckening

I bear witness

The cuckening was long after 2008 dude

Nah, 2008 is when the first whispers of cuck behavior began. 2010 is when it kicked into gear.

2004-2008 Internet H8 Machine.

Archie Bunker playing piano

Those were the days...before Chanology...when rape dumps were still new...when 9gag took the fall for all that we do....those were the days...

Also, Moot was cucked long before he became the Luggage Lad.

I have no idea what any of this means. Is that a good thing?

It means you don't have autism.

right with ya bro, searched "cuckening" and came up with some questionable links that somehow relate..but at the same time, don't make sense? Please, someone, TIL me

when 9gag took the fall

I remember they brought down 9gag and had them ddos themselves.

when 9gag took the fall for all that we do

ebaums, newfag.

I always felt like 2008-2010 is when it really started going downhill.

I always think of the turning point as project chanology, which iirc was indeed 2008. At that point people got too full of themselves, and thought they should actually try to affect change instead of dicking around for the lulz. I'd much rather prank call gamestops all day than try some futile effort to get rid of Scientology. Hell, old /b/ would have thought Scientology is hilarious.

AOL 2.0 1994AD

How I met your mother.

It kills me to see how my internet has been whored.

I would give anything to be part of the internet in the 90s. At least freedom existed back then.

they changed around the time Aaron Swartz was suicided


Both work.

He was going to get married, already engaged and commits suicide? Just another death like "Kill the messanger" how do you shoot yourself two times in the head?

A decentralized alternative is on its way. I hope we all understand the need to take it.


Amen, I keep hearing about the next best reddit replacement, but nothing ever comes of it

It's cause when someone finds it and posts it, it gets removed. ?

Nope, need a decent mix of people to start a new site, can't just have edgelord kids and /pol/ rejects

We need a different Internet.

We need a different Internet.

You must be referring to the all elusive Mariana Web.

Wtf!? Why a quantum computer? I bet they still just watch porn with it.

That's not decentralized.

Usenet over Tor would work.

The MaidSafe project, imho, is going to eventually spawn a decentralized, distributed social network that will render centralized social networks obsolete. It will be much harder (but not impossible) to manipulate crowd data, and impossible to censor or shut down.

i'm jumping ship first decent alternative i find. information shouldn't be controlled by r/fascists

A bunch of friendly people over there right now. The site is very much ready for prime-time.

But is it centralized?

pol is an even worse echo chamber than reddit.

dissenting opinion? no you must be a jew/shill/nigger/arab

There is no discussion and most of it's userbase is under 18, they have a very simplified view of politics and it shows.

8ch has a /leftypol/

/leftypol/ is for SJW dipshit cucks that reject reality.

/leftypol/ hates SJWs. You've obviously never been there.

Lol. Someone doesn't understand how 4chan works.

Im an oldfag moron, was on there for years.


halfchan is deader than reddit.


A decentralized alternative is on its way. I hope we all understand the need to take it.

This was being discussed on hackernews for a while. The general consensus is it would fail much the same way, and for the same reasons as the usenet failed. You need moderators who can winnow the chaff and keep their communities on topic. That's the problem, not spam or censorship but communities degrading because they get overrun. If you can find one example of a large self-moderating community where the quality of content remained high, I'd like to see it. Because that would mean it solved a problem that people have been working on for decades. It's a pipe-dream.

Its really sad because I remember when reddit was a bastion of free speech

The site where the ability to hide and push down dissenting information is a feature was never a "bastion of free speech", ever.

don't get the opportunity to display dissenting information anymore. used to get down voted, now i get shadow banned

Just want you to know I saw this post and am not an admin.

When I first heard about "shadow banning" I almost quit Reddit for good. I eventually came back for the Kool Aid though. I just hold all of my "controversial" discussions elsewhere and use this site to gather pictures of kittens.

yeah. i can see that. its sad though that i can't feel free to express my self here. i have to constantly shift my words as not to offend the worst of us

now i get shadow banned

You're using the wrong terminology, just FYI. The word you want is 'censored'. Shadow-bans only happen if you cheat reddit or otherwise violate its pretty sensible Terms of Service.

That ideal died with Aaron Schwarz

That ideal died with Aaron Schwarz

Hmm. It's no wonder they didn't like him.

no you dont dude. and if you do remember that its only because you didnt understand what it really was.


If you're getting something for free, you're not the customer, you're the product.

Co-Founder Aaron Swartz was a huge defender of free speech and Reddit was certainly founded on those principals.

"There are a lot of people, a lot of powerful people, who want to clamp down on the Internet. And to be honest, there aren’t a whole lot who have a vested interest in protecting it from all of that. Even some of the biggest companies, some of the biggest Internet companies, to put it frankly, would benefit from a world in which their little competitors could get censored. We can’t let that happen."

He was important because he knew there was more to free speech on the internet than just being able to scream "nigger" over and over, which a lot on the internet don't seem to get.

There used to be transparency on the backend. There has been a gradual change over the past 5 years and this site does not function as it did 4-5 years ago.


It all boils down to people not really understanding what their right to free speech actually means.

Your right to free speech ends where my fake outrage begins.

Fake outrarage makes me very aangry.

I find that highly offensive. Resign at once.

This is America, we can damn well complain about anything.

It's less 'free speech' and more of uncensored and organic content, or the illusion thereof.

how many times do you see shit about vaccines on Reddit? Its every fucking day - dont even try to hide it.

What about vaccines? His comment is deleted

Stealing last segment.

You should really give Orwell credit for his quote.

Thanks for reminding me who had said that. I think I paraphrased it anyway. Its sad and scary how Orwell's wisdom is spot on these days.

Could be just me, but does anyone feel that the real tipping point for censorship on reddit was the Boston bombing?

Spot fucking on. Bravo to that.

I know a lot of people have gone to voat but there are definitely shills there too. Where else can we go? Are we forced to use the DeepWeb?

You sound like my dad talking about the 60's

It was never a place for free speech or expression.

Remember when they ACTUALLY CALLED IT a bastion of free speech

Desperate people do desperate things. But when you spew a shit load of lies, its gonna come crashing on you eventually. Just be patient.

bastion of free speech

haha what?

the rose colored glasses might be a little tight there.

was there EVER a time when reddit claimed to be ANYTHING but a content aggregator?

was there EVER a time when reddit claimed to be ANYTHING but a content aggregator?

The content is speech and if you censor it it is not free speech.

Well, it used to be that the comments were lively and filled with pertinent links most of the time. Now if you make a comment that runs counter to the prevailing opinion you get banned. For instance, I made a negative comment about GMOs in a pro-monsanto post on r/science and I was banned not only from that sub but also from a similar sub that I guess the mod also controls.

It seems to me that there are many mods who are paid shills and run their subreddits with a iron fist to prevent the "wrong" message to get out there. This is not how it used to be on reddit.

No, you don't.


Who the fuck bought gold for this?

Don't buy gold, dipshits! It goes right into reddit's pockets.


Does it work though?

Depends.. Are you voting for Bernie?

The man himself has said that simply electing him to office won't be enough. We need a movement to take the government back from the billionaires. People complain that the government doesn't work and then elect the same damn people back into office. We need to get the money out of congress and state governments as well if any real change is going to happen.

We need a movement to take the government back from the billionaires

Ha! If the gov't takes money from billionaires, it WON'T make it to you.

You think Fidel lives like an average citizen in his country? Fuck no.

Are people really still operating under the assumption that the vote matters?


Well. Obama changed the world, why not Sanders? /s

Planning to write in Rand if he doesn't get the nomination.

