Are we there yet?
0 2015-11-18 by Ihopeitsround
I'll be honest; I do experience days where I subconsciously want something crazy to happen (so that other people stop giving me the deer-in-headlights looks) and days later something will. It's almost like they're drawing from our imaginations or something.. I know that sounds insane but I really do feel there is some level of this, "energetic harvesting" that is taking place on humanity; perhaps from extra-terrestrial/inter dimensional beings visa vi the shadow government. We are being played with on levels you and I do not comprehend; and will never comprehend until we admit to ourselves AND each other, that we cannot comprehend it presently. I hate social media, but I have a Facebook and I only ever post on it to spread awareness about sensitive issues, but I had to react to the whole "Stand with Paris" thing; I mean what about Iraq and Syria? Sudan, Egypt, half of Africa, Tunisia, Ukraine, the Russian plane, the treatment of females in the region, the fact that the West funds these assholes, how bout the illegal drone war the U.S. is helping Saudi Arabia enact in Yemen, none of that matters enough to get a Facebook trend, but these French people do? I'm just saying, it's so fucking racist and bigoted, the way the media's portrayed it; these refugees are suffering PRIMARILY because of the west is fucking with a sovereign government, where the women are free to drive and wear their hair out openly; in other words, a more modernized Muslim country to say the least. Yeah, we need to keep them seperate from the local populations because WHO KNOWS who's there.. But that doesn't mean turn em down! So what the media and the governments are doing? They're making it seem like a lot of people don't want the refugees over (which they don't, cause humans are by definition selfish, and it takes the process of enlightenment of some kind to overcome this massive flaw) promising to not accept them; and over here their actually letting a shit ton in without screening them or anything. Germany has hundreds of thousands of them invading rural villages. ISIS is getting blamed for literally everything under the sun despite the fact that Russia pretty much already defeated them. It's just insane to me, the way people literally forget news and the timeline of events to prepare for the next ritual holiday season gift giving, self indulging orgies. Honestly, because of what I've seen during my research I am nervous about the prospect of us NOT having world war 3.. Let me explain. The Internet is valuable but it has been sabotaged. Anonymous, for instance (what I consider a pretty interesting piece of this puzzle) has been or always was hijacked. This whole push for world war 3 is strange, it's been slow moving for awhile. I don't really think anyone wants world war 3. I've seen plenty of pics of world's leaders on various sides of the spectrum (east vs west) shaking hands, going to the same meetings, having the same parties, saying the same things, doing he same dance, essentially. It is indeed, MAD. So, who wants you to think world war 3 is about to happen? (insert Rapture, Ragnarok, Zompocolypse, Jihad, etc) In my opinion, whoever is charge of this planet; whether it be ancient humans who really pulled a fast one on us ditching us on this rock, coming back to overt lordship over us, or perhaps, indeed other intelligent life forms, physical or otherwise. (I believe it's very possible that all UFOs are of a breakaway human civilization, and that we down here on earth have never interacted with aliens). Anyway, you decide. Sorry for the rant I just am tired of talking to people in person today, they are mainly stupid.
4 Geralt23 2015-11-18
Those extra-terrestrial/inter-dimensional beings/UFO things you are talking about could very well be referred to as jinns (demons). You probably already know of the claims how the Illuminati or "The powers that be" are satan worshippers. It could very well be that they are working together with demons to carry out their plans. Which, to the spiritually enlightened person, could very well explain all the unexplainable evil things that are going on around the world.
2 Ihopeitsround 2015-11-18
Couldn't of said it better myself. I honesty am getting very tired of the Christian/religious angle with demons though.. I mean, I believe their may be an all powerful God-Entity (one that is relatively uninterested in what you do specifically and much more benign) but they just go right back to the book, the one book that knows everything, for fact. It very well could be much weirder like you said, with humans and these beings working together or perhaps us even becoming possessed by them (or worse mate with them). Do you follow the middle path?
