Anyone notice a bunch of shills coming in and siding with the official SB story?

32  2015-12-07 by TeChinga

Why is that? Do you guys really believe the official story or is it just a bunch of users flooding /r/conspiracy?


Yes! There absolutely has been a large number of accounts with questionable history popping in here to support the official story and spread doubt.

For regular users of this sub it is fairly obvious. But for a casual user or visitor the volume of comments from these accounts can falsely create the appearance of a consensus.

Yes this. I remember when I started to become a frequenter here about half a year ago (I have like a shitload of accounts for some reason haha) it started to become obvious but before I thought /r/conspiracy was so divided for some reason.

But I realized every serious person here, although having different ideas of course, are pretty much on the same page. Especially when they're trying to be offensive you know it probably is someone who doesn't frequent. Or is a shillaber.

These posters are Easter European nihilists. They care about nothing. Teach them a bit of English and rhetoric give them some note sheets and send them on their way. They don't believe in anything so they will say pretty much anything. The best part is though if you engage with them the talking points they stick too are very transparent and like everything else the government does pretty half ass'd.

Hmm, I don't often engage shills but I noticed that, for me, only the Jewish one seem to react. Which makes a lot of sense to me. Those Israelites are very passionate about their country so they actually want to "defend" it online. The rest of the shills just don't seem to engage in conversation.

But yeah, the Israeli shills do a half assed job as well haha

What i'm thinking is they are bought and paid for by deep state and big corporations operating together on super, ultra, mega, top secret shit. That doesn't mean they are able to get smart people. au contraire these are the bottom of the barrel, the scum of the earth, fucking nihilists lebowski they care about nothing! you just give them shit to do and they don't connect any dots or think for them selves because nothing matters. It is frankly very underrated when is comes to scary ideologies.

That's what I thought! I was getting downvoted to hell and all the shills were getting upvoted and I was just like.. What?? Am I in /r/WorldNews??

So many. What a joke. Some guy was threatening people not to come of SB or else... lol.

What's the /r/conspiracy etiquette on calling out a shill?

online patrolling by the government is also happening in the U.S., particularly from the CIA and its infamous In-Q-Tel program. At a 2012 summit, former CIA director David Petraeus essentially admitted that the CIA has a covert online presence that it uses not only for data mining purposes but also to infiltrate online conversations for the purpose of protecting "national security" interests. Such interests, it turns out, include disrupting conversations that discuss topics like 9/11 truth, for instance, or U.S. involvement in giving weapons to Syrian rebels.

From HERE. and thanks to Edward Snowwalker.

Serious question; what's the deal on calling it out?

Well, since this is /r/conspiracy, you can usually tell a shill if they disregard info that supports basic conspiracy theories. For example, if someone started spouting how 9/11 wasn't an inside job in this sub, he's most likely a shill because that's a widely accepted theory. If someone were to call out a very outlandish theory though, you can't assume they're a shill, because a lot of people here like to keep things semi-realistic and based on decent evidence.

The reason being for calling them out is so people don't buy into their garbage. You can look into their history and a lot of the time shills have very short account history filled with conspiracy criticism. One that I just saw was an account that was like a month old, and all of his history was defending Monsanto and GMO, and discrediting the people that posted things against those.

Thanks giantfrogfish.

This is really important and could help us with the shills everyone. There is really a detailed and riveting story and points of value. You get to know how bad the battle was and how it ended in triumph for a clean website when independent and united users won over the shill, bot and troll brigade.

Share it with others too that know about them! Do yourselves a favour, maybe you it does not really interest you, it does not really excite you and it may not make you the coolest redditor to ever grace the site but read it! And read it well.

Thank you for your attention. CP

"Once more unto the breach!"

Do I give a fuck?

Maybe, but only the smallest of fucks.