Anxiety hum noise in all television these days

106  2015-12-01 by 911bodysnatchers322

Whenever the protagonist or other empathetic character is in trouble, facing some kind of extreme fear, anxiety, worry, intrigue, shock, or some other dire circumstances that should elicit from them the extremes of emotion, I've noticed that television shows will emphasize this emotion with a sound editing technique I call "anxiety hum".

This is a background sound in the midrange, a kind of vibratory hum, crescendoes louder until it drowns out all other noises including the music, and makes dialogue difficult to understand. It's a kind of wintermute, what a person hears when a bomb goes off. (in fact, the same sound technique used after bomb does go off nearby to demonstrate ringing ears)

I find it difficult to believe that there's one sound engineer in hollywood that is going around promoting this 'anxiety hum' or that people are so stupid in that sound community that they have to lemming each other with a wholly annoying noise.

When I watch TV with someone else, I bring their attention to this noise and they universally agree on how annoying it is. Because you have to micromanage your volume level or else you make someone around you mad at you. Especially if you are an aging parents couple with one hard of hearing.

  • Homeland
  • Blacklist
  • 24
  • The Man in the High Castle
  • The Walking Dead
  • Breaking Bad
  • About a million other shows

So my point in posting this seemingly ridiculous rant on /r/conspiracy is : why the F are these sound engineers doing this so consistently throughout nearly all tv shows now? Are they catering to the 1% demographic of people with a dedicated basement home theater with 20 speakers?

I feel like it's some kind of pavlovian thing to engage or dissociate the viewer: it's a queue. It's like a sound queue to concretize an indentification of the viewer with the character and their responses.

If that's the case, why? Am we being 'trained' how to 'feel'? And if so, why?

Maybe next time we see violence on tv, or hear a politician say a thing they want us to hear, then maybe they play that hum in the background and it will kind of cross-associate our identifying with the intended message they wish to implant?

Or maybe it's a bunch of sound engineers being assholes. Who knows?

EDIT: this was a great discussion guys, thank you. I didn't expect it but I'm very thankful for it.


You are being trained how to feel. Best line of your whole post. Watch Hawaii 50, at about 25 minutes they are using the "Minority Report" computer. By about 40 minutes they are interviewing the evil suspect in a BLUE room. At minute 55 they are having a party and everybody is a happy family. The cheapskates at these hack shows sure do copy one another, probably share patches for their high end synthesizers. There is a modicum of sensational pop-psychology thrown in. Just imagine the producer's nephew in his "studio".

Hmm.. so I just did a weird experiment with a few of your comments and you definitely have a downvote bot or something that instantly gives you -1 to erase an upvote. I hit the upvote on this one here, immediate downvote, tested it on three more of your recent comments, immediate downvotes on all three. Just thought you should know, you must be pissing someone(s) off.

Yeah, when they "go live" they'll just send some retard over with a dull knife which he will accidentally stab in his own thigh and then lose track of the number of steps he came up, tripping on the last, splitting his skull. I'll end up staunching his wounds and seeing that he receives proper care. Such is the life of the last American Patriot.

I think this particular 'tard is only programmed to hit one button and doesn't have a skull to split. Wonder how prevalent they actually are on reddit.

0.o, just tried it myself and you appear to be correct. That's some fucked up shit.

10 before "something something reddits anti vote manipulation" as if reddit admins give a single shit about vote manipulation.

I asked mods once about post / comment upvotes jumping up and down on every refresh and they said something about how it was an approximation. You guys have convinced me I'm/they're wrong about that though, that it may be bot activity gone wild.

Yep, first time I've seen one in action with my own two eyes even though I've assumed they've always been here.


Weird right? This is the first time I've ever noticed one in action while scrolling through a thread. Now I'm tempted to start testing it out on other users too since I'm sure that guy isn't alone.

Holy crap you are right. I just upvoted him to 71, refreshed the page and he has 70 again. WTF. I need a humming noise to show my dismay!

Yep, definitely makes me wonder how common it is. I kinda want to check the same thing for some other /r/conspiracy users.

