Something is very, very wrong with what is going on in Paris. I keep seeing the same video over and over - in a technologically advanced city with millions of camera phones why are there not more eyewitness videos on YT??

19  2015-11-14 by verocorde

I've done a few searches in French:

Attentat Du Vendredi 13 Novembre Paris 2015

There are a few vids, but I can't seem to load them.

Something else is ominous about this whole thing, like 9/11 it feels very, very wrong.


Now, people choose some weird fucking times to record shit. However, if you're getting fucking shot at, I don't give a fuck how many cellphone cameras are around. There's not going to be a whole lot of available recordings.

Worthless poor quality no substance video where cameraman can't hold still and focus on anything revealing whatsoever:

And you just described why the MSM isn't running these videos. They look like shit.

There is this one outside the Bataclan, but it is very strange and unnatural looking with suspiciously poor film quality.

What the hell is that hopping guy doing, choose a fucking direction.

How about the guy hanging from the window like spider man. That would take some real strength and stamina.

he was injured, notice the leg.


I'm interested in video, I'm not finding much. In a city of millions with millions of cel phones, I'm just having a hard time finding videos. Where are they?

I don't know who the attackers are, and without evidence neither does anyone else. Show me the handheld video - friday night in the city of lights there should be more then a handful.

Again, feels off.

When life is in danger, the last thing you think about is grabbing a camera out to record....yes, when someone else's life is in danger, they do...but when you hear gun shots, generally you want to get to safety first.

I'm sure, in time, there will be plenty of CCTV footage release, but at the moment, I think people are just trying to get their shit together.

We will see. CCTVs should have something for sure, has there been any pics, or vids of perpetrators at this point?

Go to LiveLeak and you'll see that's false

Look, I'm not a bedroom warrior...I've been in the British army for 13 years and served two tours of Afghanistan...I know what it's like to have my life and others put in danger....the last thing people would want to do when shit hits the fan is grab their camera....footage exists mostly because of helmet cameras that are permy on.

You have a city with millions of residents. In the real modern world people take revealing clean images and videos, not something out of Dealey Plaza 1963. No one would necessarily expect to see one looking down the barrel of a gun. By how about a few one taken by a local of a dead terrorist after the hide-your-women-and children suicide pack went off? Images like that have excellent commercial value, there is an incentive to take them.

Another grainy, poor quality video in the dark from the Dealey Plaza school of filming. Hard to believe it is 2015 looking at these films. Guy sending tweet calls it intense, but we are seeing a pattern of little substance:

Photo of guy with bloodied shirt who looks little worse for the wear.

There is this jerky, grainy poor quality video starting at 0:45-ending at 0:54. Not exactly sure what it shows other than just some confusion.

Another poor quality video showing confusion and an "injured?" lady with her leg pointed straight up into the air.

Keeps the blood rushing to the torso. Should have had her stick her figures into the entrance wound and stuffed the back with whatever. If it was femoral then toss in a belt 4 inches above the wound.

Source: Cub/Boy Scouts and avid shooter. Standard gun shot procedure if intimidate help isn't around.

Edit: I would have both legs elevated. Though after being shot one is not normally of stable mind and she may not have known what she was doing other than relieving pressure from the wound by elevating her leg..

Video in dark showing SWAT police carrying off wounded or dead male. Other people emerge from a building hands in the air.

Another bizarre video flipped on it's side. Film quality is a bit better, but really is more for effect, doesn't show anything of substance. There is so much of this filming going on that only the most hardened conspiracy researcher would carry on.

Looks like this cameraman was trying to zero in on some form or activity on the ground, but was chased off by security:

several people were dragging people away, the guy that was hopping appeared to be injured.

Because every Parisian citizen was in on it. Duh!

You people are positively absurd.

Because it would be in bad taste to air the murders of innocents?

Reminds me of the Boston bombing hoax.