3 Geralt23 2015-11-18
The way you seem to describe it, what I got from your post, you are already describing clearly what is being referred to as 'demons' in religions like Christianity and Islam. Only because you are tired of the religious angle, you labeled it with "inter-dimensionals/extra-terrestrials".
2 Geralt23 2015-11-18
Also another thing worth noting is when you say just now:
What you are doing here is shaping the idea of how God should be into your own prefered shape because otherwise 'God' would go against your interests and beliefs. You don't want to accept the things God preaches but merely create your own imaginary God tailored for your own interests. I am not judging or condemning you with this, but merely objectively describing the situation at hand.
2 Ihopeitsround 2015-11-18
I absolutely accept this, natural idea of what God should be. I also appreciate you calling me out in a gentle way, haha. But yes I am aware that I am shaping God in some ways to fit my emotional needs; I believe everyone does this though (most people simply don't accept that they are doing it). Do you really think that God looks like us? We're pretty small.. Kinda weird looking from like say a planet's perspective. Here's the real truth, if the God of the bible is the real deal he can throw me in the lake because I'm not down with this hole eternal reward and punishment for people who started out as screaming babies with no sense in the world, not to mention the fact being born into a place not specifically of their choosing. Culture is a disease.
0 Ihopeitsround 2015-11-18
Precisely; because I have seen enough wacky stuff (used to be on a non-profit ghost hunting team) and looked into various religions, cults, philosophies etc, I believe they are potentially one in the same. The universe might be much different than sweet Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson tells us on his sweet little documentaries.. These beings could be simply characters, archetypes of are subconscious or vice versa; our universe is very similar to a computer program in many different ways. It just makes sense to me that pretty much everyone is wrong about what they are saying because they are either A) on some level duped by these beings (false prophets, entertainment etc) or B) possessed and or working with them in some way. Not to mention the fact that none of these religions doomsday has actually happened yet here we are, still shaking in our boots just waiting for the sky God to judge us.
1 Geralt23 2015-11-18
Oh I highly disagree that religion doomsday signs haven't happened yet. Here are a few of the things that Prophet Muhammad said about the signs of the 'End Times':
Children born outside of marriage will become commonplace
Fornication and adultery will become commonplace, that, also, appears to have already been fulfilled in a modern world in which virginity and marital fidelity are becoming old-fashioned;
Universal consumption of alcoholic beverages
Homosexuality (and lesbianism) will become commonplace
Men will dress like women and women will dress like men
Time will move swiftly—a year passing like a month—a month like a week—a week like a day etc., and already the perception of swiftly moving time is a universal experience
3 metabolix 2015-11-18
Humanity has always treaded down the PAth of sin. That much is certain. So what we are seeing now isn't much new. All what you have mentioned also happened in the days of old ex Gomorrah. Prophets have come to correct us from going down this path, and lead us to a path of humanity (good). But still they couldn't stop us in our fall to the very deep. I think technology has only accelerated our fall, but have we hit rock bottom yet? I very much doubt that. Even if there is a destructive world war, or some catastrophe, many of us might die, but then the survivors will pick up the pieces, may be learn a few lesson, and continue to rebuild the world. I believe that is how things have been in the foreseeable past and how things will be in the foreseeable future.
1 Geralt23 2015-11-18
I have only quoted the minor signs of the end times. Go to that first link and scroll down to the "Major signs".
And if you want to go all out, google 'end times islam' or 'signs apocalypse islam'. It's extremely fascinating to read up on it.
1 Ihopeitsround 2015-11-18
Are you Sunni or Shi'a?
1 Geralt23 2015-11-18
I guess Sunni. I have no in-depth knowledge about my religion and shamefully admit that I don't even pray 5 times a day.
2 Ihopeitsround 2015-11-18
Haha. Well I mean at least your not trying to preach to me. I am very interested in Islam and certainly respect it. I just, again, disagree with the notion of eternal reward an punishment. Salam Alikum, friend.
