Hey /r/conspiracy. Just wondering...What's so deletion-worthy about "brain zaps"?

8  2016-02-08 by no1113


OP left a message talking about experiencing some "brain zaps", and as you can see in the responses I left, I was like "wth is a brain zap?" Went back and forth with OP for a little bit...and then zap (pardon the pun) - his OP was just gone.

So then I asked "Bro, what happened? Why'd you delete what you posted?" and he said "What? I didn't delete it?"

and I said "Yes you did, man. It's no longer up."

and he said "I didn't do that. The mods must have deleted it."

So...either dude's fucking with me, or...or what? The mods deleted a post about "brain zaps" for some reason or the other?

I'm confused. Somebody ELI5 or something. What's going on?

EDIT: There's also this post right here by /u/whipnil that made me wonder even more what's going on...


Mods chime in?


Hello, I'm not sure why they were deleted TBH, it wasn't my doing and they don't appear to be breaking any rules, maybe ask in the mod mail?

Thanks, forgive my ignorance but where exactly is mod mail? Or does that just mean send them a PM?

Sent, thanks.


Aren't "brain zaps" more of a symptom of being on anti-depressants?

I don't know. I know next to NOTHING about them in general. I was tryign to find out what the OP of the post I linked above was meaning. He never really told me what he was talking about, unfortunately, though.

It seems more like a medical issue than it is a conspiracy.

Some of the biggest conspiracies on this planet are medically-oriented ones, however.

I experienced "brain zaps" about 5 years ago when my psychiatrists would not refill my prescription for anti-depressants. It feels like an electric jolt in your brain which caused me extreme pain and nausea. The pharmacy finally ordered an emergency supply of my meds, just enough to wean me off them. Long story short that experience confirmed that taking anti depressants was doing more damage than good; I felt that as long as I was medicated and reliant on prescriptions I would be trapped and helpless if my DRs once again decided to withhold the very meds THEY got me hooked on. Once you let them medicate you, they control you. Those brain zaps lasted about 4 days until the emergency supply was given to me which I then took in smaller and smaller doses until I was weened after 4 weeks. Those brain zaps changed me; they traumatized me. My boyfriend had to take days off of work to be with me as I went through that and he too will never forget the misery I was in. I worry at times that my thought processes have been altered even since that experience, but negativity aside, it opened my eyes to the dangers of anti depressants and dependancy.

Thanks for coming here and responding with this.

that experience confirmed that taking anti depressants was doing more damage than good

Independent of what you said about your brain zap experience (which I don't discount or doubt happened at all), I would nonetheless agree with you that taking meds of that sort are usually more harmful than helpful.

I felt that as long as I was medicated and reliant on prescriptions I would be trapped and helpless if my DRs once again decided to withhold the very meds

Exactly. I have a really good buddy of mine that's been on them for a long time. He found himself without them during a trip he took, and got so twisted in the process that when he got back a few days later, ended up eventually waking up to find out that he A) got in a massive fight w/the girl he was w/at the time, B) punched through a car window (he's a massively huge dude), and C) ended up in the hospital with a grip of pins put in his arm since he shattered his hand after punching through the car window. Fucking good times.

it opened my eyes to the dangers of anti depressants and dependancy.

I'm very glad you are more aware, knowledgeable, and conscioenscious about the negative effects such things can have on a person.

Thanks again for coming on here and sharing your thoughts.


I feel like there's something fishy about the prevalence of the idea of EM weapons. I think it's a real technology, but I feel like there's an effort to popularize EM weapons and implant the idea in an effort to make people think they're being targeted when they actually have unrelated symptoms, fostering paranoia.

You would think, however, that if they are indeed being implanted (which I wouldn't discount offhand in the least), then not every case of someone complaining about issues with them is the result of paranoia.

No, if the technology exists, which I tend to believe it does, then it most definitely has been used and some of the claims are probably true.

What I'm saying is what if perceived EM targeting symptoms is actually just due to natural occurrences like atmospheric pressure or sinus pressure or whatever, and they are trying to implant this idea in the 'conspiracy theorists' who read this kind of stuff, that maybe their ears just popped or they have a head ache because they're being bombarded with microwaves, fostering paranoia.

