Why is one world government such a bad thing ?

3  2015-12-14 by [deleted]

There are many benefits to uniting humanity under a diverse and honest leadership.


It's not going to be a democracy.

Do you honestly think the people of the world would let it be a dictatorship ?

Do you honestly think the people of the world would have a say in the matter? Do we have a say in the TPP? Did we have a say in NAFTA?

I am so sick of this fucking excuse. It's because most people are lazy cowards who sit on Reddit and post shit and complain instead of organizing something meaningful.

What are you doing? other than sitting on reddit, if you don't mind me asking.

I'm just here to get ideas.

I think the world would be much better in a completely decentralized system where local towns had the most authority would work best. No need for a federal or world wide government at all.

The people of the world are currently letting a lot of things happen that I never would've thought rational minds would allow for. I'm truly saddened by all of it.

"diverse and honest leadership"

Let us know when you find them, and we may give it a try. Oh and bring the flying pigs too, because I heard hell just froze over.

It is possible, you just have to unite the people.

Look I'm with you. If humanity could unite everyone would be better off. But humanity has been divided too long, and the mistrust is too great. Plus, you'll never find a someone in power who is honest and for the people. Mainly because people choose to get into politics, they want the power. Honestly I don't think people should choose to go into politics. People should have to serve for a short period of time, like jury duty. Because I don't trust anyone who wants a career in politics, all that means is they want power.

So people don't get into politics to better humanity ?

That's what they will tell you they want to do. But it's all about the power.

Exactly. Anyone can whip up a bag of lies to rally people behind them - especially politicians.

Shit son you're about to have a rude awakening.

I get it most politicians are power hungry, but you're wrong to assume all are.


They. ALL. Are.

A politician is someone who feels like they should have an impact on policies and wants to govern people or spread memetic information that leads to changes, innovations or tries to revert changes that have been made.

People who decide they should govern/rule over any amount of other people necessarily do so because they have a psychological disposition to seek power.

Power is their motivation. People who don't have a power-motive usually don't try to become the boss over anybody or anyone.

What you probably mean is that some have "nobler motives than all those other guys", but even that is problematic, because how do you go about determining whether somebody is noble or not? For the most part, people have different ideas about different things.

And totalitarianism has almost never been the solution to the big problems. Discussion, Pluralism, Reason, Debates, Participation on the other hand are fairly reliable for the most part. And even those come with flaws. I don't see how totalitarian crap could fix that in a way that does more damage than good.

You're understanding of human cultures and complex society is flawed. All throughout human history complex society has given rise to social stratification. politicians are at the top of this strata, and have a monopoly on violence. The only way to reach the top is to be power hungry or to be born into power, both make for bad politicians.

You're understanding of human cultures and complex society is flawed. All throughout human history complex society has given rise to social stratification. politicians are at the top of this strata, and have a monopoly on violence. The only way to reach the top is to be power hungry or to be born into power, both make for bad politicians.,

You're understanding of human cultures and complex society is flawed. All throughout human history complex society has given rise to social stratification. politicians are at the top of this strata, and have a monopoly on violence. The only way to reach the top is to be power hungry or to be born into power, both make for bad politicians.,

People are waiting for the messiah...

You don't need a Messiah to do this.

True, you have to remember that the world is mostly made of good people but even the good people can be very misdirected. I personally like the star trek take on it; Humanity can't full join the galactic federation of planets until we are united under one banner...

But things will probably get better overall, hopefully.

That there's some naive bullshit mayn

The simple fact that historically, governments are controlled by a tiny, elite minority should be reason enough to stay away from the possibility that the world would be ruled by a tiny, elite minority.

We could have a one world government that was decentralized, horizontal, and localized. Local laws trump regional and global laws type of thing.

What if that tiny elite minority had our best interests in mind ? I find most conspiricists are always expecting the worst.

What if that tiny elite minority had our best interests in mind ?

Going by history, tiny elite minorities seeking power have never had our best interests in mind.

What if they were chosen by the people ?

What would make you think that a tiny elite minority would ever allow that to happen?

So like a democracy?

I know how that's turned out.

Chosen on what grounds? Information they received from the media? That would mean the media should be controlled by the people. But is it?

Of course not.. But it can be.

Oh the possibilities .... they are endless!

What if that tiny elite minority had our best interests in mind ?

That would be great! The only problem with that idea is that there has been zero evidence that it will happen. You should check out the works of George Orwell. Power corrupts, it always has done and i cannot see that changing. A united Humanity is a wonderful notion but all i have seen in the vast majority of my adult life is government manipulation and the rich feeding the rich.

Forgive me for being a sceptic, the World has made me this way.

