Not a conspiracy

61  2015-12-20 by [deleted]



I wish more occult/ancient mysteries/esoterica were posted and generated more discussion. The ones at the top are very, very into it yet no one seems to care. This info gives a window into their minds, into their plans.

I remember going back 10 years, on conspiracy forums you would have 5d, esoteric, ufos and reptiles.

Now we have ISIS, muslims and Donald fucking Trump.


Maybe because that's just closer to the truth... It's not the bogeyman or "aliens"... It's power crazed psychopaths. But I admit, I do love my fringe conspiracies as well, it's fun to think about. But to me these are real conspiracies that I know for a fact affect our everyday life.

I don't disagree, but I have more of a genuine interest in the fringe.

Most of what interests me is power and propaganda - I have no particular view of the arc of history. But consistently, somewhat bizarre occult/underground themes have in the past and continue to survive.

Just the fact that it's relevant is relevant. As much as I like to focus on current events as geopolitics, I like the other side of history and how/why it's still around too.


Who's to say they don't?

MK-Ultra was declassified, it allows the government to literally control minds. If that's possible, how can you say a lot of stuff is crazy? I like to entertain all ideas, as not entertaining them is ignorance.

The way you use "fringe" is basically saying it's a crazy idea, just like everyone else thinks you're crazy for thinking about whatever you think (9/11, JFK, etc...), so saying "fringe" is literally making you turn into what you (probably) hate, ignorance.

EDIT: Downvotes? Well I guess this reinforces the idea that a lot of people are on /r/conspiracy for confirmation bias, and not to actually learn anything.


Reptiles and whatnot alienate people away from real conspiracies.

Real is a tough one to pin down.

Pretty sure that's not his middle name, but I smell what you're stepping in.

I wish more occult/ancient mysteries/esoterica were posted and generated more discussion.

Same here man, I miss the old /r/conspiracy years ago... Posts about old giant humans, actual alien/ufo discussions, exaiminations of older cases of government doings for discussion (operation paperclip/ northwoods), maybe even a paranormal post every now and then.

Now it's just garbage about who fucking knows what. Between shill posts (flat earth), comment brigading, shitty links, and general media infiltration it's done.

There needs to be a news /r/conspiracy that combines /r/c_s_t and /r/truereddit with the old /r/conspiracy community.

I know this sub is already brigades like crazy but I would like to see it become a default. It was be a fresh start in a new sub for genuine users, and would last quote a while until it gets brigaded again.

Such is the circle of Reddit.

check out mark passio's podcast 'what on earth is going on', back from hiatus - he's all about occult stuff

Have you heard of Michael Tsarion? He covers similar topics as well, but his DVDs are very expensive if you plan on paying for them.

Prefaced that I don't know of the guy.

I get that dude has to eat, but I'm always wary of those who promise information that can reveal the deception they believe the world is subject to, yet keep it locked behind a high paywall. If the information is as important and potentially liberating, wouldn't he have more to gain by exposing more people to it? What good is such information if only a few have access to it; isn't that part of how any occult or secret society has managed to control the unknowing populace in the first place?

It strikes me as the practice of a charlatan, at best, or possibly even purposeful disinfo. A more charitable interpretation might be that he just has an outdated business model, or one that he thinks works for him. It just seems in the age of the internet, a more reasonable subscription service, or one that offered much of the content for free, but some restricted only to members, would be more honest and viable.

My thoughts are the same. He does have a couple movies out for free, but the other 10 or so are about$500. I didn't pay for them, naturally. The info was intriquing and I must have watched over 16 hours. Definitely informative. However, like you said, it's basically just trivia without much room for application.

Jesus! That reminds me of the Scientologist's pricing scheme. A friend of a friend ran the local Scientology branch(?) in my city, and I chatted with him a few times. They would give out a lot of information and play some videos for you, most of it decent enough if you hadn't seen the information before, but nothing unique. The intro classes or e-readings or whatever were relatively cheap, but then there were people who were paying thousands of dollars for classes, and I could tell the people couldn't really afford it.

I never spent a penny there, but it was quite interesting the way they would get suckers started on the free information and relatively useful advice (again, if you'd never heard it), then get you coming back for more and more expensive classes. $500 a movie just reeks of a similar scheme.

You know, I watched all of MTSARs shit back in the day and ate it up like crazy, although the amount of detail was wayyy over my head as I was just starting down the rabbit hole.