Are you talking about KendleC's comment or the post itself? I've noticed this behavior as well. Wonder if it happens to a lot of people on /r/conspiracy?

Oh, holy crap. I just noticed it in /u/kendlec's comments also. That is uncool.

KendleC but logic tells me something similar could potentially be applied to any post/sub/user/etc. Create a keyword bot and every post with "Monsanto" in the title gets a downvote or something like that.

Get rid of cable and turn the tv off. Your brain and wallet will thank you.

Cut the cord, now I just get astroturfed content from the internet! XD

Very good point. Internet and tv share the same sources of mind control.

The universe is made up of frequencies and there are machines made a hundred years ago that were manipulating frequencies. Check out what noted Satanist and military commanded Michael Aquino had to say about ELF frequencies way back in 1980. Just imagine how advanced it must be now.

Yeah this is what I thought of when I first read the post. The "silent sound" technology is the most impressive. What percentage of schizophrenics are actually just hearing the elf waves?

schizophrenics are actually just hearing the elf waves

I think you meant ELF and not elf. Elves don't exist. Or do they...

Well ELF means extremely low frequency, it can be sound or radio (ie: light/Electromagnetic) waves. Sound is air moving back and forth in cycles per second, 30Hz, subwoofer bouncing up and down 30 times a second. EM is polarity rotational cycling from of positive to negative of electrical and magnetic waves carried by photons (informational photons); ie: light/radio/xray, 30Hz ELF EM cycles 30 times from posn/neg which puts it below the lowest radio range.

ELF sound waves are just infrasound, sound waves below the threshold of human hearing. Not everyone is the same, some can hear lower sounds than others. After I received ketamine treatment last year I had super-hearing for about a month, then it went back to normal. During this time, I could hear as low as 30Hz, tested with audacity. Outside, this alleged 'industry noise' or 'urban background ambient noise' was apparent to me as a 'massive diesel engine running far, far in the distance', I just called it the 'hum'. I tried to locate the source which was always unipolarly to the magnetic north, but it was like a rainbow, no matter how far you went you'd never get to the source.

I narrowed it to 30-60Hz. (I think 33Hz was what I decided it was) Also, speakers are not designed really to play that low, so it's not a great test. Their lower limit on a subwoofer is around 40Hz but you can push the limits a bit, they just taper off in volume dramatically at that point.

Detecting energetic ELF is way more difficult than detecting sound. I believe in both cases you need a large antenna because of the incredibly large length of the wave (lower the frequency the longer the wave).

ELF/Infrasound affects people, it can cause them GI disturbances and have mental effects such as thinking they are seeing ghosts / supernatural phenomenon. This is part of the sick building syndrome in which a mechanical device that runs constanly (or a suspension bridge/overpass will twist / resonate in the wind) will create a low frequency sound that disturbs people.

Nazi's tried to exploit this as 'brown noise', mythbusters tested it and said it only partially worked.

Last NYE an artist called bassnectar used elf and other subliminal messaging techniques to convince 10000+ suggestable fan that they are being manipulated by corporations, the media, and even him, and that we will just forget even if shown directly

LOL yes you're correct

Glad others here know about Michael Aquino

Interesting. I don't watch tv but once in a while. It seems that the majority of the shows contain some form of propaganda. The most common being anti-Islamic.

TV is a total mind fuck. I wouldn't doubt for a minute that the noise is some form of Pavlovian cue to heighten a sense of anxiety. I don't know if you have watch the evening news lately, but the acting out as if panicked and frightened by the anchors is ridiculous. If the MSM starts using the "Hum" within certain news events, it could have a huge effect on how the sheep react to it.

TV is always like "yo be scared of Muslims"

I've decided to play this game with TV. Whenever they say something negative (or positive even) about "the Russians", I replace with "Israel". Suddenly, everything makes a lot more sense. It's childish, and obvious, this game they're playing. They will lose in the end.

I'm not an antisemite btw. I just think Israel is dicks.

the same in music. have noticed too many songs with police "siren" in background. really irks me when driving.

