Thank you /conspiracy

121  2015-11-20 by redania1

I thank all of you for providing multiple points of view for news. With propaganda on multiple sides, every point of view counts to weed out fallacies and stupidity. Thank you.


Just never stop questioning sources and their motivation, even here. Great alternative source for outside points of view for sure though. Not many places left to civilly discuss topics like these.

Yep, I agree. Always question everything, whether it's written in the alternative or mainstream media. Only by putting the pieces together and using some common sense, intuition and critical discernment, can you come to the actual truth behind any topic.

There is so much information nowadays and that in itself makes the amount of disinformation and misinformation enormous.

And also uphold civility and the freedom to discuss opinions openly and freely.

STFU!!!!.... jk. LOL.

because most of the reddit subs are heavily censored by the establishment(so they are certainly being lied to, how the hell do the mods live with themselves), this sub should be made a default sub, or word HAS to spread about it so that ppl subscribe to it. They are being manipulated and lied to. They have the right to know.

edit: the mods on this sub should know what they're facing. If this sub gets too popular, it would be easy to shut it down. Just get a bunch of a$$-clowns to come in here to make a bunch of submissions that would have the sub shut down

That last part about the assclowns has already happened and still is. When there's large pushes to this subreddit you see an increase in the amount of bullshit posted, especially topics that would discredit the users here (such as the earth is flat LOL).

/r/conspiracy does get hijacked regularly. It's worth it, though, because it gives the sub more attention. Good attention, that is. And whenever we get hijacked, subscriber count increases more than usual because some people come here looking to bash whatever tin foil hatter they can find, but end up learning more than they expected.

Definitely agree. It's a battle, but continuing the fight is the only way to truly spread awareness and a cultural revolution.

I feel like people have been trained/conditioned to automatically mock or disregard anyone who speaks of conspiracies, even if the facts are there to backup what's being said. Its terribly frustrating but there does seem to be a very real mental block that I honestly don't know can be undone.

Sometimes it does get tiring though. When we think about it, the fact that we have to question the actions of institutions that are supposed to represent people is ridiculous.

I strongly feel that our socio-economic system has everything to do with making people behave the way the are, and overhauling the system is the only way to improve the society and evolve ourselves to a better civilization.

And for the rest of you, Big Brother thanks you for your compliance and unwavering faith in Team USA

*Team Israel.

Same difference.

It needs to be stated that the true culprit for all of this is Israel. Once they will bring down the USA as the world superpower, Israel will become the successor. This is why people need to know today that Israel is the real enemy all along.

I'd argue that states are no longer the controlling actors in global geopolitics, but rather it is powerful individuals and families with no patriotic allegiances who use states to further their goals. It's not the average Israeli who is the enemy, but their deep state.

Israel will become the successor.

Israel as a superpower? Bwahaahahahahahaha!

Are you Jewish yourself? Just curious.

DAE people who disagree with me are poopy heads? I'm so smart.

confused. explain

Also, always be on edge in regards to controlled opposition. There are many characters out there who appear to be vigilantes for truth and justice, but are only meant to pacify you into thinking that good is on the verge of triumph. There is no change without individual action.


We all live in this same world, most just have their eyes closed to their true surroundings. Don't be narrow-minded.

Take Alex Jones for example. Here's a guy who has always sat on the fringe, and has exposed a lot of government corruption. Recently, InfoWars has suddenly made a shift closer to the mainstream media, and Jones is now endorsing popular presidential candidates he was slaughtering on air a few years ago. They refuse to entertain the idea of hoax shootings.

Jones has been accused by many of having connections to the CIA and intentionally steering those who enter the world of alternative media down the wrong path.

Sorry if it seems crazy to you. To assume the massively wealthy military-industrial complex has never spent a dime on spreading misinformation is quite the blissful pipe dream we'd all love to live.

Jones has shifted towards the main stream because his once faithful following, me included, got tired of his lies mixed with truth. He has Zionist connections and has proven to be a gate keeper for Israel's involvement in 9/11.

He has Zionist connections and has proven to be a gate keeper for Israel's involvement in 9/11.


