The greatest conspiracy of them all. Living.

0  2016-02-08 by NonThinkingPeeOn

Life is one big cruel joke. This reality sucks the spirit out of you.

Here we all are worrying about trivial bullshit that goes on in modern society. Tuned in to a stupid soap opera. War, greed, selfishness. Same shit everyday.

Humans can't even answer the most basic question of existence. Why are we here? Why live when you die anyway? Every single thing you do, every thing you have, will be lost and forgotten.

"don't hang on, nothing lasts forever... It slips away, and all your money won't another minute buy."

Don't bother responding with contrived phrases like the "life is what you make it" crap. "What we do echoes in eternity". Bullshit.

Don't try to project meaning onto an impermanent existence. In the grand scheme of things human activity has no bearing on the universe.


We're already here, so might as well enjoy it.

Humans can't even answer the most basic question of existence. Why are we here?

Easy. Happiness.

Why live when you die anyway?

Why focus on dying when you can instead enjoy the scant few decades you get to live?

Every single thing you do, every thing you have, will be lost and forgotten.

Not necessarily. Depends on your talent and determination. Beethoven. Homer. Socrates. Roosevelt. Washington. Elvis. Van Gogh. The list is long.

Don't try to project meaning onto an impermanent existence.

Because existence is impermanent, it is imperative to make something of it, for yourself. The Buddhists have it figured out. Happiness.

In the grand scheme of things human activity has no bearing on the universe.


But I don't need to change the way stars orbit supermassive black holes at galactic centers. I raised an awesome kid. I partnered with an amazing woman. I learned to play music. I've made people I care about, including myself, happy.

That's enough. And maybe I can yet do more. I have another 25 productive years, at least, barring catastrophic illness or injury.

Happiness is a conditional. What makes you happy now will at some point make you sad.

The life and "accomplishments" of a famous person has no more meaning than the life of an unknown hermit.

You run a list of well-known individuals and yet the likes of Jesus and Lao Tzu are left unnamed. Your opinion of what/who is worth remembering only applies to you. to someone else importance is placed on other things. all arbitrary. all meaningless.

Happiness is a conditional. What makes you happy now will at some point make you sad.

That's a very troubling way to look at things. You might consider spending some quality time with a therapist.

The life and "accomplishments" of a famous person has no more meaning than the life of an unknown hermit.

Our lives have the meaning we grant them, so I guess that's true in a sense.

You run a list of well-known individuals and yet the likes of Jesus...

I purposefully excluded fictional characters. Also notably absent: Luke Skywalker and Harry Potter.

...Lao Tzu are left unnamed.

Any list of people who've made significant, lasting contributions to humanity would be lengthier than one could post here on Reddit. What's your point? I left your favorite out?


No one cares

How is philosophy 101 going?

Your born into this world without a moments notice or even a notion that you have life. Where and whom you are born to, is as random as random can be.

Your parents (if your lucky to have some) instill their beliefs onto you, guiding and protecting you from the world and it's elements.

You then get sent to school, more brainwashing more indoctrination, little or no thinking outside of the box or txt books. Independent thinking appears not to be a thing, people for the most part are sheep and just go with the flow.

Be born, go to school, go to collage, find a girl, get married, a good job, 401k, flat screen TV washing machines, food processors. Then have the kids, bind yourself to a 30 year mortgage and apparently this is called living the dream.

We're all fucking robots for the most part, can't think for ourselves and the few that have woken up are called nuts / crazy / and basically what the fuck is wrong with you.

Me, I have the job, the 401 fucking k and the flat screen TV. It's a soulless venture when I look at the state of the planet.

One set of people with their invisible god fighting another group of people who have their invisible god on their side, shit is never ending.

People go hungry each and every day due to a lack of resources when planet earth has so much to offer. Humans are one bunch of greedy fuckers for the most part, a kin to a virus, move, take over resources, eat them fuckers up and fuck everyone else.

I basically feel life is backwards, we work so fucking much your worn out to actually enjoy what life has to offer, listen to the TV, it will leave you anxious, the food we eat is poisoned, the air we breath is poisoned, the water we drink is poisoned.