I think too many people are, I can only see progress coming from this. Especially if you take into account absolutely none of us knows what's really going on.

Say for example the tiny elite knows there is imminent destruction or desolation is ahead ? ( asteroid, eruption, droughts or invasion ) I think honesty is the best policy but it's the people that would react like animals which is probably why they're attempting to subdue us. Without leadership the human race would be extinct.

Robert the Bruce was a leader, he set a nation free. Power is relative. All we see now are a bunch of haggard old white men with too much. In relative standards i could be classed as old, all i have seen on Earth in my time is greed.

Look at Scotland now. They vote against freedom!

I love that movie

What if that tiny elite minority had our best interests in mind ?

Do you believe the tiny elite minority currently have our interests in mind? If so, what makes you think so?

I find most conspiricists are always expecting the worst.

I wonder why? I've been around a long enough to know to expect the worst from the "tiny elite minority". However, I remain optimistic about most of humanity. We just have to free ourselves from the propaganda that blinds us.


Eventually they'll be replaced with something better.

Do you like the constitution, local economies, and diversity? Those will all be gone.

That can all be maintained with a world government actually..

Wow... You have no fucking clue what's going on do you.

I do, that doesn't change the fact that you can elect a world government with those values in mind.

That's idealism. It's not real.

Not yet at least, care to add anything constructive ? Ideas on how it can be achieved ?

One government cannot represent the ideals of man. Men wish to be free and independent. The constitution has been trashed by international businessmen and traitorous politicians. Our founding fathers set up the constitution becaus they knew the hazards hitch we must be protected from.

So we can't have one world government with the same constitution ?

Are you familiar with 9/11 conspiracies?

Please educate this young chap.

Of course.. I'm just pointing out that one world government is going to happen no matter what we do, it's the most efficient and beneficial thing to do for EVERYONE on the planet. Why not discuss the proper way to do it ?

I agree on that. Keep the ideas flowing.

What if the 13 families that control the world are all just preparing everyone in the best way for a world changing scenario that's horrific.

Just a cursive observation shows the exact opposite. They want the world to devolve into immorality, one where bodily vices are incentivised, and spirituality is actively discouraged and frowned upon.

Can you explain your opinion on why immortality is de-evolution ? I also doubt they'd let anyone become immortal unless they're cursed with it.

I'm a spiritual person just curious for your take on it. I can also see benefits of someone 'sacrificing' their journey to the afterlife to help guide humanity in the right direction or torture and ruin it.

immoral not immortal :P

If you are a spiritual person, won't be difficult recognizing how our society is being eroded of all morals. Nobody thinks of the poor and suffering, YOLO, i guess.

they seem to think blowing up buildings with planes is the best way about it, and guess what? They don't care about your ideas on how the best way to create the NWO is.

Do you think there's an alternative ?

The alternative is not having an NWO or other totalitarian crap in the first place.

If you'd evaluate the evidence correctly, you'd figure out that we are actually evolving away form governments and towards self-governing forms of interactions.

The internet is a good example for this. If you don't like the "rules" of a certain webpage, you can easily "migrate" by visiting some other site or creating your own.

The internet doesn't need a government to be functional and see how much progress it gifted us with.

The internet is a lot different than governing people.

Man is meant to be free, and the strong survive. That is how biology works. People don't like that concept because we are now so weak and disconnected from our environments we are scared of nature. So as a result we destroy it and with it, ourselves.

Well said!

Enforced, the word you're looking for is enforced.

Well they plan to wipe out 500 million people first...

I find that hard to believe in this day and age.

I find it hard to believe anybody would think a one world govt. would be a good thing when all evidence suggests it would be a horror show for 99% of the world.


Our concern and the subject of this discussion is the WHO/UNICEF sponsored tetanus immunization campaign launched last year in October ostensibly to eradicate neonatal tetanus. It is targeted at girls and women between the ages of 14 – 49 (child bearing age) and in 60 specific districts spread all around the country.

The tetanus vaccine being used in this campaign has been imported into the country specifically for this purpose and bears a different batch number from the regular TT. So far, 3 doses have been given – the first in October 2013, the second in March 2014 and the third in October 2014. It is highly possible that there are two more doses to go.

Giving five doses of tetanus vaccination every 6 months is not usual or the recommended regime for tetanus vaccination. The only time tetanus vaccine has been given in five doses is when it is used as a carrier in fertility regulating vaccines laced with the pregnancy hormone - Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) developed by WHO in 1992.

When tetanus is laced with HCG and administered in five doses every 6 months, the woman develops antibodies against both the tetanus and the HCG in 2 – 3 years after the last injection. Once a mother develops antibodies against HCG, she rejects any pregnancy as soon as it starts growing in her womb thus causing repeated abortions and subsequent sterility.

