List of 400 self inflicted Scandals during the GWB terms. Where is demolishing three skyscrapers in broad daylight on the list?

14  2016-02-03 by rockytimber

Adding three demolished skyscrapers, an "attack" on the Pentagon, four questionable plane crashes and an anthrax mailing to the list must be too much of a hurdle?

Seriously, people are believing the official lies because the alternative, that the Bush administration was somehow involved is beyond believable!! Compared to the collaboration required by the Manhattan Project (a well kept secret), the crimes on 9/11, logistically, were relatively less of a challenge. Besides, there would have been a lot of help from contractors and other outside agents, and some of these connections are now far from secret.

All that is left is media complicity. Anyone think the media is not complicit in deceptions at this point?


realizing the media complicity is the big oh shit moment

and considering the attacks at ground zero were nuclear, the name 'manhattan project' takes on a whole new meaning

Would you rather defend a speculation that has not been properly investigated, as a non expert, or would you rather focus on getting a real investigation underway?

I would like to see more nuclear physicists undertake an investigation.

Do you think the US used nuclear bunker buster bombs in Afghanistan? (In other words, any non-sensational experts looked into it so far?)

I would like to see more nuclear physicists undertake an investigation.

sweet. here's one, he wrote a 1100 page book. enjoy!

9/11thology: The “Third” Truth About 9/11 (ZIPped PDF)

and made a video version for us lazy folks

Dimitri Khalezov - WTC Nuclear Demolition

No, I am looking for a real conversation between real military weapons experts discussing if mini nukes had ever been used in a combat mission.

And someone besides Khalezov and Wood, please.

wwwhy not khalezov? he's an ex-military nuclear weapons expert. perfect for the job. ideal.

here's a "real conversation" between him, Gordon Duff (ex-marine vietnam veteran), and Dr. Kevin Barrett (Ph.D. Arabist-Islamologist, holds advanced degrees in English Literature, French Literature, and African Literature). enjoy!

9/11 Truth: Was Mossad in Charge? Kevin Barrett, Dimitri Khalezov and Gordon Duff Discuss

i would actually love to hear this group chat with judy wood lol

Khalezov alone? Weak. I would like to see more than one guy, and especially someone who could point out that US were already using bunker buster mini nukes.

There are Alex Jones quality of conversations. And then there are Kevin Ryan quality of conversations. If information can't reach the tipping point of serious people, and stays in the realm of half baked sensationalists..... I would not even buy a car from people like that. No matter how many Phd's behind the name. If its speculation, and you admit it, fine. But if you make claims of proof when really more study is needed, serious people are going to be turned off. It actually sets the field of study back, poisons it, even if there was some merit to looking into it further.

It doesn't mean you have to be an egg head, but you have to be honest enough to the scientific method that you don't blow your wad of credibility in the first five minutes. Hurricane Erin was not heading for Manhattan for example, not in a million years.

sounds like you just volunteered to go find this conversation. good luck!

and fwiw, khalezov talks quite a bit about mini-nukes in other operations - although i have to stress that the devices used on 9/11 were 150 kT (not "mini-nukes" by any means)

No, I am telling you its not happening, this conversation, by serious people who would know, from the US side. So in the US all you got is speculation among people who are not highly expert in the technical matter, who have no experience in the field. And from Russia, someone who is a loner. Who not only cannot be verified, but whose claims are dubious. It hasn't got any traction among serious people yet. And it gets a lot of attention from people who are already tainted. Not a good sign.

and 'you' are.. who exactly???? a guy on reddit saying 'trust me i'm totally serial'

have you read khalezov's book? have you watched his video? of course not. you must not be serious. not a good sign.

his credentials are well-established, he even takes the time to walk you through them. but you'd know that if you either read the book or watched the first 10 minutes of the video

have you read khalezov's book? no. have you watched his video? all of them many months ago.

I am not claiming to be expert enough to know if there is substance or not to what khalezov says. YOU ARE.

I am saying there is no one credible helping me to relate to what I heard from Khalezov. His word alone isn't enough, not for me, not for anyone I know, so far, except for some internet dudes going around here. Like you for example.

edited for adding a period.

By the way, I have worked around a lot of engineers, including at NASA. I was in contract admin. I know a bit of how those guys operate.

