Veterans need to wake the F up. They are fighting to protect (and traffic) opiates fueling the domestic drug war. If they don't believe it, among other things, look to the VA Hep C numbers.

53  2016-01-06 by 911bodysnatchers322

A vet friend of mine was cured recently of Hep C. I thought to myself, hmmm a cure. A lot of these shilly people for the pharma companies are bandwagoning on this: "see, we're not evil, we cured one disease in over 100 yrs, out of tens of thousands of diseases". I'm very thankful she's cured (and many others), but this kind of pisses me off in a way for people dying of so many other diseases. What brought about this cure? A new discovery. But we have those all the time. What's different?

I did some digging, what I found was alarming.

Apparently, IV drug use among veterans is out of control, because Hep C in the military is out of control. That means not only heroin, but morphine, crushing up pills, oxy, hydro, roxycodones, etc, all opiates. Between 199 and 2008 on the graph from that link...are new diagnoses, a vast majority of which are from drug use, a miniscule number from sex, tattoos and iatrogenically from unsanitary medical procedures during wartime (primarily vietnam war in this case).

So as a matter of loss-management, and out of an obligation to our hallowed warriors (nah, it's really about stopping an epidemic), they decided to do everything they could and found a cure. It's expensive, and the VA is paying. Because they know they'll pay more if they don't stop it now.

Some background: Hep C comes primarily from IV drug use, and that primarly means opiates. Opiates for the time being, come from poppies (in about 3 yrs from yeast, but that's a digression). By now, nearly everyone has seen the US Marines with assault rifles protecting the poppy fields from the Taliban.

So in a way, Veterans are protecting their future PTSD-based high drug abusing likelihood to acquire HBV. Sorry to sound so callous, but by the numbers this is what happens. You come home and realize the america you protected is destroyed and there's no jobs for you except security positions or back to the military reserve. This pisses you off, drives you to drugs. Everythings' wrong. You get HBV, the VA cures you after holding you out to dry for 5-10 yrs as it's a long waiting list from what I've heard. Also, you could have coinfection with HIV. So dont' shoot up, not even once. Put it up your nose instead if you must.

It's time for Veterans to wake up to the fraud of the US drug war and start nonparticipating in any way they can. The best thing they can do is find a way to anonymously leak or whistleblow information on this, although that's not so necessary since as a criminal investigation that's been going on for 40 yrs now, we have all the info we need to place the CIA as the worlds largest drug dealer, but figure out a way to prosecute them because we haven't.

The point is, we need vets to help end the drug war.

Secondarily, if we can't end the drug war, then we need vets to go out and get AIDS and have sex with each other in very large numbers, so that the rest of us will gain the benefit of the cure that the military will so obviously pursue as a matter of loss-management (after all, as a vet, they own you, so this curing your aids would be just another frustrating and expensive maintenance issue, like fixing the transmission).

It's like the one way you can really be useful. A lot of us never wanted you to go overseas but appreciate in some weird way that you were in your heart trying to protect us. We just thought, well, he's 18 what can I say. (we need more 18 yrs olds to read /r/conspiracy is what)


There's so much entitlement BS in your post, I have one question for you. When were you in the Armed Forces?


The government is a group of murderers I won't argue there. But 90 percent of vets join for honorable reasons. And for a lot of us, its the only way to pay for college

You missed out on all the funs, don't come crying to me Hippie


Roger that my big thing was doing both roommates in the dorm

How does the government own a veteran after being discharged? I wanted to provide insight to your post as I can relate ( diagnosed with hep c 3 months after discharged, and am on a waiting list for treatment as its $1000 per pill. And I've never used any drugs harder than pot, just FYI). But after reading your post all the way through, I believe it might be a waste of time.

Depends on the type of discharge. A minimum of 8 years is required, however not all 8 have to be spent AD.

Say you did 4 years active, those other 4 can be spent in active duty, reserves, or IRR (Individual Ready Reserve.)

So those first 8 years you can be recalled if needed.

So you got hep C from the military medical treatment itself? I guess in that way they own you because they hold the cure through the VA which as I understand it, they pay 100%; whereas if you go private you will end up paying a lot for it (and I don't believe it is available to civilians yet, just like mdma for ptsd treatment)

Otherwise it would kill you eventually, just like aids.

I was a navy corpsman, which is a combat medic so I was exposed to blood on a regular basis. The treatment IS available to civilians.

Also, the generic is available in India for $4 a pill!! Compared to $1000 stateside

Okay well in the last paragraph you nailed the sentiment, other than that though this is complete nonsense lmao

Put it up your nose instead if you must.

The most dangerous myth spread through drug culture.


....ignorant fuck go to sleep

relevant user name?