WHO conducted massive vaccinations campaigns using the tetanus vaccine laced with HCG in Mexico in 1993 and Nicaragua and Philippines in 1994 ostensibly to eradicate neonatal tetanus. The campaign targeted women aged 14 – 49 years and each received a total of 5 injections.

What is downright immoral and evil is that the tetanus laced with HCG was given as a fertility regulating vaccine without disclosing its ‘contraceptive effect’ to the girls and the mothers. As far as they were concerned, they had gone for an innocent injection to prevent neonatal tetanus!

Do you not think overpopulation is a problem ? What if that's the only plan they have ? I think TPTB just need a new outlook and some inventions.

Overpopulation is not a problem.

What does that plan say about them?

Ya, they just need to put up suicide booths and soylent green factories, problem solved! I do see your point though, a one world government is sort of a logical end game for any mature and advanced civilization.

A one world government is the exact opposite of "diverse" and without diversity you won't have any honesty.

Imagine a Hitler rising to power under a one world government, with no significant opposition existing to check his power. Any group of resistance will be treated like Palestine. Labeled as terrorist and bulldozed over to make room for progress.

No group would resist if you lead properly, and the people wouldn't elect a Hitler. I'm talking about uniting people not slaughtering them.

What happens to the people who don't want it?

You ask them why and give them something to do.

Wow. You need to study history and psychology.

Care to explain ? As we progress I don't see history repeating itself. A one world government is inevitable, I don't see why it's impossible to have it setup where everyone benefits. Educate people and expand work opportunities.

The worst I see coming from this is overpopulation and that's easy to solve if you eliminate corruption.

Human behavior has diverged from biological behavior. I don't believe in transhumanism or globalization, they are anti human. You are right though, it is inevitable.

You ask them why and give them something to do.

With the barrel of a gun pointed at their head... right?

I mean, what if they don't want to do your task you gave them?

You initiate force, its literally the only option. So fuck your one world government, I'll be the guerilla making you work 10 times harder for every bean you harvest.

aaaand... off the deep-end you go.

Hitler is only Hitler when you're looking backwards in time. In Hitlers prime he was seen as a hero by the German people. So you're right, people wouldn't elect a Hitler, but they would elect the next guy who will become even more notorious than Hitler.

Its kind of weird to me that you actually think the German people knew they were electing the most notorious leader in the history of the world.

The people absolutely would elect a Hitler, they do it over and over again throughout history.

No taxation without representation. The World Gov is already here and none of us have a vote.

Because humans are flawed and history teaches us that the trend into tyranny is reciprocal. Having nations is like having a firewall against tyrannical force. Why do we need a one world government? Whats wrong with multi-nation cooperation via treaty? That gives nations flexibility to disagree or agree based on certain circumstances. Putting humanity's governmental eggs into one basket is not a good idea.

diverse and honest leadership.

there's yer problem

uniting humanity under a diverse and honest leadership

Yeah, good luck doing that...

This about sums up the attitude of this community, I can see why nothing gets done.

This isn't /r/DoingSomethingAboutProblemsWithPeopleWhoHaveTheSameOpinonAsYou this is /r/conspiracy. You made a post describing an extremely unlikely hypothetical situation and you don't like the answers you're getting. Just curious, what are you expecting should get done?

Having a central govt doesn't even work for 50 states and 300mil people in the USA. A world govt would be multitudes more complex than the USA. How do you ensure that benevolence, prudence, fairness and compassion guide the system and not corruption and psychopathy as has been the case with almost every society humans have made thus far? "Ridiculously unfeasible" is about the tamest phrase I can think of to describe it.

an example: North Korea, not the world, just an example.

I never suggested a dictatorship.

Because the earth supports a massive diversity of cultures and beliefs. One government couldn't possibly allow that diversity to exist. Which proves that it would inevitably be a dictatorship. But I suspect OP already knows this.

It is possible to unite the world under one government while maintaining diversity and belief systems.

I think it is possible to unite the world under one government, but requires the LOSS of diversity and belief systems.

With mind control, it would certainly be possible to unite the world. And you could even create the illusion of diversity (of beliefs, of attitudes, etc.) within this world. People inhabiting this world will be VERY convinced they are living out diversity, but from the outside, you'd know it's just a farce. A sharade.

To some degree, it's a sharade already (and I'm not talking about the "uhh there are these illuminati dudes and they're controlling everything, man..."), I'm talking about certain biological basis for mind control. That one has to wait though.

Okay I get what you are saying, and this is the only scenario where I see a NWO type of thing working.

Space travel. No way we get across the cosmos or outside our home turf without supporting each other. Most major games/movies/books show a "United Space Marines" of some variation.

