This immigrant sexual assault scandal smells like a manufactured Streisand effect

5  2016-01-08 by colordrops

It seems really odd that all of a sudden hundreds of immigrants all around Europe start assaulting woman at the same time, as if a holiday is some kind of switch in their brains to become sexual. Then there's this rumor of a cover-up when it's really the opposite as it's blasted all over the media and reddit.

It all seems like a manufactured Streisand effect to get the immigrants to look bad and turn people against them.


i suspect the same

I was thinking the same thing.

No it doesn't. It seems like exactly what it is: the European elites, who favor mass immigration, tried to cover up the expected racist crimes against indigenous European people perpetrated by non-European immigrants.

But the internet is still somewhat uncontrolled and has not been monopolized like the mass media of yesterday, so the story came out anyway.

What we are seeing is the European establishment's desperate attempts to stifle the truth about "multiculturalism."

When multiculturalism is vanquished, which Christian denomination will we all be?

If tomatoes go extinct, how many shoes will we own?

Oh, sorry, I thought this was the “make as unrelated an association as possible” thread.

So you can't read, tough break, illiteracy must be difficult.

Comment I responded to was talking-tough about "multiculturalism" which will, of course, render any "diversity" of Christian denominations a criminal activity when "multiculturalism" is vanquished.

I guess the anti-"multiculturalists" can't answer that question.

talking-tough about "multiculturalism" which will, of course, render any "diversity" of Christian denominations a criminal activity when "multiculturalism" is vanquished.

WTF are you even talking about?

Are you drunk?

Who said anything about Christianity, except you?

Another nice deflect. Same user different accounts?

The topic isn't Christianity, it's "multiculturalism." Can't handle any questions about how your defeat of multiculturalism will work? Since we're going to be a monoculture if you get your way, how do various multicultures get resolved, like White Christianity? Simple question.

Seems like you can't answer simple questions about your vanquishing of multiculturalism.

"Deflect?" You are the only one trying to deflect from the subject at hand.

White Christianity?

Holy shit, are you just pretending to be stupid?

Most Christians are not "white."

Most Christians are not "white."

Hence why I specified White Christianity and no other kind. Anti-multiculturalists are very nervous about racial matters. Very, very nervous and frightened.

So you can't answer the question? What happens to different White Christian denominations when your Reich ends multiculturalism? That's your cue to deflect again and avoid the question about your agenda in this thread.

Very, very nervous and frightened.

LOL. It seems to me that multi-culturalists are very, very nervous and frightened that their "pet" non-Europeans aren't behaving in the way they promised people they would, thus, are setting up a backlash.

That's why "progressives" are very, very nervous about "far right wing" parties winning elections in Europe.



The far-left are so "nervous" about this they are clutching their pearls and shrieking about "HITLERNAZIS!"

So, no answer to my question again? What happens to different White Christian denominations under your elimination of multiculturalism? I guess you don't really have an answer then. Just endless deflections. Speaks volumes about your ideology.

So, do you think you are being successful in your attempts to distract from the subject of this thread, by long-winded and completely irrelevant diversions?

You are obviously very, very nervous.

The "narrative" is getting away from you.

People are noticing.

You're losing the plot.

The plot is the 70-year attempt to revive the eradication of "multiculturalism" which, obviously, you haven't thought through.

But you'll have many questions to answer, like OP's, who has noticed that the "immigrant scandal" tends to smell like a manufactured attempt to bolster your "anti-multicultural" narrative. Funny that you're stumbling in answering simple questions about your fantasies.

Speaks volumes about your ideology.

No, it speaks volumes about your confidence in incorrect assumptions and your rigorous reality-averse adherence to those assumptions.

You make some shit up, insist your opponent defend your bullshit and blast him for not doing so.

All the while he pwns your ass up and down the court. :)

He said nothing whatsoever about Christianity in that post.

Talk about illiteracy.

Weak deflection attempt. Still can't answer the question? Shows how successful you're going to be in getting rid of multiculturalism. But then, that's not your real agenda, is it? Arbeit macht frei

Weak deflection attempt.

Literally refuted exactly what you claimed, you fucking idiot.

Still can’t answer the question?

The question was irrelevant and borne of ignorance.

Shows how successful you’re going to be in getting rid of multiculturalism.

Enjoy watching the streets run with blood.

Arbeit macht frei

Reported for trolling.

Enjoy watching the streets run with blood.

Presbyterians vs. Methodists? Now you've got me thinking you must be onto something. The hidden dangers of "multiculturalism"~!

Reported for trolling.

I must have struck a nerve of truth.

I have no argument

I refuse to reply to what was written

I act surprised when I’m reported for trolling

I refuse to reply to what was written

I'm the one who asked a simple question that you can't answer. How does your removal of multiculturalism affect White Christians? But you seem to be running to the mods to avoid a simple question, while you're the one doing all the name-calling.

I must have struck a nerve of truth.

I’m the one who asked a simple question that you can't answer.

Already responded to the question.

How does your removal of multiculturalism affect White Christians?

It eases the lives of all Christians.

I must have struck a nerve of truth.

Says the person who refuses to answer questions, refuses to prove his claims, and can’t read well enough to make a contextual reply in the first place.

It eases the lives of all Christians.

Removal of different denominations of Christianity "eases the lives of all Christians"? Very revealing. I'll bet Protestants are going to be surprised to learn they'll become Catholics or vice-versa in your monoculture.

different denominations of Christianity

Islam is a different denomination of Christianity now? At least you’re good for a laugh, if nothing else.

