Debunked: Simpsons depicts Trump escalator scene in 2000, 15 yrs before the actual event "predictive programming"

23  2016-01-09 by 911bodysnatchers322

It seems I've been duped with some disinformation. Maybe others also. A friend of mine sent me this thing and was convinced it was real. Since I could not verify (I was unable to find the full episode after several searches), I accepted it as factual since it came from a friend (anchoring bias?).

However, Flyyyyyyy posted the full cartoon online -

somebody watch it and see if trump is in there:

I just finished the whole episode of "Bart to the Future" and that trump sequence in the elevator is not there. Only Lisa talking about a 'failed Trump presidency'.

Now what is interesting is this is not the first disinfo job using 'back to the future' as a reference. If you will recall, the video by Apophenia studios, BACK TO THE FUTURE predicts 9/11 that tries to disarm 9/11 truth with very well produced, yet dubious transmedia alchemical thesis that serves to disarm any inklings of occultic underpinnings in the events around 9/11 as entirely unbelievable (and it worked).

I'm kind of pissed at myself for falling for the simpsons-trump thing. But is is very very widespread...even found in the washington post.

But though you can't win them all, especially when you're up against an army of perverted social manipulators, I still feel like hanging up the internet for a spell.

If the truth is out there, fuck if I can find it. (which is what they want).


It's real, but it's not from 2000. It's a short called "Trumptastic Voyage", it was released online only on July 7, 2015. It's apparently part of the promotional content to the lead up for season 26, but it's not part of an episode.

Here is the full 1:30 clip.

The original clip is from at least as far back as June 16, 2015:

So it's likely that the animation was made after the trump video was aired.

That was an interesting one, we all fall for different traps here and there. That just means you're trying. Dust yourself off and move forward, knowing you're wiser than you were before.

Good work!

Here here. Thnaks, Magnora7

No problemo

Trump in an old 1990 Heavy Metal Magazine.

I don't see enough evidence that is is from the 1990s.

I found enough Evidence.

The other guy the comic was about, Harry Helmsley, died in the late 1990s. It is very likely that this comic could be from the 1990s or the 1980s.

If Trump is willing to do that kind of thing, I can't really support anyone else over him. Giving the current establishment their just deserts would be an improvement no matter how you measure it. At least Trump would use me instead of euthanize me like most of the other Billionaires.

Honestly mate, we all have been. It really makes you think, what is real what is fake. What can we believe or what are we being deceived by. I think this is a prominent example of such. We truly live in interesting times.... Tis' a Brave New Orwellian World! The deck is stacked...

Thanks for being kind about it, Putin. I was embarrassed, kind of mad at my friend for throwing me under the bus. But he didn't mean to.

That comment I deleted was depressing stay positive y'all! Jah rastafari!

Psh. To think that jammin was a thing of the past.

What are you talking about the video disarming 9/11 truth and inkling's of occult underpinnings? Can you explain this?

Yess. It got downvoted to nothing on /r/911truth and here unfortunately. They don't like this kind of thing (talking about symbolism of 9/11...911 as a symbolic attack as much as real....peter levendaism).


Holy moly. I honestly don't have time to read all that but yeah it definitely was an occult ritual of some sort. I'll try and read the first link to see why that video seems to downplay this.

Lol, "predictive programming" is very real.

Just because you don't know yourself and the power of your mind doesn't mean THEY don't. It's why they win and you loose.

It is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles; if you do not know your enemies but do know yourself, you will win one and lose one; if you do not know your enemies nor yourself, you will be imperiled in every single battle. - Sun Tzu

By the way, there's many more great and real examples of predictive programming.

But don't worry, keep visiting those brainwashing sessions you call "the movies" and keep staring at that tube. Surely nothing could come of subconscious messages while in a meditative state.

Oh also, keep that Iphone in hand, you'll never know when you need something to think for you.

It is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles; if you do not know your enemies but do know yourself, you will win one and lose one; if you do not know your enemies nor yourself, you will be imperiled in every single battle. - Sun Tzu

Excellent quote. Alan Watts wrote the Book, "On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are" -- in which he discusses that we are each the universe and everything while trying hard to conceal that fact. It seems like such a taboo ensures losing battles, in this case, against the spectacle itself. In essence, this is why we need to study the same occultism as they do, otherwise we're not even on the same court, they are scoring goals while we sit on the bleachers, our eyes glued to iphones reading the pointless fabricated reality they've sent us to keep us occupied.