And at that, it would probably come from people getting rid of elites and banding together for peace. Not from a NWO

By sitting in the alcove, and keeping well back, Winston was able to remain outside the range of the telescreen, so far as sight went. He could be heard, of course.

There is already a one world government this is the most critical thing to understand next to you living on a flat motionless earth and the sun moon and stars revolve around you.

What if they were chosen by the people ?

I find it hard to believe anybody would think a one world govt. would be a good thing when all evidence suggests it would be a horror show for 99% of the world.


Our concern and the subject of this discussion is the WHO/UNICEF sponsored tetanus immunization campaign launched last year in October ostensibly to eradicate neonatal tetanus. It is targeted at girls and women between the ages of 14 – 49 (child bearing age) and in 60 specific districts spread all around the country.

The tetanus vaccine being used in this campaign has been imported into the country specifically for this purpose and bears a different batch number from the regular TT. So far, 3 doses have been given – the first in October 2013, the second in March 2014 and the third in October 2014. It is highly possible that there are two more doses to go.

Giving five doses of tetanus vaccination every 6 months is not usual or the recommended regime for tetanus vaccination. The only time tetanus vaccine has been given in five doses is when it is used as a carrier in fertility regulating vaccines laced with the pregnancy hormone - Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) developed by WHO in 1992.

When tetanus is laced with HCG and administered in five doses every 6 months, the woman develops antibodies against both the tetanus and the HCG in 2 – 3 years after the last injection. Once a mother develops antibodies against HCG, she rejects any pregnancy as soon as it starts growing in her womb thus causing repeated abortions and subsequent sterility.

WHO conducted massive vaccinations campaigns using the tetanus vaccine laced with HCG in Mexico in 1993 and Nicaragua and Philippines in 1994 ostensibly to eradicate neonatal tetanus. The campaign targeted women aged 14 – 49 years and each received a total of 5 injections.

What is downright immoral and evil is that the tetanus laced with HCG was given as a fertility regulating vaccine without disclosing its ‘contraceptive effect’ to the girls and the mothers. As far as they were concerned, they had gone for an innocent injection to prevent neonatal tetanus!

What happens to the people who don't want it?

aaaand... off the deep-end you go.

I get it most politicians are power hungry, but you're wrong to assume all are.

Hitler is only Hitler when you're looking backwards in time. In Hitlers prime he was seen as a hero by the German people. So you're right, people wouldn't elect a Hitler, but they would elect the next guy who will become even more notorious than Hitler.

Its kind of weird to me that you actually think the German people knew they were electing the most notorious leader in the history of the world.

The people absolutely would elect a Hitler, they do it over and over again throughout history.


They. ALL. Are.

A politician is someone who feels like they should have an impact on policies and wants to govern people or spread memetic information that leads to changes, innovations or tries to revert changes that have been made.

People who decide they should govern/rule over any amount of other people necessarily do so because they have a psychological disposition to seek power.

Power is their motivation. People who don't have a power-motive usually don't try to become the boss over anybody or anyone.

What you probably mean is that some have "nobler motives than all those other guys", but even that is problematic, because how do you go about determining whether somebody is noble or not? For the most part, people have different ideas about different things.

And totalitarianism has almost never been the solution to the big problems. Discussion, Pluralism, Reason, Debates, Participation on the other hand are fairly reliable for the most part. And even those come with flaws. I don't see how totalitarian crap could fix that in a way that does more damage than good.

You're understanding of human cultures and complex society is flawed. All throughout human history complex society has given rise to social stratification. politicians are at the top of this strata, and have a monopoly on violence. The only way to reach the top is to be power hungry or to be born into power, both make for bad politicians.

You're understanding of human cultures and complex society is flawed. All throughout human history complex society has given rise to social stratification. politicians are at the top of this strata, and have a monopoly on violence. The only way to reach the top is to be power hungry or to be born into power, both make for bad politicians.,

You're understanding of human cultures and complex society is flawed. All throughout human history complex society has given rise to social stratification. politicians are at the top of this strata, and have a monopoly on violence. The only way to reach the top is to be power hungry or to be born into power, both make for bad politicians.,

I think it is possible to unite the world under one government, but requires the LOSS of diversity and belief systems.

With mind control, it would certainly be possible to unite the world. And you could even create the illusion of diversity (of beliefs, of attitudes, etc.) within this world. People inhabiting this world will be VERY convinced they are living out diversity, but from the outside, you'd know it's just a farce. A sharade.

To some degree, it's a sharade already (and I'm not talking about the "uhh there are these illuminati dudes and they're controlling everything, man..."), I'm talking about certain biological basis for mind control. That one has to wait though.