Now, the fuck what?

14  2015-11-19 by ArthurTheAstronaut

So every conspiracy theory about ISIS being a government agency like the CIA, and 9/11, and everything else relevant to those two things has just been proven to be 100% true. What. The fuck. Are we supposed to do about it? Or not even 'about it'. Just in general to live out our lives happily?(Hypothetically speaking)


Learn to satisfy your own needs and those of your community. If everyone can take care of themselves, the government won't be able to assume the position of taxing and devising methods of profiting off it.

But unfortunately, unless the government falls completely, that's never going to end.

To be clear, I believe in a lot of the 'conspiracies' that I am referring to. It just seems to go deeper and deeper than I ever imagined, the further I look and I'm at the point where it's like...Ok even if we COULD prove everything, What would that even mean? Or accomplish?

We have the tools of communication and manufacturing to rid ourselves of government, a lot of "work" and most of our problems, but no one is incentivized towards producing it. Maybe if more people were aware of where their energy and production is being directed - against others and themselves - then we'd stop giving our resources, energy and life's to them.

Very well said. If we all can simply take care of ourselves, and our communities the government becomes completely obsolete and unnecessary. This is the answer.

Divesting from their control structure is an important step towards achieving this too, bartering and skill swapping are a good first step towards this.

Thanks for the responses guys. Love talkin' to like minded folk.

What proves 100% that ISIS is "a government agency."

All those videos of top intelligence people admitting it


Yeah. I've been out of the loop. I'd like to read what makes the claim an undeniable fact.

It's hypothetical, friend. My point was basically "Even if we COULD prove all these conspiracies, what would we/COULD WE even do?"

That's not very clear. You should probably edit the post text to indicate this.

Doesn't matter that it's clear or it isn't. Whether people read this post as truth, or hypothetical, I still value the answer.

Fair enough. I have to say, tho, I think clarity will produce better questions, better answers, and better credibility for you. It's up to you tho, just my two cents.

Noted and accounted for. Thanks sir. We'll see if your hypothesis was correct :P

Oh, I see. Well I'd say the answer to that hypothetical question is nothing. I'm not joking either, seems like most thing are now out of our hands.

Unfortunately, I would have to agree to an extent. Which is why I posted this.

Unless every human on the planet takes to the streets, well, nearly every single one, and demands for the entire political cast to sod off asap, there's nothing, absolutely zilch we can do. There's still a huge, overpowering silent, foolish and apathetic majority that sits idly by and whose function is to BE the status quo.

That's still a pretty positivistic and naive way of approaching the situation.

The way I've come to see society or even the driving forces within an individual, I tend to be way less optimistic, not to say despondent, disappointed with and frightful of humans. Their stupidity, hypocrisy, and, more often than not, cowardice is boundless.

Just hit them up on Twitter.

How did I miss that?! Silly me! :P

The first step to solving a problem is admitting we have a problem. If these things were proven to be true, and a majority of the public believed them as being true, then we could work together to come up with a solution. I don't have any answers, and I'm sure not one person has all the answers, so we would need to work collectively towards a common goal. Currently the general public is divided on so many, mostly irrelevant, issues that it would be impossible to have everyone work together to drastically improve or renovate society. A mass awakening would need to occur to get the public body moving in the same direction.

Very VERY well stated. I couldn't agree more.

Keep learning.

Be, and do it well. The only thing you can do about "it" is in your locality, those whom can do, say.. more or whatever in that area should already know since its part of their emergent preceived locality, usually directly.

That is to say, nothing unless you can. An this is the most important part, do what you can. Don't worry about the town over unless you can, the ones who already can do that, should, though it involves more than any one.

If someone who can help out another place (than the locality they are in) does not have the support of their local presence area then most 'help' they provide to another will have space for 'a problem' in their 'local presence area' to go over there. Of course this is all too oversimplified to draw hard conclusions and solutions from but it conveys the importance of us realizing (with our real eyes) we must solve the problems we face by working together with us. Remember "us" is formed with (multiple) you(s) and "we" is formed from double you(s) engaged with efficiency.

What in the fuck did I even read? I appreciate the effort. But you're trying a little too hard, Buddha.

Oh, my bad.

Perhaps you should give specific examples? Perhaps pick a specific locality, describe 5 or 10 specific types of people and specifically state what they should do if they can? Campaign? Protest? Block the doors of city hall? DDOS attack on city hall servers until they actually listen to their constituents? Local anti-dis-information campaign? Ya know, concrete examples. I'm requesting this on behalf of OP, not for me.

Its a passive do.

I see...the most long-term "do" of them all...

First, collect and organize the proof, the names, and the data so it is very clear, succinct, direct, unbiased, easily-distributable and easily-understandable with minimal artistic b.s./dressings/sugar-coating/music/etc.

Then, distribute the information as quickly as possible to as many people as possible.

Then, vocally insist on trials. If trials never come, vocally insist on replacing the judges/prosecutors with people willing to bring trials. Whatever you do, as you are fighting the guilty you should never accept money or resources from the guilty. If you do, you become guilty.

As far as being happy, that's a personal thing and probably very varied. Some people can be happy knowing their elected representatives fostered the emergence of radical jihadism as long as America "wins" in the end, and some people cannot be happy with that knowledge. You may have to sacrifice your happiness if you wish to be morally upright. Or, you may even find that you're much happier knowing you didn't stand by and watch while your government representatives played military geo-political chess with real peoples' lives in order to secure resources in a distant region. It kinda depends on your personality and goals.