Estrogen conspiracy

70  2016-01-05 by Loud_Volume

With the emergence of plastics for a lot of things, such as water bottles, food containers, packaging, etc we are bombarded with chemicals that imitate estrogen. I'm beginning to believe this is not only feminizing the male population, it is also causing more and more woman to become bi-sexual and lesbian, as well as just increasing sexualization towards woman in general. Our nation is becoming a new generation of pacified feminine males because of all these estrogen mimicking chemicals leaching out into the things we eat and drink. Either this is known by the Giants of industry or it is just an undesirable side affect of all the convenience of plastic. Let me know your thoughts on this subject.


They want men to be bitches.

They do not want men to be men. They don't want men to build, smash, etc.

They want them to be soft little complacent pussies who do what they are told.

Intellectuals don't tend to lift weights but they should, just to get the testoterone pumping.

Men are hard to control. What do you think is easier to deal with, some jacked The Rock looking dude everywhere in society, or a bunch of gummy worm eating little children who play video games at the age of 35.

Oh by the way pot is legal now (its estrogenic).

The feminisation of society is apparent. Look at Bruce Jenner, an athlete (probably manipulated hormones) now leads the way for a bunch of people who don't understand the chemical processes behind the way they think, demand political correctness and liberalism because THEY ARE EFFEMINATE, and then down talk anybody else who hasn't fallen victim to the environmental trap that has been laid.

Why are estrogen supplements so easy to get, but testoterone is labeled a bad steroid you "shouldn't" take (even though almost every man from the last two generations is running a deficit compared to where they should be at)?


Marijuana's biggest enemy is the pharmaceutical industry. They have the biggest and most well funded lobby that works very hard, but currently in fail mode, to keep marijuana illegal.

They have known for decades that Marijuana has huge medicinal potential. The problem was that big pharma could not patent the plant. This means it would ultimately end up as a competitor against a wide range of pharmaceutical products that would cut into their profits big time.

It really wouldn't be useful as some sort of "feminizing" agent to pussify the American male population. Besides, all of the guys that I know who smoke are not "feminine" by any stretch of the imagination.

BPA is a cheap clarifying agent in plastics. Dow chemical and their ilk have the money and a lobby to keep that shit from getting banned.

Not "pussify" as it pertains to estrogen, but meets the same goals. A docile society that cannot fight back because it's on the couch watching The Regular Show.

Men are the fighters. Unless they are 40 and still eat cheesies.

You should try pot sometime, it'll help open your mind, another reason that it (along with LSD) is illegal.

I have,probably around 20,000 times and I hear LSD cures alcoholism. People's presumptions about me are misguided.

Unless you're one of the few that goes in to psychosis.

LSD is another conspiracy. It's bullshit that it opens your mind.

I haven't done any but that Ayuascha brew tea in Amazon seems to be one of the better substances. And some mushrooms apparently.

Me? I just stick to Lucid Dreaming.

I am a habitual and chronic marijuana user. Furthering the fact that people have labeled me and my intentions in this debate completely incorrectly.

Alright, well I'm still gonna have to disagree that the purpose of ganj is to make us docile.

Not its purpose, just a convenient side effect.

Why are they purposely killing of vets?

both women and men have both testosterone and estrogen at different levels.

testosterone in women may make them start to grow a slight mustache and have hairy arms, but on the upside it makes them want to have sex and really good at it too.

That's why if you see a cute girl who is slightly too hairy don't immediately dismiss, she's probably a rockstar in bed and likes to be pounded frequently. i call them kira knightlys for some reason.

same thing applies with lesbiams, the 'militant one' are high T oriented

Pot is legal in tons of places like Ukraine, North Korea, several American states, on its way to being legal in Canada, and a lot of other areas in the world. I wasn't even suggesting I was against it's use. Simply that it is estrogenic in nature, and also induces the munchies which leads most people to intake even more estrogenic chemicals through junk food.

I did not say estrogen makes women gay. That would make very little sense.

Your last paragraph starts with a straw man argument but I'll entertain you nonetheless.

The reason we are capable of being "a bunch of Dwayne Johnsons" (no apostrophe for the sake of literacy) is because of the advancement of NUTRITIONAL AND MEDICAL SCIENCE.



I downvoted you. It was me. Because you're projecting. Cut it out.

Sick burn.

Pot is legal in North Korea

So? What's your point. Nothing from DPRK is worth emulating.