Im thankful for this community as well, I've learnt a lot in the last year.

Never believe in coincidences my friend.

You must not believe in the "big bang" then?

Most people here probably don't "believe" in the big bang theory. it's a possible model but doesn't explain explain the singularity itself or what came before. It really just explains the evolution of the known universe, not the origin.

For me I just find things like this more... Pressing or important than how the universe started

And it was popularized by a Jesuit Priest?

If you believe in the simulated reality theory, and in something magical like spooky action at a distance, then it does make sense.


I'll let God decide that one thanks

This seems to be the one place where the answer isn't automatically BERNIE SANDERS AAAAGH

Oh i dont know about that.. Many here are falling for that hype. Too many. If something seems too good to be true, 9/10 times it is. bernie is no different. If he does become prez, i hope he ends up being legit and not selling us out like obama and bush did


You're not wrong. I'd like to think someone like trump wouldn't care though and still go against their grain. But hey, when you come face to face with the lizards, it'd be hard to maintain your composure

To me he just sounds like a plush doll that repeats the same 10 phrases over and over

I want to believe but he's just so vague. Please just do us all a favor Bernie and lay out your tax plan. Show us specifics of how you're gping to magically uncorrupt Wall Street. We get it, you wanna save the middle class, but HOW? Give us the deets

And quit trying to make America Denmark. We have cities with bigger populations than that entire country. And they don't exactly have a bible belt to deal with

So much sarcasm in just one post

This sub rocks! Rock on people!!!

No, thank you.

No problem. Trust no one. Your only friends are your gun and your knife.

Well that's pretty negative and creepy. Aren't you just Mr. Positive!

Do we all Really need these threads every few months?

Everybody feel better after having their back patted again?


Better to point out what's wrong; that's constructive at least.

Heeyyyy! You're already tagged as hater.

Damn straight.

thank you!!

I would like to echo OP's sentiment's here. Thank you guys, whoever you are or whatever your angle is. It is refreshing to see different opinions, and as importantly to see alternate views being expressed on reddit.

It's why I keep coming back here, but let's not all blow out our shoulders patting ourselves on the back. There's always going to be work to do, regardless of who controls the media or who pulls on the strings of power.

Dont trust anything you read here. For every 1 grain of truth rarely found, there is 10 lies of disinformation spread by paid PR firms. Thats the shills you hear about. Its honestly gotten bad here now because questioning what everyone else is thinking here will get YOU called a shill. Try out they have a good conspiracy subverse too like this one, but with less of a userbase so less disinfo. Always question what you read. Question me even. Im an asshole so im used to it. Happy hunting

Nice Voat plug. So, you're saying that we should go to /v/conspiracy because /r/conspiracy bans users for personally attacking others? Why would you want to be in a sub were personal attacks are part of the discourse? Isn't this, literally, the agreed-on lowest form of debate? You can say v/conspiracy is a good alternative to checkout, it's wonderful, 'Just Do It', but to imply that it's better because of a plethora of people calling others shills is just not logical. what? What the fuck? What are you on about? Im saying i prefer voat's forum because theres less shills and dummies.. I think were on the same side here but you're really comin at me sideways

I misunderstood your post. Sorry.

Eh it happens don't worry about it

No, some points of view are just pushing invented falsehoods. Nothing good about that. Some people are making money or political points off inventing and pushing conspiracy theories.


People like Alex Jones ?

*Team Israel.

Oh i dont know about that.. Many here are falling for that hype. Too many. If something seems too good to be true, 9/10 times it is. bernie is no different. If he does become prez, i hope he ends up being legit and not selling us out like obama and bush did

Nice Voat plug. So, you're saying that we should go to /v/conspiracy because /r/conspiracy bans users for personally attacking others? Why would you want to be in a sub were personal attacks are part of the discourse? Isn't this, literally, the agreed-on lowest form of debate? You can say v/conspiracy is a good alternative to checkout, it's wonderful, 'Just Do It', but to imply that it's better because of a plethora of people calling others shills is just not logical.

Heeyyyy! You're already tagged as hater.

DAE people who disagree with me are poopy heads? I'm so smart.