Is anyone else sick of the holocaust articles that get to the front page every week?

31  2015-12-27 by [deleted]



You think you are pissed off now? Just wait until you figure out what a massive lie it all was..


Yep all those points should be seen as big red flags for everyone. Look up how many times 6 million jews have "died" before ww2, smacks of desperation doesn't it?

There's laws in Europe where you can't even research the holocaust and discuss it in public. That's some jewish 1984 shit.

But the Jews always throw up their hands and say, "Oh, no, we didn't write the laws about not criticizing the Holocaust narrative, it was the governments of the countries in Europe."

Just as the Jews have always claimed with straight faces (well, apart from their noses) that they didn't kill Jesus. "Oh, no, we didn't kill Jesus, it was the Romans."

The greatest story never told, it is a documentary about Hitler and his life. It is about 8 hours long, but there is a lot to learn on the subject and worth taking the time to do.


I'm sure you're already familiar with it.

A friend recommended I start with JFK assassination, and he wasn't wrong. The rabbit hole is a 6 lane highway all the fucking way to china, baby. I recommend learning about JFK, then the Rothchilds to anyone starting their own journey...

edit: I personally do not deny the holocaust happened, just that they use it now to their obvious advantage in the ME. The propaganda stream is useful.


Some people are absolutely above the law. There is a famous quote that I want to paraphrase, "to find out who rules over you, find out who you can't (fucking) criticize!" It's so painfully obvious.


you do realize that the vast majority of people who died in the holocaust (ignoring the rather large amount of other groups victimized) were the ones who were too poor to leave the country, right?

it's not being taught guilt, it's being taught that mass murder is a shitty thing to do. there isn't really room to debate that point. it's a shitty thing.

In countries who were involved in deportation it is guilt which is taught.

Banking, wanting to pull out of VN, Johnson's obvious ambitions, the CIA was in jeopardy... the mafia...

Ethnic Jew here, can confirm: big lie.

Take a look at Netflix also. Super heavy on Nazi Germany everything, but little other history is taught... oh, except "Ancient Aliens" and absolute garbage for the most part.


I've never seen one mainstream movie about the rotten bolshevik jews.

Yeah, funny about that. I've never in my life seen anything in the mainstream corporate media critical of the Jews. So I guess the Jews must be perfect, right? Or is there some other explanation? Hmmmm....

In the age of television we had The Hitlery Channel, now we have Hitlerflix.

I recall a big change in about the early 1990's, I think. It's an obvious dumbing-down of society, as well as "feeding" the info you want the cattle to hear. That was when all the real learning went out the window. Some might say this is the type of programming people want to see, I say, bullshit-- that argument is horseshit.


don't know why you're being downvoted. Reddit is owned by the Jew Samuel Newhouse through Condé Nast and Advanced Publications.

Reddit has been targeted by the JIDF for years

Why does no one talk about the 20 million Chinese that died during WWII? You don't see China crying Anti-Sino for denying it.


So they want you to believe.

I'm guessing this 8 day old account is part of the regular refresh that takes place for the small number of accounts dedicated to perpetuating this fucking boring shit.


Because I'm making it known this regular refresh has been noticed.

JIDF is active and very much alive. What's stop you from creating your own pro-whatever "internet force" to push your own agenda? Do it, I'm serious. You either fight like they fight or you lose.

The only way to keep the Holocaust myth alive is to shove it in your face on a daily basis.

I think this sub has officially hit peak anti-semitism. Somebody get a lump of coal in their stocking?


That doesn't make much sense.


You're not neutral. Not at all. Especially if you're calling the holocaust, one of the worlds biggest tragedy "bullshit".

The history of the holocaust is well documented.

I recommend visiting a holocaust mueseum. There are many all over Europe and the United States, where I assume you are from.

Maybe read about a first hand experience. It might just speak to you.

But complaining about how "Sick you are about the holocaust articles" doesn't help anyone.

The history of the holocaust is well documented.

The mistreatment of European Jews under the Nazis is very well documented. They were disenfranchised economically and politically, had their property confiscated, where shipped off to labour camps were countless thousands died of disease and starvation. Nobody denies this.

The "Holocaust", however, it is not "well documented" at all, in the sense that there are no contemporaneous documents in existence that prove Hitler (or the Nazi high command) ever had a systematic plan to exterminate the Jews (know as the "final solution"). Neither is there any contemporaneous documentation for the planning, building or use of gas chambers as a form of mass execution.

If you take out politically and financially motivated "survivor stories" and confessions made under duress at Nuremberg, there is no evidence for the Holocaust. If you start doing your own research, you will discover the "6 million" is a meme, not a historical fact.

No. That is /r/badhistory material right there.

There are plenty of documents linking the Nazis to mass extermination of the Jews and forced labor in massive camps. It's almost offensive that you write off survivor stories as politically motivated.

You don't want to be convinced is the problem.

There are plenty of documents linking the Nazis to mass extermination of the Jews and forced labor in massive camps. FTFY

Extermination implies a deliberate policy. No original documentation exists proving that any order was ever given by the Nazi command to systematically annihilate the Jews. Don't agree? Post a link to any such document.

You won't get a link, he's too busy playing CoD and talking about who won the latest match of hand egg, like most Americans.

Your link to the Heydrich letter does not, of course, mention the systematic killing of Jews. Neither does the Goering letter, or any letter signed by Hitler.

This is because there exists no letter which suggests, let alone proves the Final Solution to the Jewish problem (Endlösung der Judenfrage) was the systematic genocide of the Jews.

There is lots of documentation, however, proving the so-called final solution was actually the forced deportation of Jews from Germany.

Both the Final Solution genocide myth and the Gas Chambers myth are two lies which simply reference each other for corroboration. This is very convenient, because there is no hard evidence for either of them.

Curious as to why you posted a link to a file that clearly doesn't indicate that an "order was ever given by the Nazi command to systematically annihilate the Jews" as proof of documentation existing, when that document doesn't actually prove that at all.

The translation is available at:

I've got no axe to grind here. Just wondering why you would do that, and why you linked to the original German when you could have linked to the English translation that was made available at the Nuremberg trials.

Sorry , but it's not one of the world's biggest tragedies.