The Evening MSM News is going Fucking Nuts. The fear mongering and alarmism is just like it was after 9/11.

182  2015-11-17 by jimmyb207

Something was triggered when Russia went into Syria and destroyed ISIS. The Western powers appear to have lost there minds and suddenly it's no longer about ISIS in Syria. Now it's ISIS attacking and planning on attacking every country that is actually behind ISIS.

Considering the announcement Putin has just made about Western backing of ISIS, this major false flag global distraction away from Putins message is starting to make sense. The timing is very suspicious.


CNN is unreal at the moment, more so than usual.

The amazing thing is if we all stop watching, it will go away.

Every single person on /r/conspiracy could stop watching CNN and it wouldn't make a difference. It's your average individual that we need to get to...

Well duh

I honestly can not stomach a minute of it, and I've tried. It's so sad to think this is how the majority of people get their news. Blaring 24/7 fear-porn.

I don't watch television at all and none of this has touched me.

The self-appointed rulers are still dicks and this is their latest ploy.

If I don't have to listen to their histrionics I'm happy.

The next step is to stop paying them and playing their godamn games.

wait..I thought Fox was the bad channel?

"The" bad channel makes you sound lost.

Can you name one good channel?

Fox is the one everyone gangs up on. How do you not know this?

That was 10 years ago. CNN is even worse now because "intelligent" people watch it - which makes their manipulation and propaganda (which is even more rampant than FOX nowadays) even more dangerous.

It is my belief that the CIA instructs all news channels what and how to report, at least certain stories.

I would explain it like this. Fox is blatantly biased towards / a propaganda arm of the GOP, so right away half of Americans are going to hate them. MSNBC is blatantly biased towards corporatism, and more subtly towards the DNC. CNN is biased towards a false neutrality between both resulting in debates about 'whether terrorism is bad or not'.

At the end of the day, all are biased towards total horseshit and an insult to intelligent journalism.

I fail to understand how it isn't crystal clear to everyone that these propaganda networks simply exist to push narratives and sway public opinion in the direction of their own private interests. After-all, they are owned by private corporations. Why are they taken seriously?

Because getting news from blogs is even sketchier. There is no 100% unbiased new source that I am aware of.

The only good Channel is Russia today

It's funny that Russia Today is where I'd rather go to get my news about American affairs.

The only good talking head is Abby Martin, even if she is a Putin shill.

I wouldn't call rt good, they just have different motivations so we get info from them that our media hides, but they still have an agenda and must be looked at objectively

Agreed. This will result in Iran and Syria being toppled in short order. The question is whether or not Putin is bluffing, in on it, or will respond in some way to prevent this.

My gut says there is no way this can escalate and is going perfectly according to plan. The whole globe is paralyzed in fear, any action by Putin or China will turn all Western Powers and their allies/sympathizers against them.

With the focus on ISIS it gives all leaders a chance to further their goals.

At the expense of middle eastern and East/West soldiers' lives. And of course at the expense of freedom, liberty and privacy for all who are not running the show.

Or the wheels have come off and we are mostly all dead by year's end.


I'm really unsure if Putin can be trusted or not.

Oh wow, it's like we are folllowing a tv show and speculate what will happen in the next episode.

Yup, it's called 'the narrative'.

U.S would never rival themselves against China, not at this point in time anyway. China plays too much of a key role in the United States economy of goods shipped over seas. Also if the United States was to directly go after Russia it would mean the collapse of the Petro-Dollar, and the U.S economy would collapse in on itself.

I agree. I think we are about to see Obama, Putin, et al "narrowly avoid WW3" at some point in the future so that the globe can rejoice in peace and harmony but not before ramping up the global "war on terror" to include all nations importing trained muslim soldiers as "refugees" into their countries for the purposes of fast-tracking the full suite of Big Brother "anti-terror" legislation and commencing the full enslavement of humanity.

A terrifying future brought to you in the name of fighting terror.

Did Russia really go into Syria and destroy ISIS? We've been hearing about how ISIS are 'days away from being destroyed' since last year from both USA and Russia and it just seems like they're not going to go away.

yes, that is why they have been exported

Listen closely .... do you hear it ..... listen .. that rhythmic beat .. boom boom boom boom boom ... you hear it now .....yeah

That's the war drums beating

Here's an idea....stop watching it. You know it's propaganda to begin with, so why even pay attention?

I know what it is. I have an insatiable curiosity to know what the MSM is doing. What are they feeding the sheep? I feel that everyone should watch it during the big events...not as a source of information, but to just experience it. You can feel how they try to induce panic and fear. They talk and act upset with urgency in their voices and and frightened looks on their faces...and that's just the anchors. You will walk away and have a better understanding why the average American is so far gone.

