"You know, gentlemen, that I do not owe any personal income tax. But nevertheless, I send a small check, now and then, to the Internal Revenue Service out of the kindness of my heart." - David Rockefeller

20  2016-01-07 by no1113

Oh, how very kind of you, Davey.


Two different rules/obligations, for two different classes....

Exactly this, unfortunately. This civilization has been built upon a lie for a very long time.

wasn't that just too kind of him?

Such a charitable fellow that David Rockefeller.


...What? Could you...ELI5 or something here please? Is it me or are you accusing me of being...a shill? Again...what?

Source? Been a lot of phony quotes in this sub lately.

Yeah, but what is the quote actually from? What is the source?

A website saying the quote with his name slapped on it doesn't count. I mean, the second Google result is this very thread.

"Luke, I am your father. Also, 9/11 was an inside job." - Harry Potter, testifying before Galactic Congress (1934)

How about this. You can read it in his memoirs.

“For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure--one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”

Yep, this one's easy to find. It's real. Page 406, ISBN-13: 978-0812969733

A man who would say this knows how to find tax loopholes. Do you believe he said the quote or are you just curious of the source?

It's in his own memoirs.

I'm talking about the no taxes quote

The quote in the OP? I see no evidence that he actually ever said it.

why would he make that quote in writing? It was clearly a conversation or oral presentation when you look at the context. "You know, gentlemen"

So when and where did he say it?

Just because it's not clear for us to find on the internet does not mean the source can't be found.

I find it odd that you can find the quote on dozens of sites and none of them cite where it came from.

This being the internet is not an excuse to drop intellectual rigor and due diligence.

I agree. But considering the David Rockefeller quote that I previously posted and you know is real, shouldn't you be a little more concerned about his character than where exactly this rather meaningless quote comes from?

No? Either the quote is real or it isn't. That the quote could potentially represent his character is meaningless to me.

Is it real or not? Ask Voltaire: http://www.mediaite.com/online/to-learn-who-rules-over-you-viral-voltaire-quote-probably-originated-with-white-supremacist/

We're going to need a little more intensive research than Google and Reddit to find that out. Don't give him the benefit of the doubt though. You came on hear immediately claiming it was false.

I said I couldn't find a source. I still can't. Neither can anyone else, it seems.

We can track it's origin if we really wanted. The question is, is it worth the time? we know his character.

Feel free to do so, I've tried. The quote seems to have no origin. His character is not relevant to me w/r/t whether the quote is true.

When you can find a source let me know.

I'm not sure if you are genuine so I'll be nice. Just go watch this and learn a little about the Rockefeller family.


I am aware of the Rockefeller family, thanks.

It seems like you give them the benefit of the doubt is all I'm saying.

No, all I said is that I have no source for the quote.

Do you believe he is of the character to say it?

I'm not sure that's relevant to whether he did say it or not.

Your argument is "Well, it sounds like him to me! Means he must have said it!"

My argument is that you seem like an asshole that gives villains benefit of the doubt.

Bottom line: When and where did he say it?

I see a lot of shuffling and dancing around it, but no citation.

Let's find out. You do some more research. I'll do some more.

Let me know if/when you find a source for the quote. I'm not holding my breath, though.

What congressional committee, when?

I've seen that but nobody seems to know.

I just ordered the book. I'll investigate further when I get it.

I'll help you out: it doesn't say.

we'll find out. either way it may be the origin, if it's not real. I just wanted you to know that defending whether or not this Rockefeller quote is sourced or not does not change the person that he is.

Yeah, but the book has no source for the quote. There seems to be no source for the quote.

Rockefeller's "character" is irrelevant to whether the quote is real.

defending Rockefeller is irrelevant as well

I am not defending him. His character is irrelevant to whether the quote is real.

It would not be worth anyone's time if this man's character was irrelevant.

Obviously Rockefeller is a person of note in business and finance.

But that is not relevant to whether the quote is real. What is the source of the quote?

I'm working on a source. His person of note is all that is relevant.

I don't understand what you're saying here.

I'm saying the only reason I care about the quote is because he is David Fucking Rockefeller.

That's nice. That's not a source, though.

I pulled the oldest source so far. We're getting farther down this rabbit hole.

We'll see. I don't see a source myself.

show me these congressional hearings you searched.

There is no record of this testimony that I can find, feel free to try and find it.

How would you know which testimony it would be in? How many testimonies does he have?

