220 Russian civilian's dead = crickets. 120 French civilian's dead = global media frenzy, world monuments change colors to French flag. And guess what: ISIS claimed responsibility for both.

403  2015-11-16 by [deleted]



Because Russia.

We've got some cold-war level bullshit going on with the propaganda and shadow war stuff where they're concerned.

No. Because of amount of radicalilty generated. Plus I reckon it's got a LOT to do with how people rationalize planes downing as a "natural" event now.

I think that's definitely part of it, there's an association between terrorism and planes that doesn't exist with rock concerts or cafes. I'd wager most people think about terrorism at least once when they go to the airport.

I also wonder how much of it was written off as just desserts because Russia gave aid to the rebels who shot down Malaysia Flight 17.

Yes, Russia denied it

Also because it didn't happen in the west...


True, but I think the problem is deeper than the cold war. Germany tried and failed, so did France.

We've got some cold-war level bullshit going on with the propaganda and shadow war stuff where they're concerned.

Indeed. Just look at all the pro-Russian propaganda that gets posted here every day.

It's obviously an orchestrated effort.

What really gets me is the countless thousands, if not millions of innocent people who have died in the Middle East due to U.S. and European war and policy...and not a single candle is lit for those people.

Don't forget Central America, South America & Africa. Yes, millions.

Edit: Ahh Asia too.

How would lighting a candle help them?

Why didn't fellow Muslims light candles?

All people have selective empathy for those they are closest to, family, friends, country, allies, others.

Selective empathy is no excuse in our global, connected world. Whether you like it or not, we're all a few clicks away from being able to see these atrocities firsthand. It's truly no different than the systematic extermination of so many races of people by fascist Nazi Germany -- at least some German citizens had the excuse of being unaware of the crimes being perpetrated in their name at the time. There is no excuse for the modern world -- the evidence is just a touchscreen tap away.

I feel worse for the innocent people of the Middle East than I do for the recent French casualties. GASP! Why? Because France chose war with Syria. Nothing forced them to get involved, except the greedy hands of the military industrial complex and the will of global policy makers.

Ultimately, the French should have been better prepared for this, because they chose to get involved in a sovereign nation's civil war. As much as I hate violence among any people, it isn't hard to see that this is a consequence of reaping what they've sown. They can call it terrorism all they want, but it isn't -- it was an infiltrated military response from the very people they've been attacking for weeks. It's naivete at its finest to think you can strategically bomb a nation, and not expect a response from those you're hostile against. That in no way justifies the actions or killing by either side, it's just a stone cold fact of warfare. We've been insulated from the real impact of war for so long that it shocks the world when it reaches our shores, when in actuality these things should be expected until we stay out of conflicts that have nothing to do with us. Through painful events like these, the peoples of the Earth will be forced to take responsibility for the violent actions of their leaders if we have any hope of ever living in a peaceful world.

I'm so sick and tired of the constant war, fear, lies, spin, and senseless death I could fucking puke.

We are connected and we're not connected. Yeah, we can see images from around the world at the click of a button, which is unprecedented in human history, but at the end of the day, we're still tribal.

We are apes, hardwired for tribal life (and war), with access to guns and YouTube. That's it. Will we ever evolve past that? I'm not sure.

so being mentally colonised isn't a thing for you? You're over simplifying everything by saying we are "hardwired" for tribal life. I don't give a fuck about french because of the same reasons as HTSMetal, because we understand (a little more than the media consuming people) what's going on. The majority of people don't, they just listen to what media tells them, so if media tells them to feel sorry for french people, they obey. My country doesn't have a connection to the french in anything but an embassy. Yet in here a lot of people gave a fuck about the "terrorist" attack. Why? we don't have anything "tribal" to connect us to them, we are not even their skin color. It's colonisation.

I understand and agree with your point. Fact is, we're going to have to become more proactive and involved in our mental evolution -- use the thinking minds we're equipped with to better override our instinctual nature. If we don't, what advances are we ever really going to make toward a truly better world?

This is one of the best comments I have ever read.

This is all to screw Russia and ultimately topple Assad. Western intelligence has no problems killing Americans/Europeans/etc. If they can keep their war/bank machine rolling on down the path they want to go, they'll do it.

To me, this stinks of another successful, covert, western military black op. It's all too convenient.

Seriously, these terrorists are careful enough to kill civilians, but no one that actually matters -- generals, multinational corporate CEOs, the 1%, i.e. the people that actually have an impact on these people's lives -- they're never the victims. And these organizations are too rich to be that stupid...

Yep, France is already bombing Syria without even consulting their government.

