Why aren't we seeing any cellphone footage from the concert that was invaded or the resulting hostage situation?

81  2015-11-14 by [deleted]



I thought the same thing. Security footage, cell phone, t.v. cameras????

All those videos and not one single image of any of the attackers

Probably because they had people with guns telling them to get the fuck down. I doubt you'd be brave enough to then get up and stick your phone in one of those gunners faces.


the videos i did see were filmed by very brave people

So why didn't we a similar thing with hebdo shooting...? I mean some guy on a roof was able to record the shooter pulling up and start firing.... Guess no one with guns around? According to your theory?

Some guy on a roof doesn't sound anything like some guy inside of a theater?

Right!!!! So you would think that with so many people focusing on a single point of entertainment one... dare I say two might whip out there phone and start recording..... You know since some random guy on a roof did and he wasn't in some sort of crowd.....

There were 1500 people who all of a sudden had to run for their lives because 10% of them were being actively captured and killed. You don't think it makes sense that people just kind of ran for their lives rather than record for youtube?

A guy on a roof is safe.

edit nvm there's footage now. https://www.youtube.com/verify_controversy?next_url=/watch%3Fv%3DqtdnovCHbWs

Most artist of this caliber have a recording crew that usually is always around filming. Is that footage unavailable? Did the theater have any security cameras? I would assume so, where is that footage?

Maybe their first response isnt to post it on the internet?

Ikr. What's most concerning to me is the "professional style" attacker who still is on the run.

Your response when someone is shooting at you won't be record it with your cellphone, it will be to run and cover, since unfortunately French people are disarmed and sitting ducks basically. If they had guns and a gun culture and several people had guns maybe they would have been able to protect themselves and others!

Ugh the part where that guy is carrying his friend to safety made me tear up..

MAN! That got me pretty good. Didn't finish my breakfast.

Holy shit. Okay, well that does look real. Still no footage from inside the theatre, though. And a false flag is not ruled out.

The attacks happened less than 24 hours ago. They aren't going to realease people being torn apart by bullets immediately just because some people on the internet want to confirm their worldview that everything is fake unless they see/touch/experience everything for themselves.

The terrible taiwan night club fire recently was of apocalyptic proportions. The organisers sprayed colored mist that went flambe and caused a fireball that killed many. Cellphone vides were up soon after that incident....

Nobody is going to be filming when there are armed gunmen around. Neither would you be. How is the lack of footage even slightly surprising?

Somebody would have had their camera on when it started pointed in the right direction out of 1500 people.

Every rock concert is like this now.

Because that was actually a legit incident

9/11 was legit. The government had no idea it was gonna happen. All a coincidence.

Ohhh I see

edit: uh /s


Wise words.

WTF is with that dude in all black hanging off the window still?

It was a pregnant woman trying to not get her face blown apart.

How did she climb up there?

She climbed DOWN. Really dude?

...................................... Why? It seems to be a residential apartment.

Why are you constantly down voting me? It's the same building that they had taken the hostages. People were trying to escape. I'm out of this exchange you if this is what you have to offer.

Sorry Bob

The Bataclan is a concert hall. There aren't apartments above it.

The people getting killed is very much real, people died last night man, that was real. It is the attackers that we know nothing about, no footage of them, nothing to indicate it was ISIS or the boogey man. No leaked footage from inside the theatre so far - however, there is a clip of inside the Bataclan when the first gun shots rang out.. with that said the camera was aiming at the band and you couldn't see shit.


This is an excellent question that no one in the msm is asking.

If you've ever been to a concert, there is at a minimum, 15 people filming the show at all times. Not to mention the show is always recorded by the venue for security purposes.

Where is this footage? Are we going to get Sandy Hooked again? It's just too graphic?

We are entering a new paradigm where people immediately respond to news with emotion which proceeds to cloud any rational thought.

This is the actual question, are the global elites willing to set up events so tragic...so horrendous and hateful that it is almost impossible to think about the true origins of the event?

Think Sandy Hook, Boston Marathon, hell even the Holocaust...anyone who even questions what the MSM reports is shunned. Do we have to think about international terror events like this for every one in the future? Reality is a bitch.


I never said I doubted it. I do believe it happened there is too much history to prove otherwise. What I am trying to get at is the mere questioning of events that appear so tragic results in backlash. And for a free-thinking society this is not a good thing at all.

According to red cross death records from WWII, there were no millions...


his confession is blood soaked. not particularly reliable evidence.

We know it was fake, bro. Gas chambers are what stuck, masturbation machines, soap and lampshades didn't work.

Are we going to get Sandy Hooked again?

I'm getting that vibe

:( ya

ok. that's kinda real.

No shit its real. Jesus.

Perhaps what happened is that a bunch if cowardly assholes killed a lot of unarmed people in the name of Islam.

you can't see it for reasons they can't tell us. you know, national security and all.

compare it to the beirut bombing the other day..

That bomb that went off which you can hear from the stadium footage....where did that bomb go off?

no idea, there was a news article earlier that showed a bunch of guys in hazmat like suits inspecting a suicide bomber's belt. It was in a cafe, I'm not sure if this was one that did not detonate since the windows in the cafe were not shattered. It seems no one cares about the stadium bombs, even though the fucking president was in the stadium. It just isn't being covered at all. No idea where they went off, how much damage it caused, no real information at all.

One was detonated at a security checkpoint when the guy was frisked and the found the explosives, the others were detonated outside the stadium, presumably outside the radius where security was paying attention.

So some one starts firing randomly into a crowd and your think someone should have took out their cell and start filming. Fuck off

Some people would have surely been recording the concert though?