I vaguely recall hearing in the 1990s that sirens et al were not allowed in songs to be played on the radio. Either something's changed, or that was just a gentleman's agreement by viacom or whoever?

I think we have something similar in Canada but I always thought it was radio ads, not the songs.

Actually I have some expertise in this matter. I've done significant amounts of work removing buzzing and humming from audio setups, mainly PC based.

What it comes down to is shitty electronics make shitty sounds. If any part of the component is cheap, even 1 capacitor, it can make the entire unit emit a buzzing or humming sound when on. The backend of a TV is about as cheap as it gets.

It's honestly somewhat of a crapshoot with electronics whether you get one with buzz or no buzz. Most low end models have buzz because they have more cheap parts that don't work as correctly as the more expensive options. This can even effect high end components such as 1k$ graphics cards with coil noise. Sometimes supply chain strains or simple greed forces manufacturers to use cheap components even in high end products.

Also, when a component comes under stress, it will emit any electrical noise it makes significantly louder than idle. So with OPs theory, I'd say the TV soundboards are trash and can't handle the load of a complex sound scene with dramatic music, noise, and voice. So they heat up and whine during those moments.

You might be on to something though? Sound is super powerful. I'd love to see some further research and documentation.

Although you are right about crappy buzzing in electronics, what I'm referring to is a technique they are using purposefully in film / television to "dissociate the viewer" as if a "bomb just went off near you". It's that "post concert / post bomb deafness noise" that they play to underscore the 'feelings they create', like rubbing salt in the wound so you know it really hurts. Bad analogy, but you probably get what I'm saying.

I think this technique is annoying and overused, but surely they know this. It's the same thing with horror movies. Theprimary technique of neraly every horror movie these days is .... when something's about to happen to the innocent girl / couple / person, the music / sound gets LOUD Oh NO, then nothing happens, and it's quiet for exactly 3 seconds, whew. Then suddenly MONSTER! LOUD NOISES! It's the fake out technique that started with "scream"

This kind of formulaic thing infantalizes the audience. To a degree, I get it. Content is a product, a commodity, so you make them formulaic and expectable to an audience that just wants to enjoy their extremely limited time off from the drudgery of daily life / work. But at the same time, it's annoying.

Also, studios may be up to much more than just being annoying and predictable, if you know how to read the signs and are paying attention like some others in this thread who have pointed out obvious attempts to manipulate the mass psychology with colors, symbols, tropes, and repetitive memes all seeming to stem from the same source, a assertion that is supported by the fact that these things are far to consistent to be even 'copies of copies'

I know exactly what you're talking about and I have a completely different story to share that I believe will help tell the story of what that sound is and what it does to us.

I am a hardcore gamer. When BF3 came out, me and my buds were playing the shit out of it, 18+h days. That was the first FPS i played that had what I would call the "deafened" sound effect with that fucking tone you describe. It happened every time a grenade went off near you in BF3 (constantly on the CQC maps I played). That tone literally caused my ears to bleed after about a week straight. I had to stop playing the game and I refuse to play any game that replicates that tone at all.

My hearing wasn't permanently damaged, but it could have been from it. I used to have really good ears, still do, but not quite as good as when I was younger. I used to be able to pick up on a few more electronic noise pitches than I can now. I attribute this damage to overexposure to the tone you describe.

It could be being used intentionally to literally deafen people. I could see precise placement of that tone causing some damage. What's the difference between that tone and what happens with a case of tinnitis? NOTHING! Perhaps the ear is just replicating what it hears (thats exactly how the eardrum works, it resonates and amplifies) and that tone is somehow getting "stuck" and causing damage? Maybe I'm too far off the deep end.

Please re-expand upon this topic, I believe others might have similar stories to share.

I haven't watched television or movies for 14 years now. Highly recommended. When you do sample it after so much time away, the manipulative engineering is only much more apparent.

Agreed. Been without a TV for a couple years now. Whenever I watch it now I genuinely feel a little sick.