The collective of people who control our foreign policy are the same who control our media. This is a deliberate move to marginalize peoples who will be targeted by military action in the future (i.e. not Western and white).

Difference is one is pretty inconclusive. The other is a definable terrorist act. Terrorist acts(shootings, bombings) get more attention.

This example isn't exclusive to the Russian plane.

You can apply this to any event where masses of people are killed, for instance the train bombings in Ankara (Turkey) last month. 100 people died, but I didn't see any outrage in the world media? I didn't see any flags? Where were those Turkish flags?

IS claimed responsibility but there was/is no evidence that they carried out the attack. Of you were a terrorist organization wouldn't you take credit for anything that you could? If they got people to believe it was them then they get all the percs of carrying it out, minus the cost of actually doing it

IS claimed responsibility but there was/is no evidence that they carried out the attack.

And whats the evidence that they carried out the Paris attack?

Besides them claiming to?

Serious question. Can you link to anything?


Communications between attackers and IS leadership. Found car in suburbs with weapons cache. Of course we're taking this info from others. The truth is elusive and history is written by the winners

Of you were a terrorist organization wouldn't you take credit for anything that you could?

Wouldnt the actual terrorists, if it wasnt ISIS, take credit for it if it was their job?

I am sure every terrorist organization has a direct line to the White House.


How does ISIS take credit for it? A call to the white house? Nope, through public pronouncement. The same way another group would.

A random terrorist group having their "public pronouncement" reach the White House is the equivalent of some guy on youtube getting on CNN because he makes a video saying he saw aliens in his backyard.

Do you believe that every rag tag group of "terrorist" gets mainstream media recognition because someone points a camera at them and presses the record button?

Groups capable of blowing up a plane would.

Maybe it's because unlike a bomb on a plane, a slaughter-fest like Paris generates more fear and action because its on home soil. Peoples backyards and towns became warzones. The shock of the fact that its not something your only going to see on your tv but maybe your backyard is a stark shock to people who never seen this before. Hope i made sense there lol


I didn't say any life is less then anyone else's . All lives matter. From a social stand point its how our minds work. Regsrdless of so called brainwashing and propaganda

From a social stand point its how our minds work BECAUSE of brainwashing and propaganda.

I can sense you dont want to have a intellegent conversation and just shout brainwashing and social media at everyone. So what ever.

Could just be me, but I really only listen to the news on the way to/from work. NPR was talking about it pretty constantly. I even heard that they thought it was a bomb, and then heard that ISIS was possibly trying to claim responsibility even though there wasn't evidence for it (yet). This was all before the attacks on Paris.

It's always going to be "us against them". Keeping the normal population segregated instead of united is a great key to controlling the population of this planet while stealing from everyone and everything.

What scares me the most is the even very smart people here in the U.S. are being taken in by the relentless FOX propaganda machine. I know too many people that aren't exactly put off at the idea of "kill them all" including most people outside of the USA and the minorities within it. For instance, we are constantly being told how bad Iran, Russia and China are, with a sense that war is inevitable with them. And there is a quiet undercurrent of racism here that ironically is being fed in part by a constant barrage of hyper-antiracism on liberal media channels. It may take some years yet, but it is feeling more and more like a powder keg. Anyone else get that sense of things?

It probably has something to do with you are speaking from the perspective of an American, and American people don't really feel any connection to Russia. It's not really a nice tourist attraction. So for Americans to hear about shootings in Paris, they will probably care a lot more. I don't see how you're that surprised.

Yeah, because American media has always been so friendly with the French. Like the Freedom Fries incident. Many shows make jokes about the French being rude cowards who eat frogs. But now? We are alllll French.


Fox was the only media outlet worried about Freedom Fries.

media needs to get on it first

And 4000+ Dead at the Hajj (Some place Musslims go to) via stampede only last month and not even a soundbite on the news, only reason I knew about it was happened to see it on reddit and wondered what it was.....but 4000? Wow....

likely Wahibists murdering Shites.

never believed that mecca story.

Well even Russia did not immediately accept the airline bombing as a terrorist act. It was the U.K. & U.S. that were the first to identify it. If the U.S. media doesn't cover it the same, shame on them. But there is enough international media and you have internet access to get the news.

No Russian response either, aside from cancelling flights to Egypt, which to me is even stranger.

France starts bombing the next day, Russia does essentially nothing?

Something doesn't add up.

I'm guessing you have some kind of severe mental handicap so I'm not going to say anything mean.

Russia has essentially led the most direct anti-ISIS campaign since... ever. Within weeks they crippled most ISIS operations in Syria (to in part relieve pressure on Assad, but nevertheless). How you missed this is beyond me, it's been all over the place for the last month or so.

