This is an example how the masses have been controlled since childhood. This authoratative style is used widely in our education system and destroys one's ability to think freely.

26  2016-02-04 by CaucasianEagle

When my son Bobby was 2 years old, he had a set of eight small “nesting” boxes that varied in size so that one would fit within another in a serial order from small to large. The boxes could be “nested” or placed upside-down largest first, next largest next, and so on until each was stacked upon the other to make a tower. Making a tower is an extremely dif- ficult task for a 2-year-old. When we played with the boxes I normally built the tower so he could see the result. Then Bobby would knock the tower down, grab the boxes, and attempt to build it himself. Typically, he would first pick the largest box and perhaps the next largest. However, if left to his own devices, he would err long before completing the tower. He appeared to recognize the correct solution, but he lacked the ability to arrive at it by him- self. It was an assumption on my part that he actually was attempting to build the entire tower. His actual motives may have in fact been quite different. Nevertheless his sponta- neous effort went on and on. One day, while he was playing with the boxes, I decided to find out if a concerted effort at teaching him the correct way to build the tower would be successful. When he first grabbed the largest box I let him continue, but instead of letting him proceed when he grabbed an incorrect box, I intervened. “No, Bobby, that’s not the correct box. This is the correct one.” And so on. I continued this intervention for about 10 minutes until we worked out a successful technique to unerringly build the tower. He would grab a box and then look at me for approval or disapproval. If I approved he would add it to the first. If I disapproved he would grab another box and so on until together we got the tower built. Unfortunately such a prescription had two rather serious side effects. First, it eliminated all of his spontaneous effort to build the tower. He would not add a box without looking to me for approval. His behavior had changed from spontaneous to dependent in the course of only a few minutes. And second, without me for continual guidance he was not able to build the tower again. Seeing my own child transformed from a curious, ambitious, and energetic builder to a dependent, cautious seeker of approval taught me not to try my heavy-handed teaching methods again. In short, if adults usurp children’s spontaneous and self-directed learning by imposing external procedures or by answering unasked questions, they may be able to solve problems by rote or by parroting words, but they will neither be able to solve novel problems nor be able to understand how those empty words relate to the world they know. The key educa- tional issue raised by this discussion is clearly one of active, spontaneous, self-directed learn- ing versus passive, outer-directed, “reception” learning. Active, spontaneous, self-directed learning is essential if both the development of reasoning skills and meaningful concept acquisition are aims. Unfortunately, the heavy-handed, outer-directed teaching approach is taken far too often in today’s elementary and secondary schools. Small wonder so many students arrive at college with only one question on their minds: “What will be on the test?”


I have a two year old at home and every day and keep thinking more and more about homeschooling. But then that social awkwardness part of it always comes up plus my wife's a teacher so probably won't go for it

I work at a Montessori School, and it's incredibly good for children 0-5. I wouldn't put anyone older in it, but lays a great foundation of self-directed learning.

Pay at least for a private school. If at all possible a Jesuit school they are by far the best. The common core will destroy your kids childhood.

That is likely what we will do she works at a private school, and even 1/2 off tuition is still $$$$. SO we will see, I guess I can always do partial home schooling too. I mean learning never stops anyway.

Get a loan if you have to. A good education early means you wont be paying for college.

Very true.

Don't do a Jesuit school. Check out Davinci Waldorf.

Yea, when you see a Jesuit. The only right thing to do is run for your life.


Because brainwashing is contagious.

Private school is worth the money. My fiance and I make sacrifices to ensure our child is not in public school, if it was possible we would probably home school. Now they have programs for home schooled children so they can interact with other children who are home schooled or if there's a larger community they all get together in the different homes for "school."

Thanks for that info.

I appreciate it.

Fantastic post! Thanks for taking the time to write this up.


wow, great find.

Sorry, I never meant to take credit for writing this. Merely something I was reading and felt it should be posted. Please don't let that discredit the intent and message. Thanks.

I figured as much. It was a very interesting read and it's also nice to know where it came from. Are you reading the book or did you come across it somewhere else?

It's just part of my research. I never wanted credit for writing it and didn't think about it being an angle of attack for their attempts at discrediting it.

If you're going to steal content, you could at least format it properly ...

The original book that this was ripped off from (and the specific section that was stolen) can be found here.

i never said I wrote this you prick.

i never said I wrote this you prick.

Wow, quick to insult.

I guess while doing the research behind your trite musings on the current state of the education system you not only didn't learn how to properly format or credit content, but you also never learned how to engage in normal discourse.

Troll. You miss the point of the post. I just copied and pasted. No formatting and never meant to take credit. This is Reddit. I'm not trying to get a grade or make money. I just wanted to share something with people. You're just a dick.

i never said I wrote this you prick.

Sorry, I never meant to take credit for writing this. Merely something I was reading and felt it should be posted. Please don't let that discredit the intent and message. Thanks.