Yep! Have a TV but no cable.

Whenever my SO and I go and visit the inlaws it's fun to watch a couple shows but man is it sickening.

Paying for that many commercials and bullshit, just crazy.

I don't understand it.

I use only Netflix Amazon and Usenet, so I'm mostly commercial free (amazon prime is sneaking in commercials, but I see a lot of propaganda and messaging in tv.

All the current spy series implicate Russia as having subverted our intelligence community for decades and that Mossad (ISIS) is our friend and cohort. If you invert that, then you might have something that looks more like truth. It's very obvious. Homeland is doing it now; Blacklist has hinted at it. Nearly all the others also point fingers at russia/ukraine / eastern bloc 'hackers', 'criminal syndicates'; and / or iranian / syrian / palestinian terrorists. Would not surprise me if the 'cabal' in blacklist is basically run by putin or old school KGB people, the gray wolves, or the "assassins". I can tell you it won't be bush sr. and those associated with dulles or the rothschilds, or freemason network affiliates

And here my grandma is with the tv on from 7am to 11 pm every day

This isn't a conspiracy as much as an audio post technique.

It's just a bunch of pads layered on top of each other to create tension. It's supposed to be subtle, but depending on your sound system it may take over your speakers' frequency center. It's really just a growing audio trope that's become overused because some time ago it was effective and now a lot of engineers doing audio post are emulating that.

the audio equivalent of spielbergs jaws dollyzoom (which he probably ripped off someone else)

Hitchcock. Vertigo.

aha, thx

Yes! Good example and comparison.

I new there was a reason I hate all those shows.

If anyone here watches The Walking Dead, here's a related personal incident of mine: in the episode a few weeks ago, the one in which Nicolas shoots himself, I had a full on panic attack & a semi-panic attack. Both attacks happened during the two times when Nicolas begins to dissociate & weird music plays.

I didn't have anxiety or anything about the show and I haven't had panic attacks in years. I could feel that the attacks were a direct result of the weird music playing. It was totally bizarre & I know it sounds unbelievable. But I guess I know the cause now!

The Television is a control & manipulation device.

Why would you think that they only use the video for their purposes?

A couple years ago I was looking into why I felt the need to have my TV on all the time even though I may not necessarily be watching what was on. It was like it was "too quiet" without the TV on in the background all the time. During my research into why I felt this way I came across this most interesting patent;

Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors

Computer monotors and TV monitors can be made to emit weak low-frequency electromagnetic fields merely by pulsing the intensity of displayed images. Experiments have shown that the ½ Hz sensory resonance can be excited in this manner in a subject near the monitor. The 2.4 Hz sensory resonance can also be excited in this fashion. Hence, a TV monitor or computer monitor can be used to manipulate the nervous system of nearby people.

This is actually a relatively old patent filed in 2001, before the advent of the newer HDTV technology. Now they can combine the electromagnetic technology with higher frequency sound technologies to even more effectively manipulate the emotions and nervous system of anyone that has such a device in their home.

I know there are a lot of people who will say they don't watch TV, but I think the more compelling avenue of exploration are those of us here that DO watch TV, and have it on all the time. How many of us find that they like to have their TV on for "background noise" and find that without their TV on it is "too quiet" and somewhat uncomfortable?

How many of us find that they like to have their TV on for "background noise" and find that without their TV on it is "too quiet" and somewhat uncomfortable?

Basically everyone I know including myself (at least some of the time). Modern man has been conditioned to fear the silence and loneliness of his own thoughts.

My excuse is tinnitus, total silence would drive me up the walls.

Maybe tinnitus is the manifestation of what I'm talking about. Modern humans are so accustumed to the artificial background hum of electronics and ELF waves that we start hearing them in our heads automatically when they aren't there. Or tinnitus is our ears picking up on these frequencies which are always there, it's just that the sound of them is usually being hidden by TV or whatever other noises are present around us and so we aren't able to hear it until we're sitting in silence.

Maybe your ears are just more sensitive than the average person's.