The answer is "yes", then. Please stop swallowing propaganda. It doesn't matter if Trump or Sanders gets elected. They will be taking orders from the same people.

Someone is still always better than the other though. I know it doesn't fit in your agenda but a president can do some things, or atleast push towards them. And I'd take Bernie any day over Trump, as funny as his campaign towards POTUS is.

Someone is still always better than the other though.


Don't blame me, I voted for the guy that would have also followed orders.

My thoughts exactly. The admin under Obama has made the same big picture foreign decisions as Bush. We haven't had an independent leader with interests of the people at heart since Kennedy, and before him, Jackson. Still, there are the non-big picture issues that actually do vary candidate to candidate. Sanders is a much better choice in this respect.

Kennedy escalated the Vietnam war and allowed the CIA to run drugs into and out of SE Asia. Jackson was a racist war mongerer who committed genocide against the people we took this land from. None of President's matter, they're all sick fucks who take orders from the same people.

Yes I understand that, every president has had extremely morally low points. My point was that Jackson was the last one to completely fight off the Federal Reserve system, and Kennedy issued an exec. order to allow the gov't to print it's own money instead of the fed. reserve being in charge of it. Then he was assassinated, and the next president struck this order out. The fed reserve is the reason for the big picture conspiracy that's happening. It's the reason for US involvement in the Middle East, and it's the reason we're about to go to war with Russia, Iran, and China, using Syria as a stomping ground.

No its not, the Fed has owners who also own the CIA and MI5. The people who own the United States of America Corporation and the United Kingdom Corporation. They are above the Central Banks, they're the ones who funded Hitler AND Martin Luther King. They're the ones who created the Rothschild's and the Rockefellers and they're the ones who will build the New Government for the New Age.

Right but the Fed Reserve has been and is the most useful tool that they use. If the Middle East got off the petrodollar, the US dollar would become outdated and the Fed Reserve would lose its power outside of the US.

The tools can just change over to a global electronic currency, the US and its economy is expendable to the Money Makers. They control most of the world's real estate and commodities. The Fed can die off and they'd still be worth trillions.

But if the US dollar was no longer the standard for oil, it would become MUCH less valuable.

They've still got the rest of the world's currencies. The whole thing isn't tied to our currency or oil. The elite don't even base their operations out of our country. London, Macau, Tel Aviv, Hong Kong, Rome, Cairo.

I love how it is 2015 and people still vote for evil. I don't care if its the "lesser" all you've done is prolong the pain.

You're right we should just not have a President. Hell, why even have a Government? I'm sure that'll end well.

Might be better than what we've got.

Not at all. A non Governed lawless society? You'll be singing a different tune drama queen when someone kills your family for their stuff and you have no police to turn to for help.

You believe that shit they teach you in school? That's simply a thought experiment with no basis in reality and no evidence to support it.

In reality, the are and have been many societies that have functioned perfectly well without police or central governance.

Name one thriving anarchistic society.

No, neither of them would. But Bernie is a communist jew (remember the Bolsheviks?) and his plans would tank the economy in a heartbeat (and has no chance ever of getting the nomination).

Trump actually has a serious chance of getting the nomination and if he does what he says he's going to do (put a stop to mass illegal immigration) then he would basically save our country. And under no circumstances would he be worse than Hillary Clinton in office.

I will do what the other guy isn't. If trump get office he will either do something highly illegal, do something really stupid or do nothing. He barely has a platform and most of his platform will face strong public opposition. A lot of what he says will be unfavorable in congress too.

If Bernie gets into office he has good plans and is rather honest for a politician, but the question remains if he he + us = change. If he gets into office it's a likely 50/50 chance of change being allowed to happen and growing on the public side to want change badly enough. Bernie does not have corporate donors and is not exactly a wealthy man even though his position could have made him wealthy like many other senators have done. Outside of someone with power threatening his family there is not much I can think of that would make Bernie change his positions.


Immediately hostile instead of actually responding like a normal human. I take it you arent prepared or equipped at all to defend whatever opinion you weakly hold onto.

Sounds like projection, you got hostile towards orrery first. Then you assumed internet_man was the same person that you were talking to before. You didn't care enough to read the persons name to make sure you are talking to the same person, I doubt you would actually take the time to listen to someones opinions.

No, I was aware. Its even worse coming out of the woodworks to show you aren't capable of thought. Ill never see that guy again. There is nothing he can come back with that I can't immediately shut down.

Gee willickers you sound so smart, mister.

Another one with nothing to add who is afraid of being made to look like an idiot.

Ok then. How can you be so sure that Bernie will be taking orders from the same people that would be giving Trump orders? Could you explain who these people are, and possibly name names if you have the information?

What do you make of the fact that Trump is part of the billionaire class himself, what leverage would these nefarious shadow powers have over someone like Trump? Surely he can't be bought and paid for like the other candidates?

He is a member of the oligarchy's political factions. You don't get there unless you prove yourself to be loyal to them.

How do you know this? Where are you getting this information? Are these oligarchs one big cartel or are there competing factions of oligarchs at the top? You're not being very specific.

How do you know this?

I pay attention to news and history.

Where are you getting this information?

Basic thought and research.

Are these oligarchs one big cartel or are there competing factions of oligarchs at the top?

It seems like there are competing factions, but all we get to witness is their public displays of acting.

Basically you just have to start off with the assumption that the rich and powerful didn't stop conspiring to control the world and manipulate events in the world. The rest comes pretty easy after you pay attention to the news or read history as a hobby.

You really are being very non-committal in your answers. I was hoping you would drop some concrete knowledge bombs on me.

If there are competing factions wouldn't that imply that different factions have different levels of control over the plurality of candidates? If that's the case, how can you be so sure that the faction giving Trump orders is the same group that would be giving Sanders orders?

And what if one's own personal goals and desires were very similar to one of these oligarchical groups, but not another? Wouldn't that mean it does matter who keeps the chair at the White House warm?

You really are being very non-committal in your answers. I was hoping you would drop some concrete knowledge bombs on me.

I wasn't expecting to have to explain icing to someone when I wanted to discuss playoff hockey.

If there are competing factions wouldn't that imply that different factions have different levels of control over the plurality of candidates?

That's why I said "it seems". It seems like there is, but judging by the one mind of the office of president, it doesn't seem like their are competing factions.

If that's the case, how can you be so sure that the faction giving Trump orders is the same group that would be giving Sanders orders?

Because both of them are members of a factions of the oligarchy?

And what if one's own personal goals and desires were very similar to one of these oligarchical groups, but not another? Wouldn't that mean it does matter who keeps the chair at the White House warm?

A candidates personal goals and desires don't matter. The only use they have is tricking a bunch of idiots into voting for them.

So you are claiming that those at the top are essentially all in bed with one another and share the same goals while giving the illusion that there is dissension in the top ranks?

What are you claiming is the endgame for these oligarchs then? To what world are they marching us?

So you are claiming that those at the top are essentially all in bed with one another and share the same goals while giving the illusion that there is dissension in the top ranks?

More or less.

What are you claiming is the endgame for these oligarchs then? To what world are they marching us?

The same thing they have been trying to do for thousands of years. Rule over their populations, remain in power. I don't know what happened that made people think the rich and powerful suddenly stopped conspiring to control the world.

I don't disagree that the powerful are constantly working to enrich and entrench themselves. What I do object to is the simplistic view that the elites are all reading from the same hymn sheet and want exactly the same things.

People just don't work that way, instead they constantly snipe at and attack their opponents. You say you are a reader of history? Look at the Roman senate for a wonderful example of this. The big shots in Rome certainly weren't part of a cabal that all conspired together. They formed shifting alliances and cartels that were incessantly fighting with one another.