Intellectuals don't tend to lift weights but they should, just to get the testoterone pumping.

Bingo! The testosterone generated from lifting boosts everything, including your mental capabilities. Problem right now is that the intellectuals are just using their bodies to carry their heads around, and the people who are lifting weights tend to be the jock type, distracted by sports and men's magazines. The ones who are most capable of fighting back probably don't care enough to.

It comes down to survival.

Some people use their mind to survive (and are more likely to rely on it during stressful events)

Some people use their brawn to survive (although these people tend not to live as long given current environmental factors)

People who rely on one too much, will lack success in the other. So people who get by on only being big are generally idiots, kind of like hot blondes with big tits.

Having said that, our most intelligent people who spend the majority of their time educating themselves lack in the physical aspects, due to the same phenomena.

Jack LaLanne was a phenomenal fitness expert who was way ahead of his time. Even today, his videos ring truer than most scientific reports. He was a huge proponent of using physical activity to help the brain. He was exercising for hours a day well into his 90's and died at he must know something.

The brain is not in itself a separate entity from the rest of the body. It depends on a gastrointestinal system that receives the right nutrients and is clear of the cholesterol and fat that restricts blood movement within our veins. There seems to be a lack of understanding of this today. I'm a firm believer in light cardio/weights combined with meditation to put the brain at peak functionality.

Although, I feel as if meditation is pushed on us as a coping mechanism to become the complacent male OP posits the estrogen is intended for as well. So you can't rely on it too much...but I'll be damned if I'm not of clearer thought and creativity following it.

Thanks for sharing this. I have to chime in here to recommend people try out Wim Hof's breathing exercises and check out what he has to say. I've been feeling better ever since I started taking cold showers and trying some of his techniques.

Cold showers? I'M OUT lol

It's cold enough here in the winter. But yes...breathing exercises are alarmingly useful. I do them before I eat (when I remember) and before I tackle any sort of project.

Really? I always preferred the argument that running jostles the brain causing nerve damage, which is why joggers are all so startlingly dumb.

I find jogging and running to be unnecessary. Some solid walking or soft elliptical work is all you really need. Jogging can be dangerous for the cardiovascular system if you're not running within your limits.

Lifting weights, even smaller ones with the intent of toning, is a different beast and releases different chemicals in the body than simple cardio activity. Both are good for the brain though.

Cool science. I concur. It makes some kind of primordial sense to me as well.

Yeah, it's what drove our bodies to survival for thousands, if not millions, of years. Think about're alone with your tribe in the plains of America before European migration and everyone's hungry. So you go out and kill humongous bison while riding a horse with spears you made yourself. Tear the animal up, rub some sticks together to make a fire, and deliver great meat to everybody. And then you bang the hottest woman in the tribe, which is probably the hottest woman you've ever seen, and hopefully not too closely related to you. You'd feel pretty damn good, wouldn't you?

Nothing in our day and age compares to of my favorite lyrical lines comes from Disturbed - "Living my life's not hard enough." To me, this represents the primal urge to provide for others through brute strength and acts of bravery. Without ever encountering these situations in real life, our brains get a little confused and send us signals that something's wrong, that something needs to be done.

This is what leads to depression and nihilism for so many. We are molded as self-sufficient animals, and in no way evolved for the type of organized, well-built society we are a part of today. Depression in a first-world country like the U.S. is hardly fathomable to less fortunate people until you ponder this fact.

sorry to burst the bubble, but the Spanish introduced horses to the Americas.

so lots of very active running after prey and ambushing prey.

Haha, you pedant. So yeah...running and killing bison. Actually sounds far MORE badass!

I call that process 'betafication' and it's certainly a real trend. It goes beyond just cultural things and into actual policy. I have been begging my doctor for a testosterone shot and they won't do it. They tested my total testosterone and it's at the lowest decimal mark of the range and has been holding there. They say, "well it's still within range".

The reason I ask for it is I have a chronic incurable disease that makes T low and I've been to seminars where the MD researcher will say, "ask your doctor about T injection and b12 injection". Guess who's asked for both of those and received neither? I think doctors are worthless. My life and health really turned around when I switched to self-healing with supplements they never recommended to me and doing illegal drugs occassionally in several states away where it's temporarily legal.

Some people don't know this but if you're a middle aged man 35-65 your T goes down to nothing and it's the root of many people's depression. I have a friend who immediately (next day) was cured of his longstanding depression from a T shot.

