How many people out there know that 9/11 was completely staged?

8  2015-12-09 by [deleted]



I was in fourth grade when it happened. The teachers rolled in televisions on carts because they said it was a historic day and we should be able to witness it. I saw the second plane hit the tower on "live" tv. The plane went through the building and came out on the other side. Even as a little kid I knew that it couldn't be right and I asked my teacher how the plane didn't crumple up and explode. She looked just as confused as I did and couldn't tell me why. Video analysis done recently on recorded footage shows that this did happen. The live images they broadcasted show the plane going through the building and coming out the other side. An impossibility. I don't get into these debates about what happened with other people anymore. Even if you gave them all the facts laid out right in front of their face, they won't believe it until someone on Fox news says it's true.

Too many people trust perceived authority over their own intuition, reasoning, and common sense.

The original videos have been pretty heavily scrubbed, but there's usually one or two hanging out on a deep search.

At least you weren't in class when they showed you the moon landings ;)

one interesting factoid, first 'plane' hit the WTC1 at 8:46 CNN was broadcasting live images from the roof at 8:49, less than three minutes after the impact, the fastest ever response to a news event, never outdone either before or since.

almost like CNN had their camera crew on the roof and video feed wired up, ready to go when the 'plane' unexpectedly hit the WTC1.

one shill had the amusing gall to suggest that the CNN camera crew were just driving in the street and raced to a roof to film the WTC1. its about as fanciful and truthful as any other of the official lies from that day.

Lol. Do you know where this happened? It was fucking Manhattan. The media capital of the US. All the major networks have their offices and studios within blocks of the WTC. The NYC skyline was routinely broadcast during all of their news programs. Cameras were trained on the skyline constantly.

lights, camera action

By the way, the reason those foreign operatives were celebrating 9/11 wasn't because they hate America. They were celebrating the fact the script went of without a hitch (except the BBC blunder).

I'd be super old by now, but I would've loved seeing it!

I was also in 4th grade. Source to the video your talking about?

Here you go!

This isn't to say that there were no planes, or something didn't crash into the tower. Merely it suggests that some of the footage was digitally created beforehand.

edit: grammar, wtf. I shouldn't reply when distracted!

why does it go black right when it hits?

I think that the planes were digital but the projectile was a missile. Same with the missile that hit the pentagon.

This is a theory that has had some play. I know there were numerous airforce members that came forth saying that the plane that crashed into the towers wasn't the passenger airliner that they were claiming because the undercarriage was shaped differently.

I'm not against the idea that something other than a plane hit the towers and that the planes were digitally superimposed over it.

The people on the ground who claimed to see planes were interviewed over and over. They could have been actors or placed in the narrative. Why would I even suggest this? Do you remember how many celebrities and otherwise unimportant people the media interviewed about their opinions on the event?

It made me wonder if anyone really saw the first or second plane at all. It could have been a suggestion, and since nobody would think to consider a missile, and they themselves didn't see it -- we all more or less assumed it really was a plane.

I have a fantasy that there is footage out there somewhere, on someones digital camcorder with images of what really hit the towers. Even if they only caught the second object. I imagine that person, if they exist, is scared out of their minds. They may have even destroyed the original due to fear. Now of course this last bit is purely speculation, and the hopeful part of me wishes that some new footage would be released if it exists.

Imagine if that video popped up on the internet. A recording of the events without planes, and instead missiles. Or a recording without any flying objects at all, and merely the explosions.

Wait. This happened in one of the largest and most densely packed cities in the world while everyone was watching and recording and you think maybe no one actually saw it happen???

What I'm saying is that very few people probably saw the first plane because who knew what to expect. The second "plane" could've hit the building without too many people irl seeing the actual object or impact. Even if they did see it, the suggestion that it was a planeight be stronger than their actual memory. I'm saying we will never really know until we get some more footage that wasn't manipulated by news agencies.

What I'm saying is that very few people probably saw the first plane because who knew what to expect.

I would not say "very few," because this happened right in the heart of one of the largest cities on earth. But yes, compared to the second plane, far fewer people who have seen it with their own eyes.

The second "plane" could've hit the building without too many people irl seeing the actual object or impact.

No. Absolutely not. That is beyond impossible. The population of Manhattan is 1.6 million - over 70,000 residents per square mile - and that is just residents. If you include workers and visitors who live outside Manhattan, the population of that narrow strip of land is over 3 million.

And on September 11, nearly everyone within eyeshot of the World Trade Center towers was watching those towers burn with their own eyes. There could easily have been over a million people who personally saw the 2nd plane hit with their own eyes.

Even if they did see it, the suggestion that it was a planeight be stronger than their actual memory.

Even if this was true - and it's not; the very idea is utterly preposterous - but even if it was true, what about the countless recordings people made with their own devices?