Smart guy

and kept recording when 3 armed terrorists barges in and starts shooting ? Super smart guy ;)

Anyway there's a footage of people running away from the Bataclan and getting shot down, filmed by a woman on the opposite building, for those of you who cares to have a look :)

I think the average person would avoid uploading such a terrible event.

Insane video, I was actually referring to the vast majority who were inside the club however.

It's hard to imagine people getting shot down in a pitch black club with everyone in panic and low and behold one guy standing in the middle of everything filming.

If you are going to a concert to have your phone in your hand the entire day you should stay as far away from a concert as possible. This people kill the vibe.

Have you ever been to a concert in the last years? Every 4th person is filming.

People in this sub want to find a conspiracy in everything. At this point I think it's a coping mechanism for people who can't handle the fact that bad things happen.

OP clearly never "ran for his life" from shotgun-equipped terrorists before.

Really, no one was filming already when it all started? Or cctv?

But anyway, I do think people were actually slain, I no longer think this was a hoax the way other events have been. But, I do wonder if ISIS is controlled by higher powers who use it as a very effective tool for political and social control. And if they are not, they should start doing that because it would be very effective..

You would like someone to leak the cctv footage of kids getting killed?, chill out man, the blood is still warm, families are torn apart, they don't need to show that footage

I think its strange too. When that crazy guy was cutting off the head of that guy in England there was all kinds of videos of it. It didn't seem to matter to the public to run or get out of that lunitics way. Instead they just kept filming. Why is this one different?

I can understand how cell phones are collected but odds are someone slips through the cracks and something is shown on video. I don't even see a video of anything as the aftermath. All those targets and no one even seems to show a video that I can find of even an ambulance driving down the road.

It's due to the fact that you're in a crowded , dark room, you would put your phone down if you heard shooting and rioting in a pitch black club as well.

The fact that people can't wrap this around their heads is mind blowing.

I think what I cant wrap my head around is not footage of the actual event but limited videos of the aftermath. It doesn't have to be cell phone footage of being in the theater. Wheres the footage outside the theater after everything has stopped? Also there was multipale targets, one being a suicide bomber. But I don't see any thing that shows the rubble etc.

It doesn't really matter to me not to see videos. I just thought it was strange.

I think people have a hard time putting this in perspective. If you were a witness or any part of a terrorist attack 99% of the people involved in the incident will flee in terror immediately. They would not stick around and take photos of the scene due to shock and just in pure fear of the situation to escalate and continue.

I asked, on another thread, if anyone had seen any images of the carnage that couldn't have been easily faked. Immediately downvoted.

Still haven't seen a single image that supports the story.

Learn how to google

The band members got out and no interview yet. There should be loads of witness explaining what they saw.

To be fair, the band was probably removed from stage right after the security team confirmed that something was happening. They couldn't have seen anything further than maybe 20 feet in front of the stage.

Probably because it has been a day since it actually happened, give it some time before you put on your tin foil hat.

Try the front page

I posted this yesterday

I gotta say you make a strong point. I am sure this thing was an "inside job" by those who want world forces to attack Syria. but I can not tell if the death is real or not. A lot of it appears staged. But some of the witness statements were so from the heart, Though perhaps they just have some decent writers over there. As apposed to whoever writes for the fake stuff over here. But yeah --- I'm really trying to find signs either way. Staged death/ real death? I can not tell. Right now I think some real some staged. tho why they'd go halfsies I don't know either. poor France - the psy-trauma real either way.

I think it was 'real', but I don't have an opinion on who's behind it. And what I mean by that is, I don't know who's behind ISIS

The ones who filmed are probably dead.

False flag or not. Being caught up in that sort of thing is no fun. I got stuck in the Boston bombing bulllshit and even if that was a setup, fake and so on, it was goddamn terrifying to me

You really need to learn how to access YouTube or Live Leak etc... shit even /r/worldnews

I did check those sources at the time of posting

This is the world we live in..the media have probably been instructed not to buy any footage in the name of common decency. Individuals will do either, a; upload to YouTube and the have the post removed or be scorned for such insensitivity or b; feel ashamed and guilty for having the footage so will never post online.

there is a video on reddit

Because they were to busy fighting for their lives.

Human decency?

That doesn't exist here.

Almost as though it wasn't supposed to be a real concert, but some kind of police or military exercise.


Rule 4. No abusive language. Removed.

I don't know if it's as simple as that, because it was a real band that was on tour. But I think the band got out of the venue really quickly. And maybe nobody actually died, they just fired blanks, then held the 'hostages', and had some planted actors at the concert who pretend to get shot?? Idk, but even in that case, there would be some footage, right??

really nigga ..

Hey man, they faked Sandy Hook, they can do it again. They blew up the twin towers...

Sandy Hook wasn't done in front of a live audience though...I could see that being more likely at Aurora. My initial reaction was that there's not much video from in there simply because anyone who was in there was probably fearing for their lives and running out or playing dead.

That being the case...you would think maybe someone would be recording the concert on their phone when the gunfire begins to erupt? Not sure if we'd get the footage anyway. Were the attacks outdoors and explosions the Twin Towers, and the situation in the theater was Flight 93? I personally doubt it right now, but you can't help but wonder, especially since C(ISIS)A is claiming responsibility. Awful stuff that happened in Paris, regardless of what anybody thinks, gotta feel terrible for anyone with loved ones involved.

Video from inside when gunfire erupted has now come out. The scenes outside the theater are pretty horrific. Hard for me to grasp that the hostage situation was a lie when there were already so many people getting killed for real.


Rule 10. No personal attacks. Removed.

You can't actually believe that. Smh some people on this sub actually need mental help

Maybe the question isn't so much whether there was any, as it's SOP for such venues to surveil shows for security and insurance purposes, but why it's being kept secret.

She climbed DOWN. Really dude?

Some guy on a roof doesn't sound anything like some guy inside of a theater?