Confirmed: French Government Knew Extremists BEFORE Attack

27  2015-11-15 by axolotl_peyotl


French government like many western governments, is compromised. If tptb can getaway with princesses Diana murder then this is piece of cake.

Also no footage has been released to my knowledge.

This might seem inconsequential to many readers, but in informed researching circles it is well-known that the information that comes out shortly after the event is usually the most reliable.

Since when?

Since the mass media twists and turns every news article according to their agenda. Edit. Down voting me like it isn't true? Open your eyes sheeple. They are leading you to your own demise.

All of these are controlled, I'm sure.

You and I are in a bank. I am in a back office, and you are in the lobby. Three gunmen walk in, and one immediately heads to the back. I have only seen one. You have seen three. Who is correct. Neither of us. Because there was a fourth out front guarding the door. Witnesses get things wrong.

But that website, and that guy, are not.

I'm not saying there not but there is some truth out there. Like aliens, you just have to believe.

We should believe what YOU believe, right?

Don't put words in my mouth.

What do question marks mean?

Not a damn thing.

There are probably hundreds of thousands of extremist sympathising Muslims across Europe who's names are on the list of security services. It doesn't mean that there are resources to track them all 24/7. The issue here is that you have got yourself in a muddle and believe that the state/security services are way way more powerful than reality. There are always people who will slip through the net and the fact that there names were on a list proves jack shit.

I also don't hear anyone calling false flag on the ISIS attack in Lebanon three days ago...

Either it was a false flag or they messed up.

It can't be both.

Sure it can. You can't plan for every variable. This isn't a game.