There is simply no way a million people are going to forget what they saw with their own eyes and there is no way some government conspiracy could doctor all of the videos shot by all the different people who recorded the 2nd plane hitting the 2nd tower.

I'm saying we will never really know until we get some more footage that wasn't manipulated by news agencies.

I am so glad I don't live in the world that you imagine exists. If you really think the government is so evil and the media so evil and powerful that it would participate in this plot and could doctor all known video of the event, you must truly be a terrified person.

I'm not a terrified person, not at all. I have no problems with you having a differing opinion on the subject, but to insult my character is a bit tactless.

Thanks for the link ! That's super fucking fishy .

There were no planes, the WTC and the Pentagon were rigged to blow days in advance.

It's a good possibility. I know that the wing of the Pentagon was mostly empty the day that it "got hit". The news reporters kept saying how "lucky" it was that the portion of the building was empty. Meanwhile, I'm sitting at home thinking it had nothing to do with luck.

It was also so "lucky" that the towers were hit just as the work day was starting. Had the explosions went off an hour later otherwise the casualties would have been 10x as great.

It was also "lucky" that all the planes were severely under capacity.

no injuries or deaths at the WTC7 the 47 floor third tower, only one single interview or survivor story from WTC7, for a building that housed 20,000 people that day.

WTC7 which was the defacto federal building for NY, also housed the SEC and assorted other important NY offices both govt and civilian. thousands and thousands of important workers and important offices.

not one single injury or death when the first plane hit the next door WTC1, nor when WTC2 collapsed.

not one single evacuation story from WTC7.

yet we have crap impossible stories of people escaping down 100 floors with split flights of stairs (two landings and one fire door per floor) in less than 50 minutes in darkness and fire and smoke.

Two people were stuck in WTC 7 that day (this was not part of the script):

Barry Jennings died mysterious 2 days before the NIST released their official report declaring Building 7 to have collapsed "due to burning office furniture"

Michael Hess is still alive, but he has changed his testimony regarding the explosions.

Very true. Also, weren't the flights mostly military personnel?

almost empty planes, one at 18% capacity for a 220 seat airliner !!!!!

two of the airliners were not scheduled to fly that day, and two planes serial numbers were not scrapped until 2005.

350 people canceled or missed those four flights on 9/11...

just garbage facts and details surrounding some very fake news that day.

I'm not sure about that.

The teachers rolled in televisions on carts because they said it was a historic day and we should be able to witness it.

as you do when mass murder is about to be shown live on TV.

how many people around the country knew something big and news worthy was about to happen that day, teachers included.

10th grade for me and I was in a private Christian school for that grade. I didn't give two shits then. I saw how everyone else was acting like the world trade centers were important buildings. I kept telling them who cares it's sad yeah but more people die everyday. Then they informed me of the pentagon and that's when I knew something was wrong with it. First, how did the pentagon get hit by ANYTHING and secondly where was the plane?

The plane was traveling over 500 mph, and weighed between 250,000 and 300,000 pounds. The building was only 200 feet wide from side to side - not even a football field. There is nothing remarkable or surprising about debris coming out the other side.

Entirely scripted from start to finish?

Scripted all the way through the beginning of the Iraq War

Which Iraq war? Bush Srs?

No the second

9/11 was before the 2nd Iraq war. Not disagreeing that it was scripted, but the script starts much earlier.

You are right it did, but I'm not trying to drop too much on people at once.

Define "completely staged". I think the numbers wane as you get to the 'more staged' versions, with a bell curve whose height is at "The US govt may have had some foreknowledge that attackers may blah etc and so on....."

In my opinion, where the curve might drop significantly is when you introduce controlled demolition ....then a massive drop down when the "staged version" you know to be true involves no planes and media manipulation, green screwn, then you've got holograms and dustification proponents, and at the very teeny tiny margin are those who understand the scripting was so thorough, it included fake victims, false witness accounts, the missing and dead were planned relocation agents or non existent parties, and the like. Most people have a hard time believing the buildings were empty because there are a significant number of controlled op agents who wax conspiratorial all day, and make much sense, yet their bottom line is to NEVER ADMIT THAT NO ONE ON THE MASTER LIST DIED. They may be "allowed" to discuss no planes, and yet they still must uphold the notion that there were victims, jumpers, and workers inside.

I wonder which Hollywood screenwriter they hired for "Let's Roll"?

What a classic

I dont even know what that is, sorry. If it's a popular 911 docu like Loose Change, I haven't (won't bother) seen it..

"Let's Roll" is the catchphrase for the Flight 93 story. Todd Beemer said it before he and his and his crew took out "dem Arabs" in the cockpit and the plane went for a sacrificial nosedive.

Tune in next time as forty-five-year old Shannon Johnson of Los Angeles shields a wounded coworker during the San Bernardino attack.

