They are taking away the rights from everybody... except transgenders

0  2015-12-28 by [deleted]



Criminalize speech, and we all become criminals.

On the one hand this is dumb. On the other it's absolutely stupid. I'm trans* for the record.

I think transitioning across the gender binary is stupid. I'm uncomfortable with my birth gender because it's limiting and restrictive. Why would I want to switch to the "opposite" gender that has roles that are just as limiting and restrictive?

I'm firmly in the trans* camp that advocates moving beyond the gender binary. I don't deny sexual biology. I just think that it shouldn't be a pretext for limiting and restricting choices people want to make.

Being an enormous asshole about adhering to gender roles is just as shitty regardless of if you're cis or trans.

You say you're Trans, and then continue to throw most other Trans people under the bus simply because they happen to be different to you, and you base your disrespect on a complete lack of understanding about the whole thing? Wow.

I'm not Trans because being a guy was "limiting and restrictive". No, I needed to transition across the gender binary because Gender Dysphoria very seriously affected my life for a long time.

Plus, it has absolutely nothing at all to do with gender roles whatsoever.

Way to misrepresent.

Disagreeing with someone is not throwing someone under the bus. The world doesn't owe you anything. Everyone has to play "roles" in this society that they don't like. The way to solve your problems is not to have the state start enforcing your whims on other people.

Way to exercise your right to downvote me. I'd like to know how you equate what I just said with "throwing most other trans people under a bus" before trying to explain why you must be mistaken.

I only represent myself. In no way does my experience invalidate yours. I fully advocate your right to transition across the gender binary. In my situation, that was not the solution for dealing with my own crippling dysphoria.

As I said, I find gender roles to be stupid. If your transition has nothing to do with adhering to those gender roles then I'm not talking about transfolk like yourself.

I'm talking about transfolk and cisfolk alike who endorse and consequently pressure people into fitting into neat, binary, gender roles that defy all my empirical knowledge of the full diversity of human gender expression.

I think everyone has their own unique gender and that's just fine. It just really gets my panties in a wad when people start telling one another how to live their lives.

I equate what you said to throwing other Trans people under a bus, because you're calling all binary-identifying Trans people stupid, as part of your saying that punishing people for intentionally using incorrect pronouns is stupid.

Gender Roles are archaic and unnecessary, but that has nothing to do with respecting a person's identity and not using the wrong pronouns.

I'm calling the gender binary stupid. I'm not singling out binary-identifying people for being trans or cis but for being binary. How can't you see that?

I think all people should be able to use all bathrooms. I think all people should be able to identify as themselves. I think laws are stupid. I disapprove of these stupid laws.

Disrespecting a person's gender identity is an asshole move. Are we going to make it illegal to call a guy a sissy? Is it going to be illegal to call a cop a pig? How about calling a politician a turd sandwich?

Slippery slope aside, this is all my opinion and I'm sad people are so indoctrinated into statist ideology that the first solution is always punitive legal action.

That's fair enough

Thanks. I value our understanding. My best wishes to you in all you do.

I’m calling the gender binary stupid.

That’s your ignorance showing. There are two genders. Period. Anything that deviates from them is either MENTAL ILLNESS or PHYSICAL ABNORMALITY.


You can’t ignore the data in the link.

um, i don't have to ignore it. It's an imgur post.

It has all the data of your dic pix.

Reported for trolling, then.

"Let go of my purse!"

Oh come on, the gender binary is a social construct. Besides, disorder is to be desired in a world where evil occupied the edifices of order.

Oh come on, the gender binary is a social construct.

Dafuq? Pretty sure society didn't give me a penis (male), biology did. Are there trans gendered wolves? I've yet to see that......

Pretty sure you've never read so much as a paragraph on gender studies. Gender =\= sexual anatomy.

For instance, third gender categories have existed across human culture and history. AFAIK, this has nothing to do with hermaphroditism but is a social construct.

Here's more examples that should ultimately lead you to the conclusion that gender roles are societally determined.

Did biology give you boxers, jeans, muscle mass, a sports coat and a $1000 watch, or was that society?

Society gave me all those things AND dresses, heels, tits, and a taste for unagi.

I'm pretty sure wolves identify as wolves, not men nor women.

