its all about how reactors 1 2 and 3 are melting down through the soil and heading for the bedrock.
soil and ground permeability etc.
the only spark of hope is reactor core (self) poisoning from them eating their way down through the ground. as the Chernobyl core was deactivated by dumping thousands of tonnes of sand onto it, the sands melts and poisons or dilutes the core. reactions slow and heat output decreases.
worse case is if one or more 'cores' ends up sliding down the bedrock into the ocean, then its game over time for life on Earth.
Yes - but fukushima is in japan and not in america. So radiation should be much higher than whatever they say is in america. I will not say this radiation can not reach america, but before it does this there would be much higher in other countrys. Like China, Russia, Canada, Korea, Vietnam, Taiwan ... a lot more. And this are only countrys when its only the ocean. Would it be through air than europe is same difference to japan than north america.
For me this story sounds like some made up fearmongering or a cover up for other shit that happen before ...
Shit doesn't really work like that in the real world. Radiation poisoning isn't always blatantly obvious. You probably associate images from the Japan bombing but a good portion of those images are from direct exposure, not long term exposure.
5 nonorat 2015-12-20
With such a claim I can't wait to see the evidence in the form of extensive radiation measurements. It's not in the article for some reason.
3 muircertach 2015-12-20
Probably because zero hedge is a shit source. Nothing there is ever correct.
2 BTheFisch 2015-12-20
Haha yeah. And I love how it's going to keep getting worse despite the fact of radioactive decay... Somehow...
0 thing_on_a_string 2015-12-20
its all about how reactors 1 2 and 3 are melting down through the soil and heading for the bedrock.
soil and ground permeability etc.
the only spark of hope is reactor core (self) poisoning from them eating their way down through the ground. as the Chernobyl core was deactivated by dumping thousands of tonnes of sand onto it, the sands melts and poisons or dilutes the core. reactions slow and heat output decreases.
worse case is if one or more 'cores' ends up sliding down the bedrock into the ocean, then its game over time for life on Earth.
-1 thing_on_a_string 2015-12-20
radiation emitting particles, the things that keep on giving.
ingest some high energy particles into your body via seafish or whatever, and its game over time.
2 Romek_himself 2015-12-20
i dont know but when fukushima should be dangerous for america than japan should be dead allready ... or not?
guess here is a story made without having a story ...
2 anotherburntbridge 2015-12-20
radiation plays the long game
5 Romek_himself 2015-12-20
Yes - but fukushima is in japan and not in america. So radiation should be much higher than whatever they say is in america. I will not say this radiation can not reach america, but before it does this there would be much higher in other countrys. Like China, Russia, Canada, Korea, Vietnam, Taiwan ... a lot more. And this are only countrys when its only the ocean. Would it be through air than europe is same difference to japan than north america.
For me this story sounds like some made up fearmongering or a cover up for other shit that happen before ...
-1 nonorat 2015-12-20
Radioactive half-life
2 Balthanos 2015-12-20
Shit doesn't really work like that in the real world. Radiation poisoning isn't always blatantly obvious. You probably associate images from the Japan bombing but a good portion of those images are from direct exposure, not long term exposure.
1 sharked 2015-12-20
meanwhile, Japan is still importing more oil than its ever had to import due to nuclear reactor protests.
1 thing_on_a_string 2015-12-20
the good news is that the FDA claim that radiation in edible Alaskan sea life is no worse in 2015 than in 2014.
good news indeed.
Red Lobster tonight anybody !?