It's all one big game to garnish power, to fuck over the common man (most times people don't even realize it) and the world for the most part is a fucking greedy cest pit.

I could go on and on but last but not least, I'd love a world were guns did not exist, war was not present famine was prevented and we work towards a goal to better humanity (not just the choose few) and stop raping the earth of all her resources / hoard them away. Spread the fucking wealth and lets help the whole planet grow as one as equals.

Unfortunately, the system is designed to do the complete opposite.

That's just the devil talking shit.

There is a reason you are here.

They've just managed to keep it well hidden.

Yep. The devil / darkness / evil / human suffering / tribulation is there to keep you from the task of 'figuring it out'. Because if you do, the reality game show of life is over, a galactic trumpet goes off and the veil of the world pulls apart like curtains, revealing the realm of infinite imagination beyond. Then God says, "want to play again?"

Psychedelics let you peek beyond this curtain. That's why they are illegal. They cheat at the game and the risk is that humans will use this tool to figure it out. So to control that, the devil put in alien archons into the government (psychopath politicians) to make psychedelics illegal.

(it's as good an explanation as any. if you don't think so, come up with your own and we battle)

OP you may enjoy this pertinent post on a similar subject about how cultural engineers are actively trying to waste your time by getting you to give in to sensationalism and the immediacy of the present in order to buy their stuff. It's a conspiracy of marketing: Spectacle as a present-postive Time-Trap, a trap whose only escape is consumerism

You'll probably say the same thing once we've found all the secrets of the universe.

I like the way it's said here.

The purpose of life, all life, is the continuation of life through the production, and sometimes protection, of the next generation. We live to fuck and die, and in death we provide continuation of life to other species.

o/` Life isn't bliss, life is just this... it's living.

You don't see it, but you are "railing against" something, an action which identifies you as having deep attachment to something. "Life is a cruel joke" only for those attached to having a life.

Step outside attachment. Have neither positive nor negative state of mind.

Be, or don't be. To be or not to be. That is the question.

if not attached to anything then why live at all?

Central tenet of Buddhism: attachment leads to suffering.

Shakespeare (Hamlet): To be or not to be, that is the question.

I wholeheartedly agree. Life is utterly nonsensical, especially the one we're comdemned to in this inbred corporate landscape. Apart from satisfying our purely biological urges or meeting our genetical programation to procreate and securing a stable future for our offspring, there is nothing of substantial added value to humanity, let alone contemporary society on this planet.

This might have been the case tens of thousands of years ago, where we were a contributing factor to an ecosystem f.e. eating berries and shitting out the seeds, culling other apex predators or being their food source etc.

People laughing this off or reacting disparagingly are in an extreme state of denial and unable to face the hardest of truths: that all they do is in vain even from a broader or collective point of view, that they're insignificant and even detrimental to the system as a whole, that struggle, strife and misery are the rule not an exception.

It's just a ride. (And, no. I didn't get my links all fucked up there, I did it on purpose.)

Why are you posting here? Why haven't you killed yourself to prove your point?

Have you met Jesus? He might change your perspective.

He inspires me, but I've never met him.

Rockefeller seems pretty happen and money bought him 6, count em, six, heart transplants. Apparently, that sort of money can buy you time. So i always chock your perspective up to a barriered group, there are a small handful who surpass this sort of thinking and either they are extremely wealthy, powerful or spiritual.

What happens when he dies? He loses everything.

You can extend your life a million years and it makes no difference. The length of you life is not important at all.

Die today. Die tomorrow. what's the difference?

well most people want to leave their mark in history. For Glory is why most of humanity did anything up until about 100 years ago.

Well, you may be right, you may be wrong. Either we are a brief spark in the night or we live for eternity.

Expand for a moment your perspective. Could it be that you are here because you are playing a game?

Imagine something like dark souls. People play it to experience brutally hard, punishing gameplay. Then they can brag when they beat it. So, after we die Mr. Rockefeller may be there waiting to brag about how he beat the game while keeping the rest of us trapped in the first level.

In this game there is nothing to win. If ever there was a loser in this game it would be the likes of Rockefeller. He's more trapped than anyone.