So they want to you be beta effeminate sadsacks with no power or energy to fight back.

If you're in the US just find a place like Ageless Men's health clinic, places that just do TRT replacement. They'll take you. Cut out the middle man.

Beta will always appeal to the authority of Alpha.

My advice would be to continue switching physicians (I know this isn't easy) until you find a doctor that will listen to your logical concerns and not just regurgitate mainstream medical nonsense.

There is also a testosterone cream on the market that may be easier to get them to prescribe than a shot.

They want men to be bitches. They do not want men to be men. They don't want men to build, smash, etc. They want them to be soft little complacent pussies who do what they are told.

Who's 'they' ?


Only warning for trolling. Please read the rules on the sidebar.

If you want a culprit, I suggest you look to the entertainment media and public schools, and not chemistry. T is a controlled substance because of sports doping, BTW; more about money than social engineering.

Eh, read the study and it was in vitro on mouse cells. Not super convincing.

The Disappearing Male is a documentary about exactly this topic. I noticed they recently pulled it from youtube...

you really think giving girls more estrogen makes them more gay or bi sexual? That's like saying giving a man testosterone will make him more heterosexual. This is really one of the dumbest things I have ever seen on this subreddit.

Thanks for helping clarify that. It annoys me also. Hormones have nothing to do with sexual preference, only sexual appetite.

But this isn't a viable argument and reminds me of the vaccine debate.

People say that vaccines don't cause autism but they do, just not DIRECTLY. If two people have been vaccinated this increases the risk of their child having developmental issues. This is widely documented and ignored but multiply that fact by all of vaccinated society. The rise of autism and vaccinations correlates perfectly, yet people refuse to acknowledge the evidence because of "science" (a blind faith religion they barely understand). Here is a science used to prove the fact true: MATH. They want to have a herd mentality about vaccination, but want to ignore herd statistics.

Systematic changes, the best way to implement them is SLOWLY over MULTIPLE GENERATIONS.

Now, when all current men have been zapped of testosterone, what kind of children will they procreate? And their children? And their children?

And how long have we been being fed these estrogenic chemicals?

Look at it like we are all pigs feeding together at a trough (McDonalds). What would happen in a society of pigs where the male hormones were being manipulated on a mass scale?

The suggestion is that over time, the depletion of testosterone would lead their society to have more effeminate traits and therefore an attraction to males (who would in theory be less abundant).

Taken from wikipedia: A 2008 report provides further evidence of effects of feminizing chemicals on male development in each class of vertebrate species as a worldwide phenomenon, possibly leading to a decline in the sex ratio in humans and a possible decline in sperm counts. Out of over 100,000 recently introduced chemicals, 99% are poorly regulated. Source of wiki:

Humanity (just like most other animal societies) is attracted to what it can't have or is scarce in, like in the good ole days when being overweight was attractive because of food distribution problems.

The rise of autism and vaccinations correlates perfectly, yet people refuse to acknowledge the evidence because of "science"

That's been acknowledged and refuted countless times. Correlation ≠ causation

Buy stuff in glass bottles whenever possible. The fake estrogens don't make women gay, but they do cause cancer.

There's still the issue of using PCV plumbing in residential housing, in bottling plants etc. I don't think we can truly escape the grasp of pseudo-estrogen.

Get a water distiller.

I'm glad concern over plastic pollution is gaining ground but I think you've mis-identified the issues here. There isn't a whole lot of evidence to support your idea that it 'feminizes' the male population or can somehow change a woman's sexual orientation, but there is a lot of data to suggest a strong link between consumption of such estrogen-mimics and the development of cancer, neurological disorders, and birth defects. I'd recommend Vice's documentary on this topic from a while back. Many didn't like it as a good portion is basically just a bunch of young adults moaning about being stuck on a boat but honestly I think its a great metaphor for the whole issue - It's so boring, there's nothing immediately interesting about the topic at all, yet it is so widespread that even in the middle of the ocean, thousands of miles from anything they're coming out of the water glittering from all the plastic micro-particles stuck to their bodies.

Yes there is evidence

Someone suggested this documentary

Not available in my country apparently but yes I have seen that, I meant more in terms of published literature. Pretty difficult to quantify a variable like 'feminization' of a population...

Try one of these:



And it has been quantified for example in our testosterone levels today vs previous generations, but more generally in amphibian species.