I swear to you one day though, I was watching his program .. can't remember which maybe Origins and Oracles, and one of the big topics is subversive messages in the media right... and a while later on the screen, I'm reading the text on the screen when I notice teh first letters of the paragraph spelled out some weird shit, I'll try to find it... did he throw that in just to fuck with his viewers or what? I don't know. I then read up on some of MTSAR's interactions with fellow fans online, and found a bunch of dirt on him acting crazy and basically being very belligerent and close minded. But who knows nowadays, you have to take EVERYTHING with a grain of salt.

Either way, he does have some excellent information, I especially loved the insight he has into the ancient bloodlines and the royals, and his segment on media's use of sacred symbolism is unmatched IMO.

edit: oh yeah and as far him selling his product I see it two ways:

1) It's expensive and that's shitty, charging for this type of esoteric information always gives the experience a taint

2) I applaud his efforts in making his own way in life, doing what probably amounts to thousands of hours of research and compiling an end product that is a result of intelligence, discipline and will. That he makes a living off of it, well, if you had devoted years of your life to a project that was your blood sweat and tears, you'd wanna get paid for it too, no? Basically it amounts to doing what you love, and figuring out how to get paid for it. In that light, nothing wrong with what he's doing.

Me too my friend.

8/pol/ has some decent threads on that stuff.

Have you read Graham Hancock's new book Magicians of the Gods?

Not yet. How is it?

I'm only 50 pages in, but its good. I listened to the podcasts he did about it too on DTFH, joe rogan and tangentially speaking, good shit

/r/occult has great discussions is a great website too

I suggest heading over to lunaticoutpost, it's full of that sort of content and discussion. Also the whole simplistic layout of the site gives it sort of a nostalgic Y2K feel. Check it out we need more real members and less guest logins!

Most of the posts here belong in r/politics and /r/news

Not a conspiracy yet posted under conspiracy subreddit.

What do I believe, OP?

See you over at v/conspiracy. The sooner we all start crossposting everything there the sooner this fucking website dies.

is there any way to automate the crossposting? like run a bot at voat that pulls from reddits rss feed?

Yes, it's easy and I could do it. It would be the reverse though. Bot running on reddit, posting content to voat. I just don't see the reason. Fuck that voat goat and fuck reddit's snoo.


Still debating. I could save a lot of money just getting rid of the internet like I did with cable TV. My answer, TBD.

From what little bot programming I've done with reddit, it doesn't seem to me that the bots actually run "on reddit" per se, it's more that you run an application or script on a separate machine which interacts with reddit through API calls. If you read my longer comment below, I think it would be more accurate to say you'd run a script which GETs from reddit and POSTs to voat. Voat's API doesn't appear to be in production yet, though I guess you could set something up to get around their captchas, it just seems like it'd be sloppier.

Technically, yes, that is what I meant but was saying more in layman's terms. I would use an account on reddit via their api, running on my server or a hosted platform and post to voat via their api (which is not even done yet, still in beta, like you said). They have a very crude API, but a new one in beta. I actually was working on a iPhone app for their site until they introduced the goat and Incorporated in the US. I don't like either things.

Gotcha. I share some of your concerns about the direction voat is heading in too. Part of me doesn't really care. Unless and until there's a decent decentralized alternative up and running, if I want to meet and talk to like minded people over the internet, I'm going to have to used some sort of compromised platform. At this point, I think communicating, learning, and sharing ideas is more important than using a "pure" platform. Does make me less inclined to write any code for it though.

One other thing that just strikes me as odd about voat is their choice to write it in C# and ASP.NET. It looks like you can run it on Linux now, but it still just seems weird to write an open source project for it.

[PS: sorry for that exchange yesterday on the other thread. Rereading it, I was being a dick to you for no reason that I can discern today.]

Yes, decentralization is the way of the future. Ha, funny you say that about C#/ASP, I thought the same exact thing, and commented about it. I got downvoted to hell some months back. I'm like seriously? Using Microsoft? Why not PHP, Python, Ruby, etc? People down voted me to hell, and I lol'd. What comment were you a dick to me about? I may or may not of deserved it, lol..

Yeah, if it were Python or PHP I would have considered contributing, hell if it were Ruby I'd use that as a good excuse to getting around to learning it better, but I'm not about to learn C#/ASP unless I have to.

this is the thread I was being a dick in, or at least starting to:

Oh... that thread... no worries, mate. You called me out, I hope I answered. I'm not afraid to respond, because I'm not lying.

Yeah, C# sucks, but it's very much like Java (minus the whole Java virutal environment). I don't work with it, because I do not have Windows/Visual studio. Plus, running it with IIS costs more (license fees). Why would a bastion of free speech choose this, as it's platform? Fuck that. Microsoft can suck my dick, I'm not giving them a dime. This with the goat, and the Inc in US, makes me suspect.

