My post isn't submitting in r/askpolitics so I'll ask here. Why is Hilary Clinton still eligible for presidency despite her email scandal?

67  2015-11-19 by [deleted]



Because the state is an entity set up to advance the agenda of the ultra wealthy and she is one of their best proxies.


I get what you're going after. I personally try not to think about it anymore. When I do, I go batshit crazy trying to understand the ignorance around this...

As a long time subscriber, you of all people should not be surprised by the lack of interest the masses had about, well, anything really. They won't care until a Big Mac costs 20 bucks.

Call me cynical but at this point, the public's apathetic attitude to everything but the most trivial and superficial things in life is a truism that some of them even embrace.

Essentially, as long as the Iphones and celebrity scandals keep flowing the general masses care little with what happens in the world.

Idiocracy wasn't too far fetched after all.

The "public's apathetic attitude" is only an illusion that is holding popular belief solely because our mainstream media is treating it as if no one cares. But the facts are, the public does care.

We're not as stupid, as lazy or as unwilling as the media portrays.

how it isn't a big deal to the public

Because much of the public has oatmeal for brains when it comes to realpolitik.

I think many people IRL have no fucking clue either. The media has been in the business of manufacturing consent for quite some time now.

Until she is convicted of a felony, she can run for public office. The hope is that she will be in the near future that way her careeer ends and she becomes ineligible.

The people were upset about it, but that gets replaced by whatever comes next on the television/media. Attention spans are short.

Fuck a felony. If the truth really came out, the dumb bitch would be facing high crimes against the state rather than simple disqualification. We would all love to hear that rope crack and she squirms her last moments away in agony.

Almost all media is owned by 6 corporations.

And this is the trend everywhere, including India where I'm from. They collude with people in power to push their respective agendas.

Governments are smarter after every event because as a collective, they learn the mistakes of their predecessors. The governments have learned that as long as the majority of the population remains unharmed, there is no tipping point for revolt. Minor mob mentalities can be quelled. Dangerous ideas, when small, can be quelled. People as a whole on the other hand, seldom do not learn from others' and past mistakes.

Wipe her server? What with like a rag or something?? shoulder shrug

uproarious laughter and applause

That's why

If you observe major trends in politics, then you see both parties' candidates have the same agendas.

In 2000, SNL, continually promoted Bush and Gore as having the same policies. John Kerry and Bush had the same policies. While campaigning from supposedly opposite spectrums, McCain and Obama turned out to have the same policies. Romneycare vs Obamacare came next.

In 2013, all major candidates of this century proposed attacking Syria while public support was 11%.

The "opposing issues" such as abortion, guns, etc. have remained unchanged for decades; never being solved.

As such, as long as the contender maintains the status quo, MSM doesn't give a shit about the skeletons in the closet. Those come out when a candidate diverges from the narrative.

Because most people don't care about "scandals" anymore.

Hillary and her crew are doing their level best to convince the world the email "thing" (if you watch, Hillary's people never call it a scandal. It's a situation, or issue) is a manufactured scandal meant to smear her.

Second, people don't understand - aren't being helped to understand - why the email server of the Secretary of State needs to be secure and not used to trade recipes with Aunt Cheryl. It also hasn't been adequately explained why the Senate investigative committee wants to read it. That's because on that server are likely hundreds of documents linking Ms. Clinton to any number of illegitimate acts as secretary of state. Collecting 100 million from foreign governments and businesses via her charity foundation, for instance.

Because if you really looked into that you would see that her service as Secretary of State was not to benefit the US so much as it was to cement her 2016 run to Presidency. Hillary feels she is the next president. She is convinced of it and so are most self-identified democrats.

So. Why is she still eligible to run? Because no news agency has the balls to really work that story. News agencies are not about information anymore, they are about profit via information and to secure their contacts to the White House, the Clinton campaign or any other government body or candidate, they have to maintain good terms with that body or person. That means the public doesn't receive information anymore - not relevant information anyway - we receive sound bytes and press releases, vetted by the government and packaged as news and delivered 24/7.

This process is exactly what the American founders wanted to avoid. They considered the press a method by which the people were informed in order to hold their elected representatives and leaders accountable and make an informed vote. Now, the press is merely a mouthpiece for a particular candidate or issue.

Because she has been selected by the powers that be to win.


be fair about it. im bye no means a hilary fan. she did indeed discuss buisness on a private server. THEY ALL DO... weather or not classified secrets were exchanged is the trick. its totally a bout making hilary look bad. most people as fucking sleepy as they are are not gripping the potential. they just dont see it. so its a non issue. no one has the balls to stop her from running. gossip is all they have. and until there is proof. its gossip.

Imagine Clinton having a perfect record. Imagine her as the most gracious and magnificent human on the planet.

If she cannot handle extremely classified material, I do not want her to be the Commander in Chief. I cannot trust her to secure and operate the most powerful military in the world, if she does not know how servers and encryption work.

People really care about the scandals, but people like Hillary are in tight with the people who own the media outlets, with the people who control what is covered in the "news" and from what angle.

They work together. It's not much of a secret either.

No charges have been brought against her and even if she had been convicted of a felony, that would not render her ineligible. Technically, you could run for President from jail.

The reason it is not being brought up more is the media doesn't bring it up more. Attribute that to what you want. The stuff that has come out doesn't point to her having seriously endangered national security, but that doesn't mean it's not there, though you'd expect Wikileaks or someone would release it if it were.

I made a post about hillary in another completely separate completely non-related subforum. it was "shadowposted" and I know for a fact the mods in that sub DGAF about censor.

Censorship on reddit is at an all time high. I wouldn't be surprised.

i believe it was automated based on the negative hillary connotations, the effects were immediate.

The same way Obama was able to run and win without being properly vetted. The candidate who takes the most money will likely win.

because her name has two Ls in it.

Something, something, woman, something, something, 9/11.

9/11 cannot be brought up enough, especially at a time like this. I really don't think the American public should pay for the crimes of their evil, deceptive governments. We will support you'll if you do something now to write the wrongs. We shouldn't be people living in "terror", especially in this day and age where differences can be discussed and settled like adults.

Because everyone makes mistakes and we can forgive.


What most dont realize though is its not a simple mistake, it's just being played like one. Combining personal and work emails is 21st century taboo. It speaks to a person that has no clue about technology. Not someone we need leading us into tommorow.

Because the Illuminati.

catchall word for TPTB

Illuminati is a legitimate group with a well documented ideology. It is an historical fact that such a group exists. I don't know why they club it with outrageous "conspiracies".

It can't be verified, nor can it be falsified. We just have to live with that.

I consider it to be 'a network of secret societies working for the same gnositc occult goal of human instrumentality towards ascention in a 'great work of alchemy'' in other words, freemasonry, which seems to be the thread that ties them all together as if it's the marketplace and the individual concerns like the UN, the council on foreign relations, the bilderberg group, the round table, etc. are the vendors

That's my belief, from what I've put together. Yes, it could be a shadowy org on top of that, but I have no evidence. People point to a website of the illuminati, and it's interesting and I've been there and read it, but it could just be a compilation / info dump type site.

What email scandal? You mean that Republican smear campaign they're waging trying to act like breaking the law is uh... against the law? For Hillary, I mean?

How about its not a scandel.

Keep living in ignorance.