As someone that has a great interest in scoring film/tv/projects I can tell you that the goal of proper sound is to give the scene an emotional impact that visually doesn't do well enough on its own. There are a few trends in today's scoring and audio engineering that may lead to this effect. The use of resonant filters (that ringing, usually echoing sound) and major compression to get the average listener to hear everything important and to compete with the over compressed commercials. Plus many TV's these days have built in compressors so you end up with super loud sections that the artist originally intended to be subtle.

Not sure why you were down voted. Sound design in tv& movies is the whole emotional aspect. No country for old men is the only film I can actually name that has no sound track. There's no music in the movie. A common trick in movies is to have the music come from a source you see in the movie like a car stereo or a crowded bar with a jukebox or even a band. This somewhat disguises the music but right before the climax there is usually some chords or notes to build tension. The emotional payoff in a movie is when the music swells - think titanic. This is done a sports events with the national anthem and music during the game also. If you remove the music and laugh tracks in tv you will be surprised at how different it is. Some older tv shows are like this like twilight zone and it seems more like a play.

I believe that The Wire only has music when it has an actual source in scene, such as a car driving past bumping music, or some corner boys with a radio. To me it makes it that much more immersive and feels more real.

I recognize door number 237, what's that from?

It's the number to the room in "The Shining" that answers some conspiracy questions and some other lesser known movies and such. Plus it is a freeway in the SF bay area that has a lot of accidents, is always congested, and connects the east bay to the peninsula. As well as going over a lot of historically native American lands and an old ghost town.

I feel like it's some kind of pavlovian thing

That about sums it up.

The whole of television.

Me when reading this post: All television is a form of conditioning.

not agreeing or disagreeing and certainly not agreeing nor disagreeing with my link but relevant and interesting:

edit: "'If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration." - Nikola Tesla

I like the hum actually, it increases tension

Ever see the Oliver Stone film Natural Born Killers? If not I highly recommend. Instead of Hum they play game show clapping and laugh track from sitcom while people are being bludgeoned and stabbed with awful deranged violence.

I think that that juxtaposition captures the psychosis of violence and depravity more than the hum. its one of the many toys in the box to give the people perspective for a charecter or feels. moving pictures and sound work have been around since the late 20's from color play to camera angles and panning, sound engineering its all to immerse you and to use primal reactions to fake stimuli. not really a conspiracy more a craft just ask Chuck Lorrie and his god forsaken laugh tracks.

laugh tracks are widely shared too

i haven't seen any of those shows (wow!) - but i think i may be innoculated by watching law and order for so many years, Mike Post is such a huge hamfisted BGM designer that everything else sounds quaint and quiet.

The dude's in love with violas and violins to mean "you should be sad now" - and he's done so many damn shows over the last few decades it's insane.

Its used to cause that sense of uneasiness in the viewer. The purpose behind it is to get people to "feel" what the character is experiencing, to make the show or movie more engaging, to get people on the edge of their seat.

Your "anxiety hum" is a drone sound effect.

How many have a tube amplifier? I experience if i use the tv itself for audio i do indeed get annoyed by the static background noises.

But, when i watch the same shit but use my vacuum-tube amplifier for the audio. I don't hear it at all. For me it was most strange since technically speaking it should be even more defined on that... since THD is 0.2% instead of my television which i bet does around 10%

Hope someone else has one and has also noticed this?

Edit: Might be relevant, i use VHF blocking at the input stage of the amplifier.. could this block that? i use a traditional parasitic suppressor network with resistors/cap (Initially i started doing this because of interference from cellphone/DECT/FM/AM sets which were annoying the hell out of me)

It creates an emotion our Reptilian Over Lords feed off of. :D

When I first heard about archons I thought it was more david icke shit. Years later, I now I believe that neocons have been taken over by archons: "neo-chons. It took a decade of active resistance against truth, justice and seemingly wanting to burn the whole fucking world down for me to open my eyes to their archonity.

