How do you protect yourself from electromagnetic harassment?

29  2016-02-01 by [deleted]




Excellent advice.

100% this. Your mental health is something to be handled by a trained, qualified professional, not a subreddit - no matter how well-intentioned some of the other responses may be, you need medical help.

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Removed. Rule 10. Oh, and implying that you are qualified to offer psychiatric advice.

Removed. Rule 10. Oh, and implying that you are qualified to offer psychiatric advice.

So a top level comment suggesting that OP seek medical help (which the OP has already done and was diagnosed with schizophrenia) now gets deleted even though it agrees with the diagnosis that the OP received?

Why is the modding suddenly so overly heavy-handed in this place? It's bordering on censorship. "Oh, even though your opinion agrees with an ascertained medical diagnosis, I'm going to delete it under the guise of following some loosely defined rules!" What the fuck?

That's not why the comment was removed.

I'm begging you not to listen to people trying to reinforce your delusion.

OP is implying that the individual is delusional, and also stating that others on this sub are "trying to reinforce his delusion". Rule 4 and Rule 10.

This sub doesn't offer healthy solutions for mental illness.

OP mocking the sub. Rule 10.

They do not have training for this.

"They"? OP attempting to elevate himself from the rest of the sub, implying that HE does have the necessary training.

You seem to conveniently have avoided posting other relevant parts of the post:

It's a warning sign that you may have schizophrenia. I'm not saying this to make fun of you. I would seriously recommend telling a doctor that you may need mental health services.

So telling somebody that the symptoms they are experiencing are well known potential warning signs for schizophrenia and they should see a doctor is now advice that should be deleted?

OP is implying that the individual is delusional, and also stating that others on this sub are "trying to reinforce his delusion". Rule 4 and Rule 10.

OP has already been diagnosed by a professional as having schizophrenia which would certainly imply that through medical analysis it has been determined that they are in fact somewhat delusional. This reply to the post states that rather than listening to the non-professionals of /r/conspiracy , they follow the advice of a medical professional that they have already seen. Again, apparently this is enough to warrant deleting the post somehow.

OP mocking the sub. Rule 10.

Just wait, so saying that /r/conspiracy isn't filled with qualified psychiatrists or psychologists is now insulting to the sub? The rules around here have gotten incredibly tight recently in order to excuse blatant censorship. This is something that has inexplicably increased in recent weeks, maybe it has something to do with the primaries.

"They"? OP attempting to elevate himself from the rest of the sub, implying that HE does have the necessary training.

Somebody with the necessary training already told the OP that they were suffering from schizophrenia. This person was merely repeating the advice of a medical professional who does have the training. Again, apparently repeating what trained professionals advise somebody to do is now against the rules here.

This is blatant censorship in disguise, it seems as though there is now a unified effort to turn this place into a safe space for anti-scientists. It makes no sense.

Go ahead and read my comment again. His post was removed for the points I specifically highlighted.

What he said in the rest of his comment is not relevant to his post being removed, and neither is your comment.

Go ahead and read my comment again. His post was removed for the points I specifically highlighted.

What he said in the rest of his comment is not relevant to his post being removed, and neither is your comment.

Your reasoning stretches those rules to the absolute extremes of their relevance.

The fact of the matter is that you simply deleted the top voted post to the thread which provided sound medical advice (which was supported by a professional diagnosis) to somebody struggling with mental issues. Not only is this the effective censorship of the person who had the most popular reply in the thread thread, but there could be actually dangerous consequences to deleting a post recommending that somebody who hears voices should seek medical help. It's absolutely disgusting and a blatant disregard for the well-being of another person apparently due to somebody "mocking the sub". That's quite the deplorable set of priorities, "oh somebody suggests that a diagnosed schizophrenic seek medical help, but they also said that /r/conspiracy isn't filled with psychiatrists, gotta delete that post!"

This is absolutely insane, the rules have remained unchanged, yet they are being enforced in an absolutely ludicrous, loosely defined manner. The rise in post removals lately must be intentional, there has to be some motive behind the rash post deletions lately, it simply reeks of opinionated censorship.

This is absolutely insane


Get b& nerd

You are deliberately misconstruing my actions.

I removed this post because I was concerned about the OP and the way that certain people, like subroc77 (who has now been banned) were milking the situation by denigrating the sub's users, in the guise of offering the OP mental health advice.

You also appear to be trying to take advantage of this situation in a similar way, and I suggest you stop.

You are deliberately misconstruing my actions.

