How easily could these mass shootings be a manufactured media production, a Black Op used to induce fear and justify police militarization? What other agendas does it serve?

10  2015-12-03 by [deleted]



When I see an event like this happen, I see these possible outcomes

  • it keeps people chasing a false enemy (Muslims, terrorists, etc.)

  • it increases gun control to keep firearms away from American citizens

  • it supports the need for militarized police

All this adds up to military forces on every street in America, harassing anyone who speaks out against them, and leaving us with no weapons to fight back

Perhaps as part of your last point, a BIG part of this is to demonize a certain segment of society (increasingly "conspiracy theorists"), and label as many people as possible as potential time bombs capable of unleashing mass chaos at any time. Fuzzy motives, people of varying ethnicity, legal gun ownership...all of these create a cloud of confusion in the mind of the public that makes it easier for them to just accept a mass shooting as a normal event carried out by normal people. Building this belief allows their fear to support legislative changes and even wars.

The intellectuals and rational thinkers are always first to go in time of crisis

I'll respond with this:

How much of the security footage did you see from Columbine?

How much have you seen from Sandy Hook? Aurora? Or any of the others "mass" shootings? And before the obvious responses start up, remember there was no problem with showing the footage of Eric Garner being choked to death by America's Favorite Street Gang, or showing Michael Brown laying on the hot pavement like roadkill.

Well fuck. You raise a good point.

You think mass shootings are fake because children ran for their lives instead of standing around filming it?

Children control the security cameras?

What the fuck are you talking about?

I didn't notice the word 'security' - my mistake.

But how does the security footage not being made public lead you to conclude it's therefore faked?

I never said that. I gave an example.

I think one of the most chronic and damning mistakes that people make when confronting these incidents is attempting to analyze any one facet in a vacuum. Asserting something like

how does the security footage not being made public lead you to conclude it's therefore faked?

is an attempt to create an Overton Window, to constrict the conversation instead of opening it.

Clearly it would not be logical to conclude from the absence of security footage that the shootings mentioned are fake. But one would be hard pressed to be informed about the events and believe that missing footage was the only inconsistency or coincidence.

The expectation is that you will get bogged down in the errata. Because we have been programmed to be bad at piecing together the larger picture, to be bad at analysis and observation.

This is the way of the Authoritarian Fascist.

is an attempt to create an Overton Window, to constrict the conversation instead of opening it.

Your answer was about security footage. I asked a question based on your answer, looking for some further explanation. How is that "an attempt to create an Overton Window, to constrict the conversation instead of opening it"?

Clearly it would not be logical to conclude from the absence of security footage that the shootings mentioned are fake.

Indeed. And yet that was the example you chose to go with?

It is but you don't have compelling proof that Columbine didn't happen.

That's the point. If my reading comprehension is equivalent to a 5th grader than he believes Columbine was real and the amount of in school security footage let alone any footage we have seen compared to what we are given today is quite odd considering the MSM loves blood and violence..

For instance the San B. shooting. We have a rolling shootout followed by aerial helicopter and the only footage we get of anyone being hurt is a single photo from a chopper and it's only one dead suspect.

Then you glance at Columbine and get everything but the kill shots. Remember they were kids not adults. Yet today we don't see much of any proof of any (Adults) being hurt/killed beyond a narrative fed to us by the MSM in regards to "mass shootings".

Remember the Hero of the Oregon shooting? Shot how many times but not a lick of blood on him? The closest being a bruise on his left abdomen. Didn't know they taught our soldiers how not to bleed.

Ronintetsuro made a valid argument in my eyes..

Edit: So lets add up the current WTF's in regards to San B.

  1. (Another) Mass shooting drill active right before/during a "Mass shooting".

  2. Chopper on scene and the only video footage is from 2 civilians.

  3. No blood other than the one aerial photo of a dead perpetrator.

  4. No evidence of innocents being wounded/killed.

Granted of course this all just happened but remember Columbine? Kid's crawling out windows in blood? And so on and so on...

Remember when the Ferguson cop claimed he was beat within an inch of his life until OR pictures were released that showed he didn't have a scratch on him?

And how much money did Amerikkkans donate to that con artist?

Another great point I find to stand out.

