There is some obvious gang down voting going on in r/conspiracy right now. They are hitting all the very relevant and revealing posts about the so called Paris "terrorist" attack.

145  2015-11-15 by jimmyb207


Or maybe there are just others like me, fed up with the knee-jerk shrieking of "false flag! Mossad!" after every incident, and without the slightest shred of meaningful evidence.

There are no crisis actors involved in this, no smoke and mirrors, no trickery. It was a real attack and people died.


Yep. There were four attacks this week and a lot of casualties. Hopefully it's not the start of a bigger threat. The first thing MSNBC discussed after the attacks was how New York should be on alert. France was (still is?) in martial law to find possible other shooters. That could happen in other countries as well. The US did it in Boston. Yes it's fear mongering, but the world feels vulnerable and they're prepping people to allow it in the name of safety.


Boston's response of going door-to-door in neighboring towns with tanks and automatic weapons because of two pressure cooker bombs, allegedly planted by two Chechen brothers who self-radicalized, who were under FBI surveillance, where the live footage shows strange physical and anatomical anomolies... is the right thing to do.

two Chechen brothers

whose uncle was married/divorced to a CIA dept directors daughter (Graham Fuller).

never forget the Uncle Ruslan connection.

I LOVED Uncle Ruslan.

Such good quotes.


Rule 6. No caps lock. Removed.

Illuminati because France refused to let taco bell take over lyon


Rule 6. No caps lock. Removed.

so was 9/11 ... that doesn't mean it's any less orchestrated.

There are no crisis actors involved in this, no smoke and mirrors, no trickery. It was a real attack and people died.

Yes, there is no doubt that it was a real attack, and there is no doubt that those who perpetrated the attacks with guns and suicide bombings were genuine Muslim Jihadist fanatics who were committed to killing and dying for "the cause".

The question is, who planned and orchestrated the attacks, and armed and equipped these terrorists? Did these fanatic terrorists know who they were working for?

Why is this a valid question?

Guardian, UK:

Government agents 'directly involved' in most high-profile US terror plots

Nearly all of the highest-profile domestic terrorism plots in the United States since 9/11 featured the "direct involvement" of government agents or informants, a new report says.

Some of the controversial "sting" operations "were proposed or led by informants", bordering on entrapment by law enforcement. Yet the courtroom obstacles to proving entrapment are significant, one of the reasons the stings persist.


"In some cases the FBI may have created terrorists out of law-abiding individuals by suggesting the idea of taking terrorist action or encouraging the target to act," the report alleges.


The four high-profile domestic plots it found FREE of government involvement were the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing; Najibullah Zazi's 2009 plot to bomb the New York subway; the attempted Times Square carbombing of 2010; and the 2002 shooting at Los Angeles International Airport's El Al counter.

The FBI uses "informants" (usually other Muslims that they have by the balls) to seek out and recruit gullible losers with a fanatic bent, and cons them into helping to "plan" acts of terror. The clowns that they hook are usually broke loners of limited mental capacity, and so the "informants" and their handlers usually have to do all of the planning, find them the "weapons" (usually fakes) that they'll use, and often even supplies them with phones, transportation, and even pays the fucking rent. They run the scam all the way to the point of "completion", and then turn around and "bust" these "terrorists", making high-profile announcements of Another Terror Plot Foiled by FBI.

The point is that these suckers believed all along that they were working with genuine "Brothers", and that they were going to "strike the infidels for Allah".

So, what would prevent some other "special interest" group from using the FBI's playbook - recruiting gullible fanatics, supplying them with REAL weapons, sending them to targets, and setting them loose to commit murder and mayhem?

While there is no doubt that the attacks were real, and the attackers sincere (willing to die for "the cause", the people who planned and organized the Paris attacks and provided the weapons need not have been any more genuine Jihadists than the FBI informants and handlers that duped the idiots here in the states.

When something like this happens, we naturally ASSUME that the attacks were carried out by Muslim fanatics - but we should consider that there may be OTHER "interested parties" who might benefit from the ensuing chaos, the emotional outrage, and the REACTIONS by both governmental and private parties that will most surely follow.

As always, the first and most important question we need to ask is WHO BENEFITS?

ISIS? Sure, they'll be partying hearty as the bombs and missiles rain down on their heads from French, British, US, and Russian forces. SUCCESS!!! ???

Realistically, what advantage would they hope to gain by pulling off an act like this?