Also, I am not saying you are not intelligent. You are obviously bright. What I am saying is that most people who try to get a result (and are expert at it, as in demolishing stuff) use the most conventional means available. What convinced you that conventional means would not show the results we can see in the public domain?

the current official world record for an implosion demolition is 29 stories. and brick construction. here's a video of it. wtc1 and 2 were each over 3 times this tall and of steel construction. even wtc7 was about twice as tall as the official world record. (interesting coincidence, this same company that has the official record did 'clean up' work after 9/11 and after the oklahoma city bombing)

i'm an engineer, myself, but even a layperson could see that a conventional implosion was not used for such a project. simply compare the above video to the wtc collapse. and that it couldn't give the results we saw.

we would have seen thousands of steel segments crashing down. instead, the buildings turned to billowing mushroom clouds of microscopic dust. we should have found office furniture, bathroom fixtures, telephones, elevator cars. instead we see microscopic dust.

the results simply are not consistent with any conventional demolition. they are very consistent with nuclear demolition.

if you want more details (as you claim), i've linked to his well-research and well-sourced free book above. enjoy.

Good points about wtc one and two, but seven looks pretty conventional.

Yet persisting molten material at all three locations implies some common technology.

I never said conventional commercial demolition practices were used. I am sure you are aware the military also has demolitions experts and has access to explosive materials not used in normal demolitions. There are plenty of materials that are very explosive without being nuclear. Or there could have been a combinations of materials. If it was me, I would not have hesitated to load any aircraft or missiles used with additional materials besides fuel if it would have assisted in the demolition.

We did see a lot of steel come down, a lot of steel collected, a lot of steel shipped out. But the dust also has a lot of steel in it.

I agree this is all interesting. But if I found thermite, I think I would give that some weight as well.

If you can find thermitic material in dust, then what nuclear material should you also find in dust if nuclear was used? Or if not, if you had no smoking gun, then would you not keep your speculations close to you chest and focus on the kind of presentation that would most likely have the clout to initiate an investigation without esoteric and controversial debates that would divide the attention and weaken your overall thrust? Especially if all I got is one Russian guy. And especially if I have not one from the US, and no one who is a nuclear weapons designer from the west.

thermite is used for cutting. something had to turn those buildings and all their contents into dust. the pile should have been roughly a third of each building's height. i dont doubt it was used for select demolition tasks, but finding some thermite doesnt mean it was responsible for the entire job.

there are a few isotopes you would expect to find - and they were found: Proof Of Advanced Fission Devices Used In New York City On September 11th, 2001 and it would explain all the hundreds of first responders that have developed leukemia, thyroid, prostate, skin and dozens of other rare types of radiogenic cancers that asbestos or 'toxic cloud' would not explain.

the reason this matters is that it shows israel has access to thermonuclear devices within the usa and the willingness to use them on a civilian population. 'samson option' anybody?

thermite is used for cutting

they found thermitic evidence in the dust, but evidently there may be some nano thermate type of materials that are not commercially available or studied. Also did they test for all other kinds of explosives? But the main thing is that there may be a kind of thermate that can function as a propellant? Have you listened to everything Jonathan Cole has said about it:, or studied his experiments?

Links to Israel are not limited to nuclear. The US (including covert ops, maybe especially covert ops) contracts out a lot of stuff to a lot of people.

John Prager's fission analysis has received any peer review? What are Prager’s Science Qualifications? Retired magazine publisher? I would like to see more comments on his analysis. But that is also what a real investigation is about. You don't conduct a real proof or investigation with a single paper that no one has heard of, or parade a single paper as final absolute proof. That looks more like sensationism than science, or even how courts work.

Jumping to "proof" is implying that a public forum is going to convict the criminals. That's what the criminals did, use shoddy tricks to get agreement and conclusion. That is the last thing we need to be doing or condoning.

Lets do what it takes to get a consensus for a real investigation. Lets not use sensational means to get people to fall for some possibly half baked ideas that have not had a chance to be vetted. The criminals already did that.

there's nothing half-baked here. nuclear is the only demolition method that makes sense.

i've already detailed why it matters: because it demonstrates that israel has nukes in the usa and the willingness to use them on the american public.

there's already plenty of evidence to make arrests. now how do we go about arresting former presidents, etc if the police and fbi won't do their jobs?

