Can we organize a mass movement to Voat starting January 1st?

23  2015-12-16 by [deleted]



Voat = Reddit for the naive optimists

Voats cool.

I knew Voat was done when a certain group started registering names of users over here.

Voat=Reddit without censorship and without bad mods. A mod censored a few things yesterday and was removed by the admins for it today. The admins don't put up with that shit and it makes a huge difference.

And what happens when they sell out to the highest bidder? Reddit v 3.0. Only a matter of time...

It obviously wont last forever, but if everyone used that same logic, we'd still be using Digg.

I suppose. There are also rumors floating around that Reddit has something to do with Voat. Before you ask, no I do not have a source. Just rumors.

Yeah you seem to have found voat recently. If you were around when it began, you would know that the same people who started voat are the very people that brought down Reddit. That is why it is promoted incessantly across Reddit as an "alternative," "like Reddit used to be."

the same people who started voat are the very people that brought down Reddit

Do you have any evidence of that?

“The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.” --Lenin

Oh god don't start with the "prove it" bullshit. I know what I know, idgaf if you believe me or not. You are nobody. Ask any mod of this subreddit, to start, they are a mod over at vote in the conspiracy subverse. You want to go around parroting the "move to voat, it's so cool and hip and throwback" naive bullshit that ignorant edgy kids spout cluelessly, go ahead. Have fun over there let us know how it goes when you realize it's the exact same power-tripping bullshit only with no audience.

I've been using voat for like 6 months (since fatpeoplehate was banned) and it seems clearly better than reddit to me. The powertripping mods now get removed (as you can see in the link in my post).

Why is asking for a source a bad thing? This is /r/conspiracy, I thought we were supposed to be skeptical here.

Ok so then why is your Reddit account 2 months old if you love voat and you've been on there for 6 months? You just come on here to promote voat? I see what's going on now... Exactly what I've been talking about! My point is proven. Thanks!

I created a new account because my old one got shadowbanned.

And all you do is talk about how great voat is...

Why are you so hostile? chill out...

I first heard about Reddit on Voat.

As a long time lurker I can vouch for this statement

Voat is incorporated, another company just like reddit. if you put your trust in a platform that is run like a business you are going to get the same results as with what happened to reddit.

Well you cannot have something owned and run by no one. What do you propose it be?

I suggest we somehow run a site by a group selected by decentralized community. I have a proposal for this and for running a real world society at that we plan on testing online.

The plan would be to build a community site based on reputation and decentralize it in a distributed platform that allows the site to be run from within that platform. There is a couple of projects in the works that might allow us to make this happen. One of them is Ethereum. but I am currently looking into others. If you are interested in participating in something like this with the potential of making it work in the real world then let me know via pm and ill send you our operational plan.

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Go you for promoting Ethereum. People can also follow the Gitter channel to dip their toe in the water.

I am convinced of the need to build this kind of system.

Yeah im looking at it, I get the feeling that stuff based on bitcoin concepts is just another way to trick people into monetary systems when we should really be focusing on finding alternative ways to run a society without the use of money. But maybe people are not ready for that yet.

Well I think there is value in getting people to wake up about the arbitrary origins of money — insofar as that undermines systemic debt inequity.

I do want to raise the idea that blockchain tech is much more abstract than "money" – the 'value' it can represent is that of each individual's opinion.

Ill be honest, I dont understand block chain tech, do you have a primer on that?

This is a general thought process, and this gives more colour. Here you will start to dive more, and this gets toward to grit.

Thank you very much for your help on this, Im still working on getting rid of my old biases about money and other things. Money in and of it self isnt bad, its just what is being done with it I guess.

I think you have a great Idea. I already spend more time there than I do here.

I'm more than down with this idea. What would r/conspiracy's equal be on that site? V/conspiracy maybe?

We need something better than voat. A site run only for the open discussion of conspiracy that can never be moderated for ideas only spam. I would be willing to chip in for a true open speak place.

But who would decide what is "spam" and what is "idea"?

What if start submitting 100 posts per day arguing for a pyramidal earth? Is that an idea?

What if I link to my website that sells "Pyramidal Earth" books?

What if I don't link to my website but link only to youtube videos?

Im open to free exchange of ideas, im not open to personal attacks on peoples character which end up sidelining ideas. If you are in agreement with that then I would be in agreement of operating a site that keeps discussions constructive.

Voat seems nice on first glance, but the racism there is absolutely disgusting. I know they don't censor or seemingly moderate almost anything and in a way that is positive, but at this point it has just become a breeding ground for Stormfronters and other racists (you need at least some good moderation to keep a forum civil and a place of actual equal discussion for all people) .

It's worthy of discussion anyway. This sub feels like it's been taken over.

It's not just this sub, it's the entire website.

Yeah, this is what I hear. I've only been here for about 10 months and I only really post on this sub and occasionally one other, but it's been very bad here lately.

Voat=Reddit without censorship and without bad mods. A mod censored a few things yesterday and was removed by the admins for it today. The admins don't put up with that shit and it makes a huge difference.

Voats cool.

I knew Voat was done when a certain group started registering names of users over here.