Let's organize and become physically violent, guys

57  2015-12-09 by 911bodysnatchers322

I am starting to see some if us say this in various threads. Need I say it? Its clearly trolling by astroturfers, the (fake) reaction of problem >> reaction >> solution, which would demand a response from the establishment.

Don't fall for it. Instead remind us by reminding them that organizing a coup against the gov is the definition of conspiracy and we won't do that. Instead, we are going to be thankless whistleblowers on gov crime, raising awareness until the majority is able to understand our perspective on the objective truth.


Thanks for the reminder. If someone is advocating violence, they're cops or they're deranged. The two aren't necessarily mutually exclusive.

I have to disagree with you. Although I'm a true pacifist by nature with no inclination to violence whatsoever, I believe that the entire foundations of modern society are both built upon and controlled with hierarchical, institutional violence.

I also believe that the only real way of combating this all-encompassing 'system' of violence and oppression is to send the violence back up the hierarchy in the opposite direction from whence it came. Starting from down here on the bottom.

an undivided population should be a prerequisite to any such action.

I agree. That's why we have to prove to both sides that there the illusions that are cast upon us have the specific intent to cause exactly this. Raising awareness of the enemies' moves is the first step towards joining forces.

Before it ever "goes back up the hiearchy" any violence will move laterally. In other words, it will feed the rich while burying the poor. The elite have the system gamed and they know it.

The only answer is a massive, non-violent "walk-out" or general strike by the working and middle class. That has now become seemingly impossible as the elite have sponsored extremists on the left and right to divide us.

We've all bought in to the "Team Red, Team Blue, Pick a color, and Hate your neighbor" rhetoric.

Self versus other jingoism; ingroups / outgroups. Only all of the us that's not part of the secret societies is an outgroup and so from the ingroup they orchestrate the means to cause 'a house divided', causing dissenting activism groups to fall on their own swords. For example, the la riots--the blacks burned their own neighborhoods, including small businesses. Samesame with fergueson. If they weren't so uncritically reactionary, they'd burn the monsantos, the jp morgan-chases, the goldman sacs instead.

Have to agree with you.

I also believe that the only real way of combating this all-encompassing 'system' of violence and oppression is to send the violence back up the hierarchy in the opposite direction from whence it came. Starting from down here on the bottom.

Unfortunately you right. But I don't think we're ready for an uprising. It's my understanding that all violent revolutions were spiked by a new idea. Not just knowing what needs to be changed and why. That is where we are at right now. People are becoming more aware of what is wrong, but if we strike now then what. Some new boss steps in same as the old one. As soon as we can all agree on what should come next, then uprising is really the only way we can move away from the current systems. That sucks, but let's not jump the gun.

Jumping the gun is kind of an understatement considering that the last period of human sustainability was the stone age.

No interest in violence; it only guarantees the most violent and conniving and "service to self" will rise to the top once again.

The only way this thing gets toppled is by a mass awakening, followed by a mass.....I dunno what. Strike? Withdrawal from society? Withdrawal of cash?

But MLK showed the way in Selma, Gandhi in India, almost the Belgians in Brussels after the Marc Dutroux horror show (ALMOST).

It might not take much, and they know it. 9/11 reveal, Global pedophile ring reveal, whatever is up with the moon that I don't understand, who knows what will do it?

Maybe if the new "Star Wars" flick sucks, people will disengage. No idea.

But violence is not the answer, no matter what the American Sniper's Craft says.

The only way this thing gets toppled is by a mass awakening, followed by a mass.....I dunno what. Strike? Withdrawal from society? Withdrawal of cash?

It starts with food.

hence why mass awakening should include self-sustaining farming principles.

we need to learn to live in smaller spaces, and turn the rest of our home's space into farmland. no more lawns, all farm space.

You've described my dream. I want to knock down the HOAs and fences. Eating a leaf of chard you grew is a revolutionary act.

Absolutely. LED technology has come along nicely as well in the last decade (still a ways to go) or so. Food independence starts at home. :)

Please expand upon this. How? I have several friends in the organic food/non-GMO field.

aquaponics. i'm involved in small ways in local community food security groups, they are putting aquaponics greenhouses into the schools,

A broken grid or a few burst pipelines with a massive energy shortage will do it. Then the proles see how fucked up dependent they are on this shit and transformation begins.

...a mass exodus of FIAT currencies into crypto currencies owned by no one.

But they can crash that whenever they want and make it all disappear.

No interest in violence; it only guarantees the most violent and conniving and "service to self" will rise to the top once again.

In WW1, the Germans used chemical weapons. They didn't stop because Britain and France rose above and never dirtied their hands by using chemical weapons too... they stopped because Britain and France did.

I'm pretty sure the new Star Wars will suck but I really really really hope I'm wrong

Si vis pacem, para bellum.