It all stems from a misunderstanding of the word feminization. When biologists use the term, they mean diminished anatomical and physiological male qualities, not sexuality, which is determined in-utero; but conservatives are quick to include homosexuality because it suits their social agenda. The Disappearing Male, linked above, makes that abundantly clear.

The list of side effects of Bisphenol A is alarming, check wikipedia's website:

Assuming that fluoride is put into water to to pacify the masses (opposed to the possibility it's just put in the supply just to get rid of industrial waste), I would not be surprised if all these estrogenic chemicals are purposely added to food or drink on a massive scale for this reason.

To reduce population. We must head to the stars but I guess this ways cheaper..

What gave you the assumption that fluoride was added to public water for pacification?

Is it added to dental products for this reason too?

Dental products explicitly tell you not to swallow them, they are for external use only. Water is typically swallowed, as taking internally is the most efficient use of it.

You don't mix anti itch cream in your water when you've got a bug bit do you?

I've heard something along this line, someone once touted the fact that the 2 biggest subsidies are soy and corn, soy has estrogen, and corn testosterone.

Not sure the veracity of that, but I think that the increasing sexualization towards women in general has more to do with the commercialization of sex and the constant assault on the senses that ads give us.

I read a while ago that soy products are nasty.

Soy products include phytoestrogens, which relates to your post.

There are other chemicals that are added to foods that are not health like MSG. Those products began to be included in food products by manufacturers in the know and the rest seemed to imitate the ingredients thus including them in their products. Maybe it was to make populations passive.

Soy in its natural form is toxic to humans and for this reason all soy must be highly processed and refined before it's edible. Then add to this that (at least in the US) nearly 100% of soy is GMO, and you can see why soy has little to no nutritional value and can actually be very harmful when consumed in high doses over a long period of time.

Soy is pretty bad. My mother is severely allergic to it, and has almost died on several occasions of accidental ingestion. It's a cheap plant that is used in many products, mostly shitty fast food stuff and frozen and packaged things. I think the most useful application is in bio-fuel and lubricants.

Many studies have confirmed that soy has no effect on male hormones. If it did you'd expect vegans and vegetarians to have lower testosterone, and the studies show the opposite. On mobile now but can link the studies later.

I'd like a link to those studies.

They don't exist, lol

The results of this meta-analysis suggest that neither soy foods nor isoflavone supplements alter measures of bioavailable T concentrations in men.

These recent studies in men consuming soyfoods or supplements containing 40--70 mg/d of soy isoflavones showed few effects on plasma hormones or semen quality. These data do not support concerns about effects on reproductive hormones and semen quality.

You were saying...

The results of this meta-analysis suggest that neither soy foods nor isoflavone supplements alter measures of bioavailable T concentrations in men.

These recent studies in men consuming soyfoods or supplements containing 40--70 mg/d of soy isoflavones showed few effects on plasma hormones or semen quality. These data do not support concerns about effects on reproductive hormones and semen quality.

I agree. Plastics are fucked. There is documentation of this happening to amphibians; why not humans too?

I think that's why there's such a big LGBT movement these days. Not because younger people are more liberal, but because peoples' endocrine systems are fucked and very few people have context for it. These days, everyone knows a transgender or two. That's not normal.

Add in weird (non-fermented) soy derivatives and fucked up dairy and you got a recipe for disaster.

Or it could be the whole 'I can actually be out and not lose everything including possibly my life' thing....

If people misidentifying with their genitals was more common in the past, acceptance would have coincided with it. Think about it. If everyone had a transwhatever friend/coworker/relative then who would spend time discriminating against it? We're not more civilized today than in the past, we merely shift prejudices around according to the time.

Soy does not affect male hormones according to a meta-analysis of all the studies on it.

The results of this meta-analysis suggest that neither soy foods nor isoflavone supplements alter measures of bioavailable T concentrations in men.

These recent studies in men consuming soyfoods or supplements containing 40--70 mg/d of soy isoflavones showed few effects on plasma hormones or semen quality. These data do not support concerns about effects on reproductive hormones and semen quality.

Wait, wait. Did you just say that extra estrogen is making women become lesbians? lol no! Genetics man. I just... this is to much even for me.

No, it's the estrogen that makes women queer, and especially makes trans women a thing! It's not like decades of a hostile culture and medical industry has resulted in more than a few attempts to 'fix' people with T injections!

