Want to make r/conspiracy great again? Start using the report button as often as the upvote button. This subreddit has 12 mods, so handling the load should not be a problem. And mods, you need to start bringing the hammer down on these trolls.

23  2015-11-21 by [deleted]



This is one of the last places on reddit where people can post and say things and not get banned or censored.

I would rather skip over bad material than start a lot of post censorship and banning.

Skipping over stuff you dont like takes milliseconds. Its not a problem.


But what kind of stuff would you censor?


I have to admit i cant follow those short comments.

I just say skip over stiff that offends you and go on to something that teaches you something.

I would rather have a 100 bad comments to skip through if it created an environment where one new peice of information was shown than have all the comments squelched along with the new peice of information.

there you go agin with that emotive word

banning trolls and assholes who contribute nothing and derail everything is not cencorship it is common fucking sense. especially in a sub known to be targetted for disruption


Rule 2. Removed.

HUH? I was obviously joking! You young folks need to lighten up!

You young old folks need to lighten up!

FTFY. 70 on my next birthday.

Get off my skate park!


FYI: 26 accounts have been banned over the last week for trolling, ban evasion and other rule violations. That is a typical week.


Adding mods is discussed regularly amongst the mod team. In fact, it was being discussed yesterday and new mods will likely be added in the near future. Your suggestion is nothing new to us.


In this sub, it's typically been through a process starting with a post asking for nominations then the user base voting on them.



Holy cow, great suggestion. Compared comments. top1111 may or may not be a shill, but definitely a non-productive and non-contributing weight on any thread s/he joins.

Another 's' word.

lol, you guys are too easy.

Nope, you're a slam dunk. You come here to shit on everybody, there's no reason for you to be here. I'm glad to see you identified. Your words mean nothing from here on out. Best change your identity and work a little harder on non-transparency. Or just never come back.

Please, stop. It's obvious you're a shill. Everyone misses the old /r/conspiracy. Just stop.

Rule 10. Removed.

Totally on board. Thanks. Every name I see on this thread pushing back against you is now a name I don't trust. Thanks again.

I get accused of trolling all the time, but these are my actual opinions. Not so much on this sub, but others. Maybe you just want to hear opinions that reflect your own?

Exactly. It's another ploy to control the board.

Oh look, another shill for the MontZionists!

The problem is I can't be sure to trust the moderators here. They seem to be absent most of the time and a lot of the things I report don't get dealt with. One mod even told me I could pm him/her regarding the pictures on the right of the sub and 2 days ago I pm'ed that mod and also another one to take that picture of Serena Shim down because that story about her murder is a totally bullshit lie. And the picture is still up.

I think the better option would be to move out from this forum and create our own community, away from reddit's manipulative agendas and moderators.



Well again, what's your definition of a shill?

I would like examples, proof, documentation, and sources for your theory. These are all things that would be required for any other theory or accusation to be taken seriously on this sub, why should it be any different in this context?

It's disappointing that threads like these also add nothing to the sub, and only serve to single out people, and make people more hesitant to contribute to discussions for fear of being outed as a shill.

You're use of the buzzword only furthers the sheep mentality of people, if you read the little quip at the top of the sub it follows -

This subreddit is a thinking ground. Above all else, we respect everyone's opinions

This is a forum for free thinking, not hate speech. Respect other views and opinions, and keep an open mind.

When you call someone a shill, and refuse discussion with them you're not keeping an open mind, instead of branding someone why not try to use the tools you have to convince and open up their minds to the truth.


Hm, doesn't really prove much.

Just because he has a outlook that isn't anti-jewish, he's instantly a shill? It's that kind of thinking that quells conversation, nobody tried to convince or provide any fact to back their point of view yet the user was downvoted due to a conflicting idea.


Absolutely, there is. Why are certain people not worth holding discussion with? It's one of the reasons reddit suffers so much is that it rewards Groupthink and punishes anyone who doesn't align with it.

Please don't try to play dumb, the narrative in that thread is "grr Jews", he was down-voted because he expressed an opinion that ridiculed that narrative.


Rule 10. Removed.

Rule 2. Removed.



Rule 2. Removed.

Rule 2. Removed.

In this sub, it's typically been through a process starting with a post asking for nominations then the user base voting on them.