I don't, no date given. Feel free to show me the source.

Absence of evidence is not proof of existence.

You said you searched his testimonies.

I've looked for this particular quote, and can find no evidence that this testimony exists.

Show me his testimonies then

There's no evidence he said the quote in a congressional testimony.

Feel free to show me otherwise.

are you a bot?

No, but your argument is becoming circular. No source is no source no matter how much you bloviate.

You've proven to either be a liar or not have the ability to use logic due to the fact you have not looked to the claimed source which are the rockefeller congressional hearings.

Yabba dabba doo. When you find a source for the quote let me know.

How about you stop making claims and be willing to back up your initial question. You don't give a shit. You're just a forum shill.

Yeah, "shill" "troll"

Whatever you need to tell yourself. Still no source for the quote, I see.

I am not making a claim, I am asking for a source.

You're just here to be a dick not actually and honestly research. So you are a shill.

Let me know when you find a source.

Fucking robots.

Beep beep boop boop you have no source and smell like poop.

you have no proof and i dont need rhymes troll.

That makes no sense. You have no source for the quote.

It does make sense. And the last source points to it possibly being in the congressional records which neither of us can search.

And yet, neither of us can find this testimony. There seems to be no actual record of it occurring. I'm willing to accept evidence to the contrary.

that's all you can do is keep repeating that mantra... bot

And you keep dancing around the obvious, that you nor anyone else seems to be able to locate where this quote came from.

You keep dancing around that it takes further research to find it. I found the oldest source accessible to us right now. So to say I haven't found where the quote came from is untrue.

You lied and never searched the testimonies because you have to be on site to use Proquest in order to search.

I cannot find any evidence of this testimony.

No source found for the quote. Feel free to show me otherwise.

None of your accusations or talk seem to actually source the quote. Just reads like a tantrum at this point.

You have access? Then show me the search results.

I can find no evidence that this testimony took place.

Feel free to show me otherwise.

Show me all of his congressional testimonies. YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT TESTIMONY IT IS.

Do you know what testimony it is? Do you have any evidence that it happened?

On what date did this occur?

You have to go through them all to honestly answer that question. If you aren't willing to do that with me then fuck off.

And? Feel free to show me where the quote comes from.

Or just keep throwing a tantrum.

You're a fucking bot

Nah, just a guy.

I didn't think a human could be so repetitively illogical.

Is it illogical to require evidence to believe things?

It's illogical to believe without proof

That makes no sense, I'm disbelieving due to lack of evidence.

It's the opposite of belief. Do I need to prove to you that pink unicorns don't exist, too?

No you are willing to make a claim that the quote does not exist without completing a full investigation. That is belief

No, I am asking for a source.

While also saying it doesn't exist.

Feel free to show me a source, evidence that he said it. I am quite willing to accept it as true.

Don't lie next time and pretend you exhausted your search for it

It doesn't matter whether my search meets your specific criteria, especially if you can show me the actual source.

it does matter because you have shown to be a liar.

All I've done is ask for a source for a quote I can't find.

And you haven't searched the congressional records.

Which ones, what year? day? Which congress?

Nobody seems to know.

Show me all of them

All of what? Every single year of congress on record?

All of rockefeller's hearings

Which took place on what dates, sir?

give me all of his hearings. How am I supposed to know the dates?

I cannot find this testimony. Can you?

where did I say he has to be the focus. He just has to be present. By the way there is no etext for that book so how did you download it?

Believe it or not there are many extra-legal ways in which students and faculty share OOP economics texts digitally. You're not worth showing these methods to, however.

You got nuttin

Ok, champ.

You refuse to show proof champ

There is no proof of this quote that I can find. Feel free to help.

I'm going to look more today

Let's refrain from the same circular argument until one of us has new information.

The only reason it was circular was because you chose and continue to ignore the fact you made claims

I am just asking for a source. This is the same pointless argument you made all day yesterday. And yet, you have no source either.

No you went beyond that and then choose to ignore what you said and continue to keep the argument going

All I've said is that I cannot find the source of the quote. I am willing to hear any evidence that this "testimony" took place.

No offense, but if you're determined to argue the same point over and over while bringing nothing to the table, let's just stick to this particular thread from now on. I'm not doing this in four different redundant branches of conversation.

Not true. And I will check today.

I cannot find any congressional hearings with David Rockefeller. Without a doubt he has been in hearings. You see the problem here?