Because they want more war, more suffering, and seem to just hate humanity in general. Except for leagues of unborn parasitic cellular growth sac without consciousness because no brain has formed yet: "babies, or as I call them fetuses"

Sac lives matter!

(sorry I think the abortion issue is stupid and that we were smart enough to be beyond it. appaarently not)

You should probably keep looking deeper if you believe the Republacrats and the Demockracons are separate and different. That's the puppet show put on to distract us from the real crap going on behind the scenes. We live in a Corporatocracy and they rule the world. AKA The Reptilians. =]

I can't be the only one who notices whether or not a thread gets hit by user accounts who don't believe in any conspiracies and can't go two minutes without needing a joke to entertain them.

Smart TVs have speakers that are capable of playing ultrasound. 'The Hum' is a strongly vibrational hum caused by ultrasound hearing or microwave auditory effect. Ultrasound can also sound like several simultaneous strong vibrational tuning forks.

Ultrasound hearing:

Differentiating between ultrasound hearing, microwave ultrasonics and microwave auditory effect, such as MEDUSA, targeting brains

"The Hum" refers to a mysterious sound heard in places around the world by a small fraction of a local population. It's characterized by a persistent and invasive low-frequency rumbling or droning noise often accompanied by vibrations.

Ultrasound can be modulated to contain subliminal messages:

Ultrasonic subliminal messages

Subliminal Implanted Posthypnotic Suggestions and Scripts Using Acoustically Delivered and Phonetically Accelerated Posthypnotic Commands without Somnambulistic Preparation in the Subject for Intelligence and Counterintelligence Applications by the United States National Security Agency.

How to get in touch with ultrasonic subliminal messages and my interpretation of subliminal messages in 'The Hum' and my infected files

'Part 1: Military and Law Enforcement Applications' of sound warfare and subliminals by Tim Gray

TVs playing ultrasound can activate smartphones and tablets that have ultrasound spying apps:

How TV ads silently ping commands to phones: Sneaky SilverPush code reverse-engineered. Near-ultrasonic sound system drives pets, and users, crazy

Smartphones with voice command such as Siri, Samsung Voice or Google Voice command can be hacked via headphones from a distance inaudible to phone users

While not required, you are requested to use the NP domain of reddit when crossposting. This helps to protect both your account, and the accounts of other users, from administrative shadowbans. The NP domain can be accessed by prefacing your reddit link with

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

I saw you reference this post in another thread. Check out the link I posted and the other patents as well.

A quick Google search on the inventors name and Baammmooo. Lots of information about how frequencies can manipulate the nervous system of any given person.

I honestly only watch two tv shows, and they are reruns. I can't stand most of the crap on tv, even the shows I used to enjoy watching. It may be related to the sound quality. I have difficulty hearing the dialogue on a lot of shows because of the residual noises. This could be a reasonable explanation to some of it.

I find it difficult to believe that... people are so stupid in that sound community that they have to lemming each other with a wholly annoying noise.

Not me. 90% went to one of a handful of film schools. Some of those techniques trigger a Pavlovian response and some like those slowly increasing in volume or sudden loud noises have more to do with our brain's architecture. It's obvious just watching yourself which heighten the mood and you can survey different people with the same scenes and different background audio to get more scientific results. You're not going to use the "slowly growing tension" sound right as they open the door to see the killer standing there nor the "shocking surprising" noise when you see them sneaking around and the industry is rife with imitators.

This is a deliberate choice by the filmmakers to aid the narrative. You already explained why it happens in your own post:

It's a kind of wintermute, what a person hears when a bomb goes off.

This is intentional. It's supposed to sound like that. It's not hidden. It's not subliminal. The people making the scene want to convey that some kind of emotional bomb has dropped, or that an event or idea has shellshocked them or engrossed their attention so much that everything else around them is drowned out.

Look at all of the examples you chose to give:

Homeland -- Action thriller

Blacklist -- crime thriller

24 -- action thriller

The Man in the High Castle -- action thriller

The Walking Dead -- action thriller

Breaking Bad -- crime thriller

This hum doesn't appear in tv shows that aren't heavily dramatic with huge consequences (whether they be personal to the character or to the world at large) unless the show is aping this kind of dramatic overwhelming of a character.