I like where diaspora is going though and aether. Google them, pretty interesting stuff.

I'll take a look at diaspora. I downloaded Aether for my OS X machine several months ago. It installed fine, but I don't think it ever found any nodes, even after letting it run for several hours and trying to connect manually to several different IPs (I forget exactly how it was supposed to work, now). I'll give it another look and maybe try it for Linux.

Im not smart enough to answer that...

Don't worry buddy, it was a nonsense question

That's an interesting question. I've messed around with some API programming on reddit before, and from reddit's end it's definitely doable. Everything posted to /r/conspiracy is publicly available over the API, so it would simply be a matter of scanning new submissions and retrieving the title, username, link, and/or self.text for each.

I've not messed around with voat too much, and after a brief search it seems their API is in beta and possibly deployed on a test site, not the main site, and it still looks quite immature. Therefore, I think even if I were to write the code to paste the scraped reddit posts to voat, I wouldn't be able to post them to the main site. When the API is done, the code to do what is needed would be rather simple to run, and would use such little processor cycles and bandwidth that it could easily run in the background on even an older PC.

Another issue would be whether it violates reddit's or voat's ToS or privacy policy, which I suspect it does in some way, or whether the v/conspiracy mods would allow it. That being said, if there's enough interest, I wouldn't mind writing the code and sharing it. If you or someone else wanted to take the risk of running it, you could be my guest. It'd likely be a simple python script which would just run as a background process on your machine.

I don't know if it makes sense to write the code now when I couldn't even run it live on the site, though. Once their API is in production, I could probably write it in a day or two. Let me know what you think, and if you hear their API is live and want this done, shoot me a PM.

What's that


I've never been to voat and I probably won't go. This is my alamo.

II feel i's like saying the US sucks now I'm moving to costa rica.

That's still a conspiracy. The chance of it being true doesn't judge whether or not it's a conspiracy.

Conspiracy: combination of persons for a secret, unlawful, or evil purpose.

It says nothing about probability so it still fits the definitition.

r/facts. bro.

oh for sure. still lots of eyeballs here tho

We see them and watching.

Why do you believe this is true? What is your evidence?

I can't tell you how many posts I've made that are critical of a major corporation, get 100% votes but never have more than 10 people view them.

It's called forum sliding and apparently Israel and Hillary's PAC pay people to do these stuffs.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. It's ALL pointless. It's not this thing is important and that thing is not. It's all distractions. All a pattern. Repeating nonsense over and over into eternity. You will rarely find a topic here that scratches below the superficial layers. History shows where we are headed. Endless conflict, endless arguments. Ego versus Ego. "I'm right!" "No, I'm right!" Good guys versus bad guys. Nothing is ever learned. The same mistakes are made over and over. The evolved ones do not frequent these environments. There is nothing to argue about. When you finally get off the merry go round you don't come back here.

Yet here you are.

And you're here too.

Absolutely, but I'm not the one claiming:

When you finally get off the merry go round you don't come back here.

For all I know, you might be a bodhisattva by now, just happily educating those who will listen; I just found the apparent contradiction funny. You sound like you're telling everyone that you're right.

A statement can be interpreted negatively or positively. I didn't explicitly claim to be anything. Yet, to even speak at all means the person is wanting to draw attention to them self. Here we are in conversation, trying to support our imagined identities with the reassurance of a response from the other party. What if we spoke and no one listened or responded?

Actually, I respect your opinion, because I've had it before. But I disagree with it now. What changed? I spotted a trend, which is the awakening. We are starting to connect the dots. How ISIS is tied to 9/11 how 9/11 is tied to OKC, to MKULTA, to JFK, etc. There is a grand design, or rather a grand illusion. They all have one source: military-intelligence community.

Also, regarding:

You will rarely find a topic here that scratches below the superficial layers.

One will note that we've gone very deep into ISIS as well as 9/11 research. Prior to that, deep into OKC bombing and JFK. You will make a casual observation of /r/conspiracy and it will be plain to see that the quality of dialogue here is quite high now. You won't see David Ickes or dimension beings.

We are seeing that these are all connected. Thanks to Snowden and Greenwald (call them limited hangout or not, doesn't really matter), we found out about not only the 'dirty tricks' / tactics but the overall strategy and pattern of the spooks who would form the so-called 'shadow government', the cryptocracy, the deep state.