Neither of us have any evidence that the quote is real.

i plan on digging deeper into trying to find these hearings.

I plan on letting you.

But just to help save you some time: You will not find testimony with this quote.

Well keep your beliefs. I can't find testimony at all. I see that as a bigger problem.

Find that quote yet?

I never found any congressional hearings for david rockefeller. Although I discovered the quote in the book was written by a different author than the author of the book so I actually was going to look that up.

This is the writer of the quote within the book. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don_Bell_%28radio_broadcaster%29

You don't seem to be able to find the source either. Hrm, seems like there may not be one.

I'm all eyes and ears to any evidence to the contrary.

I haven't gotten to search the archives because I don't have access and neither do you. You are content to keep saying the same thing over on here instead. That's why your either getting paid for this shit or are a bot.

Keep dancing. Still no source? Ho hum.

You're logic is still looking weak. I am honest and true.

Honestly and truly without a source for the quote.

You haven't searched those records so until they are searched it is a question mark

Regardless of whatever you feel I may have done, neither of us have a source.

you've proven your inability to conduct an honest investigation and when I get access to search for it i will

You are free to show me the source of the quote at any time.

Until then, I'm not holding my breath.

Because you BELIEVE it does not exist.

I have found no evidence that it exists. If you have found such evidence, please share.

I did share it with you

You shared someone regurgitating the quote without source or citation.

You don't know he regurgitated it or created it. It is the oldest source online. If the quote isn't in the congressional records then it's done.

What does "it's done" mean? That you can't find a source either?

If at that point we would say that it can only be traced back to that book

We don't know if there is a source within the book

I can't find a source. I have looked.

Not hard enough. You just want to believe you can't find a source. You've made that very clear.

Feel free to prove me wrong.

You care so much about where it comes from but are so willing to let someone else do the leg work for you.

I have looked and continue to look. I haven't found a source. Neither have you.

Feel free to show me a source when you find it. I'm genuinely curious.

If there is no source in the book then this is probably the origin of the quote. Then we'll know.

Why would you assume it's the origin based on lack of evidence?

because it looks like a poorly cited book

It is a poorly cited book.

I know... that's why i said it

We could always go through rockefeller congressional hearing minutes if available.

I've looked for this "testimony" and have found no evidence that it exists. No dates, no news articles, all searches for quotes or segments of the quote lead back to the same unsourced bloggery.

It's a book not bloggery or whatever you're calling it.

Yes, the book has no sources and any attempts I make to find the source lead to unsourced blogs and this book.

This does not say when or where the quote actually comes from, it's just repeating it like everyone else without citation.

Well that is a published book. I'm sure Rockefeller would sue for libel if it were not a real quote and the publisher would not take that chance.

He's 100 years old. The book is cheapo trash that probably never made a dime. Libel can be hard to prove and expensive to litigate. A misquote in earnest, without malice of forethought, is going to be hard to call libel.

If he is even remotely aware of the misquote, I doubt he cares at this point.

Absence of litigation is not evidence that the quote is real.

Rockefeller interests would care

They would if it was worth anything to pursue. Blood from a stone.

That they don't sue over a fake quote is not evidence that the quote is real.

A PUBLISHER quoting "lies" about their family is free cheese.

That's not how it works. If the Rockefellers are even aware of it enough to care, they have to weigh what it would cost to pursue over what they could get back.

If the "publisher" (if there really even is one here instead of some dude's LLC) is even able to be found, they would then have to prove it is libel. Which is more difficult than you'd think and probably not worth the headache for no return.

Feel free to inform Rockefeller's lawyers if you want. Have at it.

I found the publisher just fine. It's listed on Amazon. And by the way they're into the whole censorship thing and covering their tracks. It's not about the money for them.

Do you really think they are aware or care about Skyhorse Publishing?

They may just have bigger legal issues at all times. Absence of litigation is not evidence that the quote is real.

I would think the publisher would fact check the quotes especially when they are concerning BILLIONAIRES

That's an assumption, and yet untrue things are printed in books every day.

It has no bearing on the quote itself. The quote has no source.

All quotes can be traced to an origin

Not all. That's why unsourced quotes exist.

unsourced quotes can be traced to the original lie at least

No, not always. There are fake quotes for any number of historical figures with no known origin.

