If ISIS / Al-Qaeda hates Israel so much why have they attacked everyone but them? They have attacked almost every other western civilized country...

194  2015-11-18 by Rick_Rubin_Reborn


Because they don't want to get in trouble or have people call them anti-semites.


Well they need to get the orange jumpsuits from somewhere...

because they are a psyop, everything they have done so far has served israeli or western interests. if they hate the west/israel so much why are they doing everything they possibly can at just the right time to help them push their agenda?

Can you please share examples? I am curious

Can you provide an example of how Israel has benefited from ISIS? They haven't made any moves.

they have focused on killing the governments that were, and are hostile to israel.

ISIS targeted the Golan, yet israel is not fighting them there, they are in fact defending them, firing at syrian aircraft that have tried to bomb them there.

once ISIS is eventually put down who do you think will try to claim the golan (which remains disputed territory as long as Assad is still in power.

obviously any government propped up by the US is going to sneak in acknowledging it as Israeli territory (which they also very "recently discovered" a bunch of oil under...)

they have also pushed forces in to the occupied palestinian territories and worked against the PA, they have been behind a lot of the recent mortar strikes intentionally trying to provoke israeli retaliation on the areas the fire from.

and above all seems odd that such an extremely radical branch of Islam would leave Israel completely alone and yet attack France and Russia? other groups who Israel also just happens to have a little bit of beef with.

meanwhile Israel is bitching about Iran, a country who actually has boots on the ground fighting ISIS.

It doesn't take a crisis the size of ISIS for Israel to take the Golan Heights if they wanted to. Israel is being opportunistic, but they didn't plan and execute all the terrorism to back it up.

they may not be planning any of it, it does clearly appear they have some sort of gentlemen s agreement, they have been patching ISIS fighters up, while shooting Palestinians with rocks.

there are definitely ties between the Israeli government and ISIS.

You would think that the one thing that could unite the Muslim world's divide, Shia vs. Sunni (and for that matter much of the rest of the world as well), a war against Israel, would be a top priority for them.

Do you realize the recruiting potential that would have for them? But they won't, and it should be a clear indication of who their bosses really are to any critical thinker.

Isis is not trying to unite Shia and Sunnis. They are trying to re-establish the caliphate. They believe all Muslims that don't adhere to their particular brand of Islam are apostates and deserve to die. This is especially true of Shias. I think the reason they don't attack Israel is it doesn't fall into their end game. They are trying to create the end times and the battle that sparks it occurs in Syria. This Atlantic article explains Isis far more eloquently than I ever could.


Hahaha Israel had been at war with Syria since it's inception. It's not Isis that's trying to spark something in Syria



Diplomatic ties have not been established since the creation of both countries in the mid-20th century, and the countries have fought three major wars, which are the 1948 Arab Israeli War in 1948, the Six-Day War in 1967, and the Yom Kippur War in 1973, later also being involved in the Lebanese Civil War and the 1982 Lebanon War. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel%E2%80%93Syria_relations

But the Assad family has somehow allowed the largest Jewish population in the middle east to live there for decades. ISIS and Al-Nursra will be so much better for Israels future apparently, according to Bibi himself. GTFOH

So? Syria was at war with Israel, not with all Jews.

You would think that the one thing that could unite the Muslim world's divide, Shia vs. Sunni (and for that matter much of the rest of the world as well), a war against Israel, would be a top priority for them.

Basically this. Arabian gulf nations propaganda against Iran needs to keep going forward and uninterrupted. ISIS attacking Israel doesn't go with the narrative.

But attacking France makes more sense. Members of the security council in the UN, America, UK and now France, all had their fair share of ISIS/alqaeda attacks.

Arabian gulf nations propaganda against Iran needs to keep going forward and uninterrupted. ISIS attacking Israel doesn't go with the narrative.

