Why I believe in Weather Control now.

35  2015-12-14 by 911bodysnatchers322

I've been on the fence with the contrails theory. I've wanted definitive proof and what I see are nozzels and what appear to be indistinguishable from contrails. I've seen strange phenomenon on the internet that was dismissed as a video glitch. It's hard to sort this one out.

Keep in mind, I see jets all day long since I live near an FAA beacon I can see on an adjacent mountaintop in NC. Jets use this to 'turn' and go towards one of 3 nearby airports. Private jets with red fusaleges. Commercial jets. I have military jets and 4 engine plane flying touch-and-goes on thurs/fridays. A single engine guy who circles around ostensibly an fbi plane looking for meth / cannabis growings or whatever (there were several meth busts nearby). Some of these various are in the sky with no contrail at all, others with long contrails. They are at different altitudes. Some have breaks in them. Criss-crossing all day long in many different patterns. I've had this explained to me by a military airman that there are pockets of high moisture in the air and low moisture in the air that explain the breaks, and same with the difference in altitude. This all seems reasonable to me because seeing your breath in the air has as much to do with temperature as it does relative humidity.

But last night all that changed. Have you ever stood in a contrail? I did last night.

I was coming home from a trip to town. It was about 12degrees of twilight rapidly approching dusk and as I got out of my car I saw an illuminated tunnel-like cloud in a windless, quiet night. I've seen this before: it's a large contrail lit-up by the waning sun and the lights of the city beyond. I walk around my place, studying it. It's fascinating looking (sorry no pictures---camera was not sensitive enough to take one). I went inside to put away stuff from town and settle in.

I walked back outside about ten minutes later, and this tunnel was dispersing and had sunk hundreds of feet and was now about 100' above my cabin. WTF. But then I excused this as 'cool air settling' and changes to barometric pressure. After all, it did rain like hell around midnight all the way until the afternoon today.

At any rate, as the contrail was sinking, I walk around some more to check on my garden, and during this time, I'm sitting in a cloud. After about 20 minutes, I can see more clearly above and I see clouds directly above me in this crosshatched pattern, constrained within a circle. It looked like a mesh pattern simlar to my hanging mesh basket.

I've never seen clouds like this,

I immediately thought of high-altitude cymatics tuned to a specific, low frequency oscillation to cause windless, still air to resonate in a specific holding pattern. It seemed very unnatural, like a kind of technology was being used.

Sorry I don't have pictures. I have a nice camera but I am less than an amateur and I still struggle at taking nighttime pictures but I'm going to study up, believe it. My mobile devices can take pictures but they can't take night pictures. So I have bad night pictures and black night pictures. I'll work on it.


Did you take any air samples so they could be tested?

How does one do that? Open a jar upward and then close it up? Tell me and I'll do it next time.

dig too closely and you may not be around to do it next time

Nice baseless fear-mongering!

Seriously. Also, it seems like it would be relatively inexpensive and cheap to send up a tester on a balloon to get samples from anywhere. Nobody has done this to my knowledge. Why not?

Of course they have. Go to geoengineeringwatch.org and then click on the lab tests tab at the top

I'm going to have my soil extensively tested. If I find aluminum or barium oxides I'll know it's not from around here! (I'm on top of old mountains with clay and shale and lots of rocks in the soil). I'm trying to garden up here--it's a lot of work.

Do keep us posted. Also well written!

I can't believe this shit is still debated. "Contrails" look absolutely nothing like they used to.

They are spraying sulfate aerosols as a means of solar radiation management. NASA openly admits to having research programs into the effects of regular air traffic, but also "research aircraft." These research programs have been going on since at least the 90s (three I can think of off the top of my head are SUCCESS, AEAP, and SPICE). You also have other scientists like David Keith that have done experiments involving injecting aerosols into the air.

Geoengineering is already in the experimental stage. Just open your eyes.

Edit: I do want to add that chemtrails don't seem to be sprayed everywhere. When I was in the Midwest a couple summers ago I didn't see anything that definitively looked like geoengineering, whereas on the East Coast I see all the time. So maybe part of the debate about this whole thing is people that are in a place where its not occuring that haven't seen with their own eyes.

At the same time, I have absolutely no fucking idea how people where I live can't see that airplane contrails act way different than they used to.

Perhaps because, surprise surprise, aircraft engines are different to how they used to be, and newer high bypass models are more susceptible to producing exhaust contrails.

If that's the case then why do almost all debunkers insist contrails look like they always have? You are actually siding with the conspiracy theorists on this one in that you acknowledge contrails do in fact look different than they used to.

I assume he's talking about the fact that there is more of them. Out of curiousity, are any of you guys actual commercial pilots? Do you understand anything at all about aircraft loading?

The confusion persists because I know 2 commercial pilots and I asked them and they basically laughed at me and said I read too many conspiracy theory things.

good post & reminder to everyone to "look up" sometimes.

I remember seeing contrails as a kid, thinking it would be cool if they lasted longer (so you could see all the different flight paths.) Turns out it's not so cool.

It fucking sucks.

Lots of interesting information on http://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/.

I'm not so sure about chemtrails, but maybe those patterns were caused by HAARP? Totally guessing tho.

As far as I know, every market is manipulated. So is there any surprise that you can buy futures on weather.


Holy shit. I had this same exact experience this morning in NYC. Last night they were spaying heavy and this morning the whole city is like it's inside a cloud. Heavy fog, can't see more than 500-600 feet ahead of you.

Here's a pic I took but it does not do it justice. There was literally white mist all around that the camera could not pick up: https://i.sli.mg/JUQzdY.jpg

any photo editing people able to help us out here?



To do what?

make the referenced lines in the sky more visible to the naked eye

Yeah it was insanely foggy this morning in NYC, here on City Island I could barely see my neighbor's house across the street...

Yeah it was insanely foggy this morning in NYC, here on City Island I could barely see my neighbor's house across the street...

Yeah it was insanely foggy this morning in NYC, here on City Island I could barely see my neighbor's house across the street...I thought there was a blizzard outside at first, it didn't really seem at all like the fog we get here that wafts off the Sound early in the morning.

Yeah it was insanely foggy this morning in NYC, here on City Island I could barely see my neighbor's house across the street...I thought there was a blizzard outside at first, it didn't really seem at all like the fog we get here that wafts off the Sound early in the morning.

great post ...interesting.

Any idiot who says "That's contrails" deserves a slap across the fcking head. Chemtrails are different. Even NASA admits that they spray lithium chemtrails. Some people are still in denial of cloud seeding operations, despite companies advertising the services.

Please show me a video of a cloud seeding operation. You may be surprised to find it looks nothing like a contrail.

What separates contrails from chemtrails?

To get good night photos with a DSLR you definitely need a tripod & to set the f stop as low as possible (lowest number = widest aperture), set the camera on manual (big M), high iso, 800 or greater, but if you go too high & photos will become grainy in appearance, & a low speed, maybe start with 3 seconds & go up until you reach desired results. This is assuming you're using the standard zoom lens that comes with the camera, 18-55mm or so, zoomed out all the way (if you zoom in, the f stop may increase, just the way it is. Mine starts at f/5.6 zoomed out & goes higher on it's own as I zoom in). Also, you may want to set the camera on a 2 second delay so any vibrations you introduce by pushing the button work their way out before the picture is taken. That should get you started, I love doing time exposures of the stars & landscapes at night & use these settings. 18 or even 30 seconds is used sometimes. Hope this is of some help. Best of luck!

I don't understand what you were seeing. The grid was overhead?