Has the World Always Been In a State of Turmoil Like This? Is it Getting Worse or Just Being Reported More by the Media Now?

23  2015-12-20 by McDuffBSmith

I just need a little reality check. To me, is seems like the world is getting crazier and crazier with each passing day. Is this a figment of my imagination and shitty memory or actual fact?

Thanks guys.


The world has always been shit, mate. Wars, chaos, some times of peace, followed by wars. See the Hundred years war, the invading Muslims, the crusades because of invading Muslims. The plague, the dark ages, etc etc. It's just now, we have access to it at our fingertips. It's crazy, because people once thought, well maybe there is a land somewhere (paradise) without war or chaos, yet we are finding out, there isn't because of the internet. Although, there are places of sanctuary, secluded in nature. I chose that route. Just move away from it all. I'll feel it if my country goes to war, but for the mean time, it's just me and my dog out in the forest drinking cider and chilling. It's a hard life (don't get me wrong), but it beats being a wage slave and the rat race.

Has PC culture, unemployment, immigration, high prices for shit goods, water concerns, police state and all that crap always been an issue too?

Reading what I've just typed sounds like I'm trolling. It's not. I'm just trying to tie all the loose ends up with what I'm thinking because I feel like either I'm crazy or the world is going down the toilet.

Those have always been an issue in one form or another. I suggest people research history. PC is the equivalent of burning "witches" at the stake for saying that maybe, the Earth revolves around the Sun.

Nope, that’s not even remotely accurate.


The niche that PC culture occupies used to be occupied by the heavily religious-- think witch burnings, etc. Same principle, just different manifestation.

Unemployment complaints are ancient. The traditional solution has been a war to knock off the surplus population and make some broken windows that need to be repaired.

Immigration problems are also ancient. That's basically what the crusades were about.

High prices for shit goods has resulted in mini-genocides ever since the dark ages ended, and surely goes all the way back to Babylon.

Water concerns: Droughts are ancient. Pollution is probably new-ish, though there's a few allusions to the spoiling of a river, etc, in ancient histories. (Edit to add this).

Police State: That's the default state of mankind. The non-police state was a tiny bubble that existed for a brief stint before the American Ideal was subjugated. During most of history, the king owned you, and everything you did.

You are right, but we are allowing it.

How did you manage to type this comment if you live out in the woods? Do you have a internet café or library you go to to do your online stuff?

lol, DSL connection. I have a phone line and electricity. Thinking about going fully off the grid though, would save me 30$...

I. I would miss you :(

There's nothing happening now that hasn't been in the last 20 years.

  • mass shootings
  • war
  • corporate corruption
  • media lies
  • propaganda
  • bad legislation

It is just more televised. Trump is probably the only thing crazy that I've never seen before. Problem is I can't tell who's side he is on.

Generally, I feel like he is the fall guy. Take the ratings for the right, when we know that minorities and a lot of middle class think he is too nuts, a total a-hole or arrogant.

That's what most of us Canadians thought of Trudeau too. Look where he is now.

Better than Harper by a long shot, but he's already fucking up majorly. But then again, what did we expect? He's just another lying figurehead with his hands in corporate pockets like the rest of them.

Personally (don't take this the wrong way), I hope Trump gets elected. He's a douchebag and wants to shut down the internet and do XYZ crazy thing, but he's just a figurehead like everyone else so It'll all happen/not happen anyway. At least with him in office we'll get some comic relief before the next North American civil war.

Best comment NA

Cheers from Vancouver!

Trump is on his own side. The guy took legal action to get rid of a few wind turbines on an adjacent property because he thought it made his golf resort view look ugly. That tells you everything you need to know.

No it really doesn't.

Yes it really does, you silly fan girl.

That doesn't answer anything about his policies relating to foreign affairs, economies, or any other thing that actually fucking matters. Who gives two shits about his resort.

And? It still tells you what kind of person he is. A self-centred self-entitled capitalist who demands everyone bend over backwards for him because he has a lot of money, and who cares more about a golfing view than the environment. If that's the type of man you want running your country then it's no surprise you're in the mess you're in right now.

I'm voting for Bernie for the nomination but if he doesn't get it you bet your ass I'd vote for trump 100 times before I ever vote for Hillary.

It is just a corporate news cycle. They only broadcast what sells, for as long as it sells.

The media just flat-out lies about many events, and the true events get pumped up larger than life.

(How many people do you know that died from the ebola?)

Statistically, there are fewer people dying from war worldwide now than ever.

Thank you for this...we have never, assuming "we" are humanity, been better off than right this moment.

in west-media yes

but there are 60 million refugees worldwide right now ... most ever in history

biggest part of middleeast is destroyed or in chaos; africa too

ukraine,turkey, some south america countrys ... not far from a civilwar

there is a lot shit going on in the world and i absolut dont believe this is the most peaceful time the world ever saw ... thats just a lie

It is both.

Yes and no.

The world has always been "crazy"; however, at the moment it happens to be trending vaguely in a crazier direction while at the same time we are becoming increasingly capable of comprehensively understanding exactly HOW crazy it is, which is why you feel this way. Just remember that worrying about shit constantly isn't very helpful.

I agree with a lot of opinion here. Always been crazy. Information flows so quickly now that we are getting bombarded with the info faster, so it just seems like more. All is not lost though. Just gotta find a way to survive for a while if people start losing it and killing each other.

Seriously, stop watching the news, it only causes anxiety.

Only if you're an idiot. Personally, I love violence and death, and am highly disappointed we aren't directly engaged in more conflicts. I'm seriously hoping we take a more active approach in Syria, like a full invasion.

you need a doctor ... seriously, get some help

There's plenty of people who live for war and look towards killing others; there's absolutely nothing wrong with it. It's in our nature.

no its not in our nature ... THINKING is our nature and on people like you sir failed the parents very hard

I'd say we're much better off than most of history. Shit might be crazy right now but we're doing way better than Medieval times.

Well, there was the Pax Romana...


It's possible the NWO is a misguided attempt to recreate this.

its not crazier but its the other side can tell you what happen now too ...

with global information everyone can see everything and not only what your government wanna show you in tv

Surprisngly, it's getting better. Less people are dying in war and conflict and from starvation and disasters then ever before. You just hear about every damn little thing. World's a big place.

Crazier than human sacrifice or cannibalism? Crazy shit has been going on since we've been around...

Time to unplug and take a walk.

If you cannot envision yourself surviving in any of the myriad War Torn arenas, or areas in Chicago, Detroit, LA then you're future tripping, IMHO.

If you know yourself, your family, friends and neighbors then you're in a good starting place!

Be assured, there's always worse but focus your attention to your personal surroundings first!

Dream reddit! Dream well!