I don't know what happened that made people think the rich and powerful suddenly started being real good chummy pals with each other.

Now, you are the retarted one

you are the retarted one

You sure about that?

the first tart failed, sir


retarted? like when you mess up when making a tart so you have to retart it?

Oh god! Is it because of the typo? Fuck, i guess you're right afterall

Rule 10. Removed.

Yes actually. He is the only candidate who's views closest resemble mine.

I like your username by the way.

views closest resemble mine


I forget that most people on this sub are libertarians, or possibly like you, a fascist apologist. I'm sure those two demographics overlap quite a bit as well.

Nobody, not even you, knows what that means. Your delusions are deep and frightening.

Everyone's ideology is a delusion. Each of us vehemently believe we are correct. There is zero chance either of us will be swayed to believe something other than what we currently believe. This exchange is intellectually pointless and tiring.

For you maybe..for me, it's refreshing and invigorating.

From reading your past comments I have gathered that you are a racist and a fascist apologist, and I honestly do not care to engage with such a person. I do hope that one day you will somehow become less of a bigot and adopt a more reasonable political mindset, but frankly I'm not the person to make you see the light.

The word 'bigot' has ceased to have any real meaning nowadays. Anything that is even slightly right-of-center is automatically 'bigoted'. I would suggest that you eat my taint, but then I might be considered 'sexist' or 'rapey', so I won't.

The word 'bigot' has ceased to have any real meaning nowadays.

Literally spoken just like a bigot. Also I really don't see why you have to make every comment so confrontational and rude. Are you actually ever nice?

I'm very nice. But if certain words are used constantly to disparage someone with a contrarian view, those words lose all meaning. See also 'the boy that cried wolf'.

he's too good not to vote for. I'm lucky if I'll ever live to see another dude as honest as bernie run for president

JFK was a better choice than most too. Bernie would have to do as he was told by the shadow Govt. or go out the JFK route.

He's old as fuck though; maybe he doesn't care about being JFK'd

Maybe the entire point is that when we vote him in he gives an unexpected "reveal everything" press conference while visiting some place like Peru.

Let's talk about it when you are his age.

If the government went down the JFK route again, they might want to prepare for an uprising.

eh they'll probably blame it on a brown person

They've probably already got a candidate or two lined up.

It would never lead to jfk. Bernie would never actually get elected if the government is a puppet because the elections would have been fixed a long time ago.

Yeah, right. Pass the joint and the remote.

Bernie would have to do as he was told by the shadow Govt. or go out the JFK route.

Man, I love this subreddit :)

There is no shadow govt; the politicians are bought and sold on the open market. We're talking about a conspiracy of shared interest, and as the focus is money, the 'conspiracy' is insanely influential.

Yes there is, they exist. Don't ever think they don't they created the Fascists in Syria and Iraq who we're liberating the people from

By "shadow gov't" do you mean the House of Representatives and the Senate? The effectiveness of a President depends on their ability to have their agenda passed through the Legislative branch. If their party doesn't have the majority votes, they become ineffective. Forget bipartisanism. It may not be a geo political conspiracy and just be checks and balances.

If we ignore the whole "getting us closer to the nuclear apocalypse then any other president" as an accomplishment.

Really? I wouldn't call support for Isreal and an anti-gun flip flopping "good".

Or supporting Saudi Arabia, Kosovo, Somalia, Afghanistan and the bombings of Iraq after Desert Storm......

A. they all support israel

B. I like gun ownership too, but I'd rather have free college, healthcare, and a livable wage

A. So I don't like any of them

B. 1) Gun ownership is a right, none of those other things are. 2) There's no such thing as "free".

There's no such thing as "free".

of course not. I'd rather have the excessively wealthy taxed so the workforce they routinely exploit can have a better quality of life. why do we even have progressive income tax in the first place. to prevent the wealthy from eventually gaining control of everything and creating a monopoly. the world's land and resources are limited. when one person becomes wealthy, others have to become poor. "unlimited growth" is a lie. trickle down is a lie.

this is /r/conspiracy so I'm assuming you're a libertarian. What makes you think that the private forces that end up controlling everything won't be even worse and abusive than the government that we have now?

In the real world, the closest label I fall into would probably be libertarian. Ideally, I'd consider myself a technological anarchist, where innovations in technology not only automate production so humans are not required to do it and are freed to pursue their dreams and innovate further (or be lazy, whatever), but remove the necessity of laws (you can't drive drunk when cars drive themselves, you can't steal when everything is made for [actual] free by robots, you won't need to murder when artificial resource scarcity and population density are ended), but that's a pipe dream unlikely to occur.

I have no guarantee that said private forces would be anything, but I don't see that as an excuse to let an egregiously large and malfunctioning government continue down the path it's on.

I don't want to see the rich taxed (these taxes will always affect the average successful person and not the hyper rich who can dodge them, they're the ones who make the rules after all), I want to see the power removed from centralized banks more than anything. You see all these kids crying for 15 dollars an hour who don't realize that the real problem is our money isn't worth shit due to quantitative easing and fractional reserve banking.

He might be honest, but he is most certainly delusional.


What is it with joking replies like this that obviously derail the conversation?

You'll notice it in any /r/conspiracy thread that gets more than 100 comments. Find any thread with 100+ comments and read the chain coming off of the top comment, more often than not you'll find a chain of shitty puns or corny jokes.

You don't realize that it's the whole site that's like that right? Everyone on here is uncreative and unfunny and just makes puns.

Don't you mean puncreative and punfunny?

You guys need to chill out. I cherish the moments I spend laughing when reading comments in threads that would otherwise be boring without them.

Same with worldnews.

People who think in memes find it hard to communicate in any other way.

I don't even understand it. The point of the discussion thread is to... discuss a topic, but some people would rather write in something completely unrelated and then think "teehee I made a funny, I hope I get internet points!"

The only people who appreciate it are others who are doing exactly the same thing. For everyone else it's just an annoying piece of text to ignore.

People do enjoy it. Look at any of the top comment funnies on a default sub and it'll be upvoted into the thousands. I think it's just a reflection of the greater move in our media to make the news funny. John Stewart, Colbert, Buzzfeed, The Young Turks, all the magazine shows that insert their opinion and 'wit' into the news.

These stupid pricks are just mirroring what they see when they watch their 'news'.

You guys need to chill out. I cherish the moments I spend laughing when reading comments in threads that would otherwise be boring without them.

I just noticed that

His name's Limberbutt McCubbins, bro.

Does it work though?

The cat? Sure, I mean he's gotta make that kibble same as anyone else.

Pretty sure most people who use reddit are fucking children and can't vote anyways

Some cunt mentions Bernie and other twats are offended when I point out he is a bullshit choice.

i dont think so ... i bet biggest part of all redditors are just bots or other inactive fake accounts.

I mean, if you're always exposed to good examples of a particular thing and never vice versa, it will absolutely have an effect on your outlook. You also see anybody with remotely dissenting views get brigaded and slammed by a thousand redditors

Interesting that I found this thread through /r/all, though. They must be a pretty shitty propaganda tool if they keep letting posts calling them out reach the top.

good point.

Just look at user /u/Cant_Trust_Hillary the guy is probably employed by Trump and even if hes not all that account does is try to get on the front page so people can read CANT_TRUST_HILLARY over and over again. I mean I don't trust her but that's not my point, What's from stopping someone from doing the same about anyone. These people and admins know reddit is a big presence on the internet. Censorship and abuse should be looked at pretty seriously here.. one would think.