This made global headlines for days.

I think people just like the French more than Russians or Lebanese

Another product of brainwashing and propaganda.

I wouldn't be so quick to believe isis. Let some facts some out first.

Perspective people, perspective!

No one draped the Kenyan flag colors on their Facebook profile pics when on April 2, 2015 142 Kenyans were massacred by terrorists.

No one draped the Russian flag colors for the 220 Russians who were killed by an apparent on-board bomb.

Selective reasoning I guess. Terrorism is created when people are oppressed, angry, or want revenge. America's constant interference in the Middle East created this current chaos, and what do you think is going to happen when nearly 90% of people killed in drone bombings/attacks were not the intended target!?

Yeah, you're going to get a lot of angry & vengeful "terrorists" who have nothing else to lose since they either saw their mom, dad, daughter, son, grandparents, etc. all blown-up to pieces, or saw what was left of them after a drone attack. FFS, PNAC surely fucked it up for the entire world when they were the ones who pushed this "agenda" onto Bush Jr.

I do agree that this is BS, but Russia has stated that it was engine failure, and they have the planes black box which corroborates the story. (as well as the pilot radioing in that they were experiencing some engine issues a while before the crash).

I wouldn't say crickets. It was national news, but Russia did deny it was a bomb from the start.

But Russia doesn't draw cartoons so no one gives a shit.

It's fear. These people were suddenly killed doing normal things that the average American does on a regular basis. Going to a concert, having dinner at a restuarant, watching a sporting event. One minute your alive enjoying yourself and the next minute your dead.

Has Russia announced that the plane was brought done by other than mechanical failure? Russia initially denied that the plane was brought down by external forces.

Because North America doesn't feel as close to Russia.

Unless youre an ally your life doesn't matter.-Merica

the difference between these 2 events is that ISIS didn't lost a passport in Egypt....

A friend of yours gets killed. You are sad and mourn him.

A stranger across town gets killed. You are unaffected.

It's almost like countries have friends just like people do. How odd.

Not everybody takes a plane to go on holidays in Egypt, while everybody certainly goes out to bars and restaurants in their own town. I guess the attacks in Paris rocked Europe because they could have happened to any of us... in this case I don't necessarily feel the need for a conspiracy. It is sad and deplorable, for sure but it is how people think, generally.

What bugs me is why the russians seem to sweep it under the rug. Their media are as quick to shove the various boogeymen in people's faces as the western media, but they aren't acting on such a good opportunity to escalate. Is Putin concerned that doing so would cost too much money and get him into too much trouble? But what when the promised ISIS attack hits russia's civilians hard and the general public will call for blood? What is there left in russian arsenal that is able to really fuck ISIS's shit without putting russian servicemen's life on the line, is affordable and logistically even possible? Nukes.

What bugs me is why the russians seem to sweep it under the rug.

What are they supposed to do? They don't control FB and the mainstream world media. They can't press the panic button and have the whole world change their profile pick like Western countries can. There were many acknowledgements of the tragedy in Russia and it was obviously the biggest story there for weeks (my wife is Russian and was in contact with her family there throughout).

Their media are as quick to shove the various boogeymen in people's faces as the western media, but they aren't acting on such a good opportunity to escalate.

They don't want to escalate. Russia wouldn't even be in Syria Assad wasn't their very last resort. When Russia went into Syria, it seemed desperate to me (even though Putin puts on a good show). They know that any kind of major war would absolutely wreck Russia. (It will wreck us too but our leaders are too arrogant to give a fuck). When the plane tragedy happened, I'm sure Russian intel had more info on it than anyone in public could be allowed to know but what can they do about it? Not much.

It's scary though, feels like we're on the precipice of ww3.

feels like we're on the precipice of ww3

The part that bothers me is the 'why' of it. People are making more energy, growing more food, and enjoying higher standards of living than they ever have before, yet somehow we still feel like we're about to blow the whole place up.

We need to fire the arms dealers, they're doing a shit job running this international show. Maybe replace them with the desire to spend money to help others.

The Russian plane crash is currently top headline again on a major German news site.



"Russian Secret Service assumes terror attack".

The amount of pro-Russian disinfo here is seriously unreal.


Now also on the largest German news portal

Also on Daily Mail frontpage today

Conclusion: OP is full of shit.

No, but you are wrong. World did not project Russian flag over their monuments, world leaders did not gather around to declare war on ISIS after the incident and facebook and twitter users did not change their profile pictures with Russian flag. Russia was given lowest possible international headline after the incident and social media was silent about it.