We're tying these things together, connecting the dots, putting it up on the board and pinning strings to the different events.

We know about false flaggotry, propaganda, astroturfing and the truth of past lies and conspiracies that have come to light. We've rung their bell and now you are seeing the world heat up because of it. You discover gems like James Corbett, William Cooper and Mae Brussel (among several others) and you realize--holy cow they have called out the government's bullshit so many times.


  • Now 60% of the population distrusts main stream media.
  • Nearly 1/2 of the population distrusts the government.
  • Nearly 1/4 of the population thinks the government is actually the enemy.
  • Jet fuel melting steel beams is now decided in favor of AE911Truth movement thanks very much to an ignorant blacksmith.

We're winning, and they know it. That's why they keep turning up the heat, throwing distraction after distraction in our faces.

When all they have to do is tell the F*** TRUTH ==|>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Well said!

When I say go beyond the superficial I mean it. Yes there is an awakening and exposure of corruption, thanks in part to internet and communication technologies. However, I don't believe for a second that the ones pulling the strings didn't have all this planned beforehand. Everything is going according to plan. I made a post not long ago where I said the they are trying to get caught now. But it will be the tools who are "caught". The higher-ups who are executing all of the harmful actions, they are merely pawns in a game. The one's who are drawn to power and control are the one's who are most susceptible to being controlled themselves. They are the tools used to direct the course of events. the common people. also tools. Controlled with fear. Don't fool yourself. No one is "winning" in this game. Dig a little deeper. There are things at play here that most couldn't believe. It suits them quite well.

I've been under the impression for a year or so that they are trying to wake us up and get caught, as you say. Their civil unrest trained military and the UN are ready for it. They've been stock-piling on ammo for years.

Are you okay?

example or it doesn't happen, i think you may be mistaking my efforts for the medias, I'm not kidding right now, I've been pushing 10s of thousands of views to this sub reddit each day for 4 days


ahh i see, yeah, well, I've pushed a lot of twitter people to two things here on conspiracy but that's it

Jesus! That reminds me of the Scientologist's pricing scheme. A friend of a friend ran the local Scientology branch(?) in my city, and I chatted with him a few times. They would give out a lot of information and play some videos for you, most of it decent enough if you hadn't seen the information before, but nothing unique. The intro classes or e-readings or whatever were relatively cheap, but then there were people who were paying thousands of dollars for classes, and I could tell the people couldn't really afford it.

I never spent a penny there, but it was quite interesting the way they would get suckers started on the free information and relatively useful advice (again, if you'd never heard it), then get you coming back for more and more expensive classes. $500 a movie just reeks of a similar scheme.

Oh... that thread... no worries, mate. You called me out, I hope I answered. I'm not afraid to respond, because I'm not lying.

Yeah, C# sucks, but it's very much like Java (minus the whole Java virutal environment). I don't work with it, because I do not have Windows/Visual studio. Plus, running it with IIS costs more (license fees). Why would a bastion of free speech choose this, as it's platform? Fuck that. Microsoft can suck my dick, I'm not giving them a dime. This with the goat, and the Inc in US, makes me suspect.

I like where diaspora is going though and aether. Google them, pretty interesting stuff.


You know, I watched all of MTSARs shit back in the day and ate it up like crazy, although the amount of detail was wayyy over my head as I was just starting down the rabbit hole.

I swear to you one day though, I was watching his program .. can't remember which maybe Origins and Oracles, and one of the big topics is subversive messages in the media right... and a while later on the screen, I'm reading the text on the screen when I notice teh first letters of the paragraph spelled out some weird shit, I'll try to find it... did he throw that in just to fuck with his viewers or what? I don't know. I then read up on some of MTSAR's interactions with fellow fans online, and found a bunch of dirt on him acting crazy and basically being very belligerent and close minded. But who knows nowadays, you have to take EVERYTHING with a grain of salt.

Either way, he does have some excellent information, I especially loved the insight he has into the ancient bloodlines and the royals, and his segment on media's use of sacred symbolism is unmatched IMO.

edit: oh yeah and as far him selling his product I see it two ways:

1) It's expensive and that's shitty, charging for this type of esoteric information always gives the experience a taint

2) I applaud his efforts in making his own way in life, doing what probably amounts to thousands of hours of research and compiling an end product that is a result of intelligence, discipline and will. That he makes a living off of it, well, if you had devoted years of your life to a project that was your blood sweat and tears, you'd wanna get paid for it too, no? Basically it amounts to doing what you love, and figuring out how to get paid for it. In that light, nothing wrong with what he's doing.