That's possibly the same user that was behind /u/ThePieOfSauron. They probably work for the DNC or some "left wing" political action committee, and they're probably actually a Hillary supporter.

We really gotta get going on building a distributed hosting media aggregator before collaborating on such a project becomes a crime...

Everything's a propaganda tool. It's also sometimes not a propaganda tool. Which is what makes it harder to identify when it's being used as a propaganda tool.

There's always


Whats it been, a year now? if I had a nickel for everytime someone, has recommended/but didnt frequent,

then I might literally be able to pay my phone bill every month with those nickels

Hijacking: Jesus dude calm down with the "Fucks", I wanted to read about your conspiracy but not when it's yelling at me while I do it.

reddit is a propaganda tool ...

Just like big media.

What if I told you both sides were just as propagandist as the other?

They'd mass downvote you because /r/conspiracy hates when people try to censor them but love to censor people who disagree with them/don't fit with the hive mind agenda.

Jet fuel can't melt confirmation bias.

But its a weapon to. Op made this post in a sub with thousands of subscribers. This was on my front page. R conspiracy is literally the freest speech place on reddit

That's why they have the algorithm where is takes ~3 hours before a post can reach the front page. It gives them time to remove any content they don't want reaching the front page.

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reddit can be used as a propaganda tool

Speaking to the conspiratorial dimension of this post, didn't anyone else notice the frequently-repeating link to a bunch of Web minigames recently developed as a U.S. Army recruiting tool? I think suppressing the recruitment-debunking video may have been a nice little sweetener on the deal that got military recruitment media in paid positions here to begin with.

I use uBlock - so dont see this minigames or any other ads

reddits was created fucktards. just another face book think trap, which were also created by fucktards... then stolen by a douche-bag.

Correction: Media, (all, including social) is a propaganda tool

Yes, I'm starting to really believe this now. I posted something about the moral impact of using thermonuclear weapons on Mars in /r/SpaceX, not only did I get downvoted off the radar, but several other redditors who earned 100s of points, repeated the exact statements I made.

How the fuck is that even remotely similar to the OP? That happens all the time.


There's no conspiracy to give you negative karma and other people positive karma lol. But good try.

Yes there is. It's a huge government funded conspiracy to undermine me. Reddit is anti-democratic mind control.

Lets be fair, most mainstream media is as well.

OP, the top comment in the anti-war video was 10 hours older than the top comment in the propaganda video.

I think the reason anti-war video dropped off the front page is simply because it had been around longer?

Also pictures of veterans during a veterans day?

Obviously it's all a conspiracy.

Don't worry, /r/conspiracy is on the case.

It's clearly a conspiracy and has nothing to do with the fact that most people probably prefer a pic with a shallow, feel-good title than a video that requires some level of critical analysis to appreciate.

Minimize it by ignoring the title of:

My veteran grandpa was asked by a little girl if he would do it all again. He said, "Yes, for you."

That's pretty blatant.

I'm only here because it's on /r/all, but your kind of shit is worse than what I mostly see when I happen on an /r/conspiracy post.

Well he was a veteran of WWII. I think that US involvement in WWII was absolutely justified.

I would sound very foolish if I tried to debate that.

Wasn't Veteran's Day 2 days ago?

rule 1: politics

that's the trouble now with Reddit as a whole, there are so many loose ways to attach something to politics, or gore, or any of the rules they add if they don't want things there...

even /r/funny now has things pulled because it may be satire of a famous person and that is deemed " harassment of any individual, subreddit, or other entity may be removed at the moderators' discretion.

Yeah, but war is expressly political. "War is a mere continuation of politics by other means..."

it can be religious too...

I think when war is religious than religion has become the state, and it is still just politics.

Then why wasn't the grandpa post also deleted?

And yet "feel-good" pro-war stuff is left unmolested by mods in r/videos. Why the double-standard?


No it's not. It's absolutely relevant because they're different subs with different rules to cater to different audiences and different content.

Rule 1: we have always been at war with eastasia.

That may be true, but I've never seen such blatant censorship before. They had a huge post on the front page that almost everyone on Reddit agrees with, then it gets deleted and a pro-war post is top post. OP has every right to be pissed off, this is blatant censorship and absolute bullshit.

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Exactly. OP is a whiny cry baby entitled libtard. Go have some milk and cookies, OP maybe you'll get over it but I doubt it.

and you are one of those idiots that think you are fighting for muh freedomz. it balances out

the post i've linked to was removed by reddit

It was removed by a mod, flaired by a mod. Anybody can be a mod, and there are very few mods who mod more than one default subreddit. But don't let me interrupt your circlejerk.


You don't know what you are talking about. I've been a mod of several defaults and left em because mod mail gets too busy, buries the rest of my subs. Absolutely no need to talk to admins. If admins want something, they start a mod mail chain (and it's usually perfectly innocent / normal bullshit). And if you are a current mod of a default and apply for another default, they'll usually tell you to leave the first one before you can switch.


Great comeback, don't do an ounce of research before making baseless assumption... guess I should expect as much considering the subreddit.

You sure showed him.

LOL wtf. I'm just a random dude who likes personal finance (/r/personalfinance a default), and I've been a mod there for over a year. I've literally never interacted with a reddit admin in my life.

Nice try Conde Nast CEO.

damn you got me! banned from /r/personalfinance

I really enjoyed seeing your title pop up on /r/all, but honestly, antiwar stuff is all over Reddit. I don't know what you think Conde Nast or whoever seeks to gain by interfering just this once and not giving a shit for the other 364 days of the year. Get a grip.


Well, at least some good will come of it.

I'm here for the suckening. I'll give if I get.

Rules 6 & 10. Removed.

Yep, political stuff is removed all the time from /r/videos as well, this isn't really a surprise. "Oh no, they did the thing they said they would do that they've done multiple times before!" clutches pearls

I don't even understand why people that freak out about that kind of thing are even still on reddit. There's voat and a bunch of other alternatives. Or they could just make their own frigging website instead of sitting here and complaining about this one. Plus, /r/conspiracy is already corrupt as all hell, but nobody on here wants to talk about that.

and this is a nitpicking but it bothers me

now a picture of a veteran who say he will fight again if given a chance

That's incredibly misleading. He fought in WW2, he was saying that he would do it again if it meant defending that child. If this post was the first time you'd seen that one, you'd get an incredibly biased perspective on it. "Misleading, fabricated or sensationalist headlines are subject to removal." And people on here are talking about /r/videos enforcing rules arbitrarily.

antiwar stuff is all over Reddit

No it's not, not nearly as much as pro-war/war-is-a-good-job bullshit is these days.

Can I just honestly ask you one thing?

Doesn't the video actually break the "no politics" rule and so it was rightfully removed from the subreddit?

It is not like /r/videos was the subreddit used for both is a photo that was in pics and one was a video in videos.

Both subreddits have different rules. In this case it seems pretty clear cut to me... I feel like this is an attempt to draw a connection where there just simply is not one.

I feel like this is an attempt to draw a connection where there just simply is not one.

Now why would anyone here be doing that!? Clearly "the administration" gains so much by stopping a handful of kids from seeing one video about how the Army isn't super great!

But I literally NEVER hear anything critical of the US government on Reddit.


The problem is the front page subs like r/videos and r/news that have "no politics" rules seem to only arbitrarily enforce them. I know the mods can't be everywhere all the time, but it happens enough for people to comment in this sub, r/undelete, etc.

That's true, especially grey area videos like the one that got deleted.

