Ignore the TDAP vaccine behind the curtain! Zika and GMO Mosquitos are the Wizard of Oz!

69  2016-02-01 by daddie_o

The premise behind this is that the Zika virus is not the cause of the high rates of microcephaly. Nor is it due to genetically modified mosquitos. (If anything, they are using the GMO mosquitos as a convenient straw man as a way to discredit skeptics of the official story about the Zika virus as a crazy conspiracy theorist. The mosquito hypothesis is very easily dismissed both by hand waving and reasoned argument).

This lets the real culprit slip by unnoticed: the new TDAP immunizations that Brazil started requiring for pregnant women beginning in 2015.

"The truth is that the Tdap shot has never been proven safe for use during pregnancy. In fact, Tdap is classified by the FDA as a Class C drug, which is defined as follows:

Animal reproduction studies have shown an adverse effect on the fetus and there are no adequate and well-controlled studies in humans, but potential benefits may warrant use of the drug in pregnant women despite potential risks."

Add to that the GMO mosquitos could never have spread so quickly.

What's that? You think it was a vaccine? Are you one of those deranged anti-vaxxers that wants to spread disease and get us all killed?

And BTW the argument that the mosquitos were released in the same area as the high concentrations of birth defects? Well those are also the areas of Brazil with the highest birth rates, so naturally they also have the highest rate of birth defects. (Scroll to bottom of post.)

This new Zika psyop / population control scam is working at many levels:

  1. Zika provides cover for the TDAP, and the GMO Mosquito storyline is misdirection for the skeptics.

  2. Population control through reduced life span and lower birth rate (Don't have any more babies for 3 years or they might be deformed!)

  3. Fear-mongering -- oh my god! A new deadly virus!! From South America!!! Protect us, oh mighty governments and pharmaceutical corporations!!! And close the borders while you're at it!! Remember, they want us to be afraid all of the time. People are easier to control when they're afraid. I learned that in mind control 101.

  4. Good money. They made money on the tdap vaccines forced on a country, with 200 million, they'll make money on the zika virus tests (OMG am I infected, gotta get tested?!?), and they stand to make a TON of money on the new Zika virus vaccine, which is completely pointless since the virus is harmless. But invest now if you want to make a killing! But even that is chump change.

  5. There has got to be a geo-political/banking/power angle to this...hmm...let me see...oh, there it is! The new IMF/World Bank alternative, the BRIC's New Development Bank, which was signed into existence in 2014 and went into effect in 2015. That must have been an interesting conversation... maybe something along the lines of, "If you do that, we'll come after your children. All of them. Don't think we're serious? Just look what we did to Japan."

  6. I'm sure there are more angles to this. Don't forget, TPTB sacrifice babies and torture children in exchange for advice from hyper intelligent psycho-spiritual parasites. They're very, very good at what they do. I mean just look at 9/11. What a fucking masterpiece!

Edit: But wait, there's more!! Turns out out of 700 cases that were actually investigated, only 270 cases of microcephaly in Brazil have been confirmed, and in only 6 of those cases have they found the mothers were infected by zika of which only 6 developed shrunken head syndrome. So much for a global pandemic!

It has also come to my attention that there are currently no commercially available tests for Zika virus. So basically they can't even test you to see if you've had it. It's just a guesstimate. But they're working on it. But they'll make money the test they've developed, no doubt about it.


CDC quietly admitted that the Chicken Pox vaccine can cause exactly the same birth defects


"Vaccines that contain live attenuated varicella-zoster virus (VZV) (Varivax, ProQuad, and Zostavax [all products of Merck & Co., Inc.]) are contraindicated during pregnancy"

"Congenital varicella syndrome is characterized by cutaneous scarring and/or limb hypoplasia; other associated anomalies include microcephaly, muscular atrophy, ocular or neurologic abnormalities, and low birth weight"

Did not know that. Interesting. Thanks!

is this why we have chicken pox parties? Or is this a vaccine given to the mother then transmitted to the baby with unfortunate consequences... Off to check your link! Thank you.

Did you even read that?

From inception of the registry in 1995 through March 2012, no cases of congenital varicella syndrome and no increased prevalence of other birth defects have been detected among women vaccinated within 3 months before or during pregnancy. Although a small risk for congenital varicella syndrome cannot be ruled out, the number of exposures being registered each year (approximately two varicella-susceptible women exposed during the high-risk period for congenital varicella syndrome) is now too low to improve on the current estimate of the risk.

There was an extremely small chance that there could be a negative effect, but no evidence for it. That specific type of vaccine was inadvertently given to a small number of pregnant women. It's not even supposed to be given to them. And how is this quietly admitting it? It's on their website for anybody to see

The CDC wouldn't stop because of 'theoretical' reasons, they obviously won't admit exactly what they've seen, they will instead say it is 'theoretical', but there is no way they would not recommend a vaccine which Big Pharma could profit from unless there was damn good evidence

These are very cogent points.


'Depopulation by press conference.' This guy's article just made me realize that the whole microcephaly pandemic appears to be made up.

todays r/science ama by the south american professor was pretty bad and he got called-out barley on his wack numbers. I am still waiting for the reason why my comments are invisibled there.

Could also be pesticides. Monsanto has gotten a lot of pushback, maybe they're spraying something new that is causing this?

Well those are also the areas of Brazil with the highest birth rates, so naturally they also have the highest rate of birth defects.

rates are percentages, not totals.

Great post, thank you for this.

Just for the sake of discussion: On the other hand, there are too many people on earth to sustain life. What are your thoughts?

I'm not at all sure that's true. I realize the large population is a problem. But consider a few things:

First, all problems with famine and food shortages are and have been political problems rather than a problem of scarce resources. That's what we know 'in the open' and on the surface level.

On the hidden, conspiratorial level, I would say that we have had the knowledge of 'free energy' for at least two decades, probably much longer. Free energy would pretty much solve all the world's resource potential constraint problems: water, food, carbon emissions, etc., etc.

Second, we know that birth rates go down as economic prosperity goes up. This is actually a cause of concern in industrialized countries, esp. Japan, where they are not pumping out enough babies to replace the aging population, which actually means the population is declining 'on its own' so to speak (or at least, without having to fucking kill people). So if we raised economic prosperity globally, gloably birth rates would slow tremendously and population growth would be "self-limiting."

Yes, very good points. It makes me happy to see that someone here thinks about options. It's amazing how many individuals favoring eugenics would not "make the cut", yet are avid proponents based on their posts.

LOL. Good point.

You should remove item 6 if you want to be taken seriously. It adds nothing to your argument and just makes you look paranoid. Otherwise, good analysis.

You and Jenny McCarthy should have a protest

She was pro-vaccine until she witnessed vaccine damage first-hand, well done to her for speaking out about this corrupt industry who make children sick for profit

Yea she was inside her children's brains and literally saw the vaccine cause autism

Hardy har har. It's all fine and well (and expected) for you to try discredit me with the anti-vaxxer brush. But for the record I'm not at all convinced that immunizations are linked to autism, nor am I generally against them. But this is a whole different ball of wax. We're not talking about the effect of vaccines on children, we're talking about their possible effects on developing fetuses. Of which there is very little research. And as another commenter pointed out, they found that chicken pox virus administered to pregnant women is indeed linked with microcephaly. So it's hardly a stretch in this case.