Exactly. They could probably double their membership in a week, with Sunni's and Shia's, and many Neo-Nazi groups if they turned their focus on Israel, but again, that is not their goal or strategy. It is only a strategy to keep Westerner's in fear so they give up more liberty and freedom to the ruling elite.

Qatar and Saudi Arabia are very cosy with Israel. Their leaders, that is.

And NATO too

You would think that the one thing that could unite the Muslim world's divide, Shia vs. Sunni (and for that matter much of the rest of the world as well), a war against Israel, would be a top priority for them.

Muslim nations tried that once. Didn't really work out for them.

In fact, Isis are helping Israel by fighting the Assad government that supports Hezbollah, the Shia arm of Palestinian resistance.


They have attacked them.

It just happens to be one of the most heavily guarded places on the planet.

Edit: Downvotes! Yay, closemindedness!

When has ISIS directly attacked Israel, let alone spoken against them?

They do not even provoke Israel with propaganda, ISIS also has virtually nothing to say about the Palestinian plight either.

Where are you getting your information?

This can't be true, otherwise I'm wearing my tinfoil hats for nothing then

Hey, they're shiny.

I like shiny things.

Great question. I know there is a very reasonable answer to this but will wait for someone who can articulate this better than I could.

You don't bite the hand that feeds you

Get out my brain...

Becuse ISIS is the CIA. duh how have u guys not figured this out yet



They have attacked almost every other western civilized country

  1. No they haven't.

  2. Where has ISIS stated that they "hate Israel so much"?


You realize that this map proves your claim wrong?


Because history has shown that even if every single Muslim country in the area declared war on Israel (with the highest Islamic authorities calling for a worldwide jihad) they still lose.

Repeatedly. Thats why since its only been cowardly rocket attacks, suicide bombings and using the civilian population as cover/accomplices.

Israeli history brief as it is can be crudely summed up:

They were attacked by their neighbours

They fought back and began winning

They seized enemy lands in wartime

Afterward the enemy whinges about how land gets conquered in war. Especially given they had wanted to conquer all of Israel and genocide the populace.


They're not going to bite the hand that feeds them.

Yep. That's the rub.

Ding ding

ISIS is the creation of the US government, they will not attack Israel because of the relationship they have with the US, ISIS will only cause fear and pain to the ENEMIES of the US because america is their financiers!

TIL France is an enemy of the US.

France is a known enemy of Netanyahoo, so U.S. needs to blow that Israeli dick a lot more.

This. They're hired mercenaries.

attacking Israel ? It's easier to hire a Frenchman thousands of miles away, send him weapons + a kevlar vest and have him attack a jewish supermarket in Paris!!!

Note that the terrorist attacks in Paris happenned on friday night during Shabbat time when all jews are at home, not in bars, theaters, restaurants, stadiums etc. They definitely don't want to harm jews in Israel and everywhere else.

It's not just Israel they are avoiding.
Jordan,use and other us allies in the region have also somehow managed to a not have the Daesh presence.

isis isnt against israel.

isis is saudi funded(only one of many countries to fund them), and saudi loves israel. they want to make muslims mad around the world. so they are killing muslims in the middle east, to promote air strikes. other muslims then get angry over the air strikes and THINK that attacking the west/europe is retaliation. this in turn makes muslims look bad because these are muslims actions usually, which then makes the public's opinion on muslims change. which then in turn helps israel win the public agreement to destroying the muslims in the middle east, to create the one big country of zion.

for example, one day after the france attacks, an innocent women in toronto got beat up and called a terrorist just for walking down the street to pick up her kids from school.

also in toronto one day after, a mosque was lit on fire.

nice first world country with first world logic.

also in toronto one day after, a mosque was lit on fire.

nice first world country with first world logic.

People brainwashed by the propaganda. :(

Even here in Canada.

Peterborough actually, not Toronto.


People in Canada think they are smarter than Americans, with their 0 ivy league schools, even more controlled media, and overall lack of general awareness.