I removed this post because I was concerned about the OP and the way that certain people, like subroc77 (who has now been banned) were milking the situation by denigrating the sub's users, in the guise of offering the OP mental health advice.

You also appear to be trying to take advantage of this situation in a similar way, and I suggest you stop.

You can justify it however you see fit, the rules are apparently flexible enough to allow for the personal biases of moderators to seep through. The fact of the matter is that you deleted a post that regurgitated the advice provided by medical professionals which is, quite simply, dangerous.

Blanketing this fact in all the Rule 4 and Rule 10 violations you arbitrarily seem to feel apply in this case doesn't help anything. You can't deny the fact that you removed the opinion of somebody who believed the OP should seek medical attention which is not only prudent, but also reflected what the OP had been told by trained professionals.

Saying that /r/conspiracy isn't filled with people trained to deal with mental illness isn't an insult, it's a fact. Not only that, but it was the most popular opinion in the thread, but apparently very flimsy rules violations are enough to censor the most highly upvoted posts on this sub if they don't match the worldview of certain moderators ...

OP is implying that the individual is delusional, and also stating that others on this sub are "trying to reinforce his delusion".

Thinking that you're being electromagnetically harassed IS delusional.

quite a reach you have there.


Removed, rule 10 - attacking the sub.

FYI: Yesterday a zealous anti-r/Conspiracy warrior-priest posted a link to this 25 day old post in order to witch hunt you :

Mod of /r/conspiracy removes comments suggesting OP seek help for diagnosed schizophrenia. Allows suggestions such as purple vitamin water, kiwis, and arguing with police. This is "cancer" which can cause real harm to OP and others. (

submitted 1 day ago by 75000_Tokkul

Thanks for the heads up.

And another spun witch-hunt from yesterday:

There were three others that I found from the day of as well.

Interesting. TMOR completed brigaded this post at the time with their mockery of the sub, disguised as "advice" for the OP, which was one of the reasons I pulled it. And now they're trying to draw attention to the post (which they shat all over) and holding it up as being a bad reflection on /r/conspiracy! Chutzpah.

To quote their paladin:

75000_Tokkul 4 points 1 day ago

Can we shit [sic] down the subreddit for being dangerous for the users and public alike yet?

He's a piece of work.

Thank you for removing this. OP of that comment is also a "topmindsofreddit" poster and generally takes an anti-truth stance at all times.

By going to your psychiatrist.

First of all, let me just clarify that everyone in this thread telling this guy to eat fruit, take absolute fucking morons.

OP please don't listen to the advice in this thread. Go back to the hospital, seek a diagnosis and the proper medication.

Please go to a doctor. The worst thing that could happen is that they can't treat you. Schizophrenia ruins people. If that's what you have, you're at serious risk of falling down a deep hole of paranoia and delusion.

At the very least, please go talk to someone other than a group of conspiracy theorists on the Internet.

Cannabis? Really don't think a farday cage is gonna do any good.

Nononononononono, a thousand times, no. Weed is TERRIBLE for schizophrenic symptoms.

I stand corrected and maybe ashamed lol.

Yes agreed, no more weed for me this lifetime

Can't tell if you mean it or not, but that's pretty much how it is for me. Now, regardless of my state of mind starting out, if I smoke, I will start acting like a crazy person. It's just not for me anymore :(

I think a literal tinfoil hat might work best here

Some MIT grad students did a legitimate test to see if it works just for fun. Turns out a tinfoil hat will actually amplify the effects aimed at your brain slightly. I don't see why a Faraday Cage wouldn't work though. It would just look every bit as silly as the tinfoil hat.

We should all build robot cage suits out of aluminum window screen mesh and call ourselves screeners. First they laugh at us, but then we put sexy girlfriends into screener suits, it becomes a thing. Ultimately it becomes screener porn.

So guys, lets do this already.

I wish they'd start calling it by it's proper name: an aluminum foil hat.

We call it tinfoil in the uk

I mean... What's stopping you from using tin?


This is a tin foil hat.

Know thyself...

Is this something that is happening to you currently? If so, could you describe it?

It has been happening for a few weeks. I don't hear voices normally but whenever there is electrical noise around or a radio frequency I hear an endless loop of evil words. The doctors say it is schizophrenia but I have no other symptoms of that illness. Look up V2K

Outside of my conscience and potent lsd, the only time I've had auditory hallucinations is on the downside of a 3 day meth extravaganza, and even then I only heard music. If you are totally sober and hearing 'evil words' you may have a chemical imbalance and should seek medication.

chemical imbalance

Schizophrenia is a complex condition that typically goes deeper than a simple chemical imbalance. Thanks for referring the OP to medicine, but he/she should be referred to a doctor, not just to medication.

idiot go read a science journal before you perpetuate your ignorance ......"you may have a chemical imbalance and should seek may have a chemical imbalance and should seek may have a chemical imbalance and should seek medication." lol. this fuckin guy.

