"Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away."

60  2016-01-07 by no1113


An interesting quote, but I’m going to need a harder source than that.

Doesn't seem to be one.

There are dozens.

Link to one?

he was once overheard by an ex-CIA agent as saying to a group of his supporters, "Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away." Considering the damage the neocons and their Israeli facilitators are causing for U.S. national security, Netanyahu may soon have his wish.

And it traces back no further. This is the original source of the claim.

I'm not saying Bibi didn't say it, but I wouldn't be confident to say he did using unnamed sources who overheard it.


Going to anonymous sources is what the government does. It dishonours every whistleblower ever and devalues the vast number of solid, on air, verifiable quotes that Bibi has made that show what a bad deal the US is getting in allying "eternally" with Israel.

Are you saying you wouldn't trust the CIA? Shocking! /s

Good job. I believe this is the one original source.

  1. ) we don't know which ex cia agent
  2. ) it could be bullshit.
  3. ) i doubt it though.

once overheard by an ex-CIA agent as saying to a group of his supporters,

So, not "to Jonathan Pollard upon exiting Pollard's jail cell" at all then. Glad we cleared that up.

So who the fuck screwed over america? Saying no one denies an economic fact.

The very same people who have screwed over the rest of the planet.

I can think of a little country they were very kind to.

Edit: Meh, come to think of it, they screwed them up as well.


Dude. Death threats will get you banned not just from this sub but from reddit as a whole. Please don't make comments like this in the future.

This is profoundly, profoundly stupid.

Have another go.

See you soon ;)

Hey man, I just clicked on your username and saw your most recent comment on /r/mandelaeffect. I thought it was interesting and clicked on it to view the thread only to find that your comment is invisible.

You most likely are "shadowbanned" by that sub. Mods can do that using their automod feature so any comment or post you make there is automatically deleted without you ever knowing. Just thought you should know. 6 comments are listed in that thread but only 4 of them are visible (so someone else is also "shadowbanned").

Hm interesting. Reddit is cancer, I hate almost everybody here and i'm openly banned from almost every big sub, so ill just nuke this account and get a new one

Thanks bro


Yeah i'm fucking done with the shills in here, I never come here anymore because of cancer like that faggot and honestly don't give a fuck about any of you.

This sub has been compromised for years, you'll never find anything real here.

Cool, leave.

No you, faggot :^ )

Fascinating insight.

self-righteous traitors like you by raping your wives and daughters and burning your house down while your inside it.

That was someone else's comment, and yes I was speechless, and didn't have very many wise words for him.

Oh my mistake, carry on.

S'ok, he's clearly a Jewish troll posting hate and vitriol to make the sub look bad.


How Bibi speaks about 'easily moved' America when he doesn't think the camera is rolling...


America is a tool for Israel. Israel controls America. Full stop.

This is antisemitic you jew hating bastard! Shame on you!!

The ADL should be knocking on my front door any minute now...

The moment the United States falls, Israel is fucked. They should be careful what they wish for.

On one level, I do very much agree with this. On another, we have to realize that just as they currently have their hooks deep in the marrow of the U.S., they are also being parasites upon other nations as well. Once they're done, they'll jump ship like the rats they are and suck dry the blood of the next host. That's how they seem to work, unfortunately.

Naw naw naw.... nazi commies r d Nemy coz dey haytin 'murika fuk yea...

If I point out that this is unsourced and that metapedia is a white nationalist site it means that I'm a Mossad shill, right?

That's the intellectual rigor around here.