Charity fraud is quickly forgotten with generous hearts. People underestimate the idea of a few nefarious individuals with ideals to drum up large sums of cash overnight. Let alone a group of those people working together in positions of power.

Every mass shooting has included rampant charity fraud.

I'm waiting for the Bernadino fundrasiers now. Smart money says they'll drop a charity link on social media just in time for the weekend happy hour.

No one comes up off of cash like sappy emotional drunks.

In no way have I asserted that Columbine "didn't happen".

I wonder about this too but its a difficult argument to make, partly because of the emotional intensity surrounding the events partially because you're searching for absences of evidence (lack of blood, unreal victims, actors being interviewed, etc.) That being said it has played right into the hands of the security state, and I can't imagine that this is a purely social phenomenon. This sort of "random" slaughter is unprecedented in human history. Even during the fall of Rome people didn't just snap en masse and start slaughtering each other, at least not to this same degree. This is an historically novel occurrence- we've had more than a massacre a day in 2015. Something must be up.

That's not true. Mass slaughter is part of the human psyche. Did you ever hear the expression 'run amok?' That comes from an Muslim Malay expression for when someone snaps and runs through a crowded marketplace with a sword or knife randomly stabbing and slicing people.

I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but so frequently and at such a scale? I think whats novel is how used to it we've become- I mean even though that does happen in Malaysia (and elsewhere), the frequency here is larger by many orders of magnitude

We don't have a single expression for it yet. The Malays did. It's part of the human psyche. You can just do more damage with guns than knives.

There's no conspiracy here.

Ok, I was being polite but I mean -"there's no conspiracy here"? You sound like a shill. And furthermore these events are always mediated by the MSM so they control the dialogue surrounding it. We have plenty of terms for it, and the article you linked showed that this is a worldwide phenomenon that occurs in many cultures, which I don't deny.

But you're ignoring the point that we have more, way more (even, I would guess, more than Malaysia ever did in any one year) massacres than any other country, barring those where there's actual military conflict. That is what I find suspicious. I don't deny that these things can occur naturally through individuals that just snap, but the staggering number of them is suspicious. Take a look:

This is a 2016 election event. Maybe the Saudis sponsored this to help Trump.

Recall that most of the 911 hijackers were Saudi also.

The house of Saud is in a precarious position. Now that there is too much production of oil, they don't have a monopoly. And they are largely occupying the levant; how long did you think they would be pals? until they could be undermined and discarded. I have read things (only recently) suggesting a collapse, so they are going to have their power toppled soon; only a matter of time.

It's not easy. Which is why it's taken many decades to build a governmental infrastructure dedicated to set their focus on the broad definition of "terrorists", including the psychological operations we're now being subjected to in order to build support to go after them.

The Department of Homeland Security was established in 2002 following the September 11th attacks, when the power structure in the U.S. federal government was at a point where they were confident people who needed to keep the secrets were in charge. It is Orwellian in nature and is responsible for conducting the very drills we now see being used to attack (that's what this is) the American public.

I think what a lot of people fail to realize is that while there are many people in on it, many of them actually do believe the hoaxes / false flags are the RIGHT thing to do. Perhaps they're anti-gun and think it's good for the citizens. Perhaps they're brainwashed in regards to their beliefs about terrorism and who is responsible for it, and they NEED to do these things in order to rid the world of that evil.

In addition to DHS, many state police agencies are full of Freemasons. Those of us who aren't Freemasons, as well as many who ARE but in lower ranks, simply do not know what it's all about. Sure, there's charity involved, and they do some of the good things they say they exist for. But you must ask yourself - is it healthy for the police that DO work with the DHS (local police are largely absent from most of these situations) to be part of a fraternity which takes a secretive oath and answer to unknown parties? Whether or not the shootings are staged, the fact that high-ranking authorities we are supposed to trust have other motives.

It would be really easy but they don't actually do that every single time, i would say a little over half of these events are real. Especially the one's that effect more average citizens like San Bernedino and Columbine. Now MKULTRA? That type of scenario? I think we're talking, of the remaining 60% which aren't False-Flags, about 50% of those (so about 30% of the total events) are MKULTRA events. Those are what scare me more than anything as there is strong evidence of Military Intelligence and CIA spending decades working on psychotronics and chemical warfare.