Weaponized ideas. It's a concept I've been thinking about for a while now. It started with the 'nocebo' effect, the opposite of placebo, where exposure to something you perceive as detrimental to your health (whether it's an actual threat or not) will cause a negative physiological impact.

I like to give the benefit of the doubt though and hear everyone out, that's just my two cents. Thanks for posting this by the way, strange how it's -radio silence- from the mods.

What I'm saying is what if perceived EM targeting symptoms is actually just due to natural occurrences like atmospheric pressure or sinus pressure or whatever, and they are trying to implant this idea in the 'conspiracy theorists' who read this kind of stuff, that maybe their ears just popped or they have a head ache because they're being bombarded with microwaves, fostering paranoia.

While it seems very correct indeed to say that a good portion of the aches and pains that people get are likely due to non EM things, if indeed EM targeting exists (and both of us seem to think it does), then it would also seem that at least some of those individuals that make mention of it bothering them are indeed valid in their claims.

As such,it seems that preceived EM targeting symptoms aren't only due to just natural occurrences and they can indeed be manipulated by others/outside forces.

'nocebo' effect, the opposite of placebo, where exposure to something you perceive as detrimental to your health (whether it's an actual threat or not) will cause a negative physiological impact.

Isn't that itself placebo? If you think you'll be effected by exposure to something, and you end up being effected regardless of whether it's an actual threat or not, then it is a placebo, right?

strange how it's -radio silence- from the mods.

Yeah. Agreed. Weird.

If brain zaps are 'a phenomenon simply caused by atmospheric disturbances' and not directly by em weaponry, and haarp-like devices can alter the atmosphere in specific places, then it could be argued that haarp like devices (TTAs or tesla tech arrays) are psychotronic devices by using the atmosphere as proxy.

Absolutely. I agree. They can also happen with other chemical imbalances in the brain, not just antidepressants. Before thinking they are some government experiment, one should consider this proven medical explanation.

Emf talk is taboo apparently

But why? I mean this is /r/conspiracy, after all. You'd think that nothing should be taboo here. Heck no one can tell me that this topic is crazier than that flat Earth shit, and that gets talked about almost daily in this sub.

The flat earth bullshjt is disinfo spam so it will always be allowed. Emf weapons are actually a thing, therefore shit might get taken down. I'd try v/con

Have you ever heard of Project Soul Catcher by Robert Duncan? That's the most interesting book I've read I. Directed energy. Check it out if emf weapons interest you.

Duncan's first book, available to read free online:


The "SATAN" psychotronic weapon he discusses is an AI that conducts electronic possessions of people. His info is spot on.

Good to know. Saved this post. Will read later. Thanks.

The flat earth bullshjt is disinfo spam so it will always be allowed.

Very true, unfortunately.

Emf weapons are actually a thing, therefore shit might get taken down

That's some deep shit then...A conspiracy being perpetrated in /r/conspiracy by some mods? Sheesh. I mean that wouldn't surprise me all that much, but dang.

I'd try v/con

What's that? Is that Voat.com's version of /r/conspiracy? If it is Voat, then I'm definitely subscribed there, but last few times I've checked, they don't seem to get all that much foot traffic there.

Have you ever heard of Project Soul Catcher by Robert Duncan?

Ooh. No. Never heard of it. Something to look up/research.

Will look into it. Thanks.

Probably got flagged for possible trolling?

But what's trolling about asking a question about EMFs and the manner that some say they're used to target certain individuals? Nothing trolling about that. Seems like a legitimate inquiry to me.

I'm not saying it was or wasn't. I didn't see the post. I was just giving a possible explanation. That's all.

Very well. I did actually see the post, and even though various people have come here saying it was a troll, it totally didn't come across to me like one at all actually.

Have you checked r/undelete?

Didn't see anything there, but I also can't say that I know how to really look or search too well in there.

Yea im not too familure with it either but i bet you can just search like any sub, with the title of course.

Yeah I did a search for "conspiracy" in it, but didn't really come up with much of anything.