I am a Canadian and I am here to say that Canadians are SO stupid, they think they are smarter than Americans.

Ugh. What?

When he said "even in Canada" he just means that this happens in a developed country like Canada. Not measuring statistics here. There's stupid people everywhere. Just like there's smart people everywhere. Canada, Syria, France, Saudi Arabia, wherever.

The "even here in Canada" attitude comes from standing on a pedestal, as if to say somehow our vastly educated citizens should know better, when in reality most of the people living in Canada are

1) immigrants not solely educated by our system to begin with 2) the "Canadians" he is likely referring to, hicks, farmers, fish plant employees, and dolts who work extracting oil from the ground in Alberta, or frackers, pill addicts (huge problem in Canada), or aboriginal people that got equally as fucked when we stole their land.

You're a fool. Stop talking.


and all the homeless heroin users, go too!

couver bud

yes sir.

even more happening now. sometimes i feel no hope for humans, because of this behaviour. back in the day though, we didnt have the media to report all these wars and crimes. it just happened. humans need to find a way to sort out these issues as a HUMAN race. now that we have technology to report things, we need a way to fix it!


I get all that, but why does saudi arabia love israel?

saudi arabia loves israel because america supports israel. saudi arabia needs all the support in the world for their wicked ways.

america just sold saudi arabia billions in bombs. saudi arabia last week came out saying they love netanyahu. netanyahu likes saudi arabia because they do the dirty work of recruiting extremists for killing the muslims and civilians like funding ISIS to perform that work.

I mean... the answer seems pretty obvious.


ISIS don't hate Israel. Haven't heard or read them say anything bad about them yet, though I welcome any source you have that indicates they do.

Cui Bono will give you an idea

If Israel ever feels cornered, they would nuke themselves up... come to think of it...

Because Israel doesn't let in millions of undocumented Muslims.

Israel does get attacked by ISIS though? Like 20 seconds on Google would have shown you that.

I can see the theories but seriously they don't mess with Israel is because Israel would tell the world to eventually piss off and Nuke ISIS, and probably anyone else they didn't like and use ISIS as the reason. They could clean out a lot of their enemies real quick, why give them that opening.

I was looking for this reply.

This how the MSM teaches people to think. That ISIS is some school yard bully who is just picking fights he can win and he is "afraid" of what Israel can do...bullshit.

First of all, Israel isn't supposed to have "the bomb." So we can assume if they intend to use the ones they have it, it'll probably be against someone who would actually confront them, ie. Iran.

Secondly, ISIS is a terrorist threat if you haven't noticed?

Meaning they don't have to march an army to up to the wall to inflict pain.

This isn't RISK. They don't have to announce their plans.

Maybe there's no need because palestines do it anyway

You would think that the one thing that could unite the Muslim world's divide, Shia vs. Sunni (and for that matter much of the rest of the world as well), a war against Israel, would be a top priority for them.

Basically this. Arabian gulf nations propaganda against Iran needs to keep going forward and uninterrupted. ISIS attacking Israel doesn't go with the narrative.

But attacking France makes more sense. Members of the security council in the UN, America, UK and now France, all had their fair share of ISIS/alqaeda attacks.

Isis is not trying to unite Shia and Sunnis. They are trying to re-establish the caliphate. They believe all Muslims that don't adhere to their particular brand of Islam are apostates and deserve to die. This is especially true of Shias. I think the reason they don't attack Israel is it doesn't fall into their end game. They are trying to create the end times and the battle that sparks it occurs in Syria. This Atlantic article explains Isis far more eloquently than I ever could.


Qatar and Saudi Arabia are very cosy with Israel. Their leaders, that is.

You would think that the one thing that could unite the Muslim world's divide, Shia vs. Sunni (and for that matter much of the rest of the world as well), a war against Israel, would be a top priority for them.

Muslim nations tried that once. Didn't really work out for them.

Get out my brain...