My guess is Spielberg was the lead director of the 9/11 script, but that explosion on tower 2 looks like classic Michael Bay.

Hahaha thanks for filling me in. Beemer... even the names make me laugh.

I have a theory based on some loose evidence and a hunch and some circumstantial data that these actors in all these major media events are part of a massive Web of false identities, which includes names, addresses, relatives, cover companies that are fake, cover companies that are real and agree to participate, and even a MASSIVE connection to real estate fraud.

The idea would be:

'well hey now we've got all of these "people"...whatever they own, we own, so let's buy and sell to ourselves, over and over, inflate the market, crash it, foreclose, repeat...affect big banking and all of this is just a perk of our Troupe of Actor Agents, some of whom are witness protection, and all of whom we own.' -the Govt (presumably black ops type Intel pgm)

I do think they killed a few people on each flight list and had them call their loved ones before hand, but they try to keep real casualties to a minimum because people with dead family members tend to want answers.

for some seriously funny connections, MH370, the black Canadian VP Muktesh Mukherjee of that joke coal company Xcoal.

Xcoal has a Florida office, (drum roll), its the address of a plumbing company store on some ordinary street.

that address has some very interesting names connected to it, including some very strange 'Harry Potter' inspired company employee names.

the average Harry Potter character names from the books are extremely English or just odd, almost Dickens like, not what you would expect to find in Florida.

but if you have some intel dude/dudette and they are strapped for inspiration for some fake names for fake personas, they likely would borrow complete names from a HP book...

i don't believe it was digital hoax, what, a hologram of sorts? or million of edited videos? these theories are just a distraction to be honest, like lizard people ...

I believe the planes did hit some buildings, apparently not building 7 though. I also believe not only the government knew about the threat, they probably financed and planned it, hence staged.

everybody knows the building come down because of explosives and not impacts and bombing half of middle east two days later lasting a decade, with no evidence what so ever, completely made up reasons and just generally irrelevant actions just proves the theory that they knew and planned about it.

just like these terrorist attacks lately

Some sort of cheezy CGI.

Yeah there's 45 total videos that I'm aware of:

  • 43 angle of the south tower - it's very obvious its fake when looking at any slow motion clip of the plane entering the tower
  • 1 video of the north tower - in which the sound is dubbed and the actors are staged
  • 1 video of the Pentagon - if you consider that evidence of a plane, raise your standards

only 45 ? yeah that seems weird, i did not know that .


edit: yeah pentagon was never hit by a plane... i mean the fact that an unauthorized anonymous plane who isn't answering radio calls can get anywhere near 1000 miles of pentagon let alone crash into it is just absurd. they would take it down hours before that if it was a serious threat.

There may be a few more angles of the south tower, but there can't be more than 100 total

I'd guess anywhere from 1 to as many 1.

It's probably better that way

Nuclear 11/9 is looking more and more plausible by the day.

It wasn't a nuclear bomb, I'll save you some time - no planes theory

This is the video they don't want you to see. or maybe you are one of them?

That was fast! They got you boys workin over time with everyone that's waking up?

nuclear at first glance sounds wild, but with the micro demo nukes that do exist and are in sevrice with some armed forces.

this does explain the volcanic nature of the demolitions of WTC1 and WTC2, WTC7 would have been something more conventional and possibly pre-wired and charged months or years in advance, what with WTC7 being the federal building.

we know that WTC7 was probably the target of 93 until something went wrong with that plane/drone.

then they had to do some seriously fast work that day.

I think that the "planes" we're missiles. Going a lot faster than planes. Makes sense why jets couldn't be scrambled in time. As for the collapse it was a nuclear device placed very far below the trade center. The explosion would vaporize the rock creating a sink hole for the building to fit nicely in.

Edit: also accounts for the fires still raging weeks after the event.

It depends on what you mean by "staged" and "scripted."

Certainly, 9/11 was an "inside job," the Bush administration facilitated it, and World Trade Center buildings 1, 2, and 7 were destroyed by controlled demolition.

There's more...

go on ...

I mean that when you write a script you've got inform all the actors of their parts.

It's at historic lows, I think. You can check the Google searches for related things like "9/11 inside job" and see how it's dwindling consistently.

I'm sure that has nothing to do with Googles Orwellian control of information.

Google is just scrubbing results.

they have been co-opted and on the intel payroll since 2012, ever since then their time and dating service went funny.

until 2012 you could use Google to work out timelines for breaking stories and see who had the story or photos first (generally the Daily Fail)

2012 and Google went amateur and useless.

There were no planes, the WTC and the Pentagon were rigged to blow days in advance.

I think that the planes were digital but the projectile was a missile. Same with the missile that hit the pentagon.

why does it go black right when it hits?

Thanks for the link ! That's super fucking fishy .