How does your push for global homogeny nurture MULTIculturalism?

That's the greatest irony about you stupid fucks who push global homogenization and brand it "variety."

You folks are a special type of Dolezalian retarded.

I flew to Europe in August and settled in Germany in November. The raping has been a huge problem, even before NYE. Look up what has been going on in Sweden.

From the Article "A 1996 Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention report bears this out. It noted that Muslim immigrants from North Africa were 23 times more likely to commit rape than Swedish men. It is no wonder why today Sweden is deemed the rape capital of the Western world.

Even more shocking, however, is the political correctness overshadowing the reporting of these crimes. Sensitive about accusations of Islamophobia, the Swedish press refuses to sound a warning alarm for native women about who these sexual predators are. Thus, when a Muslim commits a rape, the media only refers to him as a Swedish male." Also... From September but shows that no, it is not new.

The authorities have been trying to hide the depth of the issue, most are thinking by now, to not make Merkel look bad.

It's called alcohol.

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I find it odd that you find it odd that a coordinated event seems “fishy” when it’s on a holiday.

What do all the simultaneous 4th of July celebrations cover up? How could all those groups magically coordinate on the same day? Wow.

But, of course, anyone familiar with your comment history and your opinion on immigrants will note how your comment here hides your ideology. As if you really object to OP's theory on the basis of plausible deniability. LOL

So you don’t have any fucking argument whatsoever and think that a false character assassination will substitute therefor?

Good for you. Run along now. The actions taken by the invaders are Quranic doctrine.

The actions taken by the invaders are Quranic doctrine.

Aha, so you admit that you were hiding behind "holiday coordination". What are you doing on /r/conspiracy bashing a conspiracy theory that it's manufactured terrorism? Your agenda isn't /r/conspiracy, it's Stormfront. But everyone knew that already.

Aha, so you admit that you were hiding behind “holiday coordination".

No, because I wasn’t. Take a remedial English comprehension course.

What are you doing on /r/conspiracy bashing a conspiracy theory

Not all conspiracies are true. Everyone here does not agree with everything said here. How is this fucking complicated?

that it’s manufactured terrorism?


It’s a piece of fucking cake to have large-scale coordination of a behavior on a date. That’s not the conspiracy. These attacks, on their own, were not a conspiracy. They are the INEVITABLE RESULT of importing Islam.

Your agenda isn't /r/conspiracy, it's Stormfront. But everyone knew that already.

What the fuck are you talking about?

Take a remedial English comprehension course.

How is this fucking complicated?


What the fuck are you talking about?

So butthurt. Stormfront detected

Reported for trolling, then.

Yes, as I said, reported for trolling. You have absolutely no argument or refutation to what was said.

Report as much as you like. It's you who've got absolutely no argument or refutation to OP's very solid conspiracy theory. In fact, it's you who doesn't belong on /r/conspiracy, with your anti-conspiracy agenda. Feel the butthurt flow through you.

you who’ve got absolutely no argument or refutation to OP's very solid conspiracy theory

And if that were true, you’d refute what I said instead of inventing bullshit and ignoring questions you have been asked.

There is nothing “anti-conspiratorial” about what I said, you illiterate sack of shit.

ignoring questions you have been asked.

Rhetorical questions like "What the fuck are you talking about?" that are clearly disingenuous, since you know perfectly well what Stormfront is.

You are perfectly anti-conspiratorial. You're bashing OP's conspiracy theory. OP is correct: This "immigrant scandal" smells like a manufactured Streisand effect.

you illiterate sack of shit

Ad hominem: the last resort of a failed argument. So sad.

Rhetorical questions

I don’t like a question so it’s rhetorical because I say so


You are perfectly anti-conspiratorial. You’re bashing OP's conspiracy theory.

Learn what words mean before you use them.

This “immigrant scandal" smells like a manufactured Streisand effect.

Not if you know anything about the situation at hand, no.

Not all conspiracies are true.

+1. All theories about conspiracies are false, except for, at most, one.

So MOST conspiracy theories are false.

Hopefully, /r/conspiracy will be about determining the one - and at most, one - conspiracy theory that is true.

You just meta'd all over yourself. Grab a napkin please.

Rape is a common scare tactic in invasions and war used througout history. This is part of a jihad to islamize and colonize Europe. Combined with their own higher fertility rate they try push scare and push out natives, not by force, but by time. Many of us know not all "terrorist attacks" in Europe are caused by muslims, religions tend to do the long run takesovers. These "terrorist attacks" are a whole other agenda, probably by some other middle eastern folks

Just curious, but if their goal is to push out the natives, then where are the natives supposed to go to? And why would they want Europe? Why Europe?

You're missing the point, pushing out is not meant literally, but figuratively, through time. In that theory the natives will simply die out over time because they have negative demographic birthrates. They ("the invaders") have higher Birthrates, meaning they have children earlier in life and more of them. Theoretically its not only europe, but the world.

This is not my opinion, just trying to elaborate in tune with the narrative of kingalexroderick on what you asked.

edit: added definition of the second "they"

Can you stop upvoting this...

So, do you think you are being successful in your attempts to distract from the subject of this thread, by long-winded and completely irrelevant diversions?

You are obviously very, very nervous.

The "narrative" is getting away from you.

People are noticing.

You're losing the plot.

Speaks volumes about your ideology.

No, it speaks volumes about your confidence in incorrect assumptions and your rigorous reality-averse adherence to those assumptions.

You make some shit up, insist your opponent defend your bullshit and blast him for not doing so.

All the while he pwns your ass up and down the court. :)