1 Geralt23 2015-11-18
The interesting thing about Islam is that it claims that all prophets that Allah sent to earth preached the same message of the one and only deity. This is why only Islam acknowledges the existence and genuinity of all prophets including Moses and Jesus, who are the dominant figures in Judaism and Christianity respectively.
Aleykum selam.
1 Ihopeitsround 2015-11-18
As a clearly more liberal minded Muslim, doesn't that intrigue you to the point of questioning? I mean, all these religions; Christianity, Islam, and Satanism (and their various incarnations) all sprang from Abraham. It's the same God. He is not a gentle, kind hearted God. He is a God of the sword. Not to say that the people who follow these religions are, but their confusion over his specific name has cause quite a bit of bloodshed over the years..
1 Geralt23 2015-11-18
I believe the corruption of religion and God's word is the number 1 conspiracy throughout the history of humanity. I went through a period of questioning and even disbelieving and even in that period I was still intrigued and actually wanted answers for my questions. I had questions like "how is it possible for Noah to fit all animals on one boat?" But thankfully I have swayed back and a lot of things became clear to me. This was a long process and while my increase of knowledge certainly played a big part of my understanding, I also became, through personal circumstances, more spiritually awakened. This flipped a switch inside me that made me start to see things from a deeper perspective.
I believe that the internet played a huge part of me becoming more and more atheistic. 99.99% of people who have discussions about religion on the internet don't know anything about it, just bits of pieces and a lot of misquotation and out of context interpretations. It's nothing but a circlejerk of ego-tripping. And being the rebellious teenager I was I kept on agreeing more and more with the posts I read. Comparing this to today, where I just read a long post from someone who was critical of Islam and had this line in his post: "Wahhabism is still a legitimate movement in Islam."... followed by dozens of people quoting and praising him for his 'fantastic post'. Read this article which explains the origins of Wahhabism:
It's just a giant sea of misinformation and misdirection out there. And it goes to show when people talk about it. Let's examine your quote for example:
I believe that this view of you has formed through years of reading anti-religious opinions and articles. These are not your words.
In order for someone to become a muslim he must state the following line: "Eshedu en la ilahe illAllah, ve eshedu enne Muhammeden abduhu ve resuluh”
Translation: “I bear witness that there is no god but Allah and I bear witness that Muhammed is his servant and messenger”
Now why is the second part of this line so important that muslims have to say it? That is because we believe that the prophet Muhammed was the living example of what the Qur'an preaches. And if you read a book about his well-documented life, you would find that he was the most caring, loving, honest and merciful human that has ever lived on this planet. So he is the living example of what Allah (God) preaches in his book. This is why you can't take the Qur'an and study that book by it's own. You also have to study the life of the prophet Muhammed to truly understand how to interpret the Qur'an. So when you get to that point where you see what kind of a loving and caring person Muhammed was, how can you say that God is not a gentle and kind hearted God? To understand this you need to do real research from real Islamic sources.
1 Ihopeitsround 2015-11-18
I understand your point about me not knowing a lot about the Qur'an, truly I know very little; however, I know a great deal about Arab, and through extension, Islamic history; Muhammad must have slipped in his messages of peace just a bit, because he and his direct descendants went on to conquer the entire Middle East in a matter of years. I am aware that they were much more humane with their conquests then say the Hebrews (R.I.P the Canaanites who must have really pissed Yahweh/Allah off). That being said, war is war. Religious war is an especially savory flavor that those beings we were talking about enjoy.
1 metabolix 2015-11-18
Evil men take what is good and use it to further their respective agendas. A lot was lost in translation and misinterpretation by the ones "not blind but cannot see". A lot of the prophets taught abstract concepts of God, good and evil in simpler ways for people to understand. Try explaining your opinion on this to a group of people and see how easily it can be misconstrued, just like a game of broken telephone! Same happened to various " religious movements". Eventually they all got corrupted and the original message got completely lost on their followers. Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, all of them! Jesus himself said my world is not of the sword, the kingdom of heaven was metaphoric for a world where we will all live simply, yet be happy and at peace. Jesus and Mohammad were just men like you and me. So even they could make a few mistakes. But their general goal was to help us from falling into the traps of pure evil.