You are to caught up on the chemical pharmaceutical idea of human physiology. I've heard the frequencies resonate in my head just last week, after a day working in the research lab (super sober). and on LSD. If your brain, for whatever reason, resonates that energy frequency (channels it) you are inept to neurotically decrypt its vibrational pattern as voice. LSD and being strung out (along with other emotional states) all make your brain a tuning fork for sensitive energies.

Pinks don't get it until they use...only then do they realize that these things are not drugs they are technologies. I get what you are saying even though apparently others don't. They are still kind of stuck in the mechanistic scientism model and that its all explainable by mental illness. They need to bend more, or realitys gonna eventually break 'em

yeah man. people are so funny. they teether the edge of consciousness just to shoot it down and runaway when the limits of conditioning present itself. Wonder who would down vote an unprecedented EM theory model of human physiology? people that are too comfortable knowing barely anything about chemistry. regurgitate: "you may have a chemical imbalance and should seek medication. you may have a chemical imbalance and should seek medication you may have a chemical imbalance and should seek medication." because they are ignorant of every science. Fuck ya'll :)

You might see if you meet any of the known risk factors for hyponatremia (very low blood sodium levels). This can be associated with withdraw from drugs but also with a number of other causes. After a couple particularly heavy drinking binges I heard streams of words that would actually block out real noises. In one case, I essentially heard the whole dialogue for a coherent but badly "written" crime fiction TV show while also seeing it take place if I closed my eyes.

I also found that with white noise and repetitive noises, things like hard drive whirs or raindrops, my brain would begin to add to their complexity until it became music-like, or just sounded like something organized.

That's interesting, thanks for letting me know. I was at a hospital recently and they didn't say anything like that.

Probably because they did blood tests and your sodium/potassium levels are normal. If you're really looking for relief, modern antipsychotics are relatively well tolerated, and you'll have an immediate cessation of voices if they're delusions. If they don't go away, maybe They're really targeting you, but I doubt it. There's just bigger fish to fry out there.

Yeah that's how I feel, why pick on me I have no power. Meds have flattened the voices but I still hear them. Hoping it is just mental.

Keep trying with the meds. The fact that there was a change is strong evidence that it is just mental. You can work through this man.

That is extremely good advice, because it's so simple and sensible.

I'd add in a banana / kiwi or the purple vitamin water (460mg potassium)

The OP is saying a few things:

  • they were at a hospital recently

  • they were diagnosed by doctors (plural) as having schizophrenia

  • they hear "evil words"

Your suggestion is that they should eat a banana / kiwi or the purple vitamin power.

What the fuck is wrong with you and the idiots who upvoted you? Are you guys so far gone that you cannot tell when you're way over your own heads?

Absolutely. One of the main causes will be diuretics, diarrhea and vomiting (all associated with many kinds of withdrawal) costing your body sodium and other nutrients. Rehydrating with water alone will only lower the sodium levels in your blood so anything nutritious (particularly vitamins, minerals and electrolytes) that you won't vomit up will speed the recovery and lessen the negative impact. I always try to go about 1/2 Gatorade 1/2 water the first day-day and a half and a smoothie or some such as soon as I think I can keep it down. I also take supplements, particularly B12 as soon as my stomach is calm enough.

Also, thanks so much for the Gold.

I've had it too, but no 'words'. I've had clicks and pops in normally constant tinnitus; and greatly increased heartbeat for no reason and increased cerebral blood pressure, which manifests as 'club music beats' coming from underground. No vertigo though, which is what I would expect if I had an unrelated inner ear issue that I thought was 'attacks' because I'm narcissistic and paranoid, which is the general consensus of people who've never wriitten anything highly subversive and critical of the people who would have the means to operate such a weapon.

Yeah I get clicks and pops too, like when a computer is downloading something, my tinnitus sounds like that

Sounds like schizophrenia, but really this is something you should be working with a doctor (an actual, licensed medical doctor, not some quack selling snake oil) to sort out your symptoms.

I have a friend diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder, which started off pretty subtly to the point where I didn't notice anything weird about him, but once it progressed it was at the point where the messages he was sending me weren't even coherent. But, with the right medication he's been getting along pretty well.

