Do you believe that Obama is a homosexual?

0  2015-12-09 by toby224

I spoke to a friend that works with a ministry on the South Side of Chicago helping young male prostitutes. It's is pretty common knowledge in that community that Obama was a solicitor while living in Chicago. There is also the story of the three male lovers of Obama from his old church that died when he started running for president.


Gay or bi. A telling moment when they put the rainbow flag on the White House.

Frankly, I don't give a shit either way. It's his fucked up foreign policy that offends me.

A telling moment when they put the rainbow flag on the White House.

Or maybe it was because they had just legalized gay marriage on a federal level?. It was a pretty big event, ya know.

Dude, none of this stuff is happening in a vacuum. Of course that's what spurred it. But even as one who totally supports gay rights and gay equality, i thought it demeaning to the White House, in the same I way I would have felt a red-white-blue flag on the WH would have been.

It's the white house, so we already know that they support the US.

The rainbow was put on to show support and acceptance to the gay community. I have no problem with it whatsoever.

....and we already knew the President supports gays rights and gay equality. It was a cheap PR move, more to antagonize the Prez's enemies than rally his supporters, imho. I may be wrong, perhaps his heart is in the right place. But considering he's probably a CIA puppet, I doubt it.

IMO Barrack Obama is gay by any connotation or denotation of the word.

you're an idiot


Let me start by saying that I do not have the necessary information available to say indisputably that he is, which is why I said "in my opinion." Also keep in mind that I am not able to link a CNN article to support my claims so people like you, u/Rockran, may want to just quit reading right now.

That being said, there is a decent amount of evidence to support my opinion:

Let's start with Michelle Obama.

This picture shows that his/her ring finger is longer than his/her index finger. According to National Geographic and Psychology Today your digit ratio is directly linked to the amount of testosterone present during prenatal development.

Between weeks 8 and 14, tiny fetal testes, ovaries and adrenal glands secrete the baby's own supply of sex hormones. These chemical messengers, particularly testosterone, cause chain reactions in the body, spurring the growth of the genitals, encouraging and inhibiting growth in brain regions and causing changes in the fingers. Many scientists believe relative finger length—or digit ratio—is a marker for brain differences molded by hormones. Like a bit of prenatal graffiti, a longer ring finger says, "Testosterone was here."

So basically this means that Michelle Obama had more testosterone during his/her development than the average female. That coupled with photos like this lead me to believe that there could be more to the story.

Also, the Obama children were born in 1998 and 2001, yet there are zero photos of pregnant Michelle. (If you can find one let's see it.) There are unconfirmed reports that he/she was born as Michael Robinson, which to me would just be hearsay until I hear this.

Now let's move on to the man himself. We can start with this picture of him holding hands with sitting awkwardly close to this strapping Pakistani fellow. That alone could be nothing, but then there is the testimony of this other fellow.

This could all be coincidence of course, and rather than take my word for it, let's see what Joan Rivers had to say just 2 weeks before her untimely death caused by an emergency throat biopsy during an unrelated elective surgery.

Now, I feel that I have covered the denotation of the word, lets move on to the connotation:

I submit just one exhibit.

This information has lead me to believe that Barack Obama is gay.

Edit: Fucked up one of the links.

That coupled with photos like this[5] lead me to believe that there could be more to the story.

That's a photo of her pubic mound.

Practically nude example

Slightly less, but still nsfw example

All women have it, just the size varies.

There are unconfirmed reports that he/she was born as Michael Robinson, which to me would just be hearsay until I hear this

He's referring to Michael Mullen, not his wife. He's reading off of a speech.

Now let's move on to the man himself. We can start with this picture of him holding hands with this strapping Pakistani fellow

I've circled Obama's hand:

And who the fuck holds hands while they're holding a cigarette? Put your index and middle finger together, as you would when holding a cigarette in that manner, then try hold someone's hand.

who the fuck holds hands while they're holding a cigarette?

That is an excellent point and I never noticed that in the photo, I appreciate you pointing that out.

Not sure what I think about Michelle's pubic mound, but I enjoyed reviewing the case you made.

Nothing to discredit Larry Sinclair? He died in a hit and run accident and his Wikipedia page is strangely deleted?

Couldn't find anything on him worthwhile.

If someone claims they blew Obama, but there's nothing other than that person's claim to support it, and nothing to really debunk it, then i'm just left with shrugged shoulders.