I'm still trying to figure out whether Anderson Cooper is actually very smart and a key player in the game, or if he is just a useful idiot and believing all the bullshit.

His real name is Anderson Vanderbilt and he's CIA. At least, he is according to some internet ramblings I read.

He interned at the CIA for one summer while at college them jumped into journalism after graduation.

He interned at the CIA for one summer while at college them jumped into journalism after graduation.

According to MSM sources.

I believe he is still CIA but works in media to steer the narrative in the right direction.

He was honeydicked for sure.



Awesome, thanks for sharing.

If you think you can watch a live-action play of the best and most powerful propaganda machine on earth and not come away with a taint then you are fooling yourself. These people know what makes you tick better than you do.

You can't know your enemy that way. I'll take Art of War over your advice.

It's not the same. None of this shit is.

Simple fact of the matter is, 9/11 was SO FUCKING HORRIFIC to watch live or experience in real life, that nothing except something even BIGGER being destroyed can terrify us again.

We're desensitized.

Not true and speak for yourself.

The shit I hear begs to differ. Americans are terrified, especially here in DC

the shilling on npr today was super laughable. fuckers are desperate

Wouldn't know, cable got cut years ago.

People still watch MSM?

Absolutely. I was flipping through the MSM "news" outlets and HOLY FUCK, the fear mongering strong with these ones. Nothing but "ISIS is going to attack D.C. and the rest of america" and "We need more boots on the ground" and all the military "experts" saying our military is only 30% ready to go to battle because they need more money for training and that the military is being severely underfunded. It was hilarious. TPTB don't even have to try anymore. It's right in front of our face yet nothing will or can be done. The masses have spoken. Convenience over confrontation.

America is a joke, filled with people whose anger and empathy reaches only as far as their ethernet cables.

In Britain, our news channel anchors do not speculate in this way. Your media journalists are there to report NEWS only, we do not need their opinion. So the fact that you have anchors saying, "we need more troops on the ground" is just fucking irresponsible. People watch that shit.

Yep. The scary thing is that it wasn't the anchors who were saying that. It was the "experts" they were interviewing. From ex generals to senators. It seems the MSM has their narrative now and are shoving it down people's throats.

It's funny how, whenever there's a crisis, there's conveniently always an 'ex-general' waiting at home to give his opinion on live tv :)

Well, like they say "never let a good tragedy go to waste."

Use it. Fire people up. Tell them all about these brainwashed jihadist terrorists and then show them a few of those solid undeniable pieces of evidence that tie jihadist Islam to multi-billion dollar military-intelligence and energy corporations.

Show them who Daesh's handlers are and then tell them how they can fight back by cutting back on their energy consumption.


for real though. thats a real solution.

its insane. is anyone else keeping track? Putin basically destroyed ISIS in a week. Now suddenly they're back. During election debates. I was 15 during 9/11 and honestly haven't seen them go this full-blast since. I also think the France flag social media profile pics are a way to keep track of who easily goes along with the narrative.

I notice the recurring photo of the Paris firefighters all bunched together they keep using as a backdrop. Only thing missing is pyroclastic dust on them.

There was a great, great video game I'd play years ago called Freedom Fighters, in which you're an average Joe in America, and suddenly Russia invades and occupies. You take up arms, and join with others over time to form the foundation of the Freedom Fighters uprising against this tyranny. One of the key elements in this game is that Russian tv, and media propaganda is what keeps your Freedom Fighting abilities restricted, as the populace is limited in their ability to fight back because of mass fear via the propaganda.

What you do in the game is, you take a large group with you and you basically start to take over the news/media broadcasting stations one by one, and you spread the truth. This won you more followers en masse, than fighting locally ever did, but everyone has to start at the grassroots level. My point is, the only way to beat the media, is to fight the media... and for that, we need revolution and willing fighters. The only reason people won't change is because they see the government as the only form of leadership, even if they realise that leadership is a huge liability, they feel useless to act.

Absolutely! The MSM is now a juggernaut. What the vast majority of the population doesn't realize is that the MSM is deceiving them. With only 6 corporate owners with very similar backgrounds and agendas, the MSM has become a full on brain wash propaganda machine.

If you haven't been exposed to the evening network news such as ABC, CBS and NBC for a while, to watch it is to witness something that I find very disturbing. They are so obviously targeting their audiences emotions to invoke panic and fear. They are obviously showing people at events that are "posing" for the cameras to visually aid in invoking these fears in people...and the Narrative goes on no matter to what degree it has been proven false.

