The racist troll that got linked on here the other day got found out.

12  2016-01-03 by no1113

I remember him saying something like "Yeah. Well I got a job, unlike you people. Yeah. I make money."

Well...Not any more, bro.

I remember someone commenting on here that he just looked like some sort of provocateur type - and he was doing such a horrible shit job at what he was saying that my initial impression was to agree with that assessment.

However, agent provocateur or not, he just got his ass canned for his efforts.

I'd love to see a follow up video of someone calling him out now that he's jobless.

Anyway...just thought I'd post this follow up.

EDIT: Not even up for 5 minutes and it already got downvoted? Really? Wow.


Huh? are you saying that guy posted in this subreddit?

I'm not seeing the conspiracy here.

are you saying that guy posted in this subreddit?

No. The racist troll that got linked on here.

And technically, I guess there isn't a conspiracy in this particular post. Just, like I said, following up on a post that did get posted in this subreddit just the other day.

Yeah, that was me who posted this dork.

Ha. Okay. I didn't go back to look for your OP, but I wanted to put up what happened to him at least. What an idiot.

I guess the guy really was just a landscaping idiot :P

Frickin' crazy to think that that guy might have actually not been a payed of agent provocateur and was really actually believing the shit he was saying. It seemed to me like he was indeed just talking shit just to try to agitate the situation and not necessarily because he actually felt or believed what he was saying. Why do I say this? because he had that completely stupid, idiotic, in-bred, shit-eating half grin on his face the whole time he opened his stink hole - almost as if he himself didn't really believe what he was saying and was possibly about to start laughing at any moment at how stupid he sounded even to himself.

Jesus. To think that this idiot was actually being serious. Wow. Blows the mind.

I'm sorry to tell you, but he's probably really THAT fucking stupid. Most of these (dumb) people you meet have the same way of expression (don't know how to say this, I hope you get what I mean).

Sad. Quite sad.


No worries. Don't be sorry. "Paid" is the more common spelling, but "payed" is technically not incorrect.


damn he really sucked at racism. like nobody was taking him seriously.

The employer of the job he was bragging so much about took him seriously enough to fire his ass though.

what was the group he was taunting? was it blacklivesmatter?

They were protesting a fracking operation near a local school.

I'm not sure. I don't quite remember.

EDIT: Not even up for 5 minutes and it already got downvoted? Really? Wow.

I guess there isn't a conspiracy in this particular post

Mystery solved.

Not really.

Ya really.

Submit non-conspiracy, get downvoted.

Looks like that's working out for you.

Given your post is still downvoted, I'd say so.

Was he arrested and sent to the local bobby station for his thought crime?

MMC has terminated this employee and will never do business with him again in the future.

Lmao he is making fun of you because you are acting like its righteous that someone got punished for a thought crime.

Your complete level of oblivious stupidity (that is if it isn't closet - or not so closet - racism) already got responded to in another post.

"Racist" = "witch."

Burn her, BURN her!

Someone losing their job for saying something mean to someone, in his free time on public property. This is surely a great day for liberty and America. We should have just thrown him in jail or shot him.

Your thinking what this idiot did is simply “saying something mean to someone” without understanding the deeper animosity and antagonism involved in what he said shows a deep level of either A) obliviousness…or B) something even worse on your part. If you work for a company and you do something vile - especially if that something happens to be an act that the company expressly does not support - then whether you’re on the clock or not, that company will be associated with you based off of your actions. This is simple common sense. As such, that company has every right to can you, and your thinking that it’s a “bad day for America” because a company fires an ignorant, racist ass-hat they don’t want to be associated with shows a severe lack of basic, common sensical understanding on your part.


Yeah, that was me who posted this dork.