I mean, a video of trump or hillary would get yanked right away as it'd be obviously political, but with videos like this it's hard to walk the line between just an interesting perspective and a video with a political agenda.

Honestly, even though I absolutely agree with the content of the video, I think it crosses that line.

Whether political videos should be allowed or not Is its own argument, but I do think that the video violates that rule.

Either way, I am glad OP brought this to light. The really hilarious part to me was the second comment (sorted by 'best') in the deleted thread talks about a WW2 vet grandpa's advice NOT to join the military because of his experience and then the gilded thread in r/pics is the exact opposite (WW2 vet grandpa who would GLADLY serve again).

My grandfather was a machine gunner in WWII. He made me swear to him in his death bed that I'd never join the military. He told me a lot of terrible, awful stories. He said there were a lot of things he didn't share with anyone and those are the reasons why he didn't want his family enlisting.

There's a difference between telling the people you love no not go to war, and being willing to go to war yourself to defend the people you love.

That claptrap about the glory of war isn't any less political -- it's just less controversial in the minds of the total fucktards who make these decisions. To be honest, telling young people to steer clear of the Iron Triangle, or at lest the features of it that grind up human meat for use in serving more Defense Department appropriations, is way less political then encouraging them to go sacrifice themselves for God and country. What kind of monstrous extremist sees the call to war as so much less political than advice about living in peace?

I do not disagree with you necessarily, all I am saying is the two sub-reddits have different rules.

There is a rule in videos that says you can not post political stuff. So the video was removed.

There is no rule in pics that says anything about political stuff. So the picture was not removed.

All I am saying is it seems pretty straightforward to me. It is not like they both have a "no political posts" rule. ONLY videos has the rule, hence the video was removed.

Try posting an anti-war themed photo to /r/pics and see what happens.



Have you ever heard of /r/all?

Rule 10. Removed.

Yeah, I'm with you. If the video had been posted in /r/politics to begin with, it'd still be on the front page.

How else can things be heard if you don't post to those subreddits?

They're the biggest and easiest way to reach people. Plus they tend to let some political things slide and not others.

Since when is a career military veteran calmly talking about his experience "politics"?


That's two different subs.

Lol, good luck getting through. The circle jerk is already at full speed.

one single reddit

Okay, then how does something like this (your post) reach the top of /r/conspiracy?

logic? On the conspiracy sub? Get out

Redditor for 11 months

you still haven't figured out how subreddits work?

longer than that

Does anyone know how long a post lasts on the front page before rolling off? The anti war video is about 14 hours older than the /r/pics post. That might come into play.

It was deleted for being "Politics," per the flair. It does seem super convenient - there's a huge spectrum of content that's not allowed in /r/politics for not being "explicitly political," as they describe it, and not allowed in /r/video for being "politics." Both stupid fucking rules and both would have used to remove this video. /r/politics is great at removing posts as they're born, /r/videos takes a bit longer.

Nope. I have shitty posts on my front page that have been there for 2 days. It wasn't old it was removed because the mods are fucking children

Your front page and The front page are two different things. If you are subbed to a small number of subreddits then your front page will change less often. The front page of /r/all changes frequently.

Im subbed to over 150 subreddits

the mods are fucking children
What does their sexual preference have to do with it?

I've hit the front page at least 120 times. From what I've noticed it can be gone within 3 hours or stay for up to 15 depending how close to the top you get.


Edit: adjusted time

Didn't they recently change the algorithm for the front page after that one change that left it possible for posts to be up there for days? I was under the impression that they changed it so that it would roll off after so many hours.

Yes they did change the algorithm to keep fresher content on the front, but it's still possible to be there up to 14 hours. I'd say my average is 10-12 hours. There won't be any more 2 or 3 day posts anymore.

The anti war post is about 14 hours older than that other, it's possible it ran it's course.

Is it possible to tell whether or not the post was manually hidden from the front page?

You can message the mods and ask, but on the front page right now the oldest posts are 14 hours or less so it seems they don't get much further than that now days.

post had been removed by reddit staff, didn't got old

I'd there any way to see if a post had been removed manually by a mod/admin?

It was removed by a mod, not admin, as many have stated in this thread. This guy is spouting off false opinion as fact saying that reddit staff had shit to do with it. Typical for reddit and this sub especially. there any way to tell if it had been manually removed by a mod then? All we know is that it was not on the front page anymore by the time the other post got there, and that it hasn't been hard deleted because anyone with a link can still see it.

There is a flair that says, "rule 1: politics", if that helps at all.

Some subs add flair for removal reason or a mod posts a copypasta removal explanation. This one is clearly flaired with "rule 1" which is the all powerful rule "no politics" and keep in mind it would have also been deleted from /r/politics, and a lot quicker, for not being "explicitly political." Nice gap, eh?

Ah, missed that bit.

You're retarded if you think reddit staff give a fuck what video is up. We do this all the time over on /r/music. Post has been up for ages, getting lots of reports, and a shit ton of comments mods have to keep on top of. Way easier to just remove it.

You don't know what you're talking about, unfortunately. Mods are volunteers.

some mods are volunteers, those that matters are paid/staff

those that matters are paid/staff

Proof would be appreciated.

what about the links i've posted in this fucking post?

In this post you've only proven that you don't really understand how reddit works. I would genuinely be very interested to see actual evidence that one or more mods were being secretly paid by reddit inc or that admins were using alts to mod defaults.

Gotta keep em young and dumb. I'm surprised not more people feel like they're being manipulated

Atmosphere in the UK is interesting at the moment. The right-wing press have been a lot less subtle of late, and people are starting to realise they're being lied to.

What an amazing* piece of writing! Thank you.

Gotta keep em young

Fountain of Youth confirmed

"You're not a patriot? whats wrong with you? you don't want to fight the good fight, be a man, jesus christ enlist!, don't you love your country!?

It's been 14 years since 9/11 and a couple of years since the us pulled out of the quagmire that is the middle east. A lot of the kids growing up today will forget that a generation before was sent to die in the desert literally on the back of a lie.

Even those that made it back, the "hero's" are getting shafted by the VA.

"they will welcome us as liberators" remains one of the most morbidly funny lines of my life.

Read literally the first rule of /r/videos.....

Except the majority of cases where mods let it slide because who cares. Selectively enforcing those rules is how the censorship works.

Exactly. Some people here would rather put their fingers in their fucking ears though, holy shit.

Or maybe people realize that OP is grasping at straws..

That and it's been reposted several times.

Doesn't apply to a career military veteran talking about his experience.

It absolutely does when he starts talking about politics.

I don't get it, it's not deleted, just old? I mean people were first insulted how long it does take for new content to show up on the frontpage after an update, now that it is fixed people are upset about content disappearing to fast and making up conspiracies? God damn

It was removed just after it hit the front page of default

It might as well be deleted now... Its never gonna be on the front page,

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WTF is this cancer of this post sitting in /r/all? How can someone who have zero idea about how subreddits work or even reddit works bitching like a retard get this much upvotes. You people do realize that different subs have different users browsing and not two people care about the same post, right? That, subreddits can... and here's the news for you OP, subreddits can MODERATE posts.

I love your determination to comment in a sub you obviously don't like/care about. Why is it sitting in /r/all? Maybe you don't understand how subreddits work..... You see, enough people vote for a post.... and well never mind, its not going to help you.

Edit. Never mind, checked your post history. Troll.

Reddit is entirely a propaganda site now. It is beyond laughable.

Four hours ago, a submission about police brutality enters the arena...

Four hours ago, police propaganda goes into full effect...

A few days ago, there was a police brutality story. How did the paid shills respond?