Not how the criminal justice system works. Until you build enough consensus and interest, the process remains stuck.

Possibly half baked. Possibly good science. One man's analysis is going to have to be investigated by those expert in the science. But we can't even stay on topic about needing an investigation, and yes, it amounts to sensationalism to claim this is enough to issue an arrest warrant. That's not how it works. Whoever issues the warrant is going to have to consult a handful of experts who are able to be cross examined.

Right now, science is being turned off by presenting stuff as proof that hasn't yet been even considered. More professionals need a chance to look at it. Thats what it took to get thermite even talked about.

you've heard of the PATRIOT ACT, right? we can arrest and hold these suspected terrorists indefinitely. without trial. neat, huh?

Yeah, that will get you the truth /s

there's always 'enhanced interrogation'.

How about enhanced critical thinking or enhanced skepticism? Less dumbing down of the population, intentionally, through an indoctrinated education system.

Or maybe enhanced justice, where the courts really do function to be fair. Our supreme court legalized bribery with "citizens united". Jeez. Its almost funny.

Seriously, people are believing the official lies because the alternative, that the Bush administration was somehow involved is beyond believable!!

Also, because there's no motive or evidence.

The motive and evidence are well documented. The percentage odds of all the pointers just being coincidence is what is humorous.

How's it feel to be a "faither"?

That's a great article. I like the part where they claim there's only a 10% chance that 19 ticketed Muslim passengers would be allowed to board four separate flights leaving from three different airports on the same day.

Or that there's only a 10% chance that you could make a connecting flight in a 2 hour layover.

I'm sure even you could come up with a list of 22 similarly unlikely things that would have to be true if George Bush did 9/11.

We all need to be aware of confirmation bias.

I think its pretty obvious that the Zelikow commission report is fatally flawed.

There is a lot of evidence that the Bush administration is lying and that there are factors that point to something other than Osama, 19 hijackers etc., and also point to explosive demolition. But I keep coming back to the statistical unlikeliness of what we were told:

What do you got, besides, faith?

What you keep going back to is some random Internet person assigning arbitrary probabilities to events. That page says there's about a 1% chance of successfully hijacking four planes, but before 9/11 hijacking was about 100% successful, because the standard response was to give into the hijackers' demands. In the 70s, American airplanes were hijacked about once a week.

Who's this guy to say there's a 50% chance of crashing into a Twin Tower, the two tallest buildings in the city? Runways are much smaller targets and airplanes hit them thousands of times every hour, with almost 100% success.

I've got a preponderance of evidence that shows 19 foreign men, funded by al Qaeda trained to hijack four airplanes and crash them into buildings, boarded those planes and hijacked them. I've also got a lack of a consistent alternate theory supported by evidence. All conspiracy theorists have is: "this video looks like there were explosions, but the government says there weren't any, so the government must have made the explosions and is lying about them for some indeterminate reason."

If there was any evidence about what government people did what, the timeline of its planning, what agencies were involved, why government officials decided this was the best means to achieve their goals, what those goals were, etc. I'd at least have a something concrete to consider.

No, it the combinations of tall tales that combined, effectively reduce the probabilities to zero. Its bad enough that one factor is unbelievable, but if you add two unbelievable stories, the odds of that is much worse than the two earlier stories combined in themselves. Got it?

Improbable individuals, improbable boardings, improbably take overs, improbable piloting ability, improbable flight trajectories, improbable flight speeds, improbable identities, improbable passports and other claimed "findings", and on and on and on. Then improbable non response of air defense case one, improbable case two, improbable case three over an hour and a half. Then improbable impact results compared to shown building results and failures and debris patterns. It goes on and on.

By the way, why would it be improbable that the same people who would lie to go to war, who would result in over 15,000 US service deaths and a million innocent civilian deaths, who would waste trillions of the nations wealth for lies and quadruple opium exports, the same faction that used to and probably still imports cocaine, please explain why it would be impossible to think that they might be willing to sacrifice a few of us if thats what it would take to motivate us, out of fear, to get involved in 15 years of middle eastern war?

Speaking of evidence, what is your standard of evidence from those who you believe? Seen any videos? Any proof?

Besides, there is a lot of substantial evidence of the early war planning, even before 9/11, evidence that the hijackers were not who we say they were, etc. Lots.