Yet we are free to formulate our own opinions.

You're right though, unless he comes out I'm not sure how we could ever know for sure.

Wait what? That's like saying that until you come out as an Alien we can never know for sure whether you are one.

That is not how you construct an argument.

Where did I say I was constructing an argument?

You have an argument for why you hold the opinion you do. And a shitty one at that.

Thought you might want to add The Doctor's swinging pubic mound exhibit to your collection.

Where pictures of Michelle pregnant?

Where are the pictures of Donald Rumsfeld's penis? You've never seen one? He must be a hermaphrodite. Or have some 4th kind of rare alien genitalia!!!

<-- your logic.


Do all politicians publicise their pregnant wives?

My ring finger is longer than my index, according to you I am definitely a male and have just not noticed yet.

I didn't use the word definitely in my post at all.

basically this means that Michelle Obama had more testosterone during his/her development than the average female.

I suppose that the same applies to you. Pardon me for the personal questin, but do you also have a well pronounced pubic mound?

I, and all of my close female relatives, have a longer ring finger. Less than the average can still be a significant number of women.

Edit: It would appear Sasha and Malia inherited the trait as well.

Also linking a video of someone who mostly focuses on social and intellectual pursuits throwing a bad pitch to suggest a stereotype just embarasses any overall point you're trying to make.

Between your picture that is obviously of her pubic mound and your nonsense ring finger assertions, my conspiracy theory, is that you've never talked to a woman in person.

That isn't a conspiracy man... That's just a regular theory.

I appreciate the hyperbole. I also appreciate the fact that you seem to have quit reading my post after the first point.

The wiki on digit ratio cites 113 different sources in the references section. I assume you believe they are all nonsense as well? I cleary said that it isn't proof of anything except that there was more testosterone present during prenatal development than the average female.

Lol are you fucking kidding me

I try not to take myself too seriously, those last two links were meant to be funny.

I would say if someone pointed a gun to my head and said "Is Obama straight or is he something other than straight? If you guess wrong I will shoot you." I would probably side with something other than straight.

What makes you so certain? Did you watch Larry's testimony? He doesn't seem to me like he is lying.

Why do you care if Obama is straight? Do you seriously think he would have been a worse president if he was gay?

Frankly I don't care one way or the other. This discussion has nothing to do with his competence as president. OP asked if people thought the POTUS was gay and I answered the question.

That being said I think he is a terrible president. Perhaps the worst of all time.

Why do you think he's the worst president of all time? The country is in a much better place than it was under Bush. If anything he's decent enough.

I disagree (although I do not necessarily endorse Bush.)

Barrack Obama campaigned on free healthcare and pulling out of Iraq.

Since then he has signed a record number of executive orders, he has raised our national debt more than than every single preceding president combined, and has increased healthcare costs for virtually everyone. In fact, some people that had free healthcare now don't. He has not only failed to pull out of Iraq, military spending has sky rocketed.

The entire time he has had a historically low approval rating (yes even lower than Bush.)

We now have a conflict in Syria that could legitimately lead to a world wide conflict and he is simply not equipped to handle it.

He is a talented speaker and a likable guy. Beyond that he is the worst president at least during my lifetime.

I envy your ability to look around and feel that America is in a better place than it was a decade ago, but I just don't see it that way.

he has raised our national debt more than every single preceding president combined

Now that's just a lie. The three presidents before him added more than he has combined.

Do you know what the deficit was when he took office? $10.626 Trillion

Do you know what it is today? Officially $19.3 trillion but economists claim that the number is actually much much higher.

Even with these numbers, Obama doubled the national debt and that's assuming these numbers are even reliable. Try looking it up for yourself.

Bush's approval rating low point was 25%. Obama's lowest point was 38%. A little Google goes a long way, friend.

It sure does pal, Obama's average approval rating to date: 47%

Bush comes in at 49%

But actually you are right that he isn't the worst. Harry Truman, and Jimmy Carter came in slightly lower.

Damn that was a solid couple of links, I seriously can believe that. The country would flip if that was real.

I submit just one exhibit.

Also hilarious

Lmfao that's the stupidest shit I've ever heard

You need to get out more.

You're joking right, you can't actually be this stupid

/bestof material

Wow now I believe he's gay good work.nothing wrong with being gay but i cant stand closeted gays. too much angst.