I know it can be scary needing to rely on things like medications to maintain your sanity, but it is important that you get yourself the help you need while you're still in a position to do so without difficulties. But, it sounds like you're already in contact with a doctor who can help you, so you've already got the hard part out of the way. It's definitely going to help you a lot better than the literal tinfoil hats that people here are trying to sell you on instead, and you'll feel a lot better for it as well.

An endless loop of evil words? Such as..?

Stuff about going to a bad place when I die basically

So you're religious?

Yes I try to be

you don't have schizophrenia. Go chill in a forest, go fishing. you are just inept to resonating certain ELF and other EM pulses currently drowning intuition and self cohesion.

Can you explain this further?

k. Your brain is a tuning fork, an electric system that resonates EM frequencies and deciphers the information. If you stare at pulsing strobe light, your brain will resonate its frequency. If you are processing sound, your brain will decode that as it again resonates that frequency of vibration. That being said, satellites info/ wifi etc and all waves of energy that your brain receives are theorized to effect the frequency of your brain. Electric / magnetic energy exists from the proton/electron (H =1420MHz) to the earth's (schumann freq. of the EM of earth = 10 hz). should be noted that the human brain ranges in frequency depending on consciousness (theta waves when sleeping, beta when awake, gamma waves at higher physiological functions like being in love, critical focus, etc... it is postulated that EM energy directly effects human consciousness. forests are very dense and have a very low frequency and has resonation freq. that your brain can "vibe" with. Every biological organism (all life and elements, really) has a fingerprint like frequency specific to it. so be weary of your consciousness at certain points, like sleeping (humans rest and recover/heal at ~ low freq. , which correspond with natural rhythms of the earth. im thinking If you lose grip on your conscious and get irritated, or other negative things, while your brain/CNS accepting destructive interference of waves might just lead you down the rabbit hole...

go to your local police station and ask them to switch it off , i live in Northern Ireland , i have family members in the police .. they use it in lower income areas because they are a hot bed of paramilitary recruitment , if they say no . or they dont do things like that tell them you are an occultist and it interferes with your meditation , you would be surprised at just how many police are sympathetic , but if they still deny or tell you they cant , ask them for a schedule.

I think they'd send me to a mental clinic

so if i told you to tell your lawyer you want a code white in a court you wouldnt do it either ? your loss mate , knowledge is power.

Till Tequilas tweets sound exactly like me in manic phases


Are you saying that's a symptom of paranoia?


Fight fire with with fire? You might experiment with grounding yourself electrically while you sleep, and listening to binaural frequency therapy, such as Immrama's Insight.

How do you ground yourself? Do you need a mat? I have these things that emit electric negative ions but they seem to keep me stimulated and awake

Probably the simplest solution would be one be one of those bracelets that computer technicians use, or maybe a couple.

I've never heard of these?



How do you contact them?


So you gave up? Pussy.


I was being sarcastic/emulating this threads circlejerk bro, you do you.



Acousticom 2 RF Meter Radio Frequency Meter EMF Protection

Emergency Mylar Thermal Blankets

Lots of thumb tacks.

Mylar cuts RF by about 60-70% per sheet.

Drawback. The inside of your house will look tacky and you will be forever alone. Alternative is wallpaper that does the same thing as the mylar, but is going to cost you lots of $$$.

Why not just combine the two and wallpaper your home with mylar blankets?

[Edit: OP, try some antipsychotics and treatment for schizophrenia first to see if that helps. It's the most likely explanation...]

OK, this might seem unrelated and a bit far out, but there is this guy who has designed hats for alien abductees to wear to stop the aliens from controlling them (if you look into the topic, you'll find that alien abductees report being paralyzed/unable to control their bodies). The idea is to shield your head from electro-magentic waves, so I believe it would be useful to you. You can DIY (he has detailed instructions) or I think you can also purchase them from the guy who runs the site, thought it might take some time as they are made to order. Check it out:

Also, I recently watched an interview with a guy who has been a victim of a Canadian intelligence agency mind control experiment/training. He mentioned at some point an experience where he heard voices and explained that they projected microwaves not into his head, but near to his ear to stimulate his cochlea to make him feel as if he was hearing something. I don't know if the helmet I linked to would help with this. I guess you might want to have it cover your ears, or at least definitely the area just behind your ears. Here is the link to the interview with him:

BTW, the experience of 'hearing voices' is extremely common among mind-controlled serial murderers. You should have a look at McGowan's Programmed to Kill

Good luck to you!! If you decide to try the helmet I linked to, I'd love to know whether it worked for you or not.

