Is anybody else starting to think that we are all seeing a different REDDIT?

35  2015-12-06 by [deleted]



Remember how Facebook used to make big changes then everyone would get mad then forget. Mad then forget. Mad then forget . Forever. I think this was a way for tptb to gauge how perceptive the public is and how long it takes for them to forget.same-things probably happening here.

good point


I think it is not dissipating, it is slowly accumulating because it is being ignored

it's growing, won't be ignored forever.

This is exactly why I subscribe to /r/MandelaEffect. Most of the posts over there are batshit crazy, confusing faulty memory for proof of an alternate universe, but that doesn't matter. What matters is those people are actively looking for, and discussing, perceived changes in history. If anyone is going to notice people scrubbing, or at least sanitising, things on the internet it's likely going to be those looking for alternate universes that remember an event/statement differently to what they are now reading about.

The bearinstein stain bears is how I came to terms with the multiverse and spirituality.