Yea u/ghostofdusty said r/undelete is for removed front page results only. I did know know that when i suggested it. My bad.

Ah. No worries, bro. Thanks for the suggestion anyway.


Just FYI, that sub only archives removals from the front page of reddit.com which the post in question was miles from.

Oh ok, i was not aware of that. Thanks.

Rule 12--self posts that lack context or content will be removed Please clarify yourself when making extravagant claims--I have no idea what a "brain zap" is--and using it as the title of a post is extremely vague.

Quoted from the mod that removed the post in question.

I'm afraid that I'd have to agree that the post was pretty vague and that the OP made no attempt to even describe the phenomena which vexes him/her.

I agree that there was some definite vagueness going on - yes - but it just seems to me that, within the context of the occasional good post in this sub, there are sooo many other shit posts in here that are SO much more worthy of deletion but that don't get deleted, that it made me seriously wonder why that one in particular was chosen for deletion.

I removed the post which only used a 2 word title: Brain Zaps

There were only 3 or 4 short sentences which made up the rest of the self-post...OP didn't elaborate on "brain zaps" except to say the brain zaps began after watching Loose Change in 2006 (was it the 9/11 documentary--or Taylor Steele's surfing movie?)

Out of 4 sentences--half of those were questions.

I checked the user history--which was very short but revealed nothing (so I didn't consider it in my overall decision).

edit: Yes, that is my explanation which Flytape quoted above.

Okay. Like I said in an earlier post (to Fllytape, I believe) I noticed that user was indeed pretty vague, so I can understand the ultimate logic in this case.

It's not like we have a council of mods sitting around judging every post against each other and selecting the worst of the worst for deletion. This one post happened to get noticed.

There isn't a agenda against EMF warfare posts, I've seen many of them myself thrive here. The navy yard shooter spawned quite a few.

This particular post got noticed, was vague and also, to me, seemed like a plea for medical advice... Which we shouldnt really jump into IMHO.

Okay. Fair enough...I guess. Thanks. :)

Brain zap seems to be a viable topic here, like anything else. Something tells me the OP may have been a troll from TMOR. They had already been harassing a user who was posting a lot about brain zaps and EMF recently. What these trolls would do is create mock questions in various subs to get the regulars and experts to team up against this one guy's viewpoint in a convoluted attempt at proving him wrong or something. Once their ruse was up, they'd delete the fake accounts and start over. A little crowd-sourced beat down for one guy they really don't like. Just a guess though...I didn't catch the OP. I'm guessing it was leaning towards not being a legitimate discussion anyway.

Something tells me the OP may have been a troll from TMOR.

I believe I was the individual who he communicated with the most in that OP - if not the only individual he communicated with in his post - and, although he seemed very vague, he didn't strike me as a troll per se.

They had already been harassing a user who was posting a lot about brain zaps and EMF recently

Oh. Okay. I certainly didn't know that.

What these trolls would do is create mock questions in various subs to get the regulars and experts to team up against this one guy's viewpoint in a convoluted attempt at proving him wrong or something.

I can understand that tactic getting used - and it is indeed a shitty one definitely. However, it didn't seem to me that they were using that with me when I was questioning them. Vague? Yes. Trollish? I didn't feel that in particular.

I didn't catch the OP. I'm guessing it was leaning towards not being a legitimate discussion anyway.

I caught it, and although definitely vague, I didn't get the impression that it was posted specifically to troll anyone or the subject, ect. I could be wrong though.

Oh, that BeautifulSheeple account is 9 days old.

99.99999999% troll from TMOR.

I don't know, I just looked at the mod log and one of them removed it. No explanation given. Guess censorship is alive and well here. Sad:(

Really? What 9 day old account looks at the mod log and then talks shit on a sub? Select one:

[x] Troll [ ] New User

I didn't look into his account. Didn't know it was only 9 days old. That said - again - he certainly didn't respond to me like a troll while I was communicating with him, and I've come across a lot of trolls.

If he's a troll, then so be it. He seemed like a mighty bad one, however, in the sense that I didn't get any troll vibe from him when I communicated with him.

Sent, thanks.