What it isn't is some conspiracy to manipulate your emotions. And how would they be doing that, anyway? The characters undergoing this "anxiety hum" are typically shown to be somehow traumatized by the events--that's why they enter their trance in the first place. So this hum is training us to be traumatized by trauma?

Media has already played a role in fear mongering. Our parents , it was those Russians and communism, their parents it was the nazis ; you're just quicker to realize

Dude......'s an accurate representation of anxiety.......whoa

It could be related to wireless, your microwave or even the wiring of your house too you know.

It's not an accidental sound that I'm referring to. I have a LCD monitor for 'tv' and toshiba sound bar for 'sound'. That's my enteratinment system. This hum is an intentional evocative background noise they are doing to underscore the main characters emotions, in a pavlovian way.

You posted this once in the past right? No problem with it, but if that wasn't you someone else made the exact same observation here a few months ago and you probably want to go find their post.

Sound engineer here. It really is just a cliche that's used over and over. In this case, sound is used as you would lighting in order to set the mood of the scene. Yes, we do react differently to different frequencies, and the goal of a TV show or movie is to allow you to feel what the character is feeling - and this is an effective way to do that.

I take it the mods are off...

I am writing a novel about this very thing.

I've noticed this when watching a few shows: in an emotional "tear-jerker" style moment, I often hear the same violin-esque string chord that seems to be the "tear-up now" trigger.

100% sure I've read almost this exact same post years ago, did you ever write about this in the past?

It's talented audio engineers who pluck at your heartstrings by plucking their guitars.

ba dep bow bette bau bau

So this is why I fall asleep while watching Forensic Files.


On the sound design of The Exorcist (1973):

Most tellingly, Friedkin and his sound team utilized experimental sound techniques to further these goals and as a result the film was honoured for its accomplishments with an Academy Award for best sound.


Friedkin claimed that, like Hitchcock, he was attempting to manipulate the emotional responses of his audience. Yet, unlike Hitchcock, Friedkin was not interested in playing on the audience’s narrative expectations, instead he preferred to affect them directly.


The Exorcist is unique in the evolution of film sound for how it blurred the boundaries between sound effects and music. ... The first is guitarist/composer Mike Oldfield’s cisco, Nagle created sound effects by agitating several bees trapped in a jar, getting his dogs into a fight, and recording his girlfriend’s stomach while she drank water (Erlich 16). Several of Nagle’s sounds can be heard during the film’s prologue set in Iraq, and each of the sounds was treated in the studio to estrange it from a recognizable source. This led to the creation of a number of ‘signature sounds’ within the film, each associated with a particular narrative event: the insect buzz of the amulet, the rats scratching in the attic, the bouncing bed, and, of course, Regan’s (Linda Blair) demonic head twist.

I wish I could, but this is TV so youtube takes down copyrighted, high value, recent IP protected stuff from major, hbo, starz, nbc, etc

Never change, /r/conspiracy. You guys entertain me to no end.

We got a live one boys!!!

Get your hearing checked.

I have, it's fine.

It's to tell you it's a tense situation. It's definitely annoying though.

I feel like everyone gets stupider the more we hear it though. I'd love to kill my television but it turns out tv has gotten really entertaining in the last decade. Much more than in the 80s 90s. It's like serial movies. THat's why it's hard to quit you, television.

I usually have it on as background noise to mask tinnitus from too many years of P.A. systems and overcranked guitar amps. Sad but true.

Maybe tinnitus is the manifestation of what I'm talking about. Modern humans are so accustumed to the artificial background hum of electronics and ELF waves that we start hearing them in our heads automatically when they aren't there. Or tinnitus is our ears picking up on these frequencies which are always there, it's just that the sound of them is usually being hidden by TV or whatever other noises are present around us and so we aren't able to hear it until we're sitting in silence.

Maybe your ears are just more sensitive than the average person's.