It's the Radicalization! Kill the Poor!

Yuck yuck media yuck yuck

in France the news are the same crap on every stupid channel. They mention terrorism 3x a day now. But the average joe is going to swallow that shit anyways.

so mission successful?

I want to side with you OP, but you would have done a better service to people like me who don't at all follow CNN to provide some supporting evidence.

I personally just find it strange that we were set to put boots on Syrian land and finally topple Assad, but then other countries like Russia and China were like "fuck yeah me too thanks, let's do this together!" And all of a sudden we go "oh okay we are gonna hold off on the foot troops then. Our intentions would be all too obvious if these countries saw our true interests in Syria.

Something was triggered when Russia went into Syria and destroyed ISIS

When did Russia destroy ISIS?

I'm really sick and tired of the Russian propaganda here.

Might as well rename it to /r/russiaisawesome

Russia continues to be a world leader look at the facts

So is the US but I don't see pro-US propaganda getting spammed here all day.

OP, how old are you?

I'll admit that I'm probably one of the older dudes in this sub.

Good deal. I was a junior in college smoking packs of Marlboros watching the Towers fall. So, I'm a little wary of the 9-11 comparisons by the young ones.

There really was nothing like it before or since. Seeing it live on TV with no idea it was coming. Seeing people die for hours, murdered by enemies unknown, watching people commit suicide, hearing people openly saying bad words on tv with absolutely no regard, it was entirely surreal. And I fear whatever comes next to make it pale in comparison; I have been effectively terrorized for 14 years. I started drinking shortly thereafter, as I became aware of the real way tthe world works. Only now am I beginning to recover. And I've only ever lived as far east as Oklahoma.

The spike in alcohol sales in the months after 9/11 actually made the news.

I knew it was coming 3 or more months before it hand. I had a vision of planes hitting buildings, buildings on fire and people dying, throwing themselves from said buildings. I also saw a building just come just come down. No planes hit it or anything. I looked further into the vision and saw President Bush giving the presidency to a black President. What are your down votes gonna do?

I had a dream where i saw OP post this thread. I looked further into the vision and saw you post that exact comment. I awoke just in time to make this very post.

I contend that the US State Department and the Whitehouse as well as both parties in Congress are being bombarded by "Stupid Rays". They have utilized one of the electromagnetic frequencies, could be wifi, digital tv, cellphone, or subharmonics @ 10 hertz as demonstrated by Aldous Huxley's dad at the Hitler speeches.

Somehow, the operators have learned to immunize themselves from its effects, perhaps an in ear adaptive out of phase device. The operators are the controllers, advisors, lobbyists, and dual citizens who have symbiotically grafted to our halls of power and controlling with aplomb.

It is the only thing that makes sense. There are precedents: the US used to BLAST the Russian Embassy and Kremlin with radar.

Now things are getting dangerous. The handlers are very willing and ready to use us like the Apache used a horse in the southwestern desert. They would ride it until it dropped, then eat it.

You're not far wrong on the effect, but the mechanism is a lot simpler than that. It has to do with the psychology of power. In a nutshell: when you give someone power, you turn off their ability to empathize and thus effectively turn them into a sociopath.

Here are a couple of easy reads to get you started.

That's all there is to it. Any of us would have the same problem if we were given a political position, even the honest ones. Knowing that, what kind of government do we need to have to avoid this behavior?

I had heard of the power/empathy connection but enjoyed the read. The solution? Disempower MOST of the entities that have taken power. The divisions of government set up by the founders were meant to "balance" power. In a sense to frustrate the power of the other branches. Laws, enforced are also a way to limit the power mad.

In today's America too many groups have power, each exerting their own cruel hand, but like metastasized cancer it has spread to NGO's like the CFR, Neocons, Thinktanks, and worst of all, unfettered oligarch and super rich. With this tsunami of disparate groups all grabbing with bloody claws, at this point, the best we could do now is pit them against each other? I speak now of the Soros, Koch, Gates, Kagan, Murdock, all the recent Secretaries of Treasury. As they become mega rich they become mega cruel. Lop of their heads?

Edit: Better answer. Return to the 90% top tax bracket. Take away tax exemption from all entities. Make the President accountable, Congress Accountable, and Fully staff the Supreme Court but depoliticize it (somehow).

I agree on disempowerment of most entities.

One interesting idea comes from traditional Somali law ("Xeer" if you want to read more about it). They scale punishments according to power. If an elder or judge commits a crime, the punishment is expanded (sometimes by many times) because they have more power to hurt people for their own profit and therefore require a greater disincentive.

I like this idea.

