I'm in serious trouble..

0  2016-02-03 by [deleted]



If true, sounds like your fucked. I'd go as public as possible with everything you were looking in to. Try to make as big of a splash as possible. Most likely when you die you will be remembered on the front page of /r/conspiracy for a couple days... That's about it.

But yeah I mean, I don't know what to tell you. If you're not crazy, and you've legit been murdered, make some youtube vids, write some articles. Don't be vague about shit. I mean "powerful people, you know who I'm talking about *wink" doesn't cut it. Expose anything you got, I mean, what are they gonna do? Kill you twice?

Honestly though, if someone powerful wanted you dead, you'd be dead.


Okay, so my question is, if you're going to be dead in a week, maybe two, why the hell are you being evasive about the "powerful group". I mean what? did you make fun of the Fine bros for being Jewish?

Like if someone injected me with the most inefficient assassination method ever, I would tell everyone exactly who did it, and what I was looking in to that made them upset enough to kill me.

I don't think you're gonna die dude... Like I said, if they wanted you dead, they wouldn't give you the opportunity to tell everyone that they killed you.


do you have any history of mental illness? any diagnosis?

Any history of high blood pressure?

Family history of heart disease or stroke?

Trust me when I tell you, there are plenty of chemicals they could have injected you with that would cause you to die, pretty much immediately, in a way that would be seen as death by natural causes. No one who wants you dead would ever inject you with something that gives you a week or two to spread the word before you die. If they wanted you dead, you'd already be dead.

I STRONGLY suggest that you get to an er ASAP. If you're worried about "Them" finding you, and finishing the job, go to a hospital in the next town, leave your ID in your car, and use a fake name.

It sounds very much like you may be suffering from a minor stroke. May be something else, but from the symptoms it does sound like you need immediate medical attention.

If it is a stroke, and you go without treatment... your week to two week estimate is most likely WAY off.

I'd hate to find out that you have some sort of undiagnosed schizophrenia (often exhibits severe paranoia, and usually manifests its self around your age.) and refused to get treatment for what may be a serious medical issue.

Take care of yourself man, seriously... Go to the doctor. Tell them what's up. Get a CT scan. Make sure you don't have blood on your brain.


Yeah dude, go to the hospital, or you're going to die.



First, don't want to discredit anything you've said. I'm sure you know some serious stuff, but I want you to live long enough to share with us what you have to say.

I'm a medical professional.

from the symptoms you've mentioned, you are having a stroke.

You do not have "a few days"

From the sound of it, you don't have a few hours.

You need to go IMMEDIATELY. Don't go to sleep. Don't wait another minute. Call someone from your family, or call 911, and get to an emergency room RIGHT NOW.

If you don't go to a hospital TONIGHT, you will most likely be dead tomorrow.

PLEASE at least go and let them do a CT scan to make sure that your not having a stroke. You owe it to the world to keep yourself alive long enough to spread what it is that you know!


Where do you live? I think you might need psychiatric hospitalization immediately.


Until you give us the right information so we can help you are crazy

livestream yourself

I agree.

If this is real, document it on facebook, youtube, twitter, any social media you can post on. Like the guy in Fresno.

Other than make suggestions like that, the internet strangers here on reddit can't help you.

Best response. If it is fake or true, this is the only way to know. Or else no offense OP, but fake as fuck.

Sorry to hear this. Wish you thebest.

If you are convinced you are terminal you may as well share what you know.

Tell us what you did, who you did it to, how you did it. You're just going to die anyway right?

This is the type of shit that makes r/conspiracy look like nut jobs. I call fucking bullshit. So afraid but won't say anything specific. What the fuck do you have to lose?


If I were in a situation like your hypothetical one then I sure as fuck would not be on reddit broadcasting it like a idiot. This is a psyop to discredit r/conspiracy. If not then you are still wasting your time on here. Go to the hospital get checked out or dont. I cannot fathom what you think we can do for you.


You have had multiple suggestions here of what to do. i think you should listen to them.


Seems like multiple people believed you on /r/gangstalking and gave good replies. maybe think them through and choose on. Once again if this is for real.

Once again good luck if for real, if not, you stink.

Nothing you say makes any sense. Simply put, for THE ZIONIST JEWS, The Khazarian Mafia, The Rothschild or Israeli firsters (whoever you want to finger - all one and the same in my opinion) to have any interest in silencing you or killing you, they would have to consider you a danger.

Either - A.) Your opinions could affect tens of thousands of people, which could spark a populist outrage and thwart their control. To which you've dismissed this possibility as saying you're pretty much a nobody and unpopular. So it seems highly unlikely the Jews would be out to terminate you.

OR - B.) You discovered something damaging. Something EPIC. Something so HUGE that disclosure threatens their grip of power and influence over the world.

Homie, I've been rooting around in this rabbit hole for over 2 decades. I can promise you, all roads lead to Israel 98% of the time in some way shape or form when it comes to conspiracies and efforts to undermine national sovereignty the world over. I broadcast this at the top of lungs to anyone that will listen. I fully support Palestine and the immediate end to the genocide of the Palestinian people, and shout this as well. I give talks and presentations on how the Rothschild's infiltrated the catholic church via the Jesuit order, I illustrate how they control the world through the infiltration of the Masonic orders (a mystery order within a mystery order set up) that gave birth to all modern intelligence agencies. What the Crown actually refers to. Who owns the crown... etc. If this is the shit that would get you terminated, I would've been 86'd long ago.

Something smells of BULLSHIT!


How do you even allow them to take your blood?

My own conspiracy: this one is fake


Make the information you found public.

Make the information about yourself public.

Go to the hospital.

The only advice I can give is get your friends around you, get your extended family around you anybody you can find that you trust.

If you do decide to go to the hospital you can take your friends with you.

Are you on adderall?

Here's a suggestion. Put on some nice chill ambient music on headphones. Find someplace quiet and just relax for a bit unless you are having a medical emergency.

Go to a different hospital, one with a blue and white logo. Tell them you think you might be having some kind of allergic reaction, don't go into any of the rest of it. They already know and want you to stick to a story that can help them lift the 302.

Also, follow the other replies' advice and post everything you are hiding. That takes away their motive to kill you.

Holy shit you're being gangstalked. I'm sorry but you're fucked. I'm not joking or being sarcastic


Good luck if true.




Was the other group the fraternal order of police?


How about You go to a regular doctor to get diagnosed first. You might have a mental disorder or You've been poisoned. Those are the only 2 things possible.


You should make a YouTube video and tell everything you know.

Where is your YouTube videos exposing everything ? Or liveleak? Why are you just text posting on reddit?

You think that shit would go away? A post on reddit can be deleted.

I don't know if you're telling the truth or mental or just a troll

Having a video you can see a persons character and emotions. I'm reserving judgement until then