1 Ihopeitsround 2015-11-18
I understand where your coming from and it is indeed very possible that what you say is true, but it's not concrete. In my mind, history is up for grabs. Jesus' very existence is in question and Muhammad's life should honestly not be considered relevant to this conversation. I'm saying this, coming from a mindset in which these religions have been created intentionally, not corrupted. I'm saying, essentially, just an inverted version of what your saying. In my world, the religions are bad to begin with and good people bring good things into them, simply because the human spirit wants to shine, not because some deity defined righteousness for us and left us to forget. The night is darkest just before the dawn. We will wake up to our true purpose.
1 metabolix 2015-11-18
I used to question that way as well. You're right, we really don't know and perhaps can never know. I try to deduce and look for more clues as well. I have found lately that i can make better sense when i think abstractly, given that we are all stuck in the entrapments of language which keeps changing based on the context of the times. I think this world is just a passing phase, and after death our spirit becomes one with that of the universe, maybe we will come as a different being, maybe we will flow with the rivers down the mountain, or erupt as lava from a volcano, who knows. But I believe we are one! Cheers mate, I like reading up on others interpretation and ideas while I form my own. At least we are all treading down the search for truth (which I believe is singular).
1 Ihopeitsround 2015-11-18
Indeed, I'll keep you in my heart and mind. "Do not mourn me friends, I fall as a shooting star, into the next life"
1 Geralt23 2015-11-18
Please don't talk about Muhammad without knowing anything about him. Please don't talk about anyone without knowing anything about them.
1 Freedom-Seeker 2015-11-18
I agree fully, and believe (as you said) technology is only enhancing and helping facilitate the evil on a much faster scale. Your words are especially potent today, keep it up.
1 Ihopeitsround 2015-11-18
Interesting that all of these things are happening in that way but again, nothing catastrophic has happened and I would argue that most of those issues would have been more overt back in the day had the cultures aloud it.. Today, we are all connected and we realize how different we are from each other, while still sharing certain core attributes. Everyone wants to be aloud to pursue their own idea of the "good life" (whether that's jihad or a luxury hotel). We have to lay down these presuppositions invented by people who do not care about us.
1 calledawarnobodycame 2015-11-18
One mans demon is another mans alien.
1 metabolix 2015-11-18
As far as i know, satanism doesn't have anything to do with supernatural beings. It is a school of thought where morals and ethics are just human creations and that there is no inherent good or bad in human nature. When you define it like that, you will see how many of the rulers are Satanists as they are devoid of a moral compass that many of us still have. They are trying very hard to loosen the morals of the rest of us so we can be like them, with less love, less compassion, less understanding in our hearts and nurture our vices such as greed, lust, deception etc. That is my understanding of satanism. If you have any thoughts on this, feel free to share.
2 Geralt23 2015-11-18
I suppose the only thought I have is "The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was to convince the world he did not exist".
Satanism preaches a strange set of ideas devoid of a stable moral compass. It's basically exactly something satan would want people to believe in. "There is no God there is no evil you can make up your own morality" or something to that extent. It's just one more way of satan to delude people. And since we live in the age where not believing in religion is the number 1 cool thing to do, satanists decided to change their satanic beliefs into 'modern satanism', which is supposedly not satanic in nature. They belief in the general ideas of satanism but decided to disregard the actual existence of satan. Another form of tailoring religion for your own interests and beliefs. Why the hell (pun intended) do they insist on still using the word 'satanism' then? They should go and make up a new word for their new religion.