As my first comment to OP said, there have been some bunk quotes floating around here lately: https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/3zmxhq/before_its_illegal_to_say_out_loud/cynnuil

Only because it is not definitive if the person lied or not. It can be traced back to the person who made it up. We just don't know if they made it up.

Not all original sources for fake quotes are found.

This is becoming irrelevant to whether the quote in the OP is real. I see no source for it.

We trace back fake quotes all the time. Just chill dude. You ignore everything that matters.

What matters is the source of the quote.

If the quote was made by a nobody, nobody would care. It is all that matters.

I agree, what matters is if Rockefeller said it. I see no source. You can't seem to find one either.

When you find a source, let me know.

I ordered the book. How did you check the references on a copyrighted title? You didn't.

The book has no footnotes, endnotes, or citations for this quote.

Like i said then the minutes from the congressional hearings would have to be searched and if not there it's fake because the author would clearly be caught in a lie.

I can find no evidence that the testimony ever occurred.

So your lack of ability to find it is evidence? I don't think so. How to you check the congressional committee minutes? How do we know it did not occur in a closed session?

No evidence is no evidence.

There is no evidence that the testimony took place. No minutes, no news articles, no second party quotes. No record.

I'm asking for a source.

all the congressional records would be your source.

And yet I can find no evidence that this testimony occurred.

he's never testified before congress?

Whether or not he may have is irrelevant to whether this quoted "testimony" is real. I can find no evidence.

You have to retrace the evidence. So it is relevant. You just want to believe it is not because it is easy.

Feel free to show me the source.

You didn't look

There's no evidence he said the quote in a congressional testimony.

Feel free to show me otherwise.

are you a bot?


let me turn the tables on you. Source?

Source for what? I'm not claiming anything occurred.

Everything david rockefeller has said in front of a committee.

OK, so what's the source for the quote?

if it's not there then the author most likely lied or misremembered.

Then help find it.

What would you like me to do? I've already gone down the rabbit hole of blogs and looking for citations in quote books.

The source has not been found.

find out how to search his congressional hearings.

Yeah, I know how to search for things. There is no evidence I can find, direct or indirect, that this testimony ever occurred.

You are free to show me otherwise.

Oh please. You haven't searched everything.

Show me what I missed, please.

Put up or shut up.

Show me what you searched. Put up or shut up.

You're asking for my Google history, and yet you can't source the quote either.

We're in the same boat, neither of us can find a source.

I'm asking for your proof there's no source.

That's not how it works. If there's a source, there's a source.

You and I cannot find the source.

We got a clue it may be within the congressional hearings. Now we have to look.

There's no evidence I can find that he said the quote in a congressional testimony.

Feel free to show me otherwise.

Are you a bot?

Nah. Still no source, I see.

You haven't followed the trail nor are you willing to.

Accuse me all you want, but neither you or I have found a source.

Accuse? It's all right here for all of Reddit to see if they wish.

They can see whatever they want. What they won't see is a source for the quote.

prove it. Show me you exhausted search results.

I don't have to prove absence of evidence. What you can't prove is an actual source for the quote.

You do because you didn't exhaust the search to the end but are content to say it doesn't exist.

I am content to say I cannot find a source. Can you? Didn't think so.

Then you suck at researching

I don't see you coming up with a source.

I don't see you proving it wasn't said either.

You don't have to prove a negative. I'm not making a claim. I'm asking for a source.

He says you don't have to prove a negative? You are just willing to believe?

I'm not "believing" anything. I'm quite willing to change my mind if anyone, anywhere can find a source for the quote.

Inquiry is healthy.

So am I. But you are quite content to not exhaust the search.

Feel free to show me the magic source under the rock I must have missed.

You don't access you fucking freak.

You don't access you fucking freak.

Is this a sentence?

let me edit that for you since you can't figure it out.

You don't have access you fucking freak.

Access to what? Congressional records?

You are free to show me the source at any time.

When I get access to it I will. You on the other hand have lied to having access to it and searching within it.

Access to what? Congressional records?

proquest, lexus nexus

I can't find any evidence of this testimony.

Feel free to show me otherwise.

show me your search

For what, exactly?

send me a link to an image for rockefeller congressionl hearings

There is no hearing with this quote that I can find. I'm willing to look at any evidence to the contrary.

Show me all the hearings that you've searched that will back up what you are saying then.

I don't need to prove lack of anything? When you can source the quote let me know. I can't find it.

