I asked about a documentary about Iraq that I saw a few years back. It showed a disturbing ritual called an "Harass and Intimidate Mission" where they indiscriminately shoot into villages in the middle of the night. Didn't find THE clip. But we did find ONE clip of this. Worth a watch.

53  2015-11-20 by [deleted]





I also found this:


Didn't watch yet but it looks like it's the "making of" (more like an interview about) the movie film.

EDIT: movie film

Are you sure that it wasn't a feature film that you watched and just miss remembering it as a documentary? I am not denying the fact that this shit actually happens, I just also remember what you're talking about but in my memory it was a movie.

I was Field Artillery deployed in Afghanistan. Definitely shot a fuck ton of white phosphorus.

Serious question, not joking at all, but how's your hearing? I heard field artillery guys don't have the best hearing

I have constant ringing, it's louder in my left ear then my right. VA only gives it a max rating of 10% for Tinnitus. Lol. They say I have 0 hearing loss, yet if someone talks to low, or isn't looking at me so I can see their mouth, I can barely hear it.

I hope his hearing is shot, would serve as a good reminder to not join another death cult. With all due respect, I don't wish anyone to suffer I just honestly believe all military should carry battle scars.

I hope his hearing is shot

well, thats not very nice.

Neither is invading a foreign nation and terrorizing its citizens.

But I guess you'll just ignore that part, huh.

Everyone is entitled to their opinions. Doesn't hurt my feelings none.

google P2OG

This is a TIL topic for sure :)

Is it this video: http://911review.org/brad.com/iraq/video/Aegis_Video.html

Or this Documentary: Jeremy Scahill ~ Dirty Wars

I saw that documentary! 'Harass and intimidate' stuck with me, too. They rolled up in a bradley past midnight, to the middle of a village and fired a shit ton of shells into the surrounding feilds.


I've watched a lot of documentaries in my day, most of them while smoking weed. I remember 'Harass and Intimidate' and the scene surrounding it, but little else. I remember them paying locals to cut down acres and a acres of tall, reedy grassy surrounding the US base because insurgents kept creeping up and taking potshots. The locals were torn between taking the job to get money to feed their families and avoiding contact with US forces for fear of reprisal by the insurgents.

Now that I think about it, the fellow in charge of hiring the locals struck me as the one US soldier who thought of the iraqis as human beings. In that context, troops telling racist jokes makes sense. I'm thinking we're definately talking about the same documentary.


My ex showed it to me so definately not netflix. We didn't have an account. That's not to say it wasn't on netflix, but I didn't see it there.


If you do find it, please let me know. I actually wanted to show someone that 'harass and intimidate' bit like a year but gave up when it was all I could remember about the movie.

Going to watch all 5 parts. Crazy, telling and sad how few views this has. Great find though. Thank you.

Documentary: Taxi to the Dark Side (2007)

I'm kind of giddy because I think I found it. The War Tapes (2006 Iraq War Documentary) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UI1d6DBi1U

I haven't watched it all but it seems much similar to what you are discribing "The War Tapes is the first documentary film of the 2003 invasion of Iraq to be produced by the soldiers themselves. The film (released commercially in 2006) follows three New Hampshire National Guard soldiers before, during, and after their deployment to Iraq about a year after the invasion. Their unit was Charlie Company, 3rd Battalion, 172nd Infantry Regiment (Mountain), which deployed from March 2004 to February 2005.---it is possibly the most innovative result of the embedded reporter program. In this case the reporter did not go to Iraq, but provided cameras to the soldiers, and provided direction on filming to them via instant messaging and email."

Crazy stuff to post to people who don't want to admit that we are what we claim to be fighting.

They were also coined as "Thunder Runs". Youtube that and you will get all the video evidence you want.

Edit: Cause people need links.

First link- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a9oQpBH9Zcw

Video list- https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=thunder+run+baghdad

I'm sorry but I have never seen the documentary your asking about. As for troops being blatantly racist that's any human in any wars opinion of the "enemy". And we all know racism still exists in the military. As for thunder runs they used to shows these on the nightly news. If that's not enough proof to show the masses are complacent then I don't know what is. So i doubt you'll get much uproar over it.

I'd bet good money the documentary is centered around "Thunder Runs" but they may have not known the actual term. I remember watching nightly news footage of them doing these Thunder Runs in small villages with Abrams at night.

And let me break down the two types. There's Thunder Runs (indiscriminate shooting tactic) vs The Thunder Run (Push to Baghdad). I'm assuming they coined the assault The Thunder Run after the success of the Thunder Runs in general.


I'm not sure what a H.I Mission is if you care to explain? I'm guessing what your talking about is on a smaller scale?

I picked the term up from the nightly news. As they would get troops to say the coined term on camera along with spoon feeding the term/phrase.

My basic understanding is summed up in the wiki from the battle of Baghdad.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Baghdad_%282003%29 Wiki: "On April 5 Task Force 1–64 Armor of the U.S. Army's 3rd Infantry Division, 2nd Brigade, executed a raid, later called the "Thunder Run", to test remaining Iraqi defenses. The operation began south of Baghdad and went through main roads to the newly secured airport.[27] Iraqi resistance was disorganized, and the unit sustained few casualties. The unit was forced to abandon one tank due to a recoilless rifle or RPG strike in the rear that penetrated a fuel cell and set the engine on fire.[28] The crew was unharmed. Later, the Air Force bombed the tank to destroy it in place, and the Iraqi Information Ministry claimed credit for destroying it.

Two days later, the entire 2nd Brigade of the 3rd Infantry Division was ordered to conduct another "Thunder Run", following the same route as before. This route had been fortified in the intervening period, and senior leaders feared much more substantial resistance than during the prior encounter. COL David Perkins, the brigade's commander, followed the original Thunder Run route north into Baghdad, but then veered east into the government districts instead of west towards the airport. The 2nd Brigade easily took control of what is now the "Green Zone" in one day, dramatically speeding up the end of conventional ground combat in Iraq.[29]

This portion of the battle was described in detail in the book "Thunder Run: The Armored Strike to Capture Baghdad" by David Zucchino, published March 22, 2004."

From my understanding these Runs didn't stop until Baghdad was in coalition control and if it continued with another name I'm not sure. When the troops would describe the Runs they said they would shoot nothing and everything to incite retaliation. The point being loose rules of engagement along with the night vision and other hardware advantages made it easier to kill insurgents. They of course didn't say they were shooting civilians but if anyone dumb/whatever had to cross a street or wasn't able to evacuate Baghdad I could only imaging.

And good luck on finding the Documentary sorry I couldn't help. I tried searching under Iraq, Indiscriminate, Harass, Intimidate, Racist, Racism, Convoy, Platoon, Assault, and Night in different orders and didn't get anything.


Cheers. I thought it was some other abbreviation for some other reason. Just didn't click. I even looked up H.I. Missions in different combinations and had no luck. Lol..

Everyone is entitled to their opinions. Doesn't hurt my feelings none.