Israelis attack freedom of speech!

31  2015-11-26 by [deleted]



Guys, if you study government (not just US, but the idea of government in general) you'll quickly learn that the idea of "Freedom of Speech" isn't really a common idea. Truth be known, until the 1800's, "Freedom of Speech" was largely unheard of outside of the United States. When the US constitution was written, one of the problems that it addressed, was the fact that (at the time) in Britain, if you spoke out against the government; you could not only be arrested and jailed, but possibly even face the hangman's noose.

However, while we might believe that freedom of speech is an unalienable human right; that's not always the case outside of the US. Meaning others don't always see it that way.

By arguing that Israelis attack freedom of speech, it seems to suggest that they are doing something in a situation where the idea that a person can say what ever they want (long as they do not incite violence) is protected. Thing is, this isn't the case. So, while yes, you might find the act deplorable, the fact remains that you can't really impose your beliefs or ideals on another person. If you do that, you go from being a person that defends human rights (as you see them), and become the oppressor who is trying to change how a person (or nation in this case) has chosen to write their laws.

Israelis do not attack freedom of speech! I find this post anti-semitic so it should not be seen on this subreddit. Please take it down immediately.

Is that why they are meeting with Google and Youtube to remove Palistinian content. I am talking about Zionist Jews not the real Jews btw.

Yep they are "Semitic". Lol. Europeans are semitic. HAHHAAHAHAHA. JEWS ARE NOT HEBREWS. I know ur being sarcastic, but you can't make this stuff up.