Very eye opening. The "Insurance" part is similar to the way the Amish pay fines when one of their own can't. Example: Son is at the age of Rumspringa and, buys then crashes, a truck. The community pays the bail and damages, he has to work to pay off the debt where they tell him to.

I know this is /r/conspiracy but this is insane. Do you even know how electromagnetic frequencies or subharmonics work?

Does "MushinZero" mean no mind of no mind?

You are the first person to ever get that. Nice :)

I know this is /r/conspiracy[1] but this is insane.

Not at all.

Do you even know how electromagnetic frequencies or subharmonics work?

Do you?

Yes, actually. I'm not the one claiming they have mind control applications, though.

If you understand how VLF and ULF frequencies work, then you understand their potential for mind control like effects, due to the nature of how the human nervous system works.

Yeah enough with the silly acronyms. You are talking about radio waves. Which are literally everywhere and have been used for decades. Their physiological effects have been thoroughly studied and are close to nonexistant.

Gotta watch out for the trolls man. JIDF or just some bored guy, they are subtle, this guy is messing with you. always remember r/conspiracy is compromised and has been for a long time

If /r/conspiracy looks stupid, it's always someone else's fault.

Yeah enough with the silly acronyms. You are talking about radio waves.

Specific types.

Which are literally everywhere and have been used for decades.

I'm not talking about am/fm radio.

Their physiological effects have been thoroughly studied and are close to nonexistant.

This is untrue from a general standpoint, let alone mind control effects.

WiFi and cellphones alone emit radiation off of them, never mind intentional control. Plenty of studies have been done showing potential negative effects of cellphones in particular.

Even the wiki page on ELFs states that these particular frequencies can cause observable nervous system changes even though your average individual may not be exposed to the levels necessary for this to occur....on a physical level it's not far fetched whatsoever:

October 2005, WHO convened a Task Group of scientific experts to assess any risks to health that might exist from "exposure to ELF electric and magnetic fields in the frequency range >0 to 100,000 Hz (100 kHz) in regards to childhood leukaemia."[18] There are established biological effects from acute exposure at high levels (well above 100 µT) that are explained by recognized biophysical mechanisms. External ELF magnetic fields induce electric fields and currents in the body which, at very high field strengths, cause nerve and muscle stimulation and changes in nerve cell excitability in the central nervous system. Health effects related to short-term, high-level exposure have been established and form the basis of two international exposure limit guidelines (ICNIRP, 1998; IEEE, 2002). At present, these bodies consider the scientific evidence related to possible health effects from long-term, low-level exposure to ELF fields insufficient to justify lowering these quantitative exposure limits. The long-term, low-level exposure is evaluated as average exposure to residential power-frequency magnetic field above 0.3 to 0.4 µT, and it is estimated that only between 1% and 4% of children live in such conditions.[18] A common source of ELF fields in the United States is 60 Hz electric and magnetic fields from high-voltage electric power transmission lines and secondary distribution lines, such as those found in residential neighborhoods.[17][18][26] The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has evaluated the scientific data and has classified ELF magnetic fields as being "possibly carcinogenic" to humans. IARC based this classification on the following: Human health population studies showing weak evidence of an association with childhood leukemia; and a large database of laboratory study results showing inadequate evidence of an association with cancer in animals.[citation needed] In summary, when all of the studies are evaluated together, the evidence suggesting that EMFs may contribute to an increased risk of cancer is very weak.[27][28] Epidemiological studies suggest a possible association between long term occupational exposure to ELF and Alzheimer's disease.[29][30]

Could you please point out where in the source you just quoted it mentions mind control? Because it sure doesn't seem to.

External ELF magnetic fields induce electric fields and currents in the body which, at very high field strengths, cause nerve and muscle stimulation and changes in nerve cell excitability in the central nervous system.

Again, not seeing anything about mind control. Maybe I'm missing it. Could you please be more specific in where that quote mentions mind control?

cause nerve and muscle stimulation

Pretty sure that says "nerve and muscle stimulation". For whatever reason I'm still not seeing mind control.

Let me ask you a question.

If I could make your muscles move from a distance, would you call that muscle control?

Sure. But I wouldn't call it mind control.

Ok, now let's say you can stimulate nerves from a distance to change how neurons fire. Would you call that a form of mind control?

No I would call that nerve stimulation at a distance.

So, if someone is using a machine that stimulates your neurons to fire that is outside of your control, neurons that affect the way your mind works and indeed changes your thoughts -- you wouldn't call that mind control?

Maybe. But that's not at all what's happening. You haven't shown any evidence that such never stimulation can affect neurons not that the neurons can lead to different thought. Most importantly, you haven't shown this could even be controlled. You also have shown no evidence this actually works and is really being used.