None of that is improbable, with the possible exception of the passport, though other passengers' drivers licenses, luggage tags, etc. were found too. It's not like everything evaporated.

Besides, who plans this sort of conspiracy and decides "We'd better drop a Saudi passport a couple blocks away from the towers. That's the detail that will make people really believe it was done by foreign terrorists!"

You are fully aware of all the evidence that points to foreign al Qaeda terrorists; you just think it's all fabricated. So, I'm not gonna bother listing it all here for you :)

Not all are my favorite reasons, but there are a few good ones listed.

Have you read the 9/11 timeline at history commons?

Ripley's believe it or not level of odd in many, many places.

Runways are much smaller targets

Much less room to spare, wingtip to wingtip, on WTC one and two, compared to any runway. Fact check yourself.

What are you talking about?

All the runways at JFK are 150' wide. The Twin Towers were each 207' wide. Also, you have to land in the center of the runway, flying straight and level, at a certain airspeed. The 9/11 hijackers had no such constraints. They weren't straight, they weren't centered on the building.

I'm not a professional pilot, but I've flown planes before. Landing is far more difficult than crashing into a building. The Austin IRS guy did it, the kid in Tampa did it. You just point yourself at a building -- it's not hard. It's like saying crashing a car into a building is a challenge.

Hitting 207 feet may not be easy for someone who can't fly a cesna. On the other hand, didn't know the 150 feet width for runways at JFK, thought it was wider. Thanks, and I stand corrected on this.

But since you have some experience in flying, what is the airspeed claimed for the second plane to hit at the WTC site. I have heard this was not a realistic speed to operate a commercial jet at close to sea level. Have you looked into it?

I've never flown a jumbo jet before, but apparently it was going 510 knots, which a 767 is certainly capaable of.

But, I mean, it crashed into the building on live TV. Surely you've seen it. Obviously, whatever speed it was flying at... it's capable of flying at that speed.

it was going 510 knots, which a 767 is certainly capaable of

at sea level this would be problematic according to commercial airline pilots. to the point of a plane breaking up or more specific regarding your claims of easy to hit a target, uncontrollable.

Saw it on tv is not the way data is presented in a 3000 person murder trial. Serious people get serious and investigate. Serious questions get asked.

I've got a preponderance of evidence that shows 19 foreign men, funded by al Qaeda trained to hijack four airplanes and crash them into buildings, boarded those planes and hijacked them.

No you don't. You have claims from those who also claimed Saddam had WMD, and not any believable evidence.

What has been shown was the 19 could not even fly small propeller planes, and had never even studied flying commercial jets.

Just tell me who did it and why, then.

The fact that Saddam didn't have WMDs is pretty strong evidence against a conspiracy. The government's willing and able to perpetrate the biggest terror attack in history to further its agenda (whatever it is), but can't be bothered to fake a couple crates of chemical weapons to bring to a press conference?

I said you don't have any preponderance of evidence, and you don't. Its you who are a faither in a lie from psychopathic liars. Cough it up, or shut up.

I am saying that settling these matters of great importance is not a matter of your opinion or mine, is a matter for non corrupt investigators to present in a real investigation or trial. You want to settle it by public opinion relying on liars?

What you keep going back to is some random Internet person assigning arbitrary probabilities to events. That page says there's about a 1% chance of successfully hijacking four planes, but before 9/11 hijacking was about 100% successful, because the standard response was to give into the hijackers' demands. In the 70s, American airplanes were hijacked about once a week.

Who's this guy to say there's a 50% chance of crashing into a Twin Tower, the two tallest buildings in the city? Runways are much smaller targets and airplanes hit them thousands of times every hour, with almost 100% success.

I've got a preponderance of evidence that shows 19 foreign men, funded by al Qaeda trained to hijack four airplanes and crash them into buildings, boarded those planes and hijacked them. I've also got a lack of a consistent alternate theory supported by evidence. All conspiracy theorists have is: "this video looks like there were explosions, but the government says there weren't any, so the government must have made the explosions and is lying about them for some indeterminate reason."

If there was any evidence about what government people did what, the timeline of its planning, what agencies were involved, why government officials decided this was the best means to achieve their goals, what those goals were, etc. I'd at least have a something concrete to consider.

you've heard of the PATRIOT ACT, right? we can arrest and hold these suspected terrorists indefinitely. without trial. neat, huh?