(Lord, how do I even know this shit? Only after re-reading my post do I realize how far out there I am...well, better to be crazy than a brainwashed, sleep-walking member of the human herd.]

So, your advice is to buy a tin foil hat.

Well, technically it's a Velostat hat. I admit the pictures on the guy's website look totally kooky. But you can actually sew it as lining into a regular hat as seen here:

thanks for the data. you might want to youtube 'pepsi black knight'... good watch. this satellite, detected in 1899, before USA/Russia could do that, orbits the planet south to north. the planet spins east to west, so it 'sees' everything via that axis.

if you add the # of mental cases and the estimated unreported cases (50%), its about 100-150 million... 1/3 (maybe 1/2) the population of the USA (322 million)

ive got a shielding thread shielding thread - reddit link

i had to make my own subreddit they kept deleting posts about shielding

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I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

Cool, thanks.

Find out where it is coming from. Get a frequency analyzer... it could just be sensitivity to something like a smart meter. If someone is beaming shit at you, then it's probably very high frequency... Mhz-Ghz, so it can't really penetrate that well. If it is high energy x-rays, you need something like lead or tungsten, but x-rays don't bounce around a lot, so it has to be in a focused beam from some direction, so just build something that masks your head, onto the back of your chair, wrapping around. If it is radio waves or something lower energy, you might be able to just put foil on your walls.

It all depends on the frequency used, but you need a freq analyzer to determine that... BUT, as a catch-all against any BROADCAST signals that use resonance rather than directed high energy stimulation for effects... find a closet. Line it is heavy duty aluminum foil, all the way around. Make sure and get the doors and use conductive tape on the seals and hinges, and you're set.

If it is coming from above, it is probably directed from a drone or beamed from satellite. Since it is directional, you can line the roof of your office, but you'll need something pretty potent, like a mm of lead sheet... maybe 2.

How do I get one of those? I get it through radio stations so I think it's low frequency as well

There is no way to stop it.

I'd bet sleeping in a lead / shielded bunker deep underground could help, with no tech with you, no wifi, no phone.

It would cost you a lot of gold to live in a vault shielded with lead. Seems counterintuitive.

But I can hardly eat organic food and keep my lights on...

serious answer:

i have tried them - definitely "feel" a difference. i don't like shit hanging from my body (i.e., jewelry, necklaces, etc), so i don't use the qlink on any regular basis, but my brother wears his every day.

edit/get them cheaper from on ebay

What are these? What do they do?

What are these? What do they do?

Scam people out of money.

ps. noting the cynicism that your post has inspired, i am not surprised at all that we see downvotes on the qlink. it's basically a Faraday on a necklace.

also, there are youtube videos that show you how to make a Faraday - FYI

bottom line: if you believe Faraday's work (as i believe they do, in concept), then you might wanna try a qlink. (save money - get one used from ebay -- not expensive. if you don't like it, maybe you lose $10. just sayin'. sounds like anything is worth a shot at this point... )

hey ... and i know you are getting a lot of suggestions to "See a Dr.". mate.... IF you do, make sure and see AT LEAST 2 DR's... ie.., ALWAYS get a SECOND opinion about this stuff. (i absolutely guarantee you benefit from the resulting additional insight/second opinion.)

they are basically magnets that are "tuned" to organic matter and neutralize frequencies outside that range. (ok.... that's me paraphrasing a bunch of science stuff that i don't fully understand -- there are studies and papers on the company's website. read up on it yourself... don't take my / any else's word for it.)


I said it's a serious question, I am not trolling. You are the troll.

What's really funny is that aluminum foil would probably work. Wifi / RF / RFID blocking wallets use aluminum no thicker than a soda can.

Please read the rules on the sidebar. The next comment you make like this will result in a ban.

How do you ground yourself? Do you need a mat? I have these things that emit electric negative ions but they seem to keep me stimulated and awake

We should all build robot cage suits out of aluminum window screen mesh and call ourselves screeners. First they laugh at us, but then we put sexy girlfriends into screener suits, it becomes a thing. Ultimately it becomes screener porn.

So guys, lets do this already.

Stuff about going to a bad place when I die basically

Can't tell if you mean it or not, but that's pretty much how it is for me. Now, regardless of my state of mind starting out, if I smoke, I will start acting like a crazy person. It's just not for me anymore :(

Interesting. TMOR completed brigaded this post at the time with their mockery of the sub, disguised as "advice" for the OP, which was one of the reasons I pulled it. And now they're trying to draw attention to the post (which they shat all over) and holding it up as being a bad reflection on /r/conspiracy! Chutzpah.