The terrorist attack in Paris is a false flag attack

0  2015-11-13 by [deleted]



So we just assume everything is fake? Isn't that just as meaningless as assuming everything is real?

This weak argument has been done to death.

To declare something, you need evidence. Where is the evidence?

Where's the evidence for it not being a false flag? Lies and violence have always been the weapons of the powers that be.

Where's the evidence for it not being a false flag?

Thats a different dicussion. If op is going to make a declaration, on this of all subs there should be to back it up with evidence.

Have you noticed the sub you're in?

Have you noticed the sub you're in?

I said on this sub, there should be evidence. Shouldnt this sub be about critical and skeptical thinking of all ideas, not just the msm narrative?

Shouldnt this sub be about critical and skeptical thinking of all ideas

Absolutely. Critical thinking involves knowing when you're being lied to.

If it's on the MSM, it's a lie.

Absolutely. Critical thinking involves knowing when you're being lied to.

No, its about evaluating everything you are told, and then determing what is truth and what is false.

If it's on the MSM, it's a lie.

And if its on the internet?

Where is the evidence that it was not a operation controlled by somali pirates? (lern to argue brother!!!)

And yet you're still making it...

You're right, sorry, I shouldn't be arguing for critical thought. I'll try to just react without thinking from now on.

Why make this post if you're not going to give a single example? I certainly wouldn't be surprised if it was a false flag, for whatever reason, but it's dumb to simply rule out any other possibilities.

Check the comments

France threatened to drop out of ttip negotiations. It was said that this would be the end for this deal for europe.

how would a terrorist attack change their policy on TTIP?

Basically that‘s saying, we‘re not going to pay you protection money.

This is explaining why they should.

that's like admitting that the terrorists are under their command

I think you're getting it.

Next time you claim to stub your toe will it be a false flag?

It barely even happened and you're already spouting conspiracy theories. Whatever happened to "checking the evidence?" It's all a conspiracy is it? Grow the fuck up.

Ohhoh, here come the downvotes from the "open-minded" conspiracy theorists. And by downvoting, you essentially agree that 2 hrs after the attack it is a false flag. That this guy has a point and should be defended. Good grief.

Why are you on this subreddit?

That's nice but it's still a false flag

Ever wonder if government agents promote these theories immediately following a tragedy to make conspiracy theorists look like shitheads to everybody else?

Im just asking questions man.

No one seems to even consider this possibility

My first thought was "what did FR do this week to piss the US off?".

Sad that the world has come to this kind of bullying.

Any discussion here of the Paris Climate talks being just two weeks away? Now I wonder who would want to stir up such chaos and confusion right before an international meeting on climate change?...

This post is a false flag attack on this sub.

Have you even been to Paris? To you the whole thing is an episode of CSI

Ad hominem

True, I'm just angry and came here to pick a fight. I'll leave.

Is it too early to declare the Paris shooting/explosions a false flag

Of course not. It never is. I believe we should declare all attacks on Western targets false flags in advance, to save time.

Not sure if you're being sarcastic here or not

It is too early but if something is happening in the middle of a concert there has to be some phone recorded videos.

In what ways are signs appearing? Elaborate...

I've read that the security forces at the stadium already knew about a serious threat but nevertheless let the match happen

Also, the MSM is already throwing around words such as "extremism" and "terrorism" = Muslims/ISIS usual scapegoats + the shooter allegedly screamed "Allahu Akbar"

The recent flood of Syrian refugees in Europe will also prove to be a good scapegoat

The entire story already stinks to high heavens

The German team received bomb threats last night and was evacuated from the hotel. However these kinds of "pranks" happen often when teams travel to disrupt their rest and mess up their game fitness.

My sentiments exactly

Obama and the MSM are already calling it a terrorist attack. Of course it's a FF.

What else should it be? A friendly BBQ with beers and AK47?

A friendly BBQ with beers and AK47

This sounds like a typical BBQ in 'Merica! Lol

My kind of BBQ.

It appears to be a well-coordinated military or paramilitary assault. Those aren't "terrorists". They're state actors or pros of some kind.

well-coordinated? Just give a bunch of people some weapons and tell them where and when to shoot. This is not rocket science.


Multiple targets were hit at the same time. They even had intel about where the French president would be.

tell them

Who's doing the telling? That indicates a command structure, doesn't it?

Multiple targets were hit at the same time

Have you ever heard of these pretty new inventions called "clock" and "mobile phone"?

It was a game between germany and france. There are always high ranking politicians present at those events.

That indicates a command structure, doesn't it?

Yes, it does. But what is so suspicious about this?

But what is so suspicious about this?

A command structure indicates paramilitary or mercs, not a bunch of yahoo "terrorists".

Who says that there are only "yahoo" terrorists? Perhaps there are also some intelligent terrorists?

Perhaps there are also some intelligent terrorists?

Intelligent terrorists get paid. They're pros. They're called "police", "mercenaries", etc.

Why do you think there are no legit intelligent terrorists?

There are legit intelligent terrorists. I said they get paid.

The local football club has a command (or management ) structure and runs events to a schedule. Doesnt make it para military

It makes it professional.

So if regular parents can run a club in a professional manner, theres no way for other people to coordinate attacks?

It's amazing how this story unfolds. Truly amazing how they're pulling the strings in front of our eyes

Even more amazing, and sad, is watching so many people get hoodwinked by it. Every. Single. Time.

Fuck off.

to where

Two words describe this latest incident... FALSE FLAG or more aptly Faux Drapeau. Don't think so? Spend some time here: and brush up on how state-sponsored and initiated terror works. Operation Gladio 2.0 is in full effect.

The terrorists themselves are genuine jihadist fanatics. But they are also tools of those who want an excuse for "boots on the ground" to depose Assad and break up Syria.

It could have been. You have to look at the reaction and ask who it benefits. Defense contractors always benefit from foreign wars. People looking to limit rights and condense power benefit. Banks benefit and militaries benefit because it means their size must be sustained or increased which provides them more resources. The press benefit from increased consumption as do companies who buy commercial time. In fact the entire establishment benefits.

I think that too.

Conspiracy theories often crop up during times of uncertainty and fear: after terrorist strikes, financial crises, high-profile deaths and natural disasters. Past research suggests that if people feel they don’t have control over a situation, they’ll try to make sense of it and find out what happened. “The sense-making leads them to connect dots that aren’t necessarily connected in reality,”

Yeah because this totally bears the stamp of a joint CIA/Mossad/French operation. Give me a fucking break.

But its the Sabbath.

Is it a coincidence that South Park aired an episode about ISIS literally the night before this Paris attack happened?

I appreciate your effort in putting forth information, but that would appear to be a coincidence indeed.

That's exactly what Matt and Trey want you to think.



Hey Bee, the idea of 'false flag' doesn't imply the event was fake (although that happens in some false flag operations), it only means that the perpetrators are government or corporate interests pretending to be terrorists or 'foreigners'. For example, if 911 was a false flag, which many credible people believe it was, this would be the case. No one is debating whether many people lost there lives and that it was horrible, just that the official story about who was behind it is intentionally misleading. Too soon to tell with this of course, but with the climate talks two weeks away there is certainly a strong corporate motive.