Im also embarrassed. A real president would have thrown that ball straight through the catchers head.

I don't care who people wanna have sex with. His marriage is bullshit? So what he isn't calling any shots.

I don't care either. But don't hide and lie about it.

I can respect that.

Yes. Because homosexuality is strongly forbidden in Islamic culture.


By most scales almost every human falls within the "bi" range, so statistically speaking, he is likely to as well. But who cares?

You're not wrong, do you wanna watch porn with a fat dude with a little dick? Or do you wanna watch porn with a beautiful woman getting off on a toned man with decent sized cock and a big orgasm?

The one with the woman! The one with the woman!

Huh? Says who?

Starting to believe it more and more. Not saying I do but not saying I dont either

Obama is a gay crook, criminal, anti American liar, and everything else that goes along with scum of the earth. He is a mirror image of the Americans that elected him. Michelle is a transgender. This is the biggest scam played on the American people in the history of America seconded only by Barack being born in Africa.

Hillary is the same thing. So is Donald Trump. Our leadership is a direct reflection of the American people.

I agree that the leaders are a direct reflection of the American people. I believe that Trump is what America need to get out of the mess we are in right now. At this point it is all about freedom and the left trying to take them away. People complain about Trump's attitude but it reflects the attitude of many Americans on the left and right.

Who cares

i don't care what people are but, yes i do think it's possible, since you asked.

Why does his sexuality matter? Why does anyone's sexuality matter? Surely, there's more important events happening right now for you to focus on.

If hes gay then his family isn't really his, which means if hes lying about having a family then god knows what else hes lying about. That should be a big red flag.

No his sexuality doesn't matter, but it does...

Really? That's a bit of a jump. Do you know that it's always been a tradition among homosexual upper class individuals to have a wife and children?

Obama must continue his blood line. He made offspring. That is a guarantee regardless of his sexual orientation. That's just how the elite work.

Are you a gay king? Well, you can have your cake but you need to make babies. It's been going on for thousands of years.

Do you really believe those are his children though?

Why wouldn't they be? People with money have to make heirs. That's how it works. Someone has to inherit that money and perpetuate the hierarchy.

Don't care. Doesn't matter.

Theoretically, speculations about his spouse would be a more appropriate topic for /r/conspiracy.

Not that that matters in itself, either.

OP is a fagget

Yup. And Michelle is a tranny. And possible bigfoot.

Lol are you fucking kidding me


That coupled with photos like this[5] lead me to believe that there could be more to the story.

That's a photo of her pubic mound.

Practically nude example

Slightly less, but still nsfw example

All women have it, just the size varies.

There are unconfirmed reports that he/she was born as Michael Robinson, which to me would just be hearsay until I hear this

He's referring to Michael Mullen, not his wife. He's reading off of a speech.

Now let's move on to the man himself. We can start with this picture of him holding hands with this strapping Pakistani fellow

I've circled Obama's hand:

And who the fuck holds hands while they're holding a cigarette? Put your index and middle finger together, as you would when holding a cigarette in that manner, then try hold someone's hand.

who the fuck holds hands while they're holding a cigarette?

That is an excellent point and I never noticed that in the photo, I appreciate you pointing that out.

Not sure what I think about Michelle's pubic mound, but I enjoyed reviewing the case you made.

Nothing to discredit Larry Sinclair? He died in a hit and run accident and his Wikipedia page is strangely deleted?

Damn that was a solid couple of links, I seriously can believe that. The country would flip if that was real.

I submit just one exhibit.

Also hilarious

you're an idiot

My ring finger is longer than my index, according to you I am definitely a male and have just not noticed yet.

Where pictures of Michelle pregnant?

/bestof material

Between your picture that is obviously of her pubic mound and your nonsense ring finger assertions, my conspiracy theory, is that you've never talked to a woman in person.

I, and all of my close female relatives, have a longer ring finger. Less than the average can still be a significant number of women.

Edit: It would appear Sasha and Malia inherited the trait as well.

Also linking a video of someone who mostly focuses on social and intellectual pursuits throwing a bad pitch to suggest a stereotype just embarasses any overall point you're trying to make.

Lmfao that's the stupidest shit I've ever heard

You're joking right, you can't actually be this stupid

Wow now I believe he's gay good work.nothing wrong with being gay but i cant stand closeted gays. too much angst.

Im also embarrassed. A real president would have thrown that ball straight through the catchers head.