Gender =\= sexual anatomy.

Read the first link I sent you.


You’re supposed to cut it off, remember?

You can’t ignore the link. No matter how you try.

I was totally unaware that I had to cut off my dick in order to transcend your Victorian gender categories. I guess I'll just throw away all my cool dresses and jewelry and accept that my expression is limited by what's between my legs.


I’ll just assume your mental illness is what causes this stupidity, since this level of complete retardation on its own is worthy of a crime.

Are you on any meds?

I am opposing the criminalization of being an asshole. You're in favor of criminalizing being a "harmless nutjob." Can I be in favor of criminalizing the criminalization of harmless things? Because criminalization of harmless things is harmful and should be criminal.

lol, I found that hilariously ironic....

In what way, exactly? You want to try posting a link I’ve actually ignored and not just proven false? I’ll wait.

I'm not that user, I was responding to what they commented to you and how you responded. It literally made me spit my beer out.




What about age?

Is age a social construct? Sorta depends on what you mean.

For the most part no. Age is measures of time. Our measurements are based on natural phenomena. The names for those measurements are social constructs.

I have major issues with gerontocracy. The ideas of categorizing people into groups such as "adults," "children," and "the elderly" are social constructs.

Different cultures define these differently and people don't age at a uniform rate.


Yeh. That shit irritates me about being forbidden from appropriating the symbols and customs of my blood relatives whom I feel I most resonat with.

I hesitated on answering the age question. I agree with you ultimately. Like other social construct it is designed around and from natural patterns but it's certainly designed by people.

Race is undeniably a social construct since there is no biological way to categorize it, yet the social justice warriors will crucify anyone who "misappropriates" a foreign culture's symbols or customs.

SJW nonsense aside, "culture" and "race" are entirely different concepts.

Then you’re a fucking idiot. You know nothing about genetics at all.

Gee, I really think you don't either. Races mix all the time. There is one race, the human race.

Why so hostile? I want to cum on your face so you'll have something really worth freaking out about.

Races mix all the time.

What does this have to do with anything?

There is one race, the human race.

Not according to genetics. Pay attention.

Egads! Did I fall asleep AGAIN?

So sorry. What were you blubbering about?

Oh yeh. It doesn't matter because you're little people. Thank GOD!

Oh yeh. It doesn't matter because you're little people. Thank GOD!

Reported for trolling, then.

I could report you for telling me that you reported me. But I'm not that petty.


They do matter because if thousands of people are clamoring for the criminalization of self-expression then I hope they all can find a nice spot of land over there somewhere to settle together and not bother the rest of us with their repressiveness. I pity the poor soul that foolishly incarnates into one of those cesspits.

For to criminalize the defiance of assigned genders is just as liberal and collectivist as criminalizing the defiance of addressing gender deviants "incorrectly." I'm against that kind of statist swag even if it means assholes get to run about and troll me with their opinions on how I'm a symptom of the death of their culture, that I'm ill/unwell, and that it'd be best to put me out of my misery for everyone involved. Because if I kill myself over that shit, that's my own decision and I can take responsibility for my own actions.

The "little people" was a reference to Blade Runner and it was a stupid thing to say because this crusader got under my skin. I've got nothing against dwarfs, unlike the the author of this bigoted link this crusader posted in a comment somewhere around here.

You're entitled to your opinion, just like I'm entitled to act like an idiot. It's when idiots with opinions choose to act in unison to pass repressive laws that oppression starts to happen and people should face all the repercussions for those decisions that a murderer or rapist should face for theirs.

Namely, they should be forgiven and shown unconditional love and shown a better way of being.

Equality is a social construct, you fucking lunatic. Society didn’t invent chromosomes.

Equality is a social construct. People aren't equal. We're all unique snowflakes and that deserves some respect.

Gender =\= sexual anatomy.

Gender =\= sexual anatomy.

Stop being wrong, please.

Can't I?


I agree!

I’m trans* for the record.

Get medical help IMMEDIATELY. You are not anything but mentally ill.

Yeh I'm really not gonna read all that. I read part of it and the writer appears schizophrenic. Lost in their imagination.

I agree 110% that forcing gender roles onto people against their will is wrong. I agree that gender roles are stupid (must I repeat myself over and over and over?) I'm functioning just fine. Get over it.