Oh cops kill someone, well at least they filmed themselves buying a homeless guy some sneakers... And look at the "karma". Cop tases someone to death. 3000 karma. "Embarrassed face of a police officer after he was caught on camera buying new shoes for a homeless man". 5000 karma. Hell the one about them cooking kids a meal is at 8000 karma.

The internet is becoming the greatest propaganda tool in human history.

Edit: Found another one. It's relentless. I guess the police departments have hired social media PR firms...


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Rule 10. Removed.


You're not wrong yet it's frequently smarter, more informative, with more interesting discussions than the entirety of the rest of Reddit. Yes, there is a ton of noise, but there are semi-regularly some good nuggets of signal to be found.

Keep in mind, many people flee here, from the rest of Reddit specifically because there is so much terribleness elsewhere here.

Visit /r/politics and /r/worldnews!

This is the sane sub!

LOL, damn you're right!

I never saw a single person who was an enemy of the United States' constitution.

This dude is gold.

That is hyperbole I hope. The Marxists in Missouri are obviously enemies to the constitution.

Gotta love the New User gilded second comment reinforcing the narrative here as well.

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Not everything is a conspiract

Every morning I wish I could read something so on point and timely. Not to mention expresses my feelings so exactly.

Yeah it's a shame, but Reddit was bought out a long long time ago, so was 4Chan.

Any site that gets too popular gets flipped. It is what it is.

Gotta control that public opinion don't you know.

It's hard for some to accept. First time experiencing it, a website completely taken over and changed

I've seen it several times now. You get too popular, you sell out or get taken over. Simple as that.

This should be a site that helps us organize ourselves in ways never before possible. Instead, it is an advertising tool bought and paid for.

So discouraging.

I am deleting my account because of this. FUCK REDDIT.

I am shaking my mouse in anger.

Don't cut yourself on that edge.

I was so happy to see the story at the top of the page in spite of them.They may control the platform but we can still have impact on the narrative

Check out post history of veteran pic op. Very interesting. Eighty percent of the time, posts to ask* subs. Then boom, front page.

Gotta love how the fake ass "good guy cop" story is also floating around up there.

Takes a lot of propaganda to keep endless war going. Once you see it, it's fucking everywhere. Every single day we get told war is awesome and we have to worship those who implement it.

Must be for war! Government motto!

Are you really surprised? Were you operating under the assumption that Redditt is a Public space for free speech?

War is the force that gives US Meaning, don't You know? Without the war economy our empire would collapse before the natural course of Kala (time) and inevitable karmic consequences came around. Consciousness is God, and all powerful to manifest change within each of us. It will take no less than our collective consciousness choosing and declaring war as unacceptable as part of our planetary experiences. As it is now, war persists as there are still millions who choose for it to exist for one reason or another.
The problem is choice, and most human ego/desire choices are unconsciously made or imprinted by mass media, academic institutions, government etc. Choosing as Atman, the actual Self is required to make a wise choice not driven by the monkey ego/personality/body/mind filter of consciousness. War is a bad trip, that many still perversely enjoy in either simulated experiences (video games) or actual life both directly and indirectly. War. War Never Changes.

Schmaltzy hearsay from a veteran's kid is ok on veteran's day, but a sincere video by an actual veteran is not.

Nothing to see here. Please carry on.

Calm down dumbass, it was removed by the mods for being about politics.

Calm down dumbass

Wow! You told him!

Bunch of tough guys in here today! (who clearly don't understand what constitutes "politics")

War is peace, endless war is endless peace.

This site is going to shit and it's not a secret.

Thank you. I missed this video but I did see the little girl thing. I would never have seen this if you didn't bring it up. Thank you.

Fuck the police! Seriously though that's pretty fucked. You would think talks of peace would warrant discussion. True leaders aren't great at war as they at peace.

I do like Top comment though

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this shit replaced this guy

that because hearing the truth from a fucking special forces veteran is not a healthy thing to do for young people.

How did it "replace" it? They are completely different subs.

I think he means replaced on the front page. The /r/videos post rose to at least #6 on the default front page before it was censored by mods, and then hours later the warm-and-fuzzy war vet post in /r/pics was at #1 on the default front page when it was only a couple hours old.

Maybe grandpa is talking about killing zionists?

So was reddit waiting for an "official" offer to suck your dick? Did you make unofficial invitations? And were they turned down for lack of official seal?

i don't have time for shady businesses as they do with this propaganda crap. i'm official

If you hate reddit so much, why don't you just find somewhere else online to hang out?

Edit: I don't mind downvotes, but it's been quite an eye-opener to see how you guys deal with sincere questions here. Both with your voting and replies.

They probably like the format and Idea of Reddit, but hate the censorship.

That's what I get from this at least.

flawed argument. It also has a name.

I don't understand what you're trying to say.

All he is saying is, "pieces of shit"

He's saying fuck you.

Why? That's a lot of hate for a sincere question.

Because fuck you?

/u/euric it's not hate. /u/BrutalCunt just wants to have sweet relations with you. It's love

can't give my dick to be sucked to shills if i go somewhere else. the dick needs to be here

That's a surprisingly self-aware response. Thanks for taking the time to answer.


I only let people I like suck my dick...


they are in the line. i'm keeping strong, glad you care

lol guy. you mad?


As a side note, I think the guy from the anti-war video is Stan Goff, the guy who blew the lid of of the Pat Tillman scandal and got a bunch of people in the military in some pretty serious trouble.

If you ever get the opportunity, his writing is phenomenal.

War never changes

still on reddit

Who fucking cares?

You do.

Wow! He basically said "Fuck Conde Nast as a staff, record label, and as a muthafucken crew! If you want to be down with Conde Nast, fuck you to!"


My thoughts exactly, couldn't have put it better

Can someone make a new /r/video with tons of politic

Drink coca cola!

The armed forces are recruiting out of this bunch?!? They were so busy trying to figure out if they could, they never bothered to ask themselves if they should!

I'm glad you could get your point across in a level-headed and respectable manner.

Y u heff 2 b mad?

I must say, this is the best title of a post, ever.

If reddit is fucked, where do I go?

Did you vote on either of these by chance. They change if you vote

i put it back up here,google, us military sites on twitter and google...

one of the best videos on the topic i've seen. Makes me sad though.

Until you realize that's what people want.

Weird that people can have different thoughts and opinions than you, right?

Generals gathered in their masses

Generals gathered in their masses, just like witches at black masses. Evil minds that plot destruction, sorcerer of death's construction. In the fields the bodies burning, as the war machine keeps turning. Death and hatred to mankind,

Has anyone noticed that the quality of reddit has clearly diminished over these last few months? I can't tell if it's just me being on here for so long that I'm getting bored with the site or if the site is actually not performing like it once did...

Given the involvement of trolls, shills, admins taking marching orders, redditors with an insane amount of comment karma and a paid service to rig the voting system ... yea.... Its not so much the site its the people. You could gather the genuine posters and place them on another site and it would be fine with the quality.

I can't tell if it's just me being on here for so long that I'm getting bored with the site or if the site is actually not performing like it once did...

Probably both, I'm in the same boat.

I found this thread off the front page, O' the Irony of life, thank you.

good. more people find out about reddit owners better it is.

next time they see their front page full of wired and arstecnica link they will fucking know who put those link there.

yes, those websites are owned by the same people as reddit and yes, upvotes don't matter.

TTP and other free trade agreement related posts also were sidelined in the non cospiracy subreddits. In general not always deletions and not always screened.