This isnt conspiracy, this is homophobic ranting. Not cool.

I guess /s was necessary.... (I'm both trans and bi)

How does a "hostile culture" affect one's sexuality?

Possibly. Plastics could be having an effect on us that we don't yet fully understand.

As for the rise in homosexuals/bisexuals/asexuals I think much could be blamed on how common the usage of powerful pharmaceuticals like psych drugs (antidepressants, etc.) and possibly hormonal contraception has become.

These drugs have been shown to change brain structure extremely rapidly and dramatically. Even after just a single dose of an SSRI antidepressant.. Antidepressants have been reported by many to have permanent sexual side effects such as a disinterest in sex due to lowered sexual pleasure. Hormonal contraception is also well known to be able to ruin a woman's libido and its been found to shrink emotional parts of the brain.

Exposing children to drugs like SSRIs in their youth or in the womb could delete their chances at developing sex drives when they get older. Some researchers believe that antidepressant drug exposure could be causing the increase in people who identify as asexual (maybe even homosexuals and bisexuals too if you ask me.)

Studies have shown when rats were exposed to SSRI antidepressants in the womb or youth they showed no sexual behavior in their adulthood. Due to the permanent changes to the brain's serotonin circuitry.

Links to studies:

When SSRI antidepressants have lasting sexual side effects its called Post SSRI Sexual dysfunction (PSSD).

Think of how sexually confused a young person could be if they were exposed to these kind of drugs before they entered puberty. To never really develop a healthy libido. It wouldn't be surprising for a developing adolescent to start to think they are gay, bi, or asexual.

Good call. I didn't consider pharma contributing to this but it's definitely not helping anything.

Also, there is estrogen in the water from estrogen laced birth control.

Not just the hormone distruptors in plastics.

There have been studies showing brain damage due to fetal ultrasound which is probably the cause of most autism. Though the government refuses to investigate.

Helle Kieler from Uppsala University in Sweden and her colleagues reported in the November 2001 Epidemiology that they had observed what appears to be a 30% increased likelihood of being born left handed in males exposed to ultrasound in the womb.

Also, gay males show a higher indication of left handedness which is considered an indication of brain damage due to fetal ultrasound.

Yale Study Links Prenatal Ultrasound to Brain Damage

Did you see the Sophia Smallstorm video about this? And its relation to transgender identities?

No but I'll have to check it out as I feel like trans gender can be tied into this as well. Thanks for bringing that up :)

It's pretty deep into a video that I believe has something to do with "Bruce Jenner" in the title. It's a long presentation, but it's very interesting.



I have thought this for many many years. Glad to know others think in this way and penned it down.

Related to this is the soy estrogen was a scare around 2005-6 on talk radio about soy feminizing people because of the phytoestrogens. I knew immediately it was industry propaganda because the same narrative showed up on fox and npr. I think this served 2 purposes: discourage vegetarianism (ie: milk and meat industry propaganda) and take the burgeoning attention on xenoestrogens from plastic (ie: oil, gas and dow/corning/dupont) away from the public eye.

Just to spite them, I was living in portland, having moved there foolishly (misunderstood the job market at that time), was jobless and poor, living off fumes of my savings and creditspace, and experimenting with vegetarian at the time. The soy products went on deep sales because of this widespread scaremongering. So I bought them all up and ate them. I was also working out, biking, running, exploring portland. It's a lovely town. I did not grow man tits. I actually got in good shape. 10/10 would soy in portland again.

I believe the xenoestrogens in plastic are way more dangerous than anything encountered in natural food. But Plastic--it's is a worthless thing that I agree with the OP that they are actively forcing on us. Try to buy food without buying plastic---almost can't be done. And the worry is that we'd fill the planet with plastic.

I did the same thing you just described, except it completely destroyed my health, for a decade plus.

So, no, soy is not good. Especially because it's mostly GMOs.

Please elaborate?

Some people are more sensitive than others.

The soy products went on deep sales because of this widespread scaremongering. So I bought them all up and ate them.

This why you gay.

don't forget soy lecithin.

"And I have no evidence to support this at all"

Is it just me or are the idiots from Storm front taking over /r/conspiracy now?

I don't think all of this is chemicals. A more accepting society naturally makes people more open about what they would normally conceal. Maybe a lot more people are on the McKinsey scale than we realise. What we do know for sure is gender and sexuality has always been, in reality, more diverse than social norms and laws have allowed.