Yeh I’m really not gonna read all that.

Then you forfeit the right to continue the discussion.

I read part of it and the writer appears schizophrenic. Lost in their imagination.

So either prove it or deal with it.

I’m functioning just fine.

You’re mentally ill and a threat to yourself and others.

I can be a threat to you if you want to come down here and try to forcibly treat my "illness."

my illness

Thanks for confirming you’re mentally defective.

You're right. I shoulda used scare quotes so my sarcasm was more clear.

If I asked for medical help they'd probably try to cut off my penis. I'm managing just fine on my own. It's attitudes like yours that give rise to eugenics and genocide. You should maybe reconsider being a fascist butthole before you spew more shit all over this thread.

If I asked for medical help they’d probably try to cut off my penis.

No, that’d be psychological “help”. You need medical help because you have a legitimate mental illness for which there is a cure.

It’s attitudes like yours that give rise to eugenics and genocide.

Sorry, no one here said anything about killing trannies. Just the tranny ideology. You. need. help. You are not sane. You are not normal. You are not okay.

Letting this bullshit CONTINUE is what would launch a genocide.

Reported anyway because you have no comprehension of what I’ve said and no rebuttal thereto. Report stated because I know it hurts your feelings.

If I were drinking milk it would have come out of my nose as I read

Letting this [tranny] bullshit CONTINUE is what would launch a genocide.

I think if you were serious about helping me, you wouldn't be so incredibly hostile. But I'll play along because I'm curious to understand what compels you.

Help me /u/Thice_Baked_Ham, you're my only hope. How can you medically cure my legitimate mental illness?

I think if you were serious about helping me, you wouldn't be so incredibly hostile.

You think wrong. That’s the illness talking.

How can you medically cure my legitimate mental illness?

Read the fucking link.

Ok. You're retarded. It's OK. Let's try this one more time...

Gender ≠ sex

Having a penis doesn't make you a lumberjack anymore than having a vagina makes you a seamstress.

Do you understand?

Ok. You're retarded.

You’re mentally ill. The difference between our two statements is that one is not an insult.

Gender ≠ sex

Get. Help. Now.

Having a penis doesn’t make you a lumberjack anymore than having a vagina makes you a seamstress.

GET. HELP. NOW. You don’t even fucking comprehend the argument, much less what is being said.

This world is bat shit insane.

I wanna go to Alaska :(

Make it a goal and save :). There is no transgender non sense in the wilderness. I honestly think, this world has lost its fucking mind. And to think people call us "conspiracy theorists" crazy, smh...

Great way to dismiss ideologies. Associate them with individuals who are "crazy".

The entire trans movement is suffering from a severe case of self-delusion. What we have here is a legalized case of feeding the psychosis. Instead of pointing out the psychosis and urging them to seek help, it is now illegal to do so and so you must pander to their idiocy. I'm sorry, but you are not a special snowflake. Being male or female, man or woman is an inescapable fact of biology, written in our genes: XY for men, XX for women. Yes, you do occasionally get an XXY, but those are freaks of nature (in the literal sense, as in this happens so rarely as to be beyond an outlier).

Putting on a dress and calling yourself a girl's name won't make you a woman if you were born a man, likewise putting on pants and cutting your hair and calling yourself a man's name won't make you a man if you were born a woman. Nor will mutilating yourself change that. Cutting off your penis and giving yourself an axe wound will not make you a woman. You are not capable of carrying a child, nor have your genes changed.

There are two genders. Two. Man and Woman. There is nothing in between. I'm sorry, but there is not. And I'm not going to pander to your mental illness and pretend there are. Nor are you a half-wolf-half-dragon planet-kin omniamorous heteroslug. This bullshit needs to stop, soon, or we're going to be stuck with an entire generation of that.

On a side note, next time I visit new york I'm going to identify as an attack helicopter and start throwing law suits around for not using my proper pronouns of heli, copt, and ter.

Yes! Thank you for speaking the truth.

Imagine going back 100 years, to 1915, and telling a crowd of New Yorkers about this law. They would simply not believe it possible. It's only because of 100 years of the Fed and our controlled media that people have utterly lost the ability to reason, and believe only what they hear on their TV. Truly, all is lost.