Nobody should read this.

20  2015-12-05 by verocorde

Yes. You took the clickbait.

There comes a point when you are a truther where you will realize that you can't stop the next war, shooting or manipulated event.

If you are on r/conspiracy you know that someone is pulling the strings, and for sure it's those with lots of wealth and power. Beyond this there could be occultists, satanists, or aliens - this is where it gets murky, nobody can say for sure (as of yet).

So armed with the truth that we know manipulation occurs and has been for THOUSANDS of years, now what? Are we going to sit behind our computers and just live in the dark rabbit hole? Do we just endlessly hunt the data stream for the next article or video clip to post somewhere?

Personally I have felt most powerful most inspired when I have been meditating, and making my personal space free of the things that are causing problems on the planet. When I have chosen to empower myself and have a mission I feel a whole lot better about life. (I haven't been lately, bogged down by many things beyond my control, hence this post).

I'm looking for inspiration these days, new ways of thinking, new ways of being. I know that the world is fucked up, and I see the truth, but I need some new knowledge, any suggestions?

Can we agree collectively on what we need to do to change this world? Anyone out there have any ideas?


Bitcoin. Only hope we got.

Definitly a good chance to beat the hellish banking system.

Meditation IS actually the recommended strategy to implement change:

Background material for above; Dr. Greer's November 21, 2015, most comprehensive, most informative summary of the work of the last 20+ years of The Disclosure Project:

Another group's organized meditation effort:

Yeah, I'm sure sirius discloser is something you want to take seriously.

You may or may not take it seriously. That's your perogative.

Each person needs to review the information, do their own homework, and make up their own mind.

Shooting the messenger only proves you're a murderer.

I'm just telling you what the origin of new age and meditationism comes from, and why they use it to control peoples minds.

If I develop my consciousness through meditation, that only increases my ability to control my own mind.

If I combine that with verifiable information about who WOULD control me and my environment, and how and why they would do that...

That is the ultimate freedom.

Yes, you should focus on your goals. But don't fall for the new age meditation bullshit of positive thinking, believe me it's a deep trap you don't want to fall in. Meditate on the I AM. Learn to be comfortable with it always, and you will accept and deal with whatever happens to you in life. Beacause, if you truly understand the I am, you have nothing to fear in life. Focus on developing your mind, seek truth and be the change, be ready to open the eyes of your near that ask you about these issues. You need nothing, you have all you need to achieve this.

I cannot stress this enough: Avoid at all cost trying to convince other people to see your reality if they are bluepilled. You are more enlightened and it will blind them and get them in default attacking you.

Do what you can to get organized like I said, and be prepared to do the sit in, block traffic and what not only never use violence or a call to arms. Unless there is civil war of course.

But don't fall for the new age meditation bullshit of positive thinking.

Oh, yeah, sure. That's not meditation. Stuff like that including things like The Secret are brainwashing and control mediums.

But I do think that the I AM, true meditation, contains within it unconditional love and acceptance. If it didn't, you wouldn't be able to do it.

The belief that a trained conciousness, alone or in a group produces some kind of mysterious positive energy force certainly merits the label of religion.

But if that's a belief that cannot be proved or negated, according to current knowledge, I'm not sure there is harm in believing in the possibility in itself that it could be true.

To me, that's just openmindedness.

We must keep our hopes high. I agree.

You keep saying that.

Without an explanation, your statement's still empty.

Pretty neat skill to look into learning

I don't use meditation for anything more then just calming down my erratic mind. It also is a great program to start the day. I find I am less reactive in my day if I meditate.

What I am really interested in, outside of debating the merits of meditation, which I know work for me and millions of others, is opting out of the current paradigm, and opting in to something that has goals like The Zeitgeist Movement or The Venus Project.

One great concern I have with our modern society is that people can't seem to agree how to fix our current problems, on the right they have one focus, money, and really money is just a system to acquire power.

I think we need to stop powering this system, which in essence means not giving power to the TPTB. This means first, not spending money on things that will destroy the planet, industries resources etc (shifting away as much as possible). Secondly, getting away from the never ending growth model and cutting consumption down DRAMATICALLY. Third like the big corporations, stop paying taxes into a corrupt government system.

These are just a few ideas, and some collapse is inevitable (in any model including the current one).

There's also something called "The Plan" whereby the good guys bring the bad guys to justice.

I just answered another hopeless feeling redditor about it in another thread. I hope it's true.

I haven't found anything yet to disprove it, yet. If someone has something that would, I'd love to know about it.

Even if it does burst my bubble.

I stumbled across this guys youtube recently. It's helped me understand some of the questions that have popped up in the last couple years. You might find it interesting.

Looks promising. Thank you for sharing.

You're welcome :)

This really resonates with me. Thank you.

Of late I have become incredibly aware of 3 tendencies.

1) My selfish ways of acting and being, 2) A constant desire to be isolated and alone, 3) A pervasive addiction to screens, and all that comes with it.

Maybe some of you can relate?

I'm glad some of you responded. We need more of this dialogue out there. Are then any subreddits devoted to solution based discussion and thought on reddit?