1 metabolix 2015-11-18
Hey bud, you're on the right path, but there is still more truth searching I think you have to do. Reason I'm saying this is that I can relate to where you are in your path for truth. If you haven't looked into NASA lies, please do so. All the world's governments are colluding with each other to keep their respective populations under control because all of them need to scratch each others backs to a great extent. And ultimately they all serve Satan, because money and power corrupts indefinitely. By Satan I mean what we refer to as "evil" whereas God embodies all things that are "good". From my research, I do believe there are higher beings, but I don't think they interfere with us here on earth. Of course you will have a negative energy if you think negative thoughts, but beyond that, you can train your mind to overcome almost anything or any fear. Fear also is a negative trait that can be conquered by confidence and righteousness. I also have lots more to learn and develop. But I thought I'll give my two cents, and hope it will help you in your path. Good luck!
2 Freedom-Seeker 2015-11-18
Thanks for this. I could not have said it better myself.
1 Ihopeitsround 2015-11-18
Thank you I appreciate it and I recognize your name, friend. Keep up the good work. It's very difficult for me with religious people because I am very interested in stuff like that but I don't carry the same chip on my shoulder when someone who actually does subscribe to a religion does; this sullying any fair, beneficial conversation. Mostly they give me the eyes of desperation, where, I can see that what I am saying is resonating wth them, but they cannot put too much energy into the thoughts because it causes deep, uncomfortable thoughts. We have been grilled since birth to accept our culture and our families' vision of the world (which usually includes us being better than everyone else). Anyway, my two cents; everyone needs to humbly work together, but that might not happen. So, best thing I can do is make due without most of you and spread the positive rhythms of the universe to as many human antennae as possible. Good luck to you as well.
1 [deleted] 2015-11-18
Perhaps you should look a bit into Gnosticism and the concept of the demiurge. I've been studying Gnosticism along with Hermeticism for a while now and it's a bit of a mind fuck, to say the least. If you're interested, check out this out for an introduction of Hermeticism.It's long as hell but very interesting.
1 Ihopeitsround 2015-11-18
Oh no I'm right there with you; the fact that their were hundreds of different cults worshipping (or not worshipping) Jesus before the Catholic Church ever sprang about is very telling to me; they had to consolidate that stuff. Do you think that theres such a thing as good Freemasons and good occultists?
1 [deleted] 2015-11-18
I would definitely say there are good Masons and occultists. I used to think the entire organization of Freemasonry ran our governments and were devil worshippers, etc. But Masonry and the occult aren't inherently evil or Satanic or anything like that. (That's not to say that there aren't any Masons that are part of the cabal that run our governments though, cause I'm sure there are some of those type of Masons as well.) The use of symbols can mean many different things for different people. It's all about how the person decides to use the knowledge of the occult in whatever way the individual wills, whether that be good or bad, it's the individual's choice. The most important lesson I learned from the occult is that nothing is black & white.
1 Ihopeitsround 2015-11-18
I absolutely am with you on this. It just seems, to me, that the wicked ones have been able to sabotage whatever game is going on here on Earth. They have the vast majority of us in suspended animation within our own psyche; paranoid, afraid of nature, and afraid of each other. I wish I could say I see it getting better but it doesn't look that way to me (people seem to be getting stupider, and less human to me- perhaps this is just hubris or arrogance within me). I think of this place as a school; those people "up there", they're tryin to tell us something; "so that people with eyes could see". I have felt and intuited these "good occultists", "angels", and "benevolent extraterrestrials". Beware, they're are many false prophets (though I would say the end result/consequences of falling for their tricks is really a lot less scary than religious people would have you believe, in the long run). I am very into the occult myself; I am more of an observer and an apologist but I have practiced certain natural rites intended to reinforce the planet's energy; she is being depleted, rapidly, over the course of a century or so. We have to learn their secret, no matter how dangerous and use it against them, that is the Brotherhood of the Snake; those who reject the beauty of the natural way of things.
-2 IanPhlegming 2015-11-18
wall o words
1 Ihopeitsround 2015-11-18
I apologize for the status of the rant, haha.
1 Geralt23 2015-11-18
Edit in some paragraphs.
1 Ihopeitsround 2015-11-18
I apologize for the status of the rant, haha.