The video you posted is telling of the actions of the US government and those that control it. When considering the various factors of the USA government and history of the military involvement its the lead mercenary force for a certain cabal and a nation in the middle east.

If they're trying to instill a pro-war sentiment on Reddit, they're really barking up the wrong tree.

actually no. propaganda scope is to change your mind on how you see things. they use emotions to do this.

one rule to understand life from now on.

emotions beats logic/reason.

The truth is when USA small units enter hostile situation the policy is kill men, women, and children.

It's worse than you think dude. They read your stuff online, and then identify you in your community, part of their job, researcher, investigator, spy-er. I mean, I joined a forum (nonreddit) once, just to communicate, never to meet, and the next week, there were like, 2 identified by photo forum members rolling around where I wifi. That's not a coincidence, they were photo-IDing me, and that pissed me off into deleting that forum account; I prize anonymity until a trustworthy relationship/reputation is made online, I don't like cyber-stalking, but these diptard forum companies do it all the time it seems, surreptitiously scoping out more marks for social engineering or something, and it's sick. They want too much too soon, without consent, and that weirds me out. Reddit is not an exception, uncheck your research checkbox in the account preferences page, set some boundaries.

yes, is true

Moslems cannot take responsibilities alone.. Fallen entities instigated Islam through Rome in order to steal Jerusalem and this has caused divisions.. Palestinians are Jordanians

Beep bop boop

[[[courtesy of Ted Broer via Hagmann and Hagmann Report]]] "----

For change to occur you do not need 100% of the populace to be awake, only around 10%. Problem is whenever that number is about to be reached major incidents seem to occur and the populace lose focus.!!!"

[[courtesy of Ted Broer ( via Hagmann and Hagmann Report]] -----------

"Apparently the non human entities behind all the schisms of negativity going on on planet earth are motivated primarily by jealousy. We apparently possess physically and otherwise what they do not. Likewise they apparently feed off our physical blood' properties and also our negative emotions through certain scenarios which for the most part they engender e.g pain, fear, confusion, etc etc. All this is done to keep us locked in their ethereal matrix of zombification."

I understand the outrage, but blaming Big Media for doing what Big Media does is a little... pointless?

Reddit, CNN, Facebook, FoxNews, none of those thing are platform for you to express yourself. Some of those things capitalize on the idea that people will freely create content that they can then monetize (users create the content, Conde Nast monetizes, this is one way) But it's still within the strict confines of a narrative.

Edit: downvotes? Really? You think reddit belongs to you?

they can just change the upvote number.

just an advice. fuck votes, upvotes, downvotes. free yourself

No one wants war. Everyone here stay as positive as you can, your intentions, your conscious thought influences this world more than you may know.

Although what Reddit has done is blatantly horrifying, my faith in humanity is somewhat restored with your passion and energy while shining a light on this all to common situation of manipulation of info and shameless propaganda.

Thank you.

If you don't like it go on the internet and complain.


op is bitching about how reddit works don't you think?

he should accept the shill culture

Lol rediit is not pro war, it's on the complete opposite side of the spectrum. Maybe there are some last vestiges of liberty thinking individuals, but for the most part reddit is full of wealth distributing, isolationist, liberal, socialist lunatics.

Reddit was against war when Bush steered things. At worst Reddit loves war when Obama steers and at best is happy to look away. Without massive Reddit hypocrisy there would be massive anti-war discussions and hateful post after post discussing how evil and how destructive Obama actually is to this nation; based on endless examples and lies directly provided by Obama himself. Yet we don't see any of that. In stead we still see an endless stream of lies about how awesome Obama is and how Bush is apparently ordering Obama around like an abused little bitch. Because, apparently, everything is still Bush's fault, even though in reality it almost never has anything to do with Bush.

It's never, ever, been that Reddit hates war. Reddit absolutely LOVES war. The reality is, Reddit absolutely hates Republicans and LOVES hypocrisy, lies, disinformation, and leftist propaganda. Of course, Reddit purposely conflates the war and Republicans because honesty should be avoided at all costs.

Yeah probably not anti war, but pro establishment no matter how bad they want to feel against the bullshit that's going on now. Reddit has never had users willing to push against the liberal status quo. It goes along with government while it tried to infringe on internet freedom, and still tries to blame the incoming over regulation on conservativeS. Every day I say fuck this site, but if I can open the eyes of one person I did my job.

reddit is full of wealth distributing, isolationist, liberal, socialist lunatics.

reddit isnt liberal lol


Truly, they hate America this day.

Using little kids and old people, that's sad. Anyhow I upvoted the advice one, and downvoted the grandpa. I suggest the rest of you do the same.

I'll do whatever the fuck I want to do. Fuck outta here telling me what to do.

pull the stick out of your ass.

Woah, dude, calm the fuck down. It was a fucking suggestion


can you prove that? Or are you just trolling ?



If you don't like or agree with the way a site is run, just sign off and never come back again. Not everything is a battle for you to fight. Do you think this nonsense really matters anyway?

so no. NO no fucking way you bastards, this didn't die of old age it was fucking shot by reddit censorship

So fucking what? You're still here. I'm still here. If we were going to leave we'd have left by now.

So why wouldn't they pull shit like this? There's no consequences to doing so. What are we going to do threaten to leave? We've all made it clear what a hallow, toothless threat that is.

Conde Nast has absolutely no say whatsoever about anything that happens on reddit. Reddit and Conde Nast are both owned by Advance. There is no overlap between the two

Oh, blah blah blah. If you hate this site, why the fuck are you here, making threads?

Your 'fuck you' skills need some fine-tuning, son. But at least you got your karma point pity fuck! And Reddit Gold, too. Congratulations, by making this post, you helped support the thing you're railing against.

dude, fuck that reddit gold. don't know who the fuck paid for that fucking gold. should be a button to renounce the fucking gold or give it to someone who fucking care about this crap.

also fuck karma, dude, self post earn you no karma last time i've checked and even then, i give no fuck about karma.

Here's my comment on the softball story, and I'm very proud of this troll job.

I've seen several comments here suggesting we show respect for veterans all over the world for their various sacrifices and heroisms. As an American patriot (not nationalism, patriotism) with several opinions I would like to disclaim this notion once and for y'all, it will only take a few minutes and a couple or two paragraphs and I'll have both the hardliners and the euroskeptics digging what I'm getting at here.

Like I said, I'm American, and I can't say much except for our vets. I can say this for sure, ISIS vets ain't gave me shit. Fuck them. Shit, the 1918 Spanish Flu epidemic was so devastating in part because of the wartime travel of the militaries of various countries, and since it was the Spanish flu, I guess Americans like me know which veterans NOT to thank for that shitstorm. Japanese vets, I don't know... I kinda respect them - definitely the guys who were right on the bench on the kamikaze units. That's balls, I'll give dap to that, I suppose. Americans gotta recognize greatness, you know, takes one to know one and all...

But still, there's no excuses. You gotta support. And like I said, I'm an American, and you should only have respect for current and former brave citizens who serve the almighty United States Armed Forces, as well as those veterans of armed forces belonging to any NATO country, member of the G7 (suck it Russia, it's G7 now because America wants this world unipolar) as well as any nation who might, by means of economic coercion, become a member of a 'Coalition of the Willing' in a march any towards internationally unsanctioned military interventions we as a country or Israel may get themselves into.

Also I kinda like China's army cause it'd be like the battle scenes from 'Lord of the Rings', when there was like a swarm of Uruk-Hai at Helm's Deep. China could recreate that and it would look fucking crazy if someone shot it with a drone. So dope.


regardless, no respect for veterans in usa, they end in the woods homeless. see my post history, there is a video there who show how much fucking respect veterans get.