You do actually for your claims it doesn't exist when the search is not exhausted

I'm not making a claim, I'm asking for a source.

You did make many claims, one of which that the quote did not exist.

I am asking for a source for the quote. I'm quite willing to believe it to be true if we find one.

You've also made CLAIMS it does not exist

I'm just asking for a source. I'm doubtful it's a true quote until we find one, but I'm willing to change my mind.

It's how empiricism works.

No it is not how logic works. You have made claims and are not willing to back them up.

I have made no claim, I'm asking for a source. Do I need to prove that goblins don't exist? No.

You have made claims. This is a quote not a goblin. And you should research goblins to understand where the idea of a goblin came from before making claims they don't exist. The concept of unicorns came from wooly rhinoceros'.

So, the mythology of unicorns and goblins are the result of misunderstandings. That sort of speaks to my argument more than yours.

I am not making a claim about anything, I am asking for a source for the quote.

I have stated this to you over a dozen times.

Misinderstandings have lead to the evolution of languages and religion which lead to science. Misunderstanding leads to change and evolution, much like a genetic mutation. So no. You may have made that claim a dozen times while making another that you KNOW it doesn't exist when you do not. So as long as you admit you do not know then we can move on.

Misinderstandings have lead to the evolution of languages and religion which lead to science. Misunderstanding leads to change and evolution, much like a genetic mutation. So no.

This is all fantastical gibberish to me, sorry.

You may have made that claim a dozen times while making another that you KNOW it doesn't exist when you do not. So as long as you admit you do not know then we can move on.

I am merely asking for a source for the quote. You keep arguing, but you cannot seem to find it either.

Other than that, Good morning.

Gibberish? How so? Much of human thought revolves around misunderstanding and reinvention/creation. That's how current thought got here and that's how genes mutate as well, inexact replication and mutation.

You started with asking for a quote and then proclaimed to know the quote does not exist without thoroughly exhausting the search for it.

I am asking about a source for the quote. Can you find it?

Don't pretend that's all you have done. You have made lots of claim along the way. Dot be dishonest.

I cannot seem to find a source, to the point where I doubt one may exist. I am willing to accept any evidence to the contrary.

Dance around that all you wish.

I will look. No dancing. The only problem I have is your claims to have exhausted the search when you had not.

I looked for hours. I found no source. If you can find a source, you will have bested me.

I will look. I found the oldest reference so far.

Show me what I missed, please.

Lots of links in there. Go track it down. Let us know what you find. Thanks.

I find absolutely no source for the quote. Hope this helps.

Nope. This doesn't say where or when Rockefeller actually said this. It just repeats the "quote" like every other source without any citation.

Nobody seems to have any evidence that this quote is real.

Nope. I didn't say it was a source. I meant this is how rich people don't have to pay their taxes.

That's not a source, it's just repeating the quote without saying where or when it came from.

When did he say it, and where? A book he wrote? An interview? In correspondence?

Can't help but notice that nobody seems to be able to say.

It's in his own memoirs.

Bottom line: When and where did he say it?

I see a lot of shuffling and dancing around it, but no citation.

That's an assumption, and yet untrue things are printed in books every day.

It has no bearing on the quote itself. The quote has no source.

Yeah, but the book has no source for the quote. There seems to be no source for the quote.

Rockefeller's "character" is irrelevant to whether the quote is real.

Show me what you searched. Put up or shut up.

There is no record of this testimony that I can find, feel free to try and find it.

And yet I can find no evidence that this testimony occurred.

he's never testified before congress?

There's no evidence he said the quote in a congressional testimony.

Feel free to show me otherwise.

There's no evidence I can find that he said the quote in a congressional testimony.

Feel free to show me otherwise.

Nah. Still no source, I see.

I don't see you coming up with a source.

I don't see you proving it wasn't said either.

He says you don't have to prove a negative? You are just willing to believe?

So am I. But you are quite content to not exhaust the search.

Keep dancing. Still no source? Ho hum.

No you are willing to make a claim that the quote does not exist without completing a full investigation. That is belief

Honestly and truly without a source for the quote.

You keep dancing around that it takes further research to find it. I found the oldest source accessible to us right now. So to say I haven't found where the quote came from is untrue.

show me your search

You shared someone regurgitating the quote without source or citation.

I'm not making a claim, I'm asking for a source.

No you went beyond that and then choose to ignore what you said and continue to keep the argument going