And why would the world have reacted like that?

Until today, Russia didn't even acknowledge that this was a terrorist attack. No terrorist attack -> not outrage about a terrorist attack.

Besides, OP's claim is "crickets" while this made headlines for days and days. That's not "crickets".

I don't think Obama expressed any condolences either.

Quite the dick move if you ask me. It also paints a clear picture of the manifold diplomatic failures of the current administration. Pathetic.

You can blame anything you want on Obama. Americans do. Edit-repeated word.

Because the Russians who died were Russians. Russia isnt in the most respected position right now in the world. After the mess in crimea, which is still happening, most countries dont care for them. Plus, it was a plane that went down. Planes going down is becoming very common, which means it wont garner those billions of clicks that websites are wanting.

Not saying its right, it isnt, but this is the explanation.

Frances terror attack on friday was a BFD, one of the worst terrorist attacks in a first world country of its kind. Usually its just bombs, this time it was bombs AND gunmen. Both events were horrible, but it really shouldnt surprise anyone that they were covered how they were. But, according to ISIS, Russia is next. We'll see. Hopefully the Russians can stop it before it happens. They definitely dont take this kind of shit lightly. If it does happen, hopefully the media wont pass it on just because its Russia.

The citizens of most countries don't care for the US government.

Its not a secret how badly we continue to fuck up the world driven by the greed of our 1%.

The US citizens don't care for their gov even.. But what the fuck does that have to do with my point? lol. And if it's our 1%'s greed then it isn't us fucking the world up right? I'm not 1%, if I was I'd hopefully help the people

Mostly because of their current involvement in Syria regarding Putin's buddy Assad. Also planes randomly crashing are common.

I find the happenings with the Russian plane that was downed a couple weeks ago and killed 220 innocent civilians very sad, but as a Dutch citizen, I feel like this is nothing more but karma for Russia after they backed the eastern part of Ukraine who downed the MH17 flight and killed nearly 300 innocent people from my country in July last year.

I know people who have lost friends, colleagues and family members during the downing of MH17.

May the victims of the Russian plane rest in peace, but don't expect me or my country to talk about it in the news after what they've done to us.

the eastern part of Ukraine

you do know the history of the eastern part of Ukraine !?

ethnic Russian from way back.

after they backed the eastern part of Ukraine who downed the MH17 flight and killed nearly 300 innocent people from my country in July last year.

Are you part of the investigation team then?

Oh, no? Then stop spewing nonsense based on Western propaganda headlines.

I don't care if it's propaganda or not. Fact is nearly 300 people died in a plane that was downed in a part of Ukraine that was backed by Russia. Doesn't matter if they meant to do so or not. Fact is 220 people died in a Russian plane that was downed a little over a year later. Russia didn't care about our plane and citizens being killed, so why should we (Dutch people and media) care about theirs?

Because they were ordinary people on board who had nothing to do with any of it?

your fake MH17 crash !?

Most likely was taken down by Ukrainian government supported by United States (my government). Trust me, the United States does not care about Europe. Your aggression towards Russia is unfounded.

And I still feel like the recent downing was karma for what happened to MH17. Have no regret for saying that, how sad it mat be for the victims.

What your portraying are classic symptoms of statism, "Us against them", and a nationalistic mindset. That had its place in the 20thh Century but look what it has brought? A world, divided; while so seemingly close to brotherhood. Here we are still fighting. Is it only bad when it happens to your family? That is such a narrow mindset. Never mind the Earth, it's flora and fauna, and the unified human spirit we all should be working to uplift.

Fucking truth bomb!!!!

Your newsletter. Sign me up.

I appreciate that! I'm sorry to say I'm more of an observer, but I plan on doing my part to put out the fires.

All I'm saying is; why would my country and its media care about what happend to Russia when 300 people were killed in/around their area and they didnt gave a shit about it?

i don't really think you understand the nature of what is happening in current events. I mean, what about the Paris shooting? I suppose your equally ambivalent about that?

in a part of Ukraine that was backed by Russia and the US.

Your plane got sent into an active warzone (with weaponry apparently capable of downing civilian aircraft) for no reason and your own government couldn't do anything to prevent it.

The Russian plane, as it seems at this point, was targeted deliberately.

Grow up and learn what kind of accidents and mistakes happen in the real world. I'm from the Donbass and I guess the feeling is mutual now, I couldn't give less of a fuck about your dead. I feel worse for whoever's field that was than any of your grieving families.

Shooting a civil plane down is not an 'accident'.

Then what the hell do you think it is? Do you believe they did it just for kicks?

because brain