Well for one, if we all sit down and meditate nothing will ever change. It's why they push new age and shit like that. To keep people passive, I agree with you on keeping your mind clear and enjoy your space. But we have to act by writing our legislators and we need to organize it. Demand change, sit down and block traffic, stuff like that.

I disagree.

Meditators in DC actually lowered the crime rate during their meditation:

source 1

source 2

Washington, D.C.—Decreased Violent Crime (1981–1983) Maharishi University of Management (then called Maharishi International University) opened a branch campus in Washington, D.C., (the College of Natural Law) for the expressed purpose of creating coherence in the nation’s capital. A study using the transfer function approach of time series analysis, supported a causal relationship between participation in the group practice in the TM and TM-Sidhi programs at the College of Natural Law and decreased violent crimes in Washington over the two year period of their study. Alternative explanations in terms of weather, changes in police coverage, demographic shifts or increases in neighborhood watch programs could not account for the results (Dillbeck, et al., 1988). When the College of Natural Law had to move from Washington, beginning in 1986 and completed in 1987, the homicides in Washington, D.C. increased drastically to become the highest in the nation in 1990.)

I think if a large percentage of people quit arguing, labelling, consuming, paying taxes, and watching tv, and just sat down and meditated simultaneously, we could dismantle the control/manipulation matrix we live in very quickly.

I realize that this is exactly the "new age shit" that you are talking about, but it is was I believe.

If you still think that we can beat the law makers using the legislative process then you are more optimistic than I am.

Meditation have kept the indian elites in rule for centurys brother, why do you think the west is so eager to copy their system of indoctrination. Even russia spreads it because it makes the population easier to control.

I am unsure what you are referring to in India but the same assholes have been the elites in the west for centuries as well, and although I am not sure, I don't think they utilize meditation. (Certainly not in the same way they do in India.)

The western elites need us to keep buying/working/paying taxes for their manipulation machine to work.

The indian system is all about ignoring the pain in the world, think positive thoughts and meditate (passiv action) to make spiritual progress, and have their lives revolve around it. They will shut down on things out of the official narrative and try to make you think more positive, and then the elites don't have to do shit because people will control one another and keep everyone in uniform mentality.

Yeah and India doesn't have almost 200 military bases all over the world. They also do not consume 5 times more than they produce. If the entire globe was covered with countries like India I submit that it would be a better place and we would have a much greater opportunity to thrive.

I think you have never been to india. Cause if you had you would think otherwise. It would make the world into a littering dump of hell and you wouldn't want to be born a woman.

You are right I never have. But I do know that if the west didn't like how they were doing things then we would either be in direct conflict, or there would be a proxy war there. Since there isn't I assume that they have agreed to tow the line. All speculation I am going to look into this further.

Do you have any suggestions on where I should start?

Like I said, organize on a local level, write your legislators that you demand change, stop corruption i.e., and if not, make demos, sit downs and what not. That's the only way in our system unless we make it a direct democracy with no parties and a hell of a lot less buerocrats.

A call to arms is what the ruling class wants. so they can put in the army and gun you all down like they have done for ages. Even in america.

you shouldn't think happy thoughts, you should be furios with anger and let them have it. The pain you feel is not your doing, it's them. They just love to make you think you are responsible, make you depressed and put you on meds, drugs or turn to alcoholism.

We are never going to beat our corrupt legislators at their own game, that is surely what they want us to do. We will have to find a way to break the game.

I agree with you here though, there is nothing that pisses me off like massive bureaucracies. You want to just punch someone in the face but then you realize that there is no one person's face to punch, and every cog in the wheel is "just doing their job."

Also you need to get rid of all the NGOs of the elites, it's their main tool of keeping their policy agendas alive.

If they don't listen, go to action, sit downs i.e. until change is made.

Just a guess: you've never tried it.

Oh, but I have and it's a relief sometimes, I use it to focus, but in the new age setting meditation has a different purpose, usually done in semi religious groups or yoga groups.

What purpose and why do you object to it?

Try to read and digest what is above.

Ceremony by Leslie Silko is extremely relevant reading for people in your position.

Get off the rat race. Live frugally and set an example to your friends and family. Don't support their system as much as you can.

Put video cameras everywhere.

Honestly? Destroy the taboo around psychedelics. I think that would do it by itself.

Hey GFF go check out r/psychonauts I met Graham yesterday in Vancouver!

Grahams the man. I hope to meet him one day! Thats a dishearteningly low number of members in that sub. This is going to be a hard taboo to break :(

We are never going to beat our corrupt legislators at their own game, that is surely what they want us to do. We will have to find a way to break the game.

I agree with you here though, there is nothing that pisses me off like massive bureaucracies. You want to just punch someone in the face but then you realize that there is no one person's face to punch, and every cog in the wheel is "just doing their job."

If I develop my consciousness through meditation, that only increases my ability to control my own mind.

If I combine that with verifiable information about who WOULD control me and my environment, and how and why they would do that...

That is the ultimate freedom.

You keep saying that.

Without an explanation, your statement's still empty.