If you seek peace, prepare for war.

You're right, in that anyone calling for open conflict at the moment is likely a plant, fed, cop, admin, or shill. To put it another way, it's a trap. However, do not discount either the potential or usefulness of armed rebellion.

You see, the argument you put forth is a trap in and of itself, just as bad as jumping the gun.

Lay down arms, don't resist, just sit and 'spread the word' while otherwise doing nothing.

The problem with doing this is that, when and if the time comes to actually take action, we will be unprepared and out of place to do so. After all,

Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not.

So, the best solution here is to find a balance, using your common sense. I realize that's almost an oxymoron, that if it were truly common it wouldn't be called "common sense," but at least try. Prepare for when SHTF within reason, be ready, expect it to come--and if it does not, you've got nothing to worry about. If it does, you're as ready as you can be. But don't jump at the first sign of some idiot on the internet saying 'time for revolution, guys.'

You say you want a revolution

Well, you know

We all want to change the world

You tell me that it's evolution

Well, you know

We all want to change the world

But when you talk about destruction

Don't you know that you can count me out

Giving in to violence will only give TPTB an excuse to come in and crack some skulls. Even IF people were to resort to some form of violence, It's not very wise to go around online out in the open talking about it. You will end up with a bull's-eye on your back.

We've got to stay calm and collected, and work smart. Sending positive energy and thought's to all.

I am concerned about your choice of your title, OP. An "ironic" call to violence is the sort of thing a disinfo, agent provocateur shill would post. Since 99% of the time it is only the post title which is read, your subsequent "plausible" denial of your previously expressed violent intentions will be missed by the majority.

Disclaimer: Of course I'm not accusing you of being a shill, but why make a post that could get this sub into trouble?

I saw the title and thought, jeez this sub has fallen way further than I thought. It was by a whim that I decided to click the link to respond and then saw that you put text claiming you are advocating against the violence. I call bull shit. OP wants violence and deniability.

Amen, unconditional love and truth are the answers. Funny post though. I chuckled a little.

after reading the title I just came here to say: "fuck you narc"

but it's all good

people advocating violence are agent provacateurs who are probably gov. types looking to vet out who a potential threat is. Its a honey pot...its a trap...something like 1984..they pretend to be the resistance in order to entrap people who could potentially do them harm

Thanks. It is a sad day when people decide to try to end violence with violence.

It's a trick of Cointelpro to dismiss legitimate dissent of the status quo by making the dissenters appear violent and a threat to social well-being. It provides impetus to authorize violent quashing of dissent.

If China had used this tactic at Tiananmen, then the protesters would have been viewed as terrorists.

Stop advocating violence. You are bringing hurting the truth movement and making us look like extremists.

Live by the sword, and you will die by the sword, both physically and spiritually.

violent reaction is what they're hoping for, easiest way to start depopulation.

Unfortunately, it's hard to imagine a time when humanity won't be ruled and controlled by those specifically willing to commit the most violence.

No violence!!!!

Intelligence, love, telling others, calling out propaganda, activism, etc

Violence is the wrong answer for many reasons, one of which is we are guaranteed to lose.

and then what?

The deep ecologists had this about 10 years ago:

Agree with 10% of the global middle class to not consume anymore than what is needed for housing, food and recreational drugs (so that you don't die of boredom if you can't do sports or hike in the woods). Agree on doing nothing for years. Watch the international banking cartel, insurance, JIT-crap-conveyor-belt, Trucking and everything else crunch beyond repair.

Switch then demand to sensible production.

Enjoy a new world without violent revolution.

No worries here. I've always been more of the "lone wolf" type anyway.

upvote isn't enough, that's hilarious

So true. I admit, I have a natural compulsion towards anger. Especially when faced with the undeniable injustices perpetrated upon our people. But we have to ignore our natural human instinct to become physically violent and find a better solution for today. It may be hard in this world that's hard to believe, but it's what's necessary.

You are all you can control.

you are now marked as possible terrorist /NSA

The Founding Fathers did not hold interfaith rallies, and sit ins, they killed people. The state of Israel was founded on terror and violence and they are viewed as a "legitimate" government in the worlds eyes. In the words of Chairman Mao "all power flows from the barrel of a gun."

Study your revolutions (French, American, Haitian, Russian, Indian, etc...). Conspirator actions are worthless unless the public is on the tipping point of joining forces against their oppressors.

Well said!

form a party and let the electoral decide

Great title. Lets use our rage to make and then film destroying pinatas of the things we dislike.

We should all just move to russia instead and leave the american government stranded.


It came and went, but you just hit me hard in the nostalgia-spot.

What came and went?

...at the core of the power is the faith of the masses in the value of government/elite currencies.