The American Police State is just the Stanford Prison Experiment on a larger scale.

39  2015-12-12 by [deleted]

Think about this, on one side you have the jailers and enforcers of the law (Military and Police). On the other side you have the prisoners (The US Population).

When in actuality, both groups are made up of the same people and when the jailers repress the prisoners, they are only repressing themselves.

I don't know, maybe I'm just taking crazy pills


spot on

I was reading an article about it and had one of those wow moments

I think it's more like Dead End Drive In

Or "They Live!".

This looooooooooks pretty awesome. Watching it tonight


I don't think that experiment taught the 1% anything; what is happening now was planned many decades before it. I will grant you that it was probably the warning for those-who-have-eyes-to-see that gentlemen oppressors require of each other; a courtly smack in the face with a gauntlet, so to speak.

It's a viscous cycle.