The understanding of gender and sexuality has ebbed and flowed dramatically across the centuries and will likely continue to do so.

  • Gender roles as we understand them to-day didn't exist until King George III (and at that time America was a colony along with Canada, Australia and large parts of Africa and, as such, British norms and values were spread across the world). And as society become more gentrified, the number of "dandies" grew dramatically in Europe in the 16th-17th centuries. These were the richest/most powerful straight men of their age and they wore wigs, perfume, make-up, lace and pantaloons. 'Molly' (code for homosexual) houses were common in London too and were very popular with rich powerful men yet they survived cheek-by-jowel with mass hangings of gay men (read poor gay prostitutes with no connections)

Today, we have greater wealth, opportunity and less social restrictions than ever before. That is a recipe for gender definitions to change/be challenged by reality.

  • Queen Victoria led the crusade to confine women to the home ('The Angel in the House'). This coincided with the industrial revolution and money had led to thousands of drunks in the street, drug abusers and orphans. Her response was to place a strong woman in charge of home life and to frown upon drink and drugs (cocaine was legal at the time and could be bought at Harrods). Yet she (and society) still didn't mind victorian husbands having lots of affairs with different women.

  • If you go back still further, you find gender roles were far from how we see them today. While church rules restricted homosexuality and women's rights, the reality was very varied.

  • in 1395 John Rykener, known also as Johannes Richer, was a transvestite prostitute working in London's bustling prostitution industry and become famous for being arrested in for public cross-dressing (not soliciting).

  • In the 13th century Chaucer's tale of 'The Wife of Bath' shows us a business woman who owned her own homes and kept men as play-things. She had been married 5 times and was after a sixth husband. She was a strong, independent woman. Some see the Church's sudden obsession with 'Witches' as a way to tackle the pesky rise of powerful women in 13th century England, culminating in the 'Malleus Maleficarum' (Hammer of the witches) treaty in 1486.

  • In Roman times, women road into battle and were buried with men soldiers. Greek warriors slept with other warriors etc. We all know homosexual acts were not seen as signalling an exclusively homosexual disposition in Greek or Roman times.

But, to answer your question, could chemicals be exaggerating society's normal fluctuations in gender roles? Absolutely but to what degree? And to what extent is the greater visibility of gender and sexuality caused by chemicals? Not sure. Remember unregulated medicines and foods existed for several hundred years before modern regulated agencies and laws came into effect. We can't be dealing with the 'fall-out' of that period now as gender-roles have varied long-before mass-produced food came into existence.

So plastic is turning women into lesbians?

Conceivably the overload of systemic estrogen in a mother might cause her womb to mis-androgenize the fetus.

No argue about impact on men, but on women ?

Breast cancer, PMS, long pre-menopause, obesity.

I could link more specific information, but if you start here you will begin to find the answers you seek.


One thing it does not do is make males gay. Gay men have the same testosterone levels as strait men. I think its fucked up though. They have the technology to use plastic that does not leak estrogen it is just cheaper.

The bigger conspiracy is the recent 'low T' campaign. And so laymen instead of exercising are getting expensive shots when they may not even need it. And it's so difficult to predict reactions in vitro and taking too much can cause more problems than it solves.

Personally I don't give a shit about going bald and not being ripped like Dwyane 'The Rock' Johnson if it mean I'm not at increased risk of heart attack.

The men in /r/childfree getting vasectomies are hilarious as their testosterone will drop too and will be at all sorts of health risks.

And the alpha wolf study is a myth and taken completely out of context. But don't tell that to the redpillers. It's hilarious too.

Something is going on. Using basic knowledge of organic chemistry, estrogen is related to cholesterol, and is very expensive to manufacture in amounts greater than pharmaceutical needs. Think about the more likely source: hormones in meat and milk.

so first you go male > more feminine. but then talk about female > lesbian. which one is it?

if there were more testosterone then females would go lesbian but guys would more or less stay the same, maybe even more masculine.
if there were more estrogen then there would be males going gay, but females staying more or less the same, maybe more feminine. if there was an equal balance of both estrogen and testosterone then people would basically stay the same.

i don't understand your theory,at all. I could maybe see it if we were only talking about males going gay OR females going lesbian. but because both these require different chemicals that essentially counteract each other it's fucking retarded

True, there are probably too much estrogenic stuffs floating around, but being so homophobic about it really detracts from your message. When transgender women take hormones, they take very high levels of estrogen and also take anti-adrogens and other types of hormones in. The effects of hormones are subtle, too little is bad as is too-much, and work in dynamics with other hormones.