Another 3 month old account with 5k karma. I think the Simpsons has had some uncanny predictions, so has South Park. All you're doing is making a big stink about how stupid the whole idea is. "Debunked" is an asshole word that honest critical thinkers do not use.


Curious what comes out of "The Walk".

I suspect it comes down to the NWO.

When will people learn that if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is?

You didn't "fall" for anything. You "wanted to believe" so you accepted an obviously bullshit claim at face value.

Lesson learned?

Yeah man... no shit.

When you actually write something such as "Since I could not verify (I was unable to find the full episode after several searches), I accepted it as factual" and you don't even understand how stupid that is, there is a problem with how you evaluate information.

No, I relied on trust of someone intelligent and purportedly skeptical to conspiracy theories to verify the unverifiable. I did fall for it. I didn't 'want to believe', I don't really care. I dont' need that datapoint to know what I know already becuase of so much other evidence.

But you are right that I did learn a lesson, just not the one you think.

No, I relied on trust of someone intelligent and purportedly skeptical to conspiracy theories to verify the unverifiable. I did fall for it.

You couldn't verify it, and clearly neither could that other person, so clearly you both chose to believe it despite not being able to verify it.

Could be the Mandela effect, so don't discount that you lost it. Stuff like that happens to me all the time, I read something, leave it and then later when I want it NO where to be found. Open minds, when we have them we are more able to see the big picture.

EDIT: glad to see I am downvoted, your votes don't tell the story of who and what I AM. I define that for myself, thanks and so should you, so go ahead as it means someone somewhere has a closed mind, eh.

Sometimes when people disagree with you vehemently, it's cause you are wrong.

Just saying..

okay, that's fine. I understand not everyone is going to think as I do. That is normal. For (humans) to disagree and such.PPL seem to be asleep in all cause (s)and cares not for the future is where I become a bit concerned.But when I am confronted by a society that could care less> I am even more worried as THAT signals the end of what I know

as if you would know....js

rofl was it bugging you so badly you had to come back an hour later and reply a second time?

Sometimes the clear mental illness visible in this sub alarms me.

okay, well normally I would not respond for a week or so. Don't equate me to this sub, I am not this sub. I am human. A human being with my own opinions which may not be YOUR fucking opinion, so what are you on about me for?

You the one who had a little crybaby edit tantrum when you got down votes and went all passive aggressive lol. You do exhibit definite symptoms of some delusions though to be perfectly honest anyway.

okay, sure. I have my moments. Perhaps I am a fucking crybaby. Does that really matter in the scheme of things? I tell you this. Reddit is not my cup of tea. I don't get along with anyone here, and I think you are all a bunch of men who don't seem to get me. OKAY>? I get it, you think I am a crybaby. Perhaps I am misunderstood. Maybe I don't spell out what I mean in the sequence you are expecting. Maybe I am a dumb ass. Maybe I am an angel. How would you know. Are you a guru for reddit, scoping ppl out so that you can be such a fucking guru. Who cares in the end, I have my little things to say and get it, or don't fucking get it. Why bother me with the comment. I pass on millions of comments a day and do not bother ppl. So hey just live and let live, ok?

You get to be pissy and passive aggressive but you don't ever want called on it. I see.

look. I am not passive aggressive.I am a woman living in a world that is just not right. So, I want to get along with you, as I do enojy your commentary, so can we just get along. Perhaps call a truce? I don't mind when ppl call me out. It happens a lot. In fact, it happens every time I am on Reddit, no one agrees, I have no one here that is on my side. I have no one that in any way relates with me. Is this passive aggressive to you? Because if it is, perhaps it is my cry to humanity. And you have opened my EYES and now I know what to do. NEVER post on reddit again. VIOLA! Problem solved for me, for you, for everyone.

Relax.. it's not like my opinion should matter that much to you. It's not that big a deal. I am just pointing out some things. It's not the end of the world aight?

You get to be pissy and passive aggressive but you don't ever want called on it. I see.