I wouldn't want those syphillitic bastards anywhere near my (trigger warning) genitalia.

May I recommend you offer them 'a bag of dicks' instead.

*triggering intensifies

Get that trigger warning out of here man.

While I don't feel triggered, can I be offended anyway? Asking for a friend...

will use protection

Thanks for your service.

"All your base are belong to us."

You ever wonder about that 2 minute internet fad?

The first casualty of war is the truth. Nice job spreading the word, m0q

Ya ill upvotethis.s

The mods of videos are claiming bullshit rules and deleting or locking a lot of big posts. It's been going on for about a week now.

Leave it to Reddit to be a Statist Talking-Head

We need to get this to the front page.

'Don't join the military' is a moral position, not political.

Mah safe space! You violated it!

Hey dipshit, the post broke the rules of /r/videos.

well, fuck off, i see political videos there all the fucking time.

hey retard, go back to r videos and ask them what the fuck politics means, get a fucking dictionary first.

They take them down. All the donald trump and burnie S sanders stuff gets taken down.

Honestly? First gut reaction is that this is the wrong way to get your point across. Mostly because it contributes to the narrative that conspiracy theorists are mouth-breathing, knuckle-dragging neckbeards hiding in their parents' basements. Punctuation and grammar, my friend, are much more effective than rage and profanity. Sucks, doesn't it? :/

i'm no part of a group and i don't care what impression you construct in your mind by reading my words.

What's baffling to me is that they are cracking down on a video game sub because it was being manipulated by outside forces, yet this stuff seems rather blatant in the main defaults. Will Reddit crack down on the shill mods in the defaults? That would save Reddit in my mind.

They get paid just like the pro sports teams to promote the government minions.

that is true

Unofficially cradle the balls.

lighten up Francis

It was removed because r/videos isn't supposed to have politics, and that video was definitely political. No conspiracy here, don't feed your paranoia people.

What was political about it? Did he support one party over the other? Explain yourself.

Politics is a very broad subject. Simply talking about the military could be considered politics. Politics is the practice or theory of influencing other people, and he talks about our international presence.

This could be construed many ways, but the bottom line is a mod pulled it down, not the CEO of reddit, and I'm not saying the mod was in the right to pull it down, but it's no conspiracy.

I visit this subreddit because I do believe in some conspiracies, but if you try and make one out of everything you're just as false as all the lies we've been told.

and that video was definitely political.

How is a career veteran talking about his job experience in any way related to politics?

A military is a tool used for political influence. It is political.

Everything conveying an opinion/desire is political by that definition.

Mods there use that rule subjectively and did so to censor this vastly popular video.

I agree , but it is no conspiracy. No major corruption just a mod.

Just a mod, sure. But by-proxy the whole mod team is complicit.

Also there is this:

Most addicted city (over 100k visits total)
Eglin Air Force Base, FL

“Be a beachcomber, a Parisian wino, an Italian pimp, or a Danish pervert; but stay away from the Armed Forces.”

(March 10, 1957 in a letter from Eglin Air Force Base)

And fuck you too! The only reason youre safe is because other men are willing to do violence on your behalf

Yea, Maybe a long time ago..but that no longer holds true. Wars today are started to make obsence amt's of money. Take ISIS for example...America is Not really "in danger" nor are those guys in the army fighting "to protect us", as the "enemy" was created by our own government, as well as a few "allies" . The only danger there is Blowback created by the US meddling in other countrys business and acting like the world police force.

So take your bullshit about "Serving your country" the fuck OUTTA HERE. Patriotism is one thing, but nationalism is like a fucking disease, and you've been infected. Brainwashed and manipulated by the very country you think you've a duty to "protect".

In other words, I didnt ask anyone to fight on my behalf, NOR do i owe ANYTHING to those overseas, KILLING innocent people so there government can RAPE and PILLAGE. Fucking IMPERIALIST WAR MONGERING BULLSHIT !!!!!

Did i mention you can FUCK OFF? cause ya can.

You are far less safe today than you have ever been. You think your freedoms are being protected by attacking other nations for their natural resources and to enforce the petro dollar?? That isnt how freedom and safety work my friend. Not even fucking close.

This is bullshit

THat's a huge crock o'shit.

The new algorithm has made reddit stagnant. I'm still seeing shit on my feed that's 3 days old. 3 DAYS.

old reddit shit changed every hour, to couple hours depending on the importance. This link was buried.

Aaron Swartz is rolling in his grave right now.

Cute how dramatic you sound.

Reddit also works for the elite.

Reddit IS the elite... They were bought out by Advance Publications, a gigantic News/Media corporation. FUNNY how nobody has heard of that company before, yet they control the media.

Could you link us for more information please? Not being lazy, but I always feel like i end up on the wrong sites.

Just look at the wikiedpia page for Advance Publications.

dude, use google, that media corporation is fucking huge is everywhere

Took a bit of digging but here's a reddit blog post about it:


Hey everyone, this is a prime example of why non-subscribers often see this subreddit as crazy. Because "the joos did it".

Rule 1. Removed.

You sound like a child

You sound brainwashed. See it works both ways.

Dude cries WAY too fucking much. You cry WAY too fucking much.

i think the word is scream you idiot


Lmao, grow up chump.

As a combat vet, I'd do it all over again, the fuck is so wrong about that?

It was something cute for fucks sake. He doesn't literally want war you tin-foil hatted pricks. He is just saying that he would if worse came to worse. You twisted the words too much.

Good observation OP. I wish this post had more up votes. Thank you.

Are yall talking about the picture of the old man who told the little girl he would gladly fight hitler again for her future? That guy? Cause irag and fighting a maniac for a real cause is totally different

you are welcome


Another one with nothing to add who is afraid of being made to look like an idiot.


I'd there any way to see if a post had been removed manually by a mod/admin?

Because fuck you?

Amen, I keep hearing about the next best reddit replacement, but nothing ever comes of it

You're retarded if you think reddit staff give a fuck what video is up. We do this all the time over on /r/music. Post has been up for ages, getting lots of reports, and a shit ton of comments mods have to keep on top of. Way easier to just remove it.

There is a flair that says, "rule 1: politics", if that helps at all.

Some subs add flair for removal reason or a mod posts a copypasta removal explanation. This one is clearly flaired with "rule 1" which is the all powerful rule "no politics" and keep in mind it would have also been deleted from /r/politics, and a lot quicker, for not being "explicitly political." Nice gap, eh?

Calm down dumbass

Wow! You told him!

But I literally NEVER hear anything critical of the US government on Reddit.


I love your determination to comment in a sub you obviously don't like/care about. Why is it sitting in /r/all? Maybe you don't understand how subreddits work..... You see, enough people vote for a post.... and well never mind, its not going to help you.

Edit. Never mind, checked your post history. Troll.

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pol is an even worse echo chamber than reddit.

dissenting opinion? no you must be a jew/shill/nigger/arab

There is no discussion and most of it's userbase is under 18, they have a very simplified view of politics and it shows.


halfchan is deader than reddit.

Or maybe people realize that OP is grasping at straws..

That's possibly the same user that was behind /u/ThePieOfSauron. They probably work for the DNC or some "left wing" political action committee, and they're probably actually a Hillary supporter.

You don't know what you're talking about, unfortunately. Mods are volunteers.

actually no. propaganda scope is to change your mind on how you see things. they use emotions to do this.

one rule to understand life from now on.

emotions beats logic/reason.

I've seen it several times now. You get too popular, you sell out or get taken over. Simple as that.

Might be better than what we've got.