We need to take a step back and recall that things are not always as they seem. There are other parties and motives that must be considered.

this was the best post I've read since it happened. you summed up everything I believe to be true but haven't been able to articulate anywhere near as well as you just did. thank you

edit autocorrect bastard


It's quite frustrating to see that the vast majority of people simply gobble up whatever slop the "authorities" and the media dump into their feed-tough - without bothering to sniff, let alone chew.

I had hoped, long ago, that the increased availability of information in the digital age would have freed us from this bondage.

Apparently I was wrong.

How else do you dilute actual false flags but to claim every incident is so...or simply shitposting obvious clickbait is the new norm.

I file the false flag reactionaries under partially retarded, like that daboo77 guy...EVERYTHING is a false flag...even the fake snow that the government dumps on us each year...inside our flat earth dome...the "I don't know anything about science or math..but I saw it on the History channel, so it has to be partially true and my feels" crowd.

It's almost as if the first moron to scream false flag wins a set of steak knives or something...

I file the false flag reactionaries under partially retarded

Read this:

Lavon Affair

The Lavon Affair refers to a failed Israeli covert operation, code named Operation Susannah, conducted in Egypt in the Summer of 1954. As part of the false flag operation,[1] a group of Egyptian Jews were recruited by Israeli military intelligence to plant bombs inside Egyptian, American and British-owned civilian targets, cinemas, libraries and American educational centers. The bombs were timed to detonate several hours after closing time. The attacks were to be blamed on the Muslim Brotherhood, Egyptian Communists, "unspecified malcontents" or "local nationalists" with the aim of creating a climate of sufficient violence and instability to induce the British government to retain its occupying troops in Egypt's Suez Canal zone.

More at the link - and there are many other examples where false-flag strategies have been employed.

If a false-flag is SUCCESSFUL, you'll never know that it WAS a false-flag. The only ones we know with certainty to be false-flags are those that FAIL.

To assume that EVERYTHING is a false flag would be silly - but failing to consider the possibility that unseen third-party actors may be involved would be negligent and irresponsible.

One thing happened on 1954 so now everything that happened after isn't real?

One thing happened on 1954 so now everything that happened after isn't real?

The "one thing" cited above was an example.

Read this.

Pay particular attention to this section.

Bear in mind what I said above: "If a false-flag is SUCCESSFUL, you'll never know that it WAS a false-flag. The only ones we know with certainty to be false-flags are those that FAIL."

I hope that clarifies things for you.

Whoa, snow isn't real? And we can win steak knives? I've been missing the whole point of this sub.

To be honest, the steak knives are for JTRIG staff only.

I love when people feel something has to be true!

Like why have we developed all kinds of investigative methods?!?

If people feel, it HAS to be true.. Research is a waste of time

Don't shoot us down. Sooner or later we're going to catch one and some very deserving people are going to finally get strung up.


I have more than a shred of acquired knowledge, that's why I know only fucking idiots claim false flag before the dust has settled. Seriously, you would have to be the biggest fucking dumbshit on the planet to say you know something before their is a "shred" of evidence...don't be that guy...

Seriously, you would have to be the biggest fucking dumbshit on the planet to say you know something before their is a "shred" of evidence...don't be that guy...

Like when British PM Cameron claimed that ISIS brought down the Russian plane over the Sinai without being able to provide any supporting evidence?

Oh, wait, the Mossad heard "chatter", or so they claim. MUST be true, then!


..don't be that guy...

Literally impossible. All non-employees of the NSA have exactly opinion opinion on every topic.

Me too. I downvote all that shit. It's just dumb. I put these people on the same level as that one dude who keeps posting about the earth being flat.


I don't think you read what the comment was I was responding to.

fed up with the knee-jerk shrieking of "false flag! Mossad!" after every incident, and without the slightest shred of meaningful evidence.

You can't just call every single event that happens a false flag. I downvote all posts that don't have a single shred of evidence and that are just people posting for the sake of being the first person to "call it."

That's what the SJW MSM wants you to believe. NWO, man.


Rule 6. No caps lock. Removed.

like clock work

LOL, "gang down voting."

Also known as "two or more people who disagree with me."

Welcome to the real world, OP. It's not an echo chamber. I know, the womb was comfortable and you want to go back. Other people with their own opinions is scary, but I think you will adjust in time.

I was speaking in defense of other peoples posts. I dont give a fuck if people disagree with my opinion. I dont get offended. But when specific posts are getting downvoted way beyond what is considered even extreme normal, I'll make myself free to speak my mind...but since you dont have one you missed the point entirely.