When you discuss this please discuss it in terms of scientific terms, not "I hate queers and they are the result of toxins and evilness!".

Besides environmental/dietary sources, the biggest cause of excess estrogen in men in OBESITY. Stay in shape, it's not just about looking good. Extra fat causes the male and female body to produce extra estrogen. Ironically, another common cause of too much estrogen is taking too much testosterone supplements.

Effects of excess estrogen on men:

  • High estrogen = inflammation; this is BAD. This should be multiple bullet points. More inflammation means more everything at worse levels: more cancer, more autoimmune maladies, more mood disorders like depression and anxiety, more heart disease, the list is endless.

  • Infertility. Estrogen is partly responsible for creating healthy sperm. When estrogen levels are high, sperm levels in semen may fall. This can lead to fertility issues.

  • Gynecomastia. Estrogen may stimulate breast tissue growth. Also bigger hips.

  • Erectile dysfunction. A balance of both testosterone and estrogen is important for healthy sexual growth and development.

When you discuss this please discuss it in terms of scientific terms, not "I hate queers and they are the result of toxins and evilness!".

You're a fucking idiot, learn to read.

Nowhere does OP say that, stop your PC bullshit.

The reality is that your ideology is shit and you've been mired in it for so long you can't smell how shitty you smell anymore.

There is nothing wrong with bisexual women. There is nothing wrong with a man who has "feminine" traits.

Hey idiot once again, nowhere did I say any of that. I have nothing against LGBTQ people.

Stop putting words in peoples mouths and perhaps engage people on what they've said, rather than pushing your 'ideology' whenever convenient.

This is a discussion about chemicals that mimic hormones in our environments and how they affect us. Your PC bullshit has nothing constructive to add to this discussion, other than to censor and silence viewpoints that your preconceived notions disagree with.

Nothing wrong with that.


I have a girlfriend, but thanks for attacking the messenger and disregarding the content of the message. This is a Trend I have noticed throughout the years and thought it could be attributed to the plastics we use in our daily lives. But thanks for detracting from the topic and adding nothing of value whatsoever to this discussion.

Oh she's a lesbian now and you're wondering what pushed her there?

Hehe, no, I kid, I don't know anything about this, good read though.

There was content in this message?

"I don't understand why men can't be like me or my dad. Probably because of Dasani bottles."

Is that it? Buy a metal water bottle, what do you want?

Educate yourself before you make yourself look like an ignorant.

You may use a metal bottle, but the water you drink at your household is transported via PCV (plastic) pipes, you oftentimes buy products wrapped in plastics, basically, you're bound to be affected by Bisphenol one way or another, and the effects it has on humans have been known since the 1930s.

Yes, I am aware of BPA. Thank you.

So what's up with your hostile and mocking responses?

OP posted a valid concern, my only beef with it would be that I don't think it's really a conspiracy. I think it's just the corporations being greedy (as usual) and bribing FDA and similar organisations across the globe to avoid researching a substitute.

Subroc is a know shill don't listen to him.

I don't think he's a shill per se, he just might be a highly sceptical conspiracy theorist. We shouldn't just put the shill label on anyone who disagrees with us.

He definitely is, too obvious

One wonders why he's focusing on the DESTROYIN' MAH MANHOOD 'N' TURNIN' MAH WIMMUN QUEER conspiracy, as opposed to, say, increased risk of breast cancer.

I'm supposed to take OP seriously?

Cut him some slack, at least he tried :) The thing we should focus on is that we are being poisoned, and the poison itself is being passed off as largely innocuous. There's really no need to attack OP, we should be civil and just correct him.

we should be civil and just correct him.

Have at it.

But be careful they put a plastic lining in those metal bottles too.

See! Conspiracy, can't escape the gay germs. /s

Removed, rule 10, final warning.

Lighten up, boss man.

When you discuss this please discuss it in terms of scientific terms, not "I hate queers and they are the result of toxins and evilness!".

You're a fucking idiot, learn to read.

Nowhere does OP say that, stop your PC bullshit.

sorry to burst the bubble, but the Spanish introduced horses to the Americas.

so lots of very active running after prey and ambushing prey.