You haven't shown any evidence that such never stimulation can affect neurons not that the neurons can lead to different thought.

This is basic physics/chemistry.

Most importantly, you haven't shown this could even be controlled.

Any type of radio wave can be focused in a certain area. By default it can be controlled.

You also have shown no evidence this actually works and is really being used.

I never said it has been done or is being done. I stated that it CAN be done.

So let me get this straight. You can explain exactly what neurons need to be triggered to make a person think a specific thought and you know how to control radio waves in the exact way needed to fire those specific neurons and you consider this basic chemistry/physics? You sir deserve a Nobel prize! My only question is why haven't you submitted your research findings? You're missing out on some major prize money.

You can explain exactly what neurons need to be triggered to make a person think a specific thought and you know how to control radio waves in the exact way needed to fire those specific neurons and you consider this basic chemistry/physics?

I don't have to explain specifics, I am just saying it is more than possible, from a biochemistry point of view.

Oh you don't have to explain specifics? And by specifics you mean how it's supposed to be possible?

Oh you don't have to explain specifics?

No, I don't.

And by specifics you mean how it's supposed to be possible?

No, I mean theoretically.

I can say man can travel to the stars using a warp drive without specifically giving you the equations necessary for every calculation to work out.

You can say we can use warp drives, but that doesn't make warp drives possible.

You can say we can use warp drives, but that doesn't make warp drives possible.

It's just an example. And research on warp drives is currently promising, it's definitely a theoretical possibility:

Warp drives are a theoretical possibility because they are theoretically permissible under the Einstein equations. Mind controlling radio waves have no such theoretical basis.

Mind controlling radio waves have no such theoretical basis.


Well then please lay out a sound theoretical mechanism by which mind controlling radio waves could possibly work.

Check a few comments up. Wikipedia states that ELF waves are already known to influence nervous system function.

That has nothing to do with mind control.

Yes but noise is not music. Music is modulated, it resonates, or disrupts. A frequency is not the pattern but it can make patterns especially with wave interference wherein certain particularly evocative frequencies effect the mind and have been demonstrated to cause, fear, anger, emotionality, low or even higher brain function. They were broadcast over Iraq, perhaps the reason they surrendered readily. You can evoke impending doom, the feeling of being watched, nausea, scatter-mindedness, dare I say be so disruptive as to make people appear to be discoordinated zombies so frightening, almost decerebrate, worthy of being shot by those unaware of what is causing it: now there's a weapon, get your enemies to kill each other!

Is this beyond imagining. Where do you think the defense budget of 680 billion dollars a year is going?

It isn't that mind controlling radio waves are beyond imagining. It's just that imagining is all you're doing with this comment. There is no evidence that such a weapon could exist, let alone whether or not it actually does.

I'm sorry but I don't see how any of that is actually evidence.

You show me yours first...crickets.

Show you my what? My evidence that you're wrong? Sorry but I'm not the one making the claim. If you don't have evidence of your claim, that's your problem, not mine.

I know you are but what am I.

He interned at the CIA for one summer while at college them jumped into journalism after graduation.

According to MSM sources.

I believe he is still CIA but works in media to steer the narrative in the right direction.

I knew it was coming 3 or more months before it hand. I had a vision of planes hitting buildings, buildings on fire and people dying, throwing themselves from said buildings. I also saw a building just come just come down. No planes hit it or anything. I looked further into the vision and saw President Bush giving the presidency to a black President. What are your down votes gonna do?

The spike in alcohol sales in the months after 9/11 actually made the news.

I'm sorry but I don't see how any of that is actually evidence.

Maybe. But that's not at all what's happening. You haven't shown any evidence that such never stimulation can affect neurons not that the neurons can lead to different thought. Most importantly, you haven't shown this could even be controlled. You also have shown no evidence this actually works and is really being used.

You can say we can use warp drives, but that doesn't make warp drives possible.

Warp drives are a theoretical possibility because they are theoretically permissible under the Einstein equations. Mind controlling radio waves have no such theoretical basis.

Absolutely! The MSM is now a juggernaut. What the vast majority of the population doesn't realize is that the MSM is deceiving them. With only 6 corporate owners with very similar backgrounds and agendas, the MSM has become a full on brain wash propaganda machine.

If you haven't been exposed to the evening network news such as ABC, CBS and NBC for a while, to watch it is to witness something that I find very disturbing. They are so obviously targeting their audiences emotions to invoke panic and fear. They are obviously showing people at events that are "posing" for the cameras to visually aid in invoking these fears in people...and the Narrative goes on no matter to what degree it has been proven false.