/u/jimmyb207 /u/IntellisaurDinoAlien
/u/Path-Of-Light /u/dingodego /u/sesameseed88

as much as I don't want to come of as a whiny baby but yes I've noticed it too. VERY little take off from r/conspiracy/new beyond single digit net votes. I had several posts in /r/conspiracy hours ago, and they never made it past 2 net upvotes. What I found very suspicious was that I was refreshing my posts every few minutes and I could see the total votes fluctuate between 12 - 14 votes and the net votes would be 0, 1 and 2. I am guessing my posts were being maintained at 0-2 votes to minimize visibility. I literally watched

12 votes at net=0 one minute, then

13 votes* at **net=1, then later

12 votes at net=0, then

14 votes at net=2, and so on and so forth.

I accept that my posts might be of poor quality but there is no way total votes could remain within 12-14 bound if the net votes kept changing consistently, without some sort of vote manipulation unless it's a unknown purely technical reddit mechanism which I am not aware of. Also someone is shadowbanned in this thread, before I submit this there are 6 comments but only 5 of you guys are shown

The very first comment was the shadow ban. I have to say this Paris attack is some of the most fucked shit up I have seen since 9/11. Where is all the cell phone footage from the people that were there??

Some of the so called "proof" video appears to be only bullshit fake decoys put on youtube. The real r/conspiracy community needs to be on this one like flies on horse shit. Keep researching...we will find the truth.

Except that there have been several cellphone footages which have been shown on french tv. The most striking one is from a woman who was hiding in a room upstairs in a building just opposite of the Bataclan and was filming people rushing out of the bataclan to be shot down and others trying to climb up the bataclan building to get to safety in the rooms upstairs

All the videos are so vague. Like strange locations, poor quality, short, etc... plus there arent that many of them

On behalf of all those victims, I would like to apologize to you solemnly for not making a documentary out of the killings, with full interviews with the killers and frame by frame commentary, for you own satisfaction.

I hope you find it in you to forgive them...


Rule 6. No caps lock. Removed.

Where is all the cell phone footage from the people that were there??

How dare they flee to safety? Those bastards should have been hanging around and getting you some prime footage!!! Maybe a few bodies in the video too for good measure, AMIRITE??

You've got it so wrong. It's not "how dare they" or those "bastards should've" as you would like to twist my statements into. In these times and during big events people always manage to take video even at great risk to themselves. You are trying very hard to dismiss a hard set pattern that people have been setting for many years now.

There is phone footage, but mostly people were just running in terror away from the maniacs shooting them.

Did you see the maniacs who were shooting them? Has anyone taken footage of said maniacs except maybe secret video that nobody is seeing?

Keep researching...we will find the truth.

And by truth you mean any story that sounds good enough, as long as it is not the official one?

Because somehow it is more likely it was perfectly orchestrated, than the "impossibility" that people was not filming as they ran away from bullets.

ISIS "perfectly orchestrates" nothing. If the official story is the truth, it will hold up to the scrutiny and questioning of those who have every right to do so.

there's always a lot of downvoting on conspiracy

After the third liveleak video in a row that was prefaced with the words: "chilling" "brutal" or the ever-increasing-in-popularity "couldn't finish" -- in which clicking on said video(s) yields a 40-50 second clip, filmed from a cell-phone, at a distance of 200+ feet, showing less than nothing for visuals; leading to my paradoxic pontification of the 1,274+ comments being absent of any reflectionary insight beyond the "terrorist brazenly firing his ak-47," -- which unfortunately amounts to a familiarity in the decibel department of bubble-wrap-breakdown.

This been going on at least since the PAO shit started and even before that we had trolls that are paid shills just to make us look insane.

Anything suggesting Israeli/Mossad involvement in the attacks gets downvoted immediately.

Anything showing the proof of Mossad involvement in Charlie Hebdo gets downvoted instantly.

Link to said proof?


We are mere citizens. It is unfair to hold a high expectation for evidence when you know that 99% of the people on here are in no position to provide proof that would actually expose the whole operation. That doesn't mean we should not discuss the theories though.

Words of wisdom from /u/Allah_Is_A-Faggot.

LOL. Says the guy with 7 upvotes and 0 self-awareness, in a thread with 65 upvotes.

I've noticed this too. Check your comments sections.

I noticed this too, scrolling down hard to find new stuff. Looks like we're doing something right and upsetting the right people :D

Thanks for being so brave.

I was looking through r/all for a change of scenery and didn't see a single thread from here, have we been muted?


I'd be ok with this sub not being on r/all ever tbh, it just brings in a raft of idiot children thinking they're funny with steel beams and sheeple comments. The downvotes are probably coming from mentions in news/worldnews by the dildos at topminds as well as the usual state actors trying to keep us from pointing out the obvious discrepancies.