...You realize this subreddit reads like satire, don't you?

0  2015-11-16 by [deleted]



The world is evil

just not those with the most weapons, funding and history of violence...those guys are good...


The TSA serves the purpose its supposed to serve, they harass the populace as they are trained to.

Just because you don't understand what social engineering is and take what you are told at face value, doesn't make you right.

Your entire thought process has been co-opted. Government says TSA is to keep you safe,, so you believe that. Government simultaneously wants you to blame any failure on incompetence rather than malice, and you believe that too.

And then you turn around and expect others to believe what you have been lead to believe and get angry when they don't.

And you get angry because you fear that you may be wrong.


I don't disagree. They serve no purpose.

You are disagreeing, their purpose is to harass, it's part of the social engineering, which you "know" but don't have any understanding of.

I forgive you, you know not what you do.


I don't think the majority of the people are "okay" with their harassment...if they were "okay" with it, it wouldn't be considered "harassment".

I think many people understand the government bullshitted them into giving up their rights, but individually are too afraid to say shit. I think some others gave up their rights for the belief they were being kept safe.

Whether you or anyone "appoints" us; i.e. grants us leave, to use our brains and ask reasonable questions isn't the issue. We are free to do so. If you have decided to forego the hardship of using your ability at critical thinking because you are afraid where it may lead, that's your lose.

To paraphrase Tupac, who paraphrased Shakespeare, a coward dies a thousand deaths. In the long run, you just get used to not questioning anything, but it doesn't mean you are removed from the consequences.

It's not about finding explosives or ammunition on civilians, hence why they're incompetent at it.

It's about creating a culture of fear, which they achieved.

It also allows them to funnel even more money into a false agency, giving themselves even more power and influence.


Please continue with your line of thought, because I do indeed believe that it was created for that reason purposefully.


Pardon me, but I'll be retiring from this conversation now. I care little about fluffing your comment history with an idle chat that goes in circles.

Remember when you were a kid and a bully would sit on you and fart in your face?

He wasn't doing it on purpose.

hey at least you are listening and not completely rejecting everything, I commend you for that.

The world is really all chance. Nothing happens for a reason and the rich and powerful never conspire to stay in or increase their power.

Also even with access to nearly all communications the combined intelligence teams in the world cannot stop a team of all-powerful mercenaries who live in the desert, operate 1980's Radio Shack equipment, drive Toyota trucks and on a consistent basis one-up the multi-Trillion dollar funded military of a coalition of countries.

Much more reasonable...


Poorly educated religious fundamentalists are clearly unstoppable.


You drastically underestimate the ambitions of those in power.


Real power buys anonymity. Only fools crave celebrity.

You realize most conspiracy postings are disinformation, don't you?

Damn, I should have just cosigned this instead of wall-of-texting. Much more succinct and accurate.

The number of different interests, state and corporate, that engage in this tactic is kind of mind-blowing. Sometimes you'll see the same "agents" engage in it for different interests. It's really interesting.

I guess they all do it because it's historically been so effective--instead of rendering a single journalist or source as unreliable, you render anyone who questions any piece of the narrative as a nutcase. Sandy Hook was the first time I noticed it, but if you dig back, it's been used forever...

"The more outlandish the conspiracy theory being propagated, the more likely there's a real conspiracy behind it."

Really makes you wonder what the "lizard people" are meant to hide.

IMHO, "lizard people" relates to psychopathy and the "reptile" part of your brain which only works towards self-interest.

The story of St. George and the Dragon is supposed to be about a spiritual warrior slaying the animal within himself (the dragon or the snake) and attaining self-mastery. Instead, for a thousand years the Catholic Church told us it was about a dude killing a big lizard with a sword. Similar..

You made worthwhile points though.

Thanks. :) Probably lost on OP, though - judging from OP's other responses to users in this post, it looks like he/she is actually just trolling...


"you people"

"I was trolling"

Don't you have anything better to do? I mean, if this is how you amuse yourself, bully for you, I guess - but as an onlooker, I have to tell you, it just seems a really sad way to go through life.


people like the folks in /r/conspiracy are so keen to instantly jump on the "false flag" train assuming that they're government is willing to kill innocents for the sake of a political agenda.

I would suggest that you look at the answers in your thread - as a few of us are saying, your basic premise is flawed. Outlandish conspiracy theories are floated exactly to dispel attention from the more mundane and commonplace conspiracies that happen on a daily.

And there were multiple conspiracies surrounding 9/11 - just dig into it a little and use a little critical thinking (don't pay attention to the disinfo, again) - who flew out of the country immediately and who allowed it?

To close your eyes to the the fact that people conspire together to meet an end goal (typically money/power) is to walk around in denial, never bothering to watch the news, work at a company, hang out with friends or family. To be angry about others recognizing these events for what they are and/or attempting to "connect the dots" isn't healthy.

Yeah, just like those wackos who thought the CIA killed JFK.

Oh, wait...


get out of this section and go back to the front page

I would hope so. It's interesting that whenever an event happens, the usual suspects come on here and in other forums, throwing around crazy suppositions about crisis actors and disingenuously conflating the terms "false flag" and "hoax." And like clockwork, mainstream media will pick up the stories and go "Har, har, look at the crazies! Nothing to see here, folks!"

But here's why this happens - the "stupid" conspiracy theories very quickly tar anyone who wants to investigate what really happened as batshit crazy--which keeps regular people from deeper investigation, from trying to find out what the real conspiracies are and, of course, anyone from taking their totally legit accusations and discoveries seriously.

It's remarkably effective. My spouse, not a conspiracy theorist, has figured it out, when any event happens and you see this massive rush of so-called "conspiracy theorists" claiming it was a "hoax" with "crisis actors," there's a real fucking conspiracy behind it.

The stupid conspiracies are manufactured to muddy the waters. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the large number of users yelling "false flag hoax!" are actually a very small number of plants.

Another tell-tale sign of this use of black propaganda - anyone who says anything against it quickly gets attacked and downvoted - again giving the impression that everyone here believes.

Don't fall for it and learn to see it as the smoke that leads to fire. :)

Well put!!

Good now fuck off.

"you people"

"I was trolling"

Don't you have anything better to do? I mean, if this is how you amuse yourself, bully for you